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Chapter 4953 The little rabbit is obedient


The magic soldiers who used to be able to cut iron like clay are nothing in no man's land...

This made Xiao Chen couldn't help but wonder, did this evil dragon strike on purpose?

Otherwise, why would it be so useless!

After all, it is also a magical weapon created by Emperor Fuxi. Is it so weak?

"Brother Long, when you get in and nothing happens, I will take out the sacred monument for you and let you devour it to your heart's content."

Xiao Chen patted Xuanyuan Dao, looking like an evil capitalist who was trying to spread the pie for his employees.

The golden light on the Xuanyuan knife flashed, and fierce killing intent spread out.

Xiao Chengang was happy, the cake was effective.

But then I changed my mind again, and my eyes showed vigilance. This murderous intention... wasn't directed at me, was it?

"Brother Long, I'm serious... I didn't lie to you this time, let's try again."

Xiao Chen said again, running the 'Chaos Technique', and struck the transparent barrier hard.


"Broken knife!"

Xiao Chen muttered and put away the Xuanyuan knife.


Xue Chunqiu and others all looked at Xiao Chen with strange expressions.

"Ahem, why are you looking at me?"

Xiao Chen was a little embarrassed and coughed dryly.

"Brother Chen, didn't you say that the Xuanyuan Sword is indestructible?"

Bai Ye said deliberately.


Xiao Chen stared, this kid deserves a beating.

"Since the Xuanyuan Knife can't break through this barrier, should we go to the entrance and exit?"

Xiao Lin thought for a while and said.

"Don't worry, think of other ways."

Xiao Chen took out a cigarette, lit one, and took a few puffs.

"I'll try again."

Li Hanhou raised the stone ax and struck again.

Still the same, can't be broken.

"It seems that it is impossible to break through with brute force..."

Xue Chunqiu glanced at Li Hanhou and gave up the urge to stab him.

"If you can't break through it with brute force, then you can only use outsmarts?"

Bai Ye said, raised his hand, touched it, and gave a low drink.

"Open sesame!"


Everyone was speechless and looked at Bai Ye like a fool.

"Hey, let's liven up the atmosphere. If there's any secret code in this thing, I'll hit it by accident."

Bai Ye grinned, not embarrassed at all.

"Then you get it right gradually. If you really get it right, the first great achievement will be yours."

Xiao Chen was smoking a cigarette and thinking about how to break this barrier.

"As you wish, please open the door quickly according to my wishes..."

Bai Ye shouted again.

"Little rabbit be good, open the door……"

"I'm Daddy, please open the door quickly!"


Bai Ye shouted more than a dozen times, but the barrier didn't respond at all.

"Fuck, if you don't eat the toast, you'll be fined with alcohol!"

Bai Ye was also a little angry and came hard.

"Xiaobai, stop fussing. Are you tired? Come, sit down and rest for a while."

Sun Wugong was leaning on a stone, drinking wine.

"Would you like a sip to moisten your throat?"

"I despise you."

Bai Ye shook his head.

"Depend on."

Sun Wugong stared.

"I still dislike you."

After talking and joking for a while, everyone's eyes fell on the 'fairy mountain' again.

At this moment, the clouds and fog were still very heavy, making it difficult to see clearly what was going on inside.

"Xiaobai, have they said when exactly this fairy mountain appeared?"

Suddenly, Xiao Lin turned to look at Bai Ye and asked.

"No, just say it was a while ago."

Bai Ye shook his head.

"Uncle Qi, do you suspect that the appearance of this fairy mountain is related to the earthquake?"

Xiao Chen asked.


Xiao Lin nodded.

"With the earthquake, the no-man's land changed. It is very likely that this fairy mountain appeared at that time."

"Is the earthquake related to me taking away the lightning-struck sacred tree? I think... the possibility is not very high."

Xiao Chen thought for a while and said.

"Even if the Lightning Strike Shenmu is one of the guardians and it disappears into no man's land, there shouldn't be such a big movement."

"Do you think there will be a guardian on this fairy mountain?"

Xiaodao looked at the fairy mountain.

"Are we still in the third dimension right now? Or have we arrived in another dimension?"

"Hard to say."

Xiao Chen put out his cigarette.

"This no-man's land is like a three-dimensional maze. It's impossible to tell which space it is... Maybe we are still in the third space, or maybe we have left."

"If it's another dimension, it's probably the fairy mountain where the guardian lives."

Xiaodao said again.

"At least I think... with this style, how can ordinary people be so ethereal?"

"Not necessarily. Who would have thought that a sacred tree struck by lightning would also be a guardian... That scorched black look, not to mention embarrassed, is not very pretty."

Chi Feng shook his head.

"Then there's the skeleton monster, lying in a big coffin..."

"It's a pity that I didn't ask the skeleton monster to get information about the other guardians."

Xiao Chen regretted it. If he had found out more about it, he wouldn't have made random guesses now.

"How about we try the entrance and exit? What if there are any clues there?"

Shen Yu said.

"Don't worry, there are so many people who can't find clues, and it's unlikely that we will find any clues as soon as we get there."

Xiao Chen lit another cigarette.

"Let's think about it first... Ru told me that most of the guardians here are dead. If this is really the guardian's residence, is the guardian still alive?"

"Who is cruel?"

"Skeleton monster, his name is 'violent'."

"Oh, are the guardians familiar with each other? Maybe they are friends! Can we take advantage of this? For example, they are close to each other?"

"Xiao Bai, what if this guardian dies? How can we get close to him?"

"Let's give it a try. You won't suffer any loss if you try it. You also said what if... what if it works?"

"Yes, then you try."


Bai Ye nodded, came to the barrier again, and shouted.

"Senior Guardian inside, do you still remember Xia Yuhe by the Daming Lake, no, the violence in the third space?"


Sun Wugong was drinking, and a mouthful of wine sprayed the knife on his face.


He wiped his face with a knife and almost pulled out the knife.

"Ahem...I'm sorry, I really can't hold it in."

Sun Wugong wiped the wine stains from the corner of his mouth and pointed at Bai Ye.

"It's all Xiaobai's fault."

"Senior, we know the guardian of the third space, Ru, and he asked us to come visit senior..."

Bai Ye shouted again.

Xiao Chen looked at Bai Ye's back, thoughtfully.

If they are really guardians, they must know each other...

Maybe, we really need the skeleton monster to do something.

He thought for a moment, took out the skeleton monster from the bone ring, and placed it in front of the barrier.

"Xiao Bai, if you keep shouting, you will say that his old friend is here."


Bai Ye nodded.

"Senior, look at this skeleton. No, this is Senior Lu... He came to see you. Before he died, he said that his only wish was to come and see his old friend again. We agreed to him and sent him here.


"Do you really think this is useful?"

Xue Chunqiu looked at Xiao Chen and asked.

"Who knows, we don't have any good ideas anyway, so we'll just give it a try, just in case it works."

As Xiao Chen said that, he picked up the skeleton's hand and poked it at the barrier.

"What, can't you unlock it with your fingerprint?"

Xiao Dao smiled.

"What if we are really good friends and can come and go as we please? Just because we can't get in, doesn't mean he can't get in."

Xiao Chen continued to poke.

Soon, he gave up again because... he couldn't get it in.

"Brother Chen, that's not possible."

Bai Ye's voice became a little hoarse.

"Maybe the guy inside is also dead..."

"Let's take a rest."

Xiao Chen put away the skeleton, suddenly his heart moved, and he took out the token.

After he got this thing, he kept studying its use, but he never understood it.

Including the words above, he couldn't understand it. There was only one word in it, which he could not even guess, which seemed to be the word "three".

This is because the skeleton monster said that it was the third dimension, otherwise it would not be recognized.

Xiao Chen took the token, came to the barrier, and gently placed it on it.

He originally just tried casually, but there was really nothing he could do.

But what surprised him was... the barrier that had no reaction when he slashed it with the Xuanyuan knife, now started to fluctuate, like ripples appearing on the surface of a lake.


Xiao Chen widened his eyes, is it useful?

He hurriedly explored his hand forward and found... his right hand holding the token reached in.

"Fuck, did you go in?"

Bai Ye, who was standing nearby, exclaimed.

Xue Chunqiu and the others didn't pay attention to this area at first, but when they heard the screams, they quickly looked over.

"This token... belongs to the skeleton monster, right?"

Xiao Lin asked.


Xiao Chen nodded and looked towards the fairy mountain.

"Could it be that this is still the third space, and this fairy mountain also belongs to the skeleton monster? Otherwise, how can his token be used so well?"

"I'm not sure, this token belongs to the skeleton monster, right?"

Xue Chunqiu frowned.

"What you get from him is not necessarily his."

"Well, that makes sense, but it's not important anymore. What's important is... this token can open this place."

Xiao Chen said, taking a step forward.

"Come on, let's go in and take a look."


Everyone responded and quickly followed.

The barrier is no longer there, the flow is unobstructed!

"If this is the skeleton monster's, then this is his lair?"

Xiao Chen was a little excited. Apart from a stone ax, there was nothing else in the cave before.

Could this be the skeleton monster's treasure trove?

The skeleton monster only appears after it dies?

For a moment, many thoughts flashed through his mind, but he didn't care and carefully observed his surroundings.

No matter where you are, be careful and you will never go wrong.

"I have a hunch that we are going to get rich..."

Bai Ye yelled.

"No, there must be a big opportunity."

"Keep your voice down, what if it's not a skeleton monster?"

Sun Wugong lowered his voice.

"If there is a master here, then we would be considered thieves if we came in uninvited..."

"You'll know just go in and take a look... I think it's most likely related to the skeleton monster, otherwise you won't be able to come in."

Xiao Chen took out the Xuanyuan knife again. Although this broken knife was not very powerful, it was still useful for self-defense.

"Either it belongs to the skeleton monster, or it is related to the guardian... maybe the guardian's token can come in."

"Is this the guardian's base camp?"

After hearing Xiao Chen's words, everyone's eyes lit up.


Xiao Chen nodded.

"If that's true, it should be considered the absolute core of the no-man's land..."

"So beautiful."

Suddenly, Bai Ye looked ahead, his face full of surprise.

This chapter has been completed!
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