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Chapter 253 The voice of shattered dreams [4698 words for a monthly ticket]

Where is the earth?

How far is it?

How much time has passed?

What force brought me here?

Why did I wake up in a deserted jungle?

Why were other cryogenic chambers apparently from Earth abandoned and never discovered?

After sending Xiao Xingyue away, Ren Zhong lay on the bed without turning on the hypnotic state and could not fall asleep for a long time. He asked himself these questions over and over again.

He remembered a quote from Newton.

Human knowledge is a circle.

The more knowledge there is, the larger the circle, the larger the radius, the longer the sides, and the more areas bordering the empty space outside, the more people will be aware of their ignorance.

He once considered not waiting for Ma Xiaoling's side to start a national war, directly donating 3 billion, earning 300 million points as quickly as possible, and buying "Ten Thousand Years of History".

But after chatting with Xiao Xingyue, he changed his mind again.

He is no longer that interested in "A History of Ten Thousand Years".

Fake, everything is fake.

What he wants is the truth, not another new layer of lies.

In this case, let's continue to wait for Ma Xiaoling's side to win the first place in the monthly national battle in the entire server.

An investment of 200 million should be enough.

When the time comes, just watch it as a entertainment.

This time, I want to strive to live longer and climb higher. Money, which used to be just an illusory number, has value again. It’s time to pursue cost-effectiveness.

Ren Zhong sighed, simply not thinking about these troubles, turned on hypnosis, entered the sleep space, and once again entered the online learning channel established by the continental laboratory in the Chenhui mining area.

After Ren Zhong entered, the number of online users of the channel changed from 0 to 1.

This online learning channel was compiled by the continental laboratory in recent days by hiring senior actuarial programmers from outside.

The main purpose is to help a talented new consultant who has been paddling outside for a long time to keep up with the progress of the project, so that he can use his free time to keep learning while he is away from home.

Because of the need to rush the work, Zhou Level Laboratory paid the programmer and his team double the salary for this, and the expenditure was as high as 80 million points.

This is the treatment of genius.

The next morning, Ren Zhong got up half an hour later than usual.

Just after washing up, I opened the door to the bedroom suite, and a strong fragrance wafted into my nostrils.

Since he started taking Zimu medicine, Ren Zhong's body has been very exhausted. He slept without eating all night, and he was already ravenous. When stimulated by the fragrance, his stomach gurgled like thunder.

He followed the scent and heard the sound of clinking spatulas and stir-frying coming from the kitchen.

He walked to the kitchen door and saw Ju Qingmeng, dressed in home clothes and wrapped around his waist, standing by the stove, concentrating on stir-frying.

The smart housekeeping robot is standing aside, seemingly doing nothing.

The thermostatic stand behind Ju Qingmeng is already filled with twelve or thirteen finished dishes covered with metal covers, with steam still coming from the gaps around the edges.

She is very skillful in stir-frying, and it seems that she has applied her dexterity in modifying equipment to stir-fry.

In a daze, Ren Zhong's memory seemed to be pulled back to his high school days.

At that time, I was still just an ordinary good student. When I came home from school, my mother was cooking in the kitchen with concentration, and the aroma of oil filled the house.

For a moment, Ren Zhong was so fascinated by the sight.

Ju Qingmeng was very focused on his movements. It wasn't until he started the pot that he noticed Ren Zhong standing blankly at the door.

She smiled and said, "Are you awake?"


"Your Chi Feng Jia doesn't need me to handle it much anymore. When I have nothing to do, I learn to cook. I see that you eat a lot recently, and I always feel that you want to eat a lot after getting up in the morning. I will volunteer to give it a try. Yes, but I can’t guarantee that I can do better than the intelligent robot. I still have problems controlling the heat.”

Ren Zhong: "After all, humans and machines are different. Humans have their own charm. Thank you."

"Okay, you go sit at the dining table first. There is still the last dish. I'll let the robot serve you the food first."

With that said, Ju Qingmeng pushed Ren Zhong out.

Ren Zhong waited at the dining table for almost ten minutes before Ju Qingmeng brought the last dish to the table with both hands.

This is a priceless piece of fried shredded pork with natural celery. It looks crystal clear and is full of color, flavor and aroma.

Seeing that Ren Zhong hadn't moved his chopsticks, Ju Qingmeng asked in confusion: "Why haven't you eaten yet? Aren't you hungry?"

Ren Zhong shook his head, "I'm hungry, but I think I should wait for you."


After a long time, Ren Zhong put down his chopsticks.

More than ten dishes were swept away by him in a flash.

Ju Qingmeng, who was sitting opposite him, had already finished his work and asked with a smile: "Is it delicious?"

"It's delicious. I think it's better than what a robot makes."

"Thank you for the compliment."

"I should be the one thanking you."

"Then...if you like it, I can cook it for you often in the future?"

"Okay. But even though the Chifeng Armor no longer needs your improvements, other people in the town still have to rely more on you for their equipment."

"Don't worry. It doesn't take much effort. I just haven't taken part in the professional ability assessment, but I suspect that I am now a level 5 pilot who can handle the modification of traditional level 5 exoskeletons."

"You have worked hard."

"It's okay, it's okay, you have to work harder."

"It's better for you to work harder."

Ju Qingmeng: "Can we stop working so hard for each other? In fact, we are all having a great time, aren't we?"

Ren Zhong was stunned, "Yes. Hahahahaha!"

Ju Qingmeng: "Hahahaha!"

Nothing happened last night, but some subtle changes were quietly brewing.

It seems that Ju Qingmeng thought about it all night, and then she finally understood Ren Zhong a little bit.

He said there was no need to express gratitude in that way.

He doesn't like purposeful lust.

This is the reason why I was rejected.

Lin Wang's original evaluation of Ren Zhong was actually partially correct. He was indeed a person who believed in love.

Ju Qingmeng even regretted it. It would have been better if he had not found a lame excuse to cover up because of his reserve, but had been braver to confess his feelings.

But it's not too late, we still have a lot of time.

She also didn't want to ask what happened between Ren Zhong and Xiao Xingyue last night.

That doesn't make sense.

Since she knew it was impossible, she wouldn't be jealous.

At noon, the two returned to Xinghuo Town.

Along the way, Ju Qingmeng took the initiative to mention the 170 million.

She said: "Now the whole Yuanxing knows that I am your lover, so I will keep the money. You don't care, right?"

"Of course not!" Ren Zhong nodded first, then shook his head, "But actually I don't like the title of lover."

Ju Qingmeng: "Why? But if we are just friends, it can't be justified, right?"

Ren Zhong grinned, "I thought of a word that might seem a little childish."



Ju Qingmeng covered her mouth and laughed, "That's a bit childish. Why not... just call me partner?"


"A lifelong companion?"

Ren Zhong: "Yeah."

Ju Qingmeng said no more, just nodded, then turned away and looked out the window.

Her face was very red, reaching the roots of her ears.

Her heartbeat is very fast.

She finally knew that this was love.

Mr. Ren’s strategy plan, progress +1%.

After returning to the town and waiting for about half an hour, a medium-sized airship flew from the direction of Chongyi County. It was Ju Qingmeng's parents.

When Ju Qingmeng's parents set off, Ren Zhong and Ju Qingmeng had a brief exchange with their elders.

He was a little surprised.

These two statutory retirees were forcibly recalled by Tianyuan Military Industry. Although Wang Jinshou made small moves, the two elders themselves were not ordinary people.

In fact, the two elders were only first-class citizens when they were young.

They were once the "golden boys and girls" who had many misfortunes but were indomitable in Yigaoli, Chongyi.

Relying on perseverance, determination and talent, they became Level 5 pilots and flourished in this position. Eventually, they both advanced to the "high position" of Level 3 citizens.

Ju Qingmeng's ability comes from both genetic inheritance and family education.

Compared with the painful forced labor in Chongyi County, the two men who regained their freedom made up their minds before setting off to continue to shine in the dreamland where their daughter Ju Qingmeng also placed her hope.

The two elders will also join the responsible Armor Laboratory and become pilots in Spark Town.

Ren Zhong and Ruo Bai picked up two expert talents.

Therefore, he originally wanted to greet him, but something happened at Sun Miao's side, and he was called to the biochemical laboratory.

In the basement, on a support platform, the icosahedron-shaped demon infant crystal core was placed in a transparent box filled with protective liquid.

At this time, the interface cover on the crystal core has been opened.

A thick data cable extended from the top of the box, drilled into the liquid, and then connected to the data interface under the crystal core cover.

The other end of the data line is directly connected to the information center of the molecular reconstruction instrument.

Three men, described as withered wormwood, sat on three separate stools in unison, staring straight ahead with wide eyes.

In front of the three people was a huge three-dimensional projection screen.

A large amount of information representing data is jumping on the screen.

The three people's hands were each pressed on a hemispherical operating device equipped with micro-current telepathy.

A large number of brain wave signals are being input into the information center of the molecular reconstruction device through this micro-current induction. These are the details of the three people's operations.

Two of these three people were the hackers and information flow blockers who had taken heavy rewards a few days ago and then fled Spark Town as if for their lives.

But this time they are back.

Not only that, the two also called in another close friend, a highly skilled actuarial programmer.

In the past, these three people have collaborated many times when participating in some more difficult tasks, and they nicknamed each other the Iron Triangle Team.

At first, when Ren Zhong contacted the two unlucky people in the Iron Triangle again, they didn't want to talk to him at all and insisted on drawing a clear line.

But they couldn't help it, they were given too much responsibility.

Who can withstand a reward of 200 million per person?

Their mouths are coy, but their bodies are very honest.

They got the notice yesterday afternoon, and in the evening they fooled the last person in the Iron Triangle into taking a direct flight to Spark Town, arriving overnight.

We started working this morning, and now we have completed the preparations and officially started work.

Ren Zhong looked at Sun Miao, who was standing aside with his hands folded and frowning, "Brother Sun, how is the situation?"

Sun Miao said: "It's more complicated than I thought, and I can't figure it out. Fortunately, you have money now, and we can still have off-site help."

Ren Zhong asked in a low voice: "How did you explain to them?"

Previously, Li Zhong only offered money to call someone, but did not tell the person what they were there for.

The Iron Triangle also knows that there are tigers in the mountains and prefers to go to the tiger mountains.

They knew something about the Great Migration, but they were not yet level five citizens, so they were anxious.

Sun Miao nodded and lowered his voice, "I didn't go into details. They only knew that their task was to import the data into the molecular reconstruction device, but they didn't know what I was going to use it for. At this moment, they are repairing it bit by bit.

and export the data."

Ren nodded, "That's good."

"Speaking of which, fortunately the Mengdu Group knew what was going on and gave us the latest models, otherwise we would be in big trouble."

"How to say?"

"The Demon Infant crystal core contains human memories. The amount of information is much larger and more complex than the data of Legionmon, and even the matrix chip core cannot contain it. But this new type of molecular reconstruction device was only obtained from interstellar trade in recent years.

It comes from advanced civilization technology. Its information center capability is very powerful, at least a thousand times that of the old model, so it is more than enough to hold data. And you have also written a brainless Trojan with crazy self-replication ability into it before, and it can penetrate

It's very deep. To peel off all the Trojans and restore the original information of the Demon Infant will require huge computing power. This also depends on the information center of the molecular reconstruction device."

Ren nodded, "That's indeed lucky."

"It's a pity that I don't understand chip science. I'm really curious about what the computing unit in the information center looks like. This is too awesome."

Ren Zhong's lips trembled.

He had some general guesses in his mind, but felt there was no need to say anything.

Three hours passed unknowingly, and Audio-Technica was finally relieved from the ultra-high-intensity busyness.

They have explored and compiled a complete set of execution plans in the next five days.

This system will run automatically, continuously stripping away Trojans, repairing data, and then automatically exporting the data.

Next, there was another six-day grinding period.

During this process, the three of them inevitably saw some specific pieces of data.

They were a little confused and didn't quite understand the value of these fragments of life scenes from different people.

But everyone who has suffered a loss at the hands of Ren Zhong has learned to be good and don't ask too many questions that shouldn't be asked. If you ask, it's bound to be bad.

In the blink of an eye, time has reached the morning of the 138th day of the Ren Zhong Era.

At this time, Iron Triangle had already left, and Ren Zhong and Sun Miao stood side by side in front of the molecular reconstruction instrument.

The shadow is lying inside the reconstruction device.

A three-dimensional human body model is presented.

During the modeling, one after another slender threads were extending from the inner wall of the molecular reconstruction device, spreading like hyphae from all directions toward Ying's abdomen, then sinking inside, and finally connected to the brain of the little fetus.

These threads are subtle energy flows that humans on the Source Star cannot yet understand. They have penetrating capabilities like neutrinos, but they can also change their properties at the end, intervene at an ultra-high-precision level, reconstruct molecular structures, and write

Enter information.

At this time, these silk threads are reconstructing the molecular clusters that make up the fetal brain, changing the spin state of the phosphorus atoms inside, and writing "laws" representing human brain memory in the blank chaotic quantum entanglement set.

Ren Zhong and Sun Miao were very excited.

After waiting for so long and making so many preparations, we are finally about to see the light of day.

Sun Miao grinned and said: "The molecular reconstruction device can write information much faster than those three people can export it. A caesarean section can be performed this evening at the latest."

Ren Zhongye said: "Have you decided on a name?"

"Ying said she hopes the child will take the same surname as her husband and previous children, and also have the surname Sun."

Ren Zhong: "Yeah,"

Sun Miao: "How about we call her Sun Meng? She represents our dream."

Ren Zhongyi grinned: "What a good name."


The newly born Sun Meng quietly stopped breathing after experiencing painful struggles.

She died young.

Sun Miao's soul recording failed.

The memories in the Demon Infant's crystal core are not the memories of a single person, but the fragmented lives of a hundred thousand people in the nameless city.

It is too fragmented to form a complete soul.

After Sun Meng was born, his brain could not function and could not send subconscious instructions to the organs in his body.

Her organs were irreversibly failing from the moment she was born.

Although Sun Miao had used nanorobots with EC touch function in time, her life could not be saved.

The atmosphere in the basement was gloomy, and even the ceiling lights that should have been bright looked pale.

The air felt inexplicably cold and damp.

With heavy responsibilities, the faces of Sun Miao and Ying were full of frustration and loss.

Ying Ruanruan rushed to the life-saving box, and then took out the child.

Then, she sat down softly on the ground while sobbing loudly.

Ren Zhong and Sun Miao could not speak for a long time.

Sun Miao turned her head and looked at Ren Zhong blankly, muttering to herself, and seemed to be asking: "Is God's barrier really so difficult to break through? Or am I too incompetent? What should I do? Yes... I'm sorry Ren Zhong,

You have helped me so much, but I still let you down. I'm sorry, Tang Shuying, thank you for your hard work. It's all my fault...I..."

Looking at Sun Miao, who was also in tears, and then looking at Tang Shuying, who was crying on the ground and shaking all over, Ren Zhong seemed to hear the sound of shattered dreams.


His sigh was very long.

【Monthly Ticket】【Recommended Ticket】

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