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Chapter 188 Great Harvest and Desperate Sun Miao

In the underground storage room of Xinxinghuo Resources, Ren Zhong put his hands on his back and looked at the icosahedron crystal in front of him that showed a faint blue light under the light.

After a long time, he pressed the button.

A set of robotic arms moved the crystal into a large custom-made cubic chip storage box with a side length of 1 meter next to it.

At this time, one Qingfeng heavy truck after another was going back and forth between the Bone Valley and Spark Town, collecting the liquid metal scattered on the ground and putting it into another warehouse.

Ren Zhong is thinking about something.

First of all, the hunt for the demonic infant that was born into the world was making a lot of noise, and it was impossible to cover it up.

So, should we sell the body and the chip of this demonic baby? How should we sell them?

There are many different birth methods for Yuanxingxu beasts, such as mother body splitting, pseudo-natural reproduction, or natural birth relying on a piece of metal ore.

But there is no doubt that the Demon Infant is an extremely special existence among them.

Based on his own analysis and combined with the rumors in Spark Town, Ren Zhong concluded that the Demon Infant is a special life formed by relying on the skull of the deceased in the Valley of Bones to generate a chip structure, and then absorbing the remaining memories of the deceased in the underlying information flow.


To use a more fantasy word to describe it, the demon baby who came into the world is like an innocent soul who has been practicing for many years and turned into a ghost and possessed it and was reborn.

It must be intelligent, there is no doubt about it.

Then its 20-sided crystal must be extraordinary.

He really wanted to stay.

Unfortunately, Ren Zhong does not have the ability to handle chips.

He didn't even know what to do with this thing.

After thinking about it again, he sighed.

Although I really want to decipher the mystery of the Demonic Infant Crystal, that is beyond my ability and knowledge, so I might as well sell it to the Tanggu Group as a favor.

Just thinking about Tanggu Group's pricing for level five beasts, he was a little speechless.

Usually, the prices for town-level resource recycling companies to purchase chips and corpses of level four beasts from scavengers are in the thousands.

When town-level recycling companies sell them to higher-level enterprises, the profits they can earn basically double.

For example, if the fourth-level maze bug chip is purchased for 2,000, the town-level resource recycling company will receive 4,000 points.

Then, according to conventional rules, the output value of a level five ruin beast should be in the tens of thousands.

The Demonic Infant is a special type of beast that is being upgraded from level five to level six, and its price should be in the hundreds of thousands.

However, even if Tanggu Group opened the business to 990,000, Ren Zhong still felt that this was nonsense.

Regardless of the arms expenditure during today's raid on the Valley of Bones, after all, there were also chips harvested along the way, and he made money on that end.

Let's just talk about the battle of the Demonic Infant. In the course of the battle, which lasted less than ten minutes, nearly 5,000 people consumed a total of more than 10 million worth of conventional military equipment. He paid for all of this part of the money.

His own expenses are even greater.

A customized virus computer worth five million.

The anti-scanning coating on his armor's surface was also damaged. To perfectly repair the coating, he would have to shell out another two million.

In addition, he also spent nearly 3 million to distribute bonuses to all professionals who participated in the operation today.

Calculated in this way, the cost of Ren Zhong's actions today is as high as 20 million.

Selling something to the Tanggu Group for less than a million dollars is sheer nonsense, but if the other party wants it, it's hard not to sell it.

As soon as he walked out of the storage room door, he received a notice from the Tanggu Group.

The person who contacted him this time was not Ma Shu, but the general manager of Liaoyuan County Resource Recovery Company, who was considered his direct superior.

The other party first asked Ren Zhong the purpose of this large-scale operation.

Ren Zhong answered truthfully: "Currently, the only high-quality hunting spot for level 3 and 4 beasts in Spark Town is the abandoned mine pit. Although the output in the Valley of Bones is less than that of the abandoned mine pit, it can still accommodate a group of level 4 professionals.

The five-man team goes hunting on average every two days, and can generate profits of close to 1.5 to 2 million per month. I cannot tolerate watching my assets turn into push demons because of the existence of the demon baby.

Food for the baby's evolution. At the same time, I am not sure when the demon baby will complete its evolution. I currently do not have the ability to fight against the sixth-level ruin beast, so I choose to strike first."

The other party was silent for a moment and then asked: "But it can be seen from the battle report that you took a lot of risks and even entered the body of the Demon Infant yourself."

Ren Zhong smiled slightly, "I am a level 4 mecha warrior. My exoskeleton armor costs up to 200 million, and its performance exceeds ordinary level 5 equipment. I did not take any risks. The real risk was actually performing auxiliary work today.


The other party seemed to accept Ren Zhong's sophistry, and then turned the topic to the liquid metal corpse and crystal of the demon infant.

Talks broke down.

Ren Zhong offered the other party a "sky-high price" of 40 million points on the grounds of high cost.

The other party said that even if the Demonic Infant was a special type of quasi-sixth level beast, the price was too outrageous, and the price could only be two million at most, and no more.

In the history of the Tanggu Group, there has never been a precedent for purchasing the remains and chips of a Level 6 Ruin Beast for more than 2 million points.

Ren Zhong's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he complained again, saying that in order to activate Huangren's enthusiasm for work, he now established a good person's personality.

There are also many wounded and a few killed today. I also have to consider the issue of treatment funds and pensions. I'm afraid 40 million is not enough.

Seeing that he not only refused to give in, but actually tried to raise the price, the other party was angry and hung up the communication, leaving Ren Zhong to think about it on his own.

After the communication ended, Ren Zhong was already excited.

Liaoyuan Resource Recycling Company's attitude on this matter basically represents the Tanggu Group's views on this matter at a certain level.

The other party is confident.

On the Origin Star, only the Tanggu Group has the ability to process chips and transform them from raw products into semi-finished intellectual brain cores.

In addition, due to its special nature, the wafer can only be stored in the open air for a few minutes at most when it is not processed.

Even if you have a high-end storage box, it will quickly deteriorate and become damaged over time.

For ordinary people holding this thing, every day it is delayed, the value will be reduced.

This is the fundamental reason why Tanggu Group can enjoy ten times more profits.

Liaoyuan Company obviously believes that the task is too heavy to bear, and sooner or later, it will have to hand over the chips and liquid metal obediently.

But these people did not expect that Ren Zhong would finally uncover the information related to mining and smelting that they had long cherished by analyzing liquid metal.

Knowing the existence of the "net", he has to arrange reasonable motives for some detailed actions in his daily life, and now is just the right time.

In addition, he did gain a lot after destroying the demon infant.

When rushing into the Valley of Bones, Ren Zhong and others only swept a certain area, and there were still many second- and third-level ruin beasts left in the valley.

In the afternoon of that day, Zheng Tian led a group of 500 people to start an exploratory hunting operation outside the White Bone Valley.

In addition, there are also some scattered teams with relatively strong strength that imitate the same, trying to gain wealth and danger.

Ren Zhong did nothing to stop these people from seeking death.

Someone may die inside, but someone will definitely come out alive.

He is not a nanny.

At least when it comes to hunting beasts, he now gives the barren people better treatment and the right to make their own choices.

The deserters themselves are responsible for their own decisions.

Today, Ren Zhong opened up a new hunting ground for beasts. He also verified part of his combat power through a battle with the Demon Infant. At the same time, he tentatively cultivated his "army" and obtained a large number of new ones.

information, and find legitimate motivations to pursue new required knowledge.

He indeed had a great harvest.

Since the afternoon of that day, under the guise of researching liquid metals on his own, Ren Zhong has openly opened the metal smelting section of the scientific knowledge teaching system, and also roamed the Internet world to search for various information.

He still controlled his thirst for knowledge and focused as much as possible within the scope of Ruin Beast Metal.

But at the same time, he was also digging for words about exotic minerals.

He has gains and regrets.

The reward was that by memorizing metal smelting techniques that were concise and easy to understand, he gradually summarized a set of methods for refining the corpse of the demon infant by himself.

But regarding exotic minerals, he only found a few videos describing the characteristics and cases of exotic minerals.

Of all the cases, the latest and hottest is Yang Bingzhong’s execution.

The Business Association does not want people to know how to use this thing, it just wants to tell everyone, whether you are a deserter or a citizen, you just need to know how to identify this thing, and report it as soon as possible if you find it. After reporting, you can get generous rewards.

Once you have the idea of ​​taking it as your own, you are not far from death.

Surrounded by such confusing and complex information, the night passed by in a blink of an eye.

Day 83, morning.

"Dream B&B" finally gave a hint on his watch.

"Your dream B&B has been completely destroyed. The integrity is -10, the charm value is -1000, and the artistic value is +100."

The doubled data in this prompt shocked him.

Only Sun Miao's postmodern calligraphy art can create such a distorted effect in which the charm value plummets, but the artistic value does not fall but increases.

Ren Zhong quickly put down what he was doing, left the task of purchasing metal smelting equipment to Wang Zhaofu, and hurriedly entered the game.

Sure enough, Sun Miao wrote a lot of words this time, so he could cause such serious damage.

"Human beings may be the most complex intelligent life in the universe. The birth of human beings is full of chance. This is simply a miracle left by God. But scientific concepts tell us that there is no God in the world. Humans are not gods either. It is impossible.

Create a new intelligent life out of thin air with a quantum entangled soul."

"From now on, you have to do your best, I can't do it anymore. Anyway, I'm very happy that labor and management can get to know you. Labor and management already know what you do, awesome (broken voice)! I've given up, I really have given up.

.If there is a chance in the future, can you continue to do what I have not finished?"

"As for my previous so-called achievements, I won't give them to you, so as not to bias your thinking. They are of no use anyway and are purely for nothing. When you see this message, I will have already jumped into the teapot, so don't waste your efforts.

Come and collect the bodies for me. Raise them all. Goodbye."

After reading this information, Ren Zhong chose to reset his "Dream B&B" account information.

The digitized shack quickly disappeared, and in the blink of an eye, only an empty space was left.

Ren Zhong looked at the empty space with a sense of loss, thinking over and over in his mind the first three sentences Sun Miao said.

Short summary:

1. Human beings are miracles.

2. There is no God in the universe.

3. Humans cannot become gods.

This is Sun Miao's ultimate explanation of life sciences from his perspective.

However, there are different views on responsibility.

Sun Miao didn't know that when the technological level of civilization reaches a certain level, not to mention the cells that make up human beings, even the underlying physical rules can be tampered with.

When this judgment flashed through his heart like a flash of lightning, Ren Zhong was shaken all over.

He quickly exited the sleeping space, stood up again, and paced repeatedly in the office.

He figured out the reason for Sun Miao's failure.

Taking cancer cells as the main body and using molecular-level artificial synthesis to create intelligent life-like humans composed of tens of trillions of cells out of thin air is indeed a high wall of despair in conventional scientific thinking and cannot be overcome.

Any scientific researcher who dares to attack it will be severely knocked down by this high wall, and will either go to the end of their academic career or the end of their life in complete despair.

Sun Miao chose the most drastic way to admit her failure.

With Ren Zhong's original scientific outlook, he would recognize Sun Miao's judgment to some extent, express deep sympathy for Sun Miao's experience, and then use this as a warning to remind others not to dwell on this impossibility.


But now, Ren Zhong secretly wonders, since in the field of physics, the weak electric interaction on the source star can write information at the atomic level and construct a regular icosahedron, then, in the field of life sciences, can it be used

The same idea gives a soul to a collection of organic organizations that does not originally have a mind?

Ren Zhong thinks it can definitely be done.

He has two major arguments.

The first argument was that he had seen an expression of anger and confusion on Legionmon's face. Everyone knew that Legionmon was intelligent.

The second argument is hidden in the basement three floors below him. The memory fragments belonging to human beings are installed in the Demon Infant Crystal, but at this time, a large amount of self-replicating virus information occupies the storage space of the crystal.

These memory fragments have been pushed into the corner. It can even be said that the demon baby has a soul!

After a long time, Ren Zhong slammed the table.

He made a decision.

Sun Miao must be dead now.

He must be rescued from the gap in time.

And, next time, I must find a way to tell him that there is another, perhaps more extensive, physical rule in the universe.

Under this rule, the weak electric interaction among the three basic interactions will not change the electron cloud to form a regular icosahedron!

Electrons under this rule follow the uncertainty law!

The true form of the quantum entanglement set that makes up human thinking is completely random and chaotic...

Under the complete rules of the universe, we may never be able to create real humans, but here, on the Source Star, we can create a Source Star man composed of cancer cells.

Similarly, we can also use the method of writing information to induce cancer cell mutations, so that the person can grow up healthily!

Ren Zhong immediately had to face new problems.

Sun Miao was taken away by the Mengdu Group on the 52nd day, but today is the 83rd day.

Even if Ren Zhong wipes his neck now, it is impossible to pass the information to Sun Miao through face-to-face communication before he is taken away.

He must come up with a safe enough way to pass on such profound questions involving the nature of science.

Ren Zhong thinks that "Dream B&B" cannot be used.

This level of communication does not trigger the alarm of the surveillance system that may exist in "Dream B&B", but if the icosahedron and the real physical rules are mentioned, it is a huge risk that shakes the essence of the source star, and things will change.

The game company's claim that it has no secret keys is probably only relative.

So, how should I contact Sun Miao who is at the R&D headquarters of Mengdu Group?

Ren Zhong began to think about it for a long time.

In the end, the fulcrum of his memory stopped at the "volunteer" recruitment vehicle.

"Volunteers" can enter the Mengdu Group's R&D department alive.

The "volunteer" recruitment in Xinghuo Town took place on the 52nd day, at the same time as taking away Sun Miao.

However, the recruitment of volunteers in Baimen Town, the neighboring town of Xinghuo Town, took place on the 62nd day, ten days late.

I need someone trustworthy enough to take my information to the Mengdu Group.

This is almost a dead-end job.

Who can do it?

Ren Zhong's plan is stuck in the last step of finding the candidate.

But he was in no hurry.

He makes decisions both quickly and slowly every time.

When he needs to be quick, he can make decisions at lightning speed.

When he needs to slow down, he can calm down and think carefully, waiting for the flash of inspiration.

Time flies, and six days have passed in the blink of an eye.

The Era of Ren Zhong has arrived on the 89th day.

In fact, there are many things that are heavy and unprepared for. For example, the fifth-level parameters that cannot be obtained, the billions of stillborn battle armors, the analysis of exotic minerals, and the processing of demon infant corpses and crystals, etc.

He couldn't even finish it.

But the passage of time is not affected by human will, and he has reached the moment when he must face the cold-blooded butcher.

This time, regardless of victory or defeat, fight first and then steal back a month.

Now, there are so many things he wants to dig back from the grave of time.

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