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Chapter 941: The Unavoidable

Chapter 941 The inevitable (Second update, please subscribe)

heavy rain!

The pouring rain fell without warning.

In fact, it is not without signs. Starting from December, Brazil has entered the rainy season. It is from this time that the battlefield finally becomes fair.

In the heavy rain, the Ming Dynasty's most powerful weapon, the airship, finally returned to their "nest". Even the artillery fire fired by the Ming Dynasty's artillery was not as fierce as before, because their artillery-launched balloons could no longer rise.

Aerial search was carried out to guide the bombardment.

The war is finally fair!

Of course, the war is also unfair. As the attacking party, the officers and soldiers of the Ming Dynasty had to struggle on the muddy battlefield. The muddy battlefield slowed down their steps and turned them into targets in the open area.

It seems that Rio de Janeiro, as the "City of God", is really blessed by God!

Another day, another battle!

The battle ended in fierce fighting, and thousands of black slave soldiers were left on the first line of defense. Under the command of white commanders, they fought very tenaciously, and no one tried to escape or retreat——

To be precise, they couldn't escape at all. Behind them, the supervising team pointed their guns at them, and anyone who retreated would be directly executed.

In order to survive, these black slave soldiers had to fight with all their strength against the Ming army and use their lives to protect the world of slave owners. Their sacrifices were not in vain, and they also made those powerful enemies pay a heavy price.

There were hundreds of corpses of soldiers scattered in the open space in front of the position. Those dark green military uniforms proved the identity of the soldiers. The Imperial Army officers and soldiers shed the same blood on this position.

In the trenches, the remains of the burning log walls were still emitting green smoke. In the trenches, there were corpses everywhere, blue and green mixed together. These corpses were just soaked in the trenches filled with muddy water.

, in the knee-deep muddy water, many rats were swimming there, and some even lay on the corpses. In the trenches, the tired soldiers smoked cigarettes, soaked to the skin, and looked up at the sky.

, the sky is covered with clouds.

Maybe it’s gunpowder smoke that has enveloped the sky!

The soldiers thought so in their hearts. They stood quietly in the trench. After a fierce battle, they successfully captured this position, but the price was heavy. The muddy water under their feet was not yellow.

, but red. Dyeed red by blood.

"Damn guy!"

A soldier glanced at the corpse floating in the muddy water, looked at the dark face with only white teeth, and cursed bitterly.

"What a bunch of guys who are not enough slaves..."

The exhausted soldiers just sat in the trenches full of blood, letting the rain fall on them, and they smoked cigarettes like this. For them, this was just a break in the battle.

, the attack must continue.

War is cruel, and the hail of bullets on the battlefield will always claim many lives. When the soldiers were resting, the sergeants were counting the iron plates - they were the soldiers' military identity tags, with the words "

The number of the unit to which he belongs, his military identification number and blood type. If there are casualties of officers and soldiers during the battle, the rescue team can easily identify the blood type of the injured and the name of the deceased based on the records on the identification tags, which will gain time for quick rescue of the wounded.

Provide a basis for accurately identifying the remains of those killed in action.

According to requirements, all officers and soldiers must hang it around their necks all day long. When an officer or soldier is killed in action, his comrades will put one of the two identity tags of the deceased into the deceased's mouth, and the other will be wrapped with the deceased's clothes.

For the aftermath personnel to handle properly according to the record on the identity card.

Now the sergeants are there cleaning these identification tags, which were taken from the fallen comrades. The fallen comrades need to collect the identification information before they are loaded into the cars and transported away. A sergeant is there to register their

Although the identity information only has a number, there will be full-time personnel at the rear to search and register the identity information based on the number, and then send out the death information.

While they were cleaning up those identity cards, the battalion and company officers were doing what they least wanted to do - writing letters to the families of fallen soldiers. This was the responsibility of the officers. Why should the battalion and company officers

Written by the chief officer himself?

This is not a formality, but a reminder to the officers that the fallen soldiers are living beings. They have families like him, parents, wives and children. Their sacrifices are tantamount to a disaster for their families.

No matter how high the pension is, it cannot make up for the pain of losing a loved one.

Such a reminder will make officers cherish the lives of soldiers and prevent them from squandering soldiers' lives for personal military exploits on the battlefield. At least it is a reminder.

For any officer, this is the time when their heart is at its heaviest. They have to recall the voices and faces of their comrades, and recall their deaths... In the end, this letter written by the chief officer will pass

Military mail was sent to the families of fallen soldiers. Before that, death notices had been sent to them.

The process of sending death information from the front line to the rear is not cumbersome. It only takes two to three days for the information from the front to be sent to the Army Department in Yingtian. In the Military Service Department of the Army Department, there are dozens of women

The scribe would write the death notice with a pen based on the information roster. Although typewriters had long been available, death notices had to be handwritten according to the requirements.

The written death notice will be put into an envelope after being reviewed and the address written. As soon as the envelope is packed, the recipient will push the car and put a death notice in the cart.

In this way, hundreds of death notices were sent to the post office, where they were sorted into buildings, mailed, and then sent to the local military service office. Finally, the office sent special personnel to deliver them to your door based on the corresponding information.

For the soldiers in the mobilization office, this seemingly simple task will always be the most objectionable task to them. After all, no one wants to deliver bad news to their door, but this is always inevitable. In war,

, everyone needs to do their duty.

When the postman delivered the special parcel stamped with the "War Department Military Postmark", the Bingzhou Military Service Office fell into a terrible silence.

Everyone knows what it is.

It was a death notice. Second Lieutenant Shao Wuan from the Military Service Office looked at the mail bag, sighed, and then looked at the three colleagues in the office and said.

"Okay, let's follow the prescribed procedures!"

(End of chapter)

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