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Chapter 366 War Machine, Mass Production, Card Bug-Type Inner Ghost Test

Chapter 366: War machine, mass production, bug testing method

After saying this, Ren Zhong paused for a moment, and then said: "The above are my true words from the bottom of my heart. It will take you some time to digest. I will stop here today. There is a booklet here called "Selected Works". Read it and understand it yourself after you go back. Of course, no matter what you experience, you must be careful not to share it with others without my permission. The meeting is over."

With that said, Ren Zhong handed out blue-covered booklets to everyone.

When everyone went out, they found that there were more than ten people waiting outside the door, including Shi Xuan and his son, Liang Qifa, Yuan Qinhu, Hua Yuelan, Huo Donghua, Qian Wangshen and others.

Zheng Tian knew that they were also here to listen to Ren Zhong's "lecture", and felt a little confused.

If Ren Zhong planned to communicate with all these people from the beginning, why not just set up a larger conference room to talk together?

Ren Zhong just said that it should be kept secret, so why did he immediately call in all these people who are not so core?

Zheng Tian was slightly confused, but she didn't ask much.

The others were similar, but they all left on their own.

Ju Qingmeng returned to his office, took out the red-covered "Selected Works" that Ren Zhong had given him before, and opened the blue-covered "Selected Works" he had just received.

After comparing the two books, she discovered the differences in the two books.

Both books talk about the same thing, but they are fundamentally different.

If I have to sum it up in one sentence, it is that Hongshu's "Selected Works" talks about how to continue to implement the system of the Ren Group without heavy responsibilities. Its core idea is "If there is no me from now on, everyone will be me." ”.

Lan's "Selected Works" focuses on how the entire group should implement the rule that everyone can be the master of the country under the leadership of Ren Zhong. The core idea is "If I live for one day, I will not let anyone under my protection suffer." Suffering".

The ultimate goal of both books is to reach the state where everyone can control his own destiny, as he said, but the process of achieving it is completely different.

So, which one is the truth?

Ju Qingmeng lost his mind for a moment, and his soul wandered far away.

Emotionally speaking, she hopes to be the second type.

But objectively speaking, people must learn to face reality. No one can live forever, and everyone must die sooner or later.

Even if there is cryonics, it is just stealing time. As long as you have to wake up intermittently, you will grow old little by little while waking up.

If you stay awake for a long time like Elder Frozen, there is actually not much difference between being alive and dead.

Therefore, the second type is just a stop-gap measure, and the long-lasting dream will eventually reach the point where "if there is no me from now on, everyone will be me."

Ju Qingmeng knew that this was actually what Ren Zhong really wanted to achieve.

After pondering for a long time, Ju Qingmeng finally put down the two books in his hands, carefully locked them in the safe, and stood up.

She realized that it didn't matter what kind of dream she had, what mattered was how far she could go with him while she was still alive.

After turning on the office computer and connecting to the government affairs system, Ju Qingmeng started today's daily official duties again.

In the month since Ren Zhong left, changes within the group have not stopped.

The medium-sized close-ground combat ship assembly line sponsored by Ying Hao has been officially established in the outer city of Spark Town, and the first trial-production warship is about to roll off the assembly line.

The factory in Chongyi County that produces Hunter-Killer main guns is also working overtime to continue to earn Source Star Coins for the group.

At the same time, the group used these source star coins to purchase a large amount of external resources, continue to put into production more equipment, and build more factories.

The evolution of this entire production process has provided a large number of jobs for group employees.

To date, nearly 7 million of the 12 million people under the control of the group are employed, while the remaining more than 3 million minors under the age of ten and the elderly and infirm over the age of 36 are not employed.

The comprehensive employment rate within the group exceeds 95%, and the remaining 5% of unemployed people are basically in the process of finding new jobs.

These 12 million people burst out with terrible productivity, like a high-powered off-road vehicle with the accelerator pressed to the floor.

This huge productivity machine absorbs massive resources like a whale and converts them into products of one kind or another, and its efficiency is still increasing as the proficiency of workers continues to improve.

In addition, skilled workers in various factories are constantly adjusting their working methods, using their ingenuity to improve machinery, and improve production speed and yield rate.

For a long time in the past, citizens have discriminated against the desert people, and the desert people themselves have never looked down upon themselves.

In the cognition of most desert people, apart from becoming professionals, they can't think of any direction in which they can improve themselves.

But now, the loss of artificial intelligence assistance from the "net" has caused a large decline in social production efficiency in a short period of time, but it has also provided more jobs for the desolate people.

After taking up these positions, people suddenly discovered that their brains could not only be used to forcibly ponder the knowledge in the professional system and memorize the rigid operating instructions in the scientific system, but they could also be used to do some practical things.

Small inventions and creations.

Under the encouragement system within the group, the first person to take the initiative to use their brains to improve the efficiency of the production line and correct mistakes was rewarded, and others quickly followed suit.

The long-lost creativity belonging to the humans of Source Star burst out again.

Ren Zhong once thought that it was the icosahedron in the electron cloud that bound the minds of the Yuanxing people, but now it seems that he may not be entirely right.

The regular quantum entanglement storm in the brain has resulted in humans from Source Star indeed not having as much randomness in their thinking as he does, but they still have a certain degree of creativity.

What really constrains thinking is the system maintained by the "net" in the past.

Now Ren Zhong has changed his perception, which is what prompted him to impatiently show off his cards.

As the power accumulated within the group becomes stronger and stronger, Ren Zhong has seen the urgency of expansion.

Of course, he had to find out the mole before that.

More than ten days passed unknowingly. During these more than ten days, he spent ten hours every day giving lectures to different batches of subordinates.

If you often walk along the river, your shoes will eventually get wet.

On this day, exactly one year after Ren Zhong woke up from the jungle, and his "birthday", he finally committed suicide.

The person who killed him was a ninth-level colonial warrior.

At that time, Ren Zhong was taking a short break in the office, preparing to start the next round of lectures for more middle-level managers. Suddenly, he heard a violent explosion outside.

Five seconds later, just as Ren Zhong put on the armor, the alloy wall of the office was blasted open from the outside.

A huge hole with a diameter of seven meters appeared in the wall.

The terrifying blast force rushed past Ren Zhong's side, bursting open the alloy door behind him, and causing the entire internal structure of the office to expand into a bulging bun shape.

The impact continued, and the shrill screams of many employees in the office building could be heard from Ren Zhong's armored radio system.

But Ren Zhong did not look back. He only looked forward and saw a longitudinal burning belt more than thirty meters wide extending from the outside of the town to the bottom of his office building.

On both sides of the burning zone, a large number of automated defense facilities were covered in blazing flames, and there were many people running away nearby, covered in flames.

There were also many people standing on the spot, their weapons pointed in the air, but their bodies were already scorched.

The unidentified intruders apparently used overwhelming strength to rush in from outside the town in a very short period of time.

The next second, a three-meter giant man covered in flames appeared at the entrance of the cave.

This man's body was almost made of magma. Drop by drop of magma fell on the alloy wall, making a sizzling sound and ablating a cavity.

Without any exchange of words, Ren Zhong immediately fought with this man.

Relying on his leapfrog strength and the performance of the Chifeng Armor, Ren Zhong held on for about three minutes, and then quickly lost.

If he hadn't activated the self-destruct module in the watch in time, he would have almost been captured alive.

Time was reversed, and Ren Zhong returned to thirty days ago with a super high brain response index.

At this time, he was standing in front of a level 7 ruin beast that was as big as a small mountain. Behind him were dozens of panicked scavengers staggering around.

Ren Zhong adjusted back to his normal state in a very short period of time, jumped up lightly, and changed directions several times in the air with a silky-smooth posture, avoiding the ice-like substance that was continuously spewed from the mouth of the beast, and landed on the back of its head.

, and then change into armor form.

Countless parts fell off the surface of his armor and were assembled in front of him into a cylindrical cannon with a diameter of about half a meter and a length of about four meters.

The cylindrical cannon ejected a very high-energy blue plasma fluid, which hit a black spot more than ten meters below the back of the beast's neck.

The wild beast roared briefly, then collapsed and died on the spot.

The last battle between Ren Zhong and this unknown beast lasted ten minutes.

It took him a lot of time to explore before he found his destiny.

But this time, with the experience from last time and the slight increase in brain reaction index, it is much easier to deal with it.

After finishing the work, Ren Zhong looked back at the scavengers who were originally thought to be dead but survived by chance.

Everyone was stunned.

This was a level seven beast, but he slaughtered pigs and dogs.

"Take me to your town."

Ren Zhong said slowly in the same cold tone as last time.

Half a month later, he returned to Xinghuo Town.

He did not restrain himself, but started making documentaries again, and began to tell his subordinates the same words again, giving everyone the same blue-covered "Selected Works".

Of course, there were slight differences in the process, and Ren Zhong adjusted the rhythm of the meeting.

He first came directly to a conference with nearly 800 participants. The conference was held in a large conference room on the ground floor of his personal villa.

These eight hundred people included all of his subordinates who had participated in small meetings in the previous timeline from the time Ren Zhong started giving lectures to two days before his death.

On the day of Ren Zhong's death and the day before, he prescribed Xiaozao to a total of 62 people.

He has already locked in the scope of the traitors, it is one or a few of these sixty-two people.

Before entering his small group, these sixty-two people had passed the review of the seventh-level telekinesis masters recruited by Ren, and no problems were exposed.

In the previous psychological examination, Ren Zhong indeed caught dozens of spies from the association, Yuanxing Military Industry, or Mengdu Group.

Since the rest of the people can pass the mental examination, it means that there is no big problem with these people.

In the end, he died because of the leak. There is only one explanation, and that is that a certain person or a certain group of people changed their minds after starting a small stove.

This kind of traitorous insider is the most hidden and the most harmful.

Now Ren Zhong is preparing to use the method of fixing bugs to further narrow the scope and find this person.

Ren Zhonggen named this meeting "The First Congress of the Group" and hung these words in the form of a banner above the underground meeting room so that everyone who came in could see it at a glance and understand it immediately.

His topic today.

Ren Zhong also slightly changed his speech, adjusting the closing sentence to "There is only one way that allows us to confidently and boldly enter cryogenics and travel through ten thousand or even one hundred thousand years to see the real starry sky era, and that is revolution."

End this era, change the entire society, and create a social structure that is infinitely close to absolute fairness for everyone around me, so that civilization can continue to expand and our descendants can continue to reproduce. Then, ten thousand years from now, when we wake up

Come, I can not only see a whole new world, but also see my descendants flourish. I will proclaim myself emperor and establish a new social rule."

At the end of the meeting, just like last time, the participants were greatly shocked.

The next day, Ren Zhong only held a small meeting with only five participants.

On the third day, the participants were changed to another five.

On the tenth day, the ninth-level colonial warrior appeared again, and Ren Zhong died.

Resurrected again, accelerated the collection of orphans, and shot documentary materials. He returned to Spark Town six days in advance and held another conference. The number of participants increased to 836, 45 more than the last conference.

The next day, nothing happened.

On the third day, Ren Zhong called one of the five people who started the small stove on the ninth day in the previous timeline to his office alone, and began to teach him earnestly.

On the fourth day, another person was replaced.

On the fifth day, a ninth-level colonial warrior appeared, and Ren Zhong died in battle.

Ren Zhong targeted the first traitor, a leader of the Wilderness tribe in Liaoyuan County.

Resurrection again...

Returning to Spark Town, Ren Zhong held another meeting. This time the number of participants in the meeting increased by one person.

The day after the meeting, Ren Zhong ordered Ou Youning to investigate the behavior of the leader of the Wilderness tribe.

This person is indeed cunning and vicious by nature.

In the past, when there was "net" monitoring, he was still restrained. But since the internet was cut off, he began to take advantage of the fact that the surveillance was not as strong as the "net" to take advantage of the loopholes, accumulate private wealth, rob women, feed and torture, and cultivate cronies.

Then let him act as a villain.

This person's methods are very sophisticated and his actions are very secretive. Even the inspection team secretly controlled by Chen Hanyu and the telekinesis master were not able to detect him. If the agents hadn't forced the door open and dug deep underground, he would have been able to hide it.

Moreover, this person performed quite well in battle, disguising his bloodthirstiness as bravery. He was promoted many times and became the middle-level backbone of the Spark Army.

Needless to say, the personal and material evidence was conclusive, so Ren Zhong asked Zheng Tian to preside over a public trial and execute him, which served as a warning to others.

Immediately afterwards, Ren Zhong once again promoted small meetings at the rate of four rounds a day, with ten people in each round.

In this way, after Ren Zhong fought hundreds of battles with ninth-level colonial warriors, it took "only" two months to find 26 traitors among the middle-level backbone, some of them were executed, and some were dismissed and expelled.

Moreover, Ren Zhong finally completed the "long-lasting" first congress of the group.

On this day, after the meeting, his hands were shaking with excitement, leaving Ju Qingmeng and Chen Hanyu, who were summarizing the meeting with him, confused.

In the eyes of others, this is just a simple meeting, but only he knows how hard he has worked to get these 1,500 true people with both ability and character. .

From now on, the Ren Group is a monolithic unit and is unbreakable.

There is nothing difficult in the world, except for resurrection.

He finally did it.

This chapter has been completed!
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