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Chapter 420

Chapter 420 The 623rd Confession

Yu Jin, Wang Qiao, and Song Muen have burned out the last drop of blood.

Has turned into ashes.

Wang Qiao's body has been filled with liquefied metal every inch of capillary and lymphatic vessels, making his entire body larger.

If the carbohydrates and bones on Wang Qiao's body were burned away with high-temperature cauterization, a hollow human-shaped statue would be left in place.

As for Song Muen, although she had not expired at this time, a terrifying heat energy was gradually expanding in her body, tearing her body apart. The various emergency treatment drugs in her armor were already full, but to no avail.

At the moment when the hall started to sink, Song Muen had almost run out of ammunition and fired the last bullet. The faceless man opposite her just pointed the finger gun at her, and fired a beam of plasma, hitting the target accurately.

Her abdomen. Before this, Song Muen had been hit by countless similar long-range bombardments. The armored force field generator, armored shield body and combat uniform protected her. But this time, her force field generator had already

Overheating failed, and the same part had been hit too many times in succession, and she was pierced.

After a moment, Song Muen's armor made a popping sound.

Song Muen's armor fell softly.

Ren Zhong's eyes quickly moved away.

He did not go to check on Song Muen's situation, but quickly retreated to the middle of the hall side by side with Yu Chengde to join Ma Xiaoling and others.

Because he already knew Song Muen's ending.

Crushed into minced meat.

After Ren Zhong returned, Xiao Xingyue tugged on his sleeve, looked at Chen Qiao who had fallen, and said slightly sadly: "No enemies came to attack us. But Chen Qiao is dead."

Ren nodded: "Yes. I know. She took psychostimulant drugs and is hopeless."

Among this group of thirteen, Xiao Xingyue and Chen Qiao had relatively more contact.

It was she and Ren Zhong who pulled the little girl out of hell and sent her to Starfire Town.

When children like Chen Qiao were studying and growing up in Xinghuo Town, Xiao Xingyue often paid attention to their activities, and even put a bit of his own spiritual energy into these children.

In the past tense, when it is usually the turn of the official telekinesis masters to take action, the big data algorithm of "Net" has already drawn an accurate portrait of the crowd. The meaning of the white robe of the telekinesis master is exactly the god of death. When the telekinesis master is dispatched, it is basically

Conducting the final judgment. Telekinesis often represents death and killing. Not only is there no grass growing anywhere, but at least there are corpses strewn across the courtyard.

Xiao Xingyue couldn't even remember how many people she had sentenced to death, and she never thought that one day she would become a savior together with Ren Zhong.

She never realized that it was her concern for these children that gave her, a person who grew up in the core circle of Yuanxing Military Industry and established three views, the potential to become a responsible person of her own.

Now, she once again felt that Ren Zhong was too indifferent and his mood was too calm, so much so that she wanted to give Ren Zhong a psychological examination and dig into his brain to see what kind of thoughts were hidden in it. But she also wanted to

After thinking about it, I didn't say anything else.

Here, Ren Zhong has already begun to make arrangements for the next step.

Ren Zhong glanced at Ma Xiaoling first, and then said: "Mr. Yu Chengde and I just spent a lot of money. Our equipment needs to be cooled and replaced with energy, and some emergency maintenance is needed. I'll trouble Mr. Qian."

Saying that, Ren Zhong turned to look at Qian Wangshen.

Qian Wangshen over there didn't even raise his head, he just hummed, his hands didn't stop, he was concentrating on making the final preparations.

In fact, there is no need to take heavy orders for these things. A rigorous player like Qian Wangshen has already memorized the plan. Moreover, Qian Wangshen, who is very subjective and proactive, will also take the initiative to grasp the time nodes, control the rhythm, and accurately know

What time should he do? As early as ten minutes ago, Qian Wangshen started the preparation work. In another ten seconds, he could let Ren Zhong and Yu Chengde sit in the emergency maintenance warehouse and start treating the two of them.

Equipment for quick repair.

Then Ren Zhong looked around again, looked at each other, and finally his eyes fell on Ma Xiaoling again.

Ma Xiaoling nodded, "I understand."

Ren Zhong: "Well, thank you for your hard work."

Ma Xiaoling waved her hand, "Don't worry."

According to the plan written by Ren Zhong, the elevator will take a total of five minutes to go down.

Five minutes may seem like a short time, but in fact, it is full of dangers, because during this period, Ren Zhong and Yu Chengde were basically unable to move.

During this time, others will have to take on defense duties.

Thirty seconds passed, and a bang-bang-bang sound began to sound from the top of the hemispheric hall.

After a few seconds of ringing, several holes opened on the top of the hall, and fist-sized black balls rolled in one after another.

The number of black round balls is increasing, gathering together on the dome of the hemispheric hall, flying up and down, and making strange sounds.

Bai Feng took the lead and jumped into the air, then faced him up, then spread his body with a bang, and turned into energy. This is Xu's ability, coming from a piece of Xu's flesh and blood.

In fact, Bai Feng had already obtained this piece of flesh and blood from Xu before setting off, but he was still unable to fully digest its power.

Previously in another hall, after Xu had completely turned his body into an energy state, Bai Feng was responsible for blocking the hole with cuticles, while extending a tentacle into Xu's energy body, and at the same time began to chew and digest the piece of food given to him by Xu in his mouth.

flesh and blood, and used the changes in his own cuticle under high-heat shock to compare and feel the reaction of Xu's energy body under high-heat shock. After a multi-pronged approach, Bai Feng finally used the mistletoe ability to further digest Xu's exclusive energy ability.


In the process of moving forward, Bai Feng repeatedly tried to figure out the ideas that Ren Zhong taught him in the planning, constantly adjusted the energy state transformation of his fingers and other parts, and conducted trial learning. Previously, Yu Jin and other three gunsmiths were responsible for cutting off the rear.

Ren Zhong and Yu Chengde were responsible for annihilating the Ruin beasts. Bai Feng and others were on guard in the central area. Using these ten minutes of free time, Bai Feng finally mastered the technique of turning the body into a complete energy state.

Although Xu has died, at this moment, Waituo is alive again in Bai Feng.

The cloud formed by the white peak instantly enveloped the black round ball at the top of the hemispheric hall.

These circles immediately began to rush left and right, and grew a large number of black cilia on the body surface, and then spun at high speed.

The cilia stand straight and look like steel needles.

Once upon a time, in the past timeline, Bai Feng was torn into pieces in his energy state by this steel needle with extremely strong cutting ability. He was then surrounded by Yuantuan and appeared in front of Ren Zhong and others, triggering a series of chain reactions.

, ultimately causing the heavy-duty action to fall short.

But now Bai Feng is already prepared. Before the round ball starts to rotate, he has carefully controlled the energy state body to leave enough space and a cavity for the round ball. No matter how they spin, the cutting part at the top of the cilia

He was always two centimeters away from Bai Feng's body.

When Yuantuan tried to fly and move, it always happened to completely overlap with the internal deformation controlled by Bai Feng. Yuantuan was never able to actually touch Bai Feng's body.

Not only that, the inside of Bai Feng's energy state body is functioning as a heat conduction medium, continuously extracting heat energy from the cavity of the round ball.

The temperature dropped very quickly, and after just over twenty seconds, the temperature continued to approach absolute zero.

After falling into the control of absolute low temperature, the spin speed of the ball dropped rapidly, the cilia began to shrink, and they no longer flew around.

Afterwards, Bai Feng wrapped a total of more than 10,000 round balls and fell back to the floor of the hemisphere hall, and began to maintain low temperature to seal them in his body.

Ren Zhong, who was watching the situation here the whole time, was cooperating with Qian Wangshen to conduct equipment maintenance while looking at the direction of the information flow shielding master Song Rui.

At this time, Song Rui activated the shield again, covering everyone except Ma Xiaoling.

Noel Sandro stepped on the shielding layer constructed by Song Rui and ran around, placing precise blast buffer devices one after another outside the shielding layer.

At the same time, the dome of the hemispheric hall suddenly broke away from the ground and rose upwards at an extremely fast speed, revealing the elevator shaft wall that was rapidly moving upwards.

This shows that the control ability mastered by Elder Frozen has bypassed the first data protection wall that Chen Qiao deployed before his death and manually opened the elevator top cover.

From now on, a large number of defense forces around the frozen elders will come down through the elevator shaft to Ren Zhong and others.

Although the strongest liquid metal faceless men and their troops have been destroyed, the strongest super ninth-order ruin beasts have died in the hands of Ren Zhong and Yu Chengde, and the weirdest black ball is controlled by Bai Feng, but even if only the most powerful ones are left,

Dropping some miscellaneous soldiers will also bring a huge threat to everyone.

The protective power around Elder Frozen is indeed very strong, but at least 80% of the weight is on the outside of the white ball.

Absolutely invisible, the membrane force field and the four invincible liquid metal faceless men form an absolute defensive force.

After this layer of absolute defensive power is broken, what is inside the white ball is only some mechanisms that work according to changes, and a basic defense force composed of a small number of combat units. Although it cannot be said that everything is smooth, but as long as you find the right method and keep using your feet, it will be possible.

You can always get there step by step.

After all, in the past countless years, the white ball has never been attacked inside. No, the white ball has not even been attacked at all. This is also theoretically impossible.

Originally, there were actually quite a few super-level professionals hidden in this white ball.

But unfortunately, just three days ago, when Ying Hao declared war on the Mengdu Group, the highest emergency response key conditions in the automatic supervision system were triggered. The dormant capsule carrying the super-level professionals broke away from the white ball on its own and flew to the source.

Star, and stationed in the space city-Shangyuanjing City, so as to respond at any time and forcefully suppress the out-of-control war at the right time.

Now, even if the alarm is triggered because of the heavy responsibility, and the dormant cabins of those super-level professionals rush back, they are simply beyond their reach.

The old popsicles have been sitting back and thinking for so many years that they completely ignored the possibility that their lair might be taken advantage of by conspirators. They did not modify the security procedures, which resulted in a situation where all the super-level professionals were allowed to leave the nest and the defense was empty.

Ying Hao's point of view is not wrong. The old popsicles are indeed just mediocre people and do not have any extraordinary wisdom that can be considered as a perfect solution, so they made such a fatal mistake.

Ren Zhong didn't know such crucial details, but his behavior was subtle enough to hit the right time.

Of course, if the "net" is still there, I'm afraid Ren Zhong will be firmly targeted as soon as he leaves the atmosphere.

In short, after a large number of combat forces were annihilated and restrained, the elders who were awakened from freezing by the alarm could only hurriedly take out the remaining super-level ruin beasts.

Ma Xiaoling walked ten steps to the right, faced straight ahead, and slowly tightened the gun in his hand.

She knew that in about thirty seconds, a level nine beast would break through the wall of the elevator shaft from above and then swoop down.

The explosive device arranged by Noel Sandro will not be of any help to him. Its main function is similar to the reflective armor of a mechanical tank. Through precise control of the explosion yield and blast impact direction, it can reflect himself and the ruins attackers in a timely manner.

The aftermath of the past battle was revealed at all times, and Ren Zhong and others were kept "invisible" to avoid being noticed by the beasts and interrupting the equipment repair process.

Ma Xiaoling took a deep breath and thought to himself, "Now, I am the strongest combatant here and will soon take on the most important responsibility."

"No, not just now. As long as I use the electronically controlled crystal, I will be stronger than Grandpa Yu Laozeng, on par with Xu, and stronger than Ren Zhong. I, Ma Xiaoling, am originally number one. It's just that


She took out the electronically controlled crystal from her visor, put it to her mouth, and then turned to look behind her.

Over there, Ren Zhong and others have been completely hidden under the cover of the optical cloaking device. To the naked eye, there is only a flat, mirror-like ground there.

Ma Xiaoling gritted his teeth and put the electronically controlled crystal into his mouth.

Her thoughts suddenly dispersed and completely merged into the armor.

The surface of her silver armor began to emit a dazzling silver glow, like a rising silver moon.

Ma Xiaoling knew that he was about to blossom into his final glory and die irreversibly.

But there was still lingering regret in her heart.

She suddenly activated the electromagnetic wave communication system, switched to Ren Zhong's private channel, and sent a message to Ren Zhong.

There seemed to be some interference here, making her voice appear intermittent, mixed with the rustling white noise.

"Ren Zhong, you once asked me to pretend to like you. I was very involved in the act. You thought I was acting. I myself once thought I was acting. But I understand now, I was wrong. You were still weak back then.

When I was young, I kept secretly observing you because of my father's instructions. In fact, I have liked you since then. I know that such an idea is a bit childish, a bit absurd, and even more unspeakable. You may not even believe it.

, but this is the fact. I am going to die soon, but I don’t want to die just as your comrade. In the future, no matter where you go, please remember that there was once a woman named Ma Xiaoling who was willing to die for you! I am not

You have to remember the sacrifice you gave in vain!"

Ren Zhong fell silent.

He didn't want to admit that this was the six hundred and twenty-third time he heard Ma Xiaoling's deathbed confession.

This chapter has been completed!
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