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Chapter 329 What is Surprise?

What happened next was unremarkable, no different from the past.

Ren Zhong already knows the character of every inmate.

Who can you make friends with?

Those people are not even worthy of being a casual acquaintance.

He knew everything clearly.

Now I just need to introduce myself and promote myself again.

Just like when he was imprisoned before, Ren Zhong gained the secret appreciation and admiration of Hua Yuelan, Qian Wangshen, Huo Donghua and others because of his imprisonment.

Under this feeling of sympathy, Ren Zhong spent one day establishing a basic friendship with the inmates in the second prison, and the friendship quickly grew.

Ren Zhong also made some changes.

After two timelines of study (showing off), he is already a very mature programmer and arms designer.

He can not only talk with Hua Yuelan about knowledge in the field of programming, but also exchange fantastic ideas with Qian Wangshen in the field of war machinery.

Ren Zhong's erudition and acumen shocked everyone.

Most of the people who can live in S-class villas have their own information channels. They know very well when Ren Zhong became a citizen, and they also know the rise of Ren Zhong through the Internet, but no one expects this new person.

How could the inmates learn such a huge body of knowledge in such a short period of time.

He seemed to have infinite energy and omnipotent wisdom.

He is too smart to be human, like another "net".

After Ren Zhong once again put forward his detailed personal views on the instruction set architecture of the chip brain, Hua Yuelan said with emotion: "I doubt that Mr. Ren, you are born with knowledge. Your knowledge... is completely unreasonable."

Ren Zhong, who had suffered the loss of "knowing it from birth" once, shook his head repeatedly and quickly used the projection system of his watch to lay out an essay, "How can I know it from birth? I just like to read books."

In order to pave the way for his own knowledge, since his resurrection, in addition to physical training, execution of plans and other trivial matters, he spent most of his free time and sleep space on previewing materials.

He has already overturned the car once because of the idiom, and he must not fall into the same pit a second time.

After everyone saw his browsing history, their shock subsided slightly, and they only praised his amazing understanding and memory.

Time flew by, and five days passed in the blink of an eye. On the 148th day of the Ren Zhong Era, he ended his short vacation, paid a fine of 100 billion in full, and was successfully released from prison.

This time Ren Zhong did not deceive the key to "Dream B&B" from Hua Yuelan.

He will not use the same trick to enter the Shenzhen News Group again, it is unnecessary.

Similarly, the "story" between him and Ma Xiaoling was slowly covered by the dust of time and came to an end.

Compared with the Earth in the 21st century, the pace on the Source Star is very fast, and everything seems to have been pressed on the fast forward button.

In just five days, Xinghuo Town and Chongyi County have undergone earth-shaking changes.

Xinghuo Military Industry's new factory is about to be completed.

Staff training has been carried out in advance.

This large new factory has pushed the employment rate in Spark Town to over 80%, and there has even been a labor shortage.

Madafu reasonably released the residence permit in Spark Town.

Many foreigners from other places have arrived in Spark Town one after another in the past few days, becoming new blood.

This time, I didn't even send Ou Youning, Yu Jin and Shi Xuan to lobby. The people in the wilderness followed their own ideas and came here on their own initiative.

In a sense, after fully taking over Tianyuan Military Industry, the entire Chungyi County has become a country with a heavy responsibility.

The Mengdu Group seems to have also adjusted its strategy, no longer arresting the tribesmen in Liaoyuan County and Chongyi County, and only focusing on developing Xihu County among the three counties in Yangsheng.

The source of all changes came from the great victory of Ren Zhong and Tianyuan Military Industry.

After taking over the century-old Wang family's property, and taking out some of its technological achievements, and announcing that he would continue to intensify his efforts to develop new positioning technology, Ren Zhong officially left the class of "novel aristocrats" and became a member of the Yuanxing system.

Real upper class society.

Ren Zhong is no longer a foolish young man who rashly breaks into the social structure of Origin Star, but a member of the ruling class.

Even if he doesn't contact him, the support given to him by Amethyst Mining, Tanggu Group and Yuanxing Military Industry will naturally and quietly increase.

The Mengdu Group's hostility towards him will also gradually decrease.

Ren Zhong has seen all these changes.

If it were before, he might be a little secretly happy.

But now he has seen through it.

He knows that the entire Source Star is just a plaything of "Net".

The so-called business associations, the nine major enterprises, the Council of Elders, and the Promotion Association, seem to have overwhelming power, control massive resources, and take over people's lives, but they still have no power to resist when faced with the trial of the "Net".

That evening, Ren Zhong arrived at Xinghuo Town.

He first held a brief meeting at the Ren Group headquarters to summarize the company's recent operating conditions, and then looked forward to the corporate war that was about to start at noon tomorrow.

Ren Zhong focused on Xinghuo Military Industry.

Ju Qingmeng has completely separated from the arms mall system and became the top leader of Xinghuo Military Industry, which swallowed up Tianyuan Military Industry.

Under Ju Qingmeng's overall planning, the original Tianyuan Military R&D Center has been halfway restored.

The Hunter-Killer ion beam cannon production line has also resumed production capacity.

The construction of other basic equipment production lines in Xinghuo Town is also progressing at light speed.

Ren Zhong is satisfied with these works.

After the meeting, Ren Zhong called Zheng Tian to his office, briefly gave some details, and then asked Zheng Tian to make arrangements while he went to the biochemical laboratory.

Ma Xiaoling, Shi Xuan, Chen Hanyu, Bai Feng, Yu Jin, Tang Shuying and others were called to the top-secret conference room next to them by Zheng Tian.

Zheng Tian first asked everyone to check whether they were carrying electronic devices. After confirming that they were correct, she slowly said: "The boss just told me to slow down the fight."

Everyone was stunned and confused.

With the current strength and power of the Starfire Army, if he wanted to, he could take over the entire Yangsheng City within a week, even without spending a single soldier.

Shi Xuan first said: "As long as the war starts, the three towns of Chengyi will definitely surrender immediately. Wangdong Town and Zhaoshan Town in Liaoyuan County are unlikely to have the intention of resisting. How can we slow down the war? In general

You can’t arrange for soldiers to deliberately die, right?”

Zheng Tian shook her head, "That's not necessary."

"What should we do?"

"The boss just gave me a word, drag! Chen Bing is at the junction of Xihu County and Chongyi County, but he does not take the initiative to attack or infiltrate. He only focuses on developing his own ability to hunt for beast resources. As for the people in Xihu County

Even though we have four towns, they dare not take the initiative to attack us. Time will be delayed."

Ma Xiaoling shook his head, "But this is unreasonable. We can't explain our behavior."

Zheng Tian: "The boss also said that the company's main business direction will temporarily shift to the military industry and biomedical industry. So it is reasonable, because his business focus has been adjusted, and his strategy will naturally change. He only needs to externally

Just clearly show his attitude and show that he thinks that the benefits of corporate war offered by Tanggu Group are not enough to attract him. After all, Tanggu Group represents a sunset industry with little prospect."

Just as the high-level meeting here was in full swing, Ren Zhong was chatting with Sun Miao and Sun Ai about "the Internet".

Sun Ai told Ren Zhong that she had transformed all 21 tons of exotic minerals into signal amplifiers.

One of the three requests she made to Ren Zhong has been fulfilled.

Ren nodded, "Then the next step is to get more ghost particle communicators, right? There were actually so many in Tianyuan Military Industry's R&D center, but unfortunately I blew them all up. Now we have to buy them reasonably.

, under the guise of rebuilding the R&D center, I will start placing orders with Yersun Group in half a month, I have to wait."

Sun Ai fell back: "There is a third problem. The 'net' may be anywhere in the source star information. Even if we use new positioning technology, I can only scan one area at a time. According to my estimation, at least

It will take three to five years to find out the 'net'. But... my life span is only about four years. I'm a little afraid that I won't live to find out the 'net'. I'm sorry, uncle, I hid this from you before.

Information, I'm afraid you don't want to try it."

Ren Zhong waved his hand, "It's okay, I know where the 'net' is."


Sun Ai and Sun Miao widened their eyes at the same time.

What is a surprise?

This is the surprise!

This chapter has been completed!
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