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Chapter 671 Its about Lin An

Capital Military District, newly built command center.

Like a beehive, the strategic conference room erected twenty meters underground had a heavy atmosphere.

Only one of the lights hanging overhead was turned on at this time.

The conference room was simple and simple, and the lights flickering from time to time reflected on everyone's faces, making it look a bit gloomy and gloomy.

"General Lin Zhan, is it necessary to be so frugal?"

A high-ranking military officer just came up from the underground city to participate in this meeting.

He saw that the original projection screen had been replaced by a white writing pad, and he couldn't help but wonder.

An urgent meeting called him in.

He has not returned to the ground for more than two months.

Although it is not the ground now.

But compared to the depth of the dungeon, this place is pretty good.

"save energy."

"Your underground city has consumed almost 70% of the military region's energy reserves."

Without wasting time explaining such minutiae, Lin Zhan just replied calmly with no expression on his face.

Their command center is pretty good.

As a military region, several small nuclear power plants and artificial sun devices were built on an expedited basis.

No one expected that basic electricity would now be difficult to supply.

Their command center is pretty good, but in other places, even the use of diesel generators is now prohibited.

Even in some areas, radio devices have been replaced by ore receivers (a contact device that does not require electricity).

The plan to develop the dungeon is simply a beast that can never be filled.

It is different from the prosperous situation of Long'an base.

The recent fighting situation in the Capital Military District has become increasingly worse.

After hearing what Lin Zhan said, the officer didn't say much, but the depression in his heart became heavier.

Hope the plan goes well.

Look around.

Lin Zhan paused for a moment, with a solemn expression:

"At this meeting, everyone must know what happened."

"Just six hours ago, Long'an Base was promoted to a D-level safe zone, and Lin An triggered the trial tower mission."

"Let's leave aside the matter of the catastrophe. The top management is still studying it."

"Our top priority is to select the awakened ones and participate in the trial tower."

"There are still 6 days left."

"Promoting to the third level is of great importance! To put it more seriously, whether we can maintain this fragile balance depends entirely on this operation!"

Everyone looked solemn after hearing this.

Many people secretly complained.

It's Lin An again.

The global announcement seemed to be made just for this kid.

I heard that Luo Feng, who was imprisoned, almost lost control of his emotions after hearing the news.

A senior general in the military department hesitated for a moment and said quickly:

"Are you going to select the awakened ones to participate in this trial tower?"

"At the current ground front, among the non-dungeon planned awakeners, those who meet the standards of the trial tower"

"103 second-level peaks. 1021 second-level seniors."

"Thanks to "their" cooperation, the upgrade speed of our awakened ones has been greatly improved."

The words have something to say.

Lin Zhan frowned slightly, nodded, and looked at the officers in the dungeon.

The other party understood what he meant and reported the numbers accordingly:

"Dungeon Awakener Legion, 771 second-level peak members, 16,001 second-level advanced ones."

"so much!?"

The officer who had just reported the number of ground troops spoke subconsciously.

He knew that the base of awakened members of the Dungeon Legion was large, but he did not expect that there would be so many second-level peaks.

This number is somewhat exaggerated.

The dungeon officer who was questioned shook his head slightly, and he could see that everyone was somewhat excited after hearing the news.

"Not a lot."

"We have more awakened people dying."

"By cooperating with "them", the promoted awakened ones will have defects to a greater or lesser extent."

"To be honest, if the situation wasn't too urgent, I wouldn't even wish there were so many second-order ones."

Contradictory words.

After he finished speaking, he sighed softly, his eyes revealing memories.

Although those "things" can improve strength in a short period of time.

But is it really right?

It's not just him.

Many high-level officials involved in the underground city project are suppressing deep uneasiness in their hearts.

Faintly, they always feel like travelers floating on the sea.

Before dying of thirst, he drank sea water desperately.

Lin Zhan's eyes moved slightly and he raised his hand to stop everyone's discussion.

"very good."

"In this way, we can gather a total of 874 second-level peaks and 17,022 second-level seniors."

"Deduct the awakened ones who must stay behind to avoid the mutants' surprise attack."

"In this operation, I plan to send 600 second-level peaks and 13,000 second-level seniors."

"Everyone, if you have any ideas, you can put them forward."

The words just fell.

A senior executive wearing an Air Force uniform suddenly objected:

"General Lin Zhan, do you have to send so many people there at once!?"

"I read the instructions. The trial tower will always be there after it is opened."

"We can definitely enter in batches!"

Worry in eyes.

"Send all the top combat forces in at once. What if something unexpected happens!?"

"If nothing else, how can we resist those mutants on the major defense lines?"

Take a deep breath.

As an Air Force member, he has the deepest experience with the entire battlefield situation.

"Ordinary awakened people, we can no longer die."

"In other words, these people are no longer willing to be cannon fodder."

"During this period, although ordinary awakened people can resist mutants by using [Dissolving Potion], the casualties are too great!"

"Do you know what the voice below is saying!? Do you know how many people have even become hostile?"

Lin Zhan's eyes sharpened, and he raised his hand to stop what he was about to say.

"Pay attention to your identity, Wang Tian!"

"You represent the military! You are not an ordinary person!"

"The people below don't understand the importance of the overall situation, don't you know!?"

"Without sacrifice, tell us how the military region can defend itself until now!"

"Today you are not willing to sacrifice, but tomorrow he is not willing. Let me tell you, the war zone will be destroyed the day after tomorrow! Everyone will die!"

It seems that during this period of time, the emotions have been in a state of tension.

After Lin Zhan finished speaking, he closed his mouth tightly and slowly closed his eyes to adjust his emotions.

After a moment, he slowly spoke:

"I know"

"in a certain sense."

"We are indeed very sorry for those weak survivors and some soldiers who worked hard to serve the country."

"But we are at least worthy of the whole of China."

"The military department also has its own considerations regarding the transfer of so many awakened people at once."

Fingertips tapping on the table.

Lin Zhan sighed and rubbed his brows, tired:

"We just have to fight it out."

"Moreover, the military department has also made corresponding plans."

"After the awakened ones on the defense line are mobilized, all high-level generals will step in."

"Including those who used their power for personal gain and obtained equipment for themselves before, the higher-ups are not going to remain silent this time."

"They took the equipment and swallowed the supplies on the front line! Now, it's time for them to shed some blood!"

His expression was solemn and decisive.

In the conference room, after everyone heard the news, many people opened their mouths in surprise.

Don't blame them for being unbelievable.

Just because most of the people Lin Zhan mentioned had their own faction backers.

This move will undoubtedly arouse strong opposition.

Lin Zhan looked at everyone's expressions, his expression remained unchanged, but his face was full of determination:

"We can't delay it any longer."

"Catastrophe, underground, and the new corpse king."

"Among those who are on the front line this time, I will also participate in the front-line battle!"

Everyone was shocked, and many wanted to dissuade him.

But looking at Lin Zhan as if he was ready to die, he had no choice but to open his mouth and found that he couldn't say anything.

Has the situation gotten so bad?

"Let's settle this matter first."

a long time.

On the main seat, Lin Zhan hesitated for a moment after assigning the orders with an expressionless expression.

"One last thing."

"About Lin An."

This chapter has been completed!
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