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Chapter 551 The man should travel far, and he is still young when he returns

Chapter 551 A man should travel far and come back still a young man

Although his heart began to feel sad, Ren Zhong remained calm on the face. He only lamented that it was a pity that he was not born half a million years earlier, that he was not able to follow Lord Zhenjiang in the battlefield, and that he was not able to see Zhenjiang.

The demeanor of the Marquis of Xinjiang is really a pity.

Marvel immediately hit the snake and put it on the stick, laughing loudly and said: "Brother Ren Zhong, you don't have to regret it. The Marquis often said that the future is long. There are still opportunities."

Ren Zhong responded, "That's right. I hope this day comes early."

In fact, Marvell had already completed the task ahead of schedule. He did not expect that he would test out Ren Zhong as soon as he arrived and seemed to have the intention of seeking refuge with the Marquis of Zhenjiang, and he was immediately in a good mood.

The two chatted briefly and unknowingly entered the core cabin of the voyage ship.

This is a conference hall with a very simple decoration. Next to the conference hall is Marvell's living room. Ren Zhong's eyes passed through the open door and saw the layout of the living room. It is really simple, with only an ordinary picture.

There is an alloy bed, a bedside table, a small desk, and a bookshelf with a very simple structure. There are some paper books on it, and there are no other decorations. This layout looks completely unworthy of a count from the center of the empire.

His rank reveals the life style of the Zhenjiang Hou family, which is really not like the traditional aristocracy of the empire.

Although Ren Zhong was polite to the other party for a long time, his recognition of Marquis Zhenjiang increased significantly because of this room. If Marvell knew what Ren Zhong was thinking, he would be a little proud.

As Ren Zhong guessed, the ancestors of Zhenjiang Hou himself and his direct subordinates all came from the enemy-occupied areas that are still controlled by the Ascendants. With longing for their homeland and strong unwillingness, the ancestors headed by Zhenjiang Hou himself

The wandering family has no intention of enjoying life until they realize their ambitions.

In the conference room, Marvell Louis first briefly discussed the process of the canonization ceremony with Ren Zhong, and also discussed the details of his military merit evaluation with Ren Zhong in detail.

Although after arriving at the Nanxiang Star Cluster, the Chifeng Fleet fought many big and small battles and was considered successful in suppressing the bandits. However, there were not many military exploits for suppressing the bandits. The position of Earl of Responsible Count was mainly achieved through the fourth rank.

The queen's megablasts.

The "god-level demon" that Ren Zhong killed while on the Source Star seemed to have done a lot of credit. However, because he could not obtain conclusive evidence and the incident also occurred in the Tracer Colony area, his weight was lowered.

Not as important as megablast cells.

According to Marvell Louis, as time went by, the role of the megablast cells originally provided to the empire not only did not decrease, but actually became greater and greater.

In the past hundred years, the Royal Academy of Sciences has figured out many of the recent biotechnological achievements of the Ascended by relying on in-depth analysis of megablast cells. Now the empire is quietly making preparations, and its huge productivity is secretly operating at full speed.

Transform the results at a fast speed, and use these results to create a large number of targeted equipment. Although the Machinery Empire is relatively weak among the four countries, it is only relative, and it has some ability to fight back.

There is no doubt that the empire is planning a war that will change the situation.

The Marquis of Zhenjiang was not clearly notified, and the matter is still in the confidential stage. This is a conclusion reached by Marvell Louis based on his observation of the flow of resources within the empire. Therefore, Marvell telling Ren Zhong this is not considered a leak.

After listening to Marvel's analysis, Ren Zhong appropriately showed an excited and bellicose attitude, and said categorically: "According to imperial military regulations, if there really is a war, the Nanxiang Star Group fleet will also be incorporated into the group army under the command of Zhenjiang Marquis.

When the time comes, please ask Brother Marvel to apply to the Marquis for me. I don’t want to be trapped under Liu An and have to guard against him stabbing me in the back. Why not transfer my Chifeng Army to the headquarters directly under the Marquis?

Be a pioneer."

Ren Zhong's statement seems a bit mindless.

Marvel also felt a little strange.

The conflict between your Uncle Chifeng and Uncle Nanxiang is well known to the world, and this is true.

But this is actually the first time you and I have met, so why do you trust us so much? Aren't you afraid that we will be more deceived by then? With your wisdom and experience, shouldn't you be a little wary of us?

You, Uncle Chifeng, don't look like such a simple person.

Is it because I performed so well today that people really felt like old friends at first sight?

Thinking of this, Marvell blushed a little, feeling that Ren Zhong was so frank, but he was too frivolous.

"Then I will first thank Brother Ren Zhong for your trust on behalf of the Marquis."

Ren Zhong hummed, but immediately said: "Considering that I have a good chance of fighting alongside the Marquis in the future, Brother Marvel, can you take me to visit this long-distance ship first, so that I can get used to the high-level imperial ship in advance?

performance and features?”

"Is this your real purpose, brother Ren Zhong?" Marvell Louis suddenly smiled with relief, looked directly at Ren Zhong, and asked very straightforwardly.

Ren Zhong did not hide it, and said frankly: "You have seen through it. But if a large-scale war really breaks out again, it will definitely be much better to directly take orders from Lord Marquis than to be manipulated by Liu An. Although I really don't know Lord Marquis, I at least

Understand Liu An. Liu An is already the worst choice, so why not try a new possibility. At least it won't be worse than Liu An, right?"

Marvell Louis was silent for a few seconds, and then said with a smile: "You have seen clearly, and the Marquis will prove to you with facts that this will definitely be the right choice. Let's go, I will take you to the inspection room, there is

You have not yet been canonized for the complete design drawing of this long-distance voyage ship. With my authority, I can only show you so much for the time being."

"Thank you."

Another seven or eight hours passed, and Marvel was told by the Stargate Hub that the energy storage preparations before the voyage had been completed, and he was ready to set off at any time.

Ren Zhong finally reluctantly turned off the projection in front of him and was sent back to the dock by Marvel.

Next, Ren Zhong will return to his smart warship, then follow the guidance of Marvel's voyage ship, enter the star gate, and head to the core area of ​​the Far Frontier Star Region.

As Ren Zhong guessed, both the Marquis of Zhenjiang and the Far Frontier Starfield Branch of the Royal Academy of Sciences were very interested in his folding battleship.

Even if he has a heavy responsibility, he is not proud of himself and is willing to give the battleship to others for research.

Anyway, the Royal Academy of Sciences was able to deduct the genetic combination of the space sandworm through the giant germ cells of the fourth-class mother queen, and initially obtained the jumping technology. The reason why the Royal Academy of Sciences failed to apply the jumping technology to the battleship like him was,

In order to form a reliable combat force, the problem probably lies in the inability to accurately and quickly calculate the cosmic coordinate system. Their short-distance jumps are always a matter of luck.

Here at Ren Zhong, he relies on his ability to predict subtle changes in the coordinate system of the universe, which comes from the lowest level of the quantum entanglement laws of brain thinking. It cannot be copied and cannot be learned by others, so he can study it openly and without fear.

Of course, Ren Zhong knew that there must be a biomedical institution waiting for him in the Far Frontier Star Territory, and he would study him thoroughly like a guinea pig.

But so what?

He is still fearless.

Anyway, he already knew that he could survive safely.

After receiving the information from Marvel that the war was imminent, he saw a more accurate picture in his premonition.

In short, it is the empire that needs his abilities now, not his sample.

Besides, with the technology mastered by the Machinery Empire, if you want to study him thoroughly, you don't need to take his life.

"Brother Ren Zhong, I really regret meeting you late."

Before leaving, Marvel said with emotion.

Ren Zhongye said: "Me too. Frankly speaking, Liu An had a great impact on me. I once thought that the high-ranking nobles in the empire were all that virtuous. Now it seems that I am the frog in the well."

Marvel shrugged, "There is an old saying in the Empire that there are hundreds of people in the world who come in all shapes and sizes. You are still young, have not experienced enough, and have not seen enough, so you will slowly get used to it. Oh, by the way, there is something in my mind that I don't know.

Say it right or wrong."


Marvel's expression was calm and seemed a little serious, "I would like to suggest that you dissolve your marriage to your two wives."

Ren Zhong frowned, "Why? Is it because they are stateless colonists? I remember that even nobles can form a marital relationship with stateless people as long as they are willing, right?"

Marvell hummed, "Indeed, you can. But that basically only happens to low-level nobles of viscount and below. You are a count after all. Even if you look at the entire empire, your situation is rare."

Ren Zhong asked, "What's the problem with this? Will it affect my title advancement?"

"That's not the case. It seems that you are a little reluctant to let go of Brother Ren Zhong?" Marvel became more and more confused as he talked.

Ren Zhong nodded without hesitation, "I can't say I'm reluctant, but in my opinion, marriage is probably one of the most sacred contractual relationships. They never left me when I was poor and weak. During my growth, they

They have helped me so much. Now that they have done nothing sorry for me, how can they get divorced out of nowhere?"

Ren Zhong continued to look at Marvel with doubtful eyes.

Now Marvell Louis was a little puzzled.

He knew that Ren Zhong still had no descendants so far.

In his opinion, Ren Zhong clearly did this deliberately and it was a utilitarian calculation.

Ren Zhong did not leave any offspring with the two lower-class colonial wives, in order to gain a springboard through marriage when the time was right in the future.

This is only reasonable.

In the Machinery Empire, although a marriage relationship is not the most reliable alliance, it is still very meaningful and is very popular among high-ranking nobles.

Marvel has waited until now to test, also to complete his second mission on this trip.

Unexpectedly, when he asked, he realized that things were not as expected.

So Marvel felt a little embarrassed and even had to scratch his head to cover it up.

Immediately he asked tentatively: "What about demoting Ju Qingmeng and Ma Xiaoling from legal wives to concubines?"

Ren Zhong shook his head decisively again, "No, I'm not that kind of person."

"Uh...this..." Marvel was completely embarrassed.

At this moment, Marvell's watch communicated directly with his brain waves, and an electronic synthesized sound sounded.

"There is no need to talk to him about this matter anymore. Your first task this time is to study Ren Zhong's character through face-to-face communication, which has been basically completed. I think that him being so affectionate and righteous is more in line with my expectations. Maybe there is no need to implement it at all.

This plan will achieve the goal. Everything will continue as usual."

"Okay." Marvel replied in his heart, then subconsciously turned his head to look at the crew cabin of the voyage ship, then quickly looked away, and then smiled at Ren Zhong: "It seems that I was abrupt, sorry. This

It’s really not something I should ask about.”

Ren Zhong said indifferently: "It's okay, these are insignificant details. Besides, even on the same planet, people in different regions will form different living habits and cognitions. You and I have different opinions on these things.

It is completely normal to have different opinions. Instead, I would like to thank you, Brother Marvel, for your understanding."

"Haha, that's right. Please."

"Okay, see you later." After saying hello again, Ren Zhong jumped on the single-person spaceship, watched Marvel leave the closed cabin of the docking station, waited until the outside was almost vacuumed, and then drove the spaceship back to his battleship.


"Things are not good." Ren Zhong muttered to himself subconsciously while inputting the navigation parameters provided by the pilot of Marvel's voyage ship into his own battleship.

He used to act a bit silly in front of others, but when he was really alone, he felt a little headache.

He suspected that Marquis Zhenjiang planned to marry his daughter or his great-granddaughter.

This is a bit bloody.

Although he knew that the Machinery Empire was very large and it was normal to encounter any strange humanistic environment, he himself had no intention of changing his outlook on life to adapt to others.

Then in the future he might not have conflicts with some big shots because of this matter.

Ren Zhong thought about it for a long time, but couldn't think of a solution for a while, so he simply threw it behind him and began to seize the time to sort out the large amount of ship knowledge he had gained in the voyage ship.

Three hours later, in a strong flash of white light, the intelligent battleship Ren Zhong disappeared deep into the star gate.

Five minutes before the smart battleship disappeared, Ren Zhong sent out the technical report in time.

He hadn't used cryo-sleep for a long time, but the moment he entered the ultra-long-distance star gate, his physical sensation was somewhat similar to when he used cryo-sleep.

The person was still lying on the driver's seat. One second he was still thinking clearly, but the next second he suddenly felt his body drifting and lost consciousness. Then he seemed to have entered a hazy state, and colorful thoughts appeared in his brain.


The time he was immersed in the hallucination was not long, and it seemed that it lasted less than five minutes. But when he woke up again, Ren Zhong immediately looked at the standard and spacecraft coordinate systems.

In terms of time, three months have passed.

In terms of distance, it actually spanned more than 500 light years, and officially arrived at the hub area of ​​the Far Frontier Star Territory - the Zhenjiang Star Cluster.

Ren Zhong subconsciously turned back to look at the direction of the Nanxiang star cluster, feeling a mixture of emotions in his heart.

Three months of absolute time, five minutes of somatosensory time, spanned more than 500 light years. How incredible.

It was his first exposure to technology that was completely beyond his scientific imagination established in the twenty-first century.

This sense of far distance actually gave him a vague illusion that he could never go back, and he felt an indescribable feeling of loneliness.

Of course, Ren Zhong knew very well that this was just an "illusion."

He took a deep breath and said it silently in his heart.

It doesn't matter, a man should travel far away and come back still young.

It's just a long trip, no need to make a fuss.

Next, the voyage ship and the smart warship continued to sail forward. Within two days, they entered the warp subspace channel again, and will arrive at the main administrative star of the Far Frontier Star Region in ten days, which is also the origin planet of Zhenjiang Hou—


This chapter has been completed!
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