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Chapter 34 This hatred is endless, there will be times when the wind and waves break

Ren Zhong has already had a deep understanding of the injustice and cruelty of the world.

But when the matter has nothing to do with oneself, although there is anger in the heart, this anger is like rootless duckweed, insubstantial.

We know that it is everywhere, we can see it, and it seems to be within our reach, but when we actually grasp it, we only see it as a dream.

It wasn't until injustice and cruelty fell upon him in an extremely straightforward manner that Ren Zhong's anger suddenly found an outlet and the tiger came out of the gate.

He completely broke his guard.

He hates it!

Ren Zhong, who was huddled under the freezer, yelled at the sky and cursed.

I fuck you!

I’m a fool!

The world of fucked-up dogs!

The source star of Ganima!

After a long time, the scolding stopped.

The warriors who have no choice can only face the bloody reality.


Died again.

There are two parts to the origin of the matter.

Moving forward in time, four hours before the "heavy duty time", that is, after ten o'clock in the morning, Zheng Tian's team was happily singing songs and fighting monsters.

Changing from a van truck to a Mercedes-Benz truck, many things are indeed different. Just like climbing high and looking into the distance, you can always see different scenery when you stand at different places on the mountain peaks.

This time, Zheng Tian made a bold arrangement and chose a road that she had never touched before. With the sharpness of the thunder car, she forcibly broke through the blockade area dominated by second-level beasts and entered 90 kilometers west of Xinghuo Town.

Rat Cliff Mountain in the distance.

Shuya Mountain covers an area of ​​about six square kilometers and is a group of low mountains covered extensively by broad-leaved forests. The majority of the species are rats.

Rat waste beasts have extremely strong reproductive capabilities and live in groups of three to five, but their individual strength is relatively weak, so they are loved by scavengers.

If the road hadn't been too dangerous, everyone would have wanted to come to Shuya Mountain.

The well-prepared Zheng Tian team went in.

Sure enough, it is a paradise on earth. Compared with the outside, there are fewer people and more meat here, and most of them are rat-like first-level beasts that are easy to bully, and they are really rich and rich.

Everyone seemed to be passing by like a strong wind, and their luck was extremely strong. They harvested a lot. In just two hours, they captured sixteen rat beasts, worth more than fifty contribution points, but only consumed one third of the inventory of military supplies.


Having learned from the past experience of being greedy and insufficient, which led to the encounter with the Blade Beetle, Zheng Tian respects Ren Zhong's opinions on key decisions.

After discussion, the two decided to only slightly expand the results of the battle, then increase the contribution point income until it reaches 60, then stop as soon as possible, and return before noon.

Ren Zhong also wanted to go to the garbage dump with Wen Lei in the afternoon and transform into a garbage man. Even if it was just picking up garbage, he would first get a five-piece suit.

Unexpectedly, just as everyone was watching Ou Youning arrange the trap and prepare to lure the two rat beasts, a male and a female, not far away, a floating motorboat flew up in the sky and drifted to a stop.

In front of everyone.

The man in the car had a pitch-black spear on his back that was larger than Zheng Tian's sniper, and he looked ferocious and killing.

After stopping, the man took off his helmet and looked at everyone with a sideways smile.

Ren Zhong recognized this car as one of the members of the professional team that Zheng Tian's team was affiliated with.

This is a very famous professional team in a small town, with all its members being level 4 professionals, and its strength is extraordinary.

Unlike semi-professional teams that need to work together as a team, the members of this professional team always travel alone when operating on "low-level maps" such as Shuya Mountain. They ride floating motor boats and come and go like the wind. When they encounter Ruin beasts, don't worry.

It doesn't matter how high or low the level is, the number will be the same.

And all of these people have mastered the skills of at least a first-level dismantler. After slaughtering the rat herd's nest, they dismantled the chips on the spot, leaving the corpses alone and ignoring them, allowing them to be eaten by other beasts and animals, or

It was a bargain for the lucky scavenger team.

This morning, Zheng Tian's team was lucky enough to pick up three corpses with a damage rate of 50%, and threw them in the carriage of the Thunder Car.

Zheng Tian stepped forward to negotiate, looked at the large box containing chips hanging on the back seat of the man's motorboat, and said with an extremely flattering smile: "Brother Hui, good morning. We are really lucky today, and we can run into Brother Hui."

The man named Brother Hui jumped out of the car, first squinted his eyes and glanced at the Mercedes-Benz car parked not far away, and then said: "You are very lucky to meet me. What's the matter? I don't know if I bought a new car.

Should I report it to the boss?"

Zheng Tian stepped forward, took Brother Hui's arm, and shook her head and said, "It's just a broken second-level car. How can I dare to disturb you, Brother Hui, for such a trivial matter."

"Okay. It's fate that we met. According to the rules, since you overlap with the hunting area we chose, you should express your gratitude, so I say you are lucky. I will only take half of your stuff and leave with someone else.

The opening requires at least 70%. Let your dismantlers bring the boxes over, hurry up."

Not far away, Ou Youning stopped what he was doing and walked back to stand side by side with Ren Zhong. His face was filled with a warm and envious smile, but he lowered his voice and gritted his teeth and said: "Damn it. We are indeed being targeted. You beasts.


Ren Zhong: "How to say?"

Ou Youning still smiled kindly and enthusiastically, "We changed to a good car and had a chance to climb up. These bastards immediately got in trouble. I don't believe in any damn overlapping routes. Just ask for half the price."


Hearing this, Ren Zhong narrowed his eyes slightly, trying to hide the anger in his heart.

But it was difficult. He couldn't restrain the sharp flash in the depths of his eyes.

He had known about the professional team's 20% fixed commission and the 10% tax on all things before. At that time, he thought that he had seen the evil intentions of this world clearly enough.

Now I realize that not only the King of Hell is hateful, but the little ghost is actually even more hateful.


Brother Hui, who was taking the chip out of Chen Hanyu's box, had extremely keen senses. He seemed to be aware of the resentful gaze cast from his side, and he suddenly raised his head and looked in the direction of Ren Zhong and Ou Youning.

Ren Zhong didn't expect that he would be noticed from the side, so he quickly put on the same actor-level smile as Ou Youning.

Brother Hui stared at Ren Zhong, not looking at Zheng Tian next to him, and just asked: "Who is that person?"

Zheng Tian felt nervous and quickly replied: "My name is Ren Zhong, a deserter who just joined the town. I thought he was very pleasing to the eye, so I accepted him."

Zheng Tian only told the town mayor Ma Dafu that her important task was to be the census officer, because she knew that Ma Dafu would not compete with her for food, let alone expose the identity of the census officer and let people in the town help with fraud.

That is self-destructive.

But when it comes to professional player Pei Lihui, she is not so sincere.

After hearing this, Bei Lihui waited for a few seconds before looking away, "Okay. This guy is interesting."

After Bei Lihui left, Zheng Tian came back and asked Ren Zhong cautiously, "Brother Ren, did you look at him wrong just now?"

Ren Zhong admitted honestly, "I'm a little unhappy with him. What's wrong? I didn't expect him to be so sensitive. Why don't I just take another look? What's the matter?"

Zheng Tian smiled bitterly and said: "Bei Lihui is a fourth-level gunsmith and is very alert. Brother Ren... forget it, you don't seem to have anything to worry about."

Since nearly half of the wealth they had finally accumulated evaporated out of thin air, several people in the team changed their minds after a brief discussion and decided to continue fighting.

According to the rules, Team Zheng Tian has been charged an encounter tax by Pei Lihui today, so they can be let go the next time they meet again.

In addition, Ren Zhong was not satisfied with not being able to collect 10 contribution points.

It was past two o'clock in the afternoon, when the team brought the harvest back to 60 o'clock.

Once again, something happened when I was preparing to grab a handful before leaving.

First, they encountered the crystal-armored long-tailed giant rat, a second-level rat species. This thing was like a calf in size. It was covered with a carapace of crystal scales and was immune to almost all types of kinetic energy ammunition. Fortunately, Ren Zhong checked the onboard computer in time and found its flaw.

The fire resistance was low, and then Bai Feng took the risk and sprinkled combustible asphalt from the corpse of another beast on it, and finally Zheng Tian ignited it and burned it alive. It was considered a near-miss.


Then, the real situation came.

Bei Lihui and five other professional team members appeared again and headed straight for Zheng Tian's team.

At first, everyone thought that the opponent's target was the crystal-armored long-tailed giant rat, but they never thought that the real prey was Ren Zhong.

After stabilizing not far away, Bei Lihui on the motorboat took out the big gun without saying a word.

There was no interrogation or scolding, he just stopped there indifferently.

Senran's gun was pointed at Ren Zhong.

He didn't fire immediately, there was only a faint smile in his eyes like a cat playing with a mouse.

The other people in the professional team didn't speak, they just looked at everyone condescendingly.

Everyone in Zheng Tian's team was stunned on the spot.

The scene was completely silent, with only the faint sound of the motorboat engine starting.

The shadow of death looms, the task is as heavy as falling into an ice cave, and the mouth is dry.

He was inexplicably trapped in a life-and-death situation. He never expected that a casual look could lead to a life-and-death disaster.

"Hui...Brother Hui...why is this?" I never thought that the person who broke the silence would be Wen Lei. He took a step forward and said, "Hui...Brother Hui, please don't do this. Ren...

Brother Ren is not a nobody."

Bei Lihui finally reacted and looked at Wen Lei with a face, "Oh? Not a nobody? Didn't Zheng Tian say he was a deserter before? Did you lie to me?"

Seeing that the fire was burning on her body, Zheng Tian had to speak, and quickly said: "Brother Hui, I'm sorry, it's really not convenient for me to say. Brother Ren is indeed not a deserter, he is... a census officer from above. He is like this

It’s a private interview on WeChat.”

"Census officer?"

The man who was the leader of the professional team was briefly stunned, and the other professional team members were also similar.

The next moment, the professional team members, including Pei Lihui, burst into laughter at the same time.

The man in the lead was the quickest to stop, "Zheng Tian, ​​I'm afraid your brain is burned out. First, even if there is a census officer who visits incognito, there is no way he will hang out with you garbage people. The census officer is at least five years old."

Citizen, do you know what that means? Secondly, our boss has personally said that the county will never send census officers to Xinghuo Town for this census, because there is no need at all!"

Zheng Tian was shocked, "What!"

"Don't be stupid. Do you think you understand or I understand? Don't waste time, Bei Lihui, kill him."

The next moment.

Ren Zhong once again entered the "God's perspective of the underworld".

He saw his broken body, and the expression on Zheng Tian's face changed from shock to anger in a very short period of time. He also saw the grief in Wen Lei's eyes, Ou Youning's regret, Bai Feng's indifference, Chen Han's words

of surprise and intolerance.

At the same time, he was also thinking in his heart.

Census officer?

what is that?

Then, he emerged from the freezer, and all the emotions in his heart were covered in angry flames.

After a long time, Ren Zhong finally stood up slowly and began to skillfully dismantle the auxiliary on-board computer of the freezer. Then he used tools to remove the rubidium iron as planned, following the guidelines of the freezer maintenance design drawing.

I tested the magnetism of a boron permanent magnet. Although it has weakened, it is still a strong magnet.

Then he walked towards the stream again.

When he reached the creek, he drank some water, then took a step back, looked up, and saw red fruits falling from the sky. He skillfully caught them with his clothes and gnawed them.

After a while, the pain in the lymph nodes in the neck started first, and then spread throughout the body.


After waiting for a while, the second fruit fell.

But this time, I didn't use my clothes. Instead, I reached out my hand accurately, caught it accurately, and relieved the pressure easily.

Finally, he held the red fruit intact.

There was no sadness or joy on Ren Zhong's face, and there was a hint of indifference in his calmness.

But he felt a little better in his heart.

Forget it, this resurrection is not nothing.

When he first picked up the first fruit, he noticed some changes.

When I was highly focused, the speed of the free-falling red fruit seemed to slow down.

This shows that when he was resurrected last time, his brain response index of 34.7 points, which he had gained after five days of hard training, was maintained.

Brain response index was brought back along with memory.

The physiological structure of the brain has not changed; what has changed is the method of thinking and processing information that makes you perfect with practice.

After eating and drinking, he got up and left, heading due south.

He thought again of those brats on the professional team, including Pei Lihui.

Damn it, Hu Hansan is back again!

I swear on horseback!

Sooner or later, I will definitely kill you!

This chapter has been completed!
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