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Chapter 567 Yang Misi - The Last Academic Master

Chapter 567 Yang Misi—The Last Academic Master

On this day, Ren Zhong rarely stopped what he was doing and appeared at the dock of the large space station of the Far Xian Branch.

It has been two years and three months since he said goodbye to Qiqi.

Originally, Ren Zhong had completed his "study" at Yuanjiang Branch a week ago, and he was satisfied and planned to leave.

Ren Zhong had told Qiqi before that his study period at Yuanjiang Branch could be as fast as two years or as slow as three or four years.

It now takes him two and a half years to complete all his studies, which is exactly within the time frame he gave.

But when he was going to the office of the dean of the Yuanjiang Branch to say goodbye, he was stopped by another unexpected news.

The dean told him that there was a master-level figure in basic theoretical research who shared his ambition and was crossing the star gate and heading straight to Wangjiang Star. He planned to have an interview with him and have some academic discussions.

The academic guru will arrive within a week.

The dean implored Ren Zhong to stay an extra week no matter what.

After hearing this, Ren Zhong knew very well what the dean had planned.

But he didn't expose the other party. Instead, he followed the advice and stayed with him.

It’s not that he was out of worldliness, thinking that others came all the way to him, so it would be rude to leave without saying hello. At this stage of heavy responsibility, as the Count of the Chosen One, the leader of a new civilization, some unnecessary

Humanity and sophistication have no value anymore and there is no need to follow them deliberately.

He read the personal profile of this visitor to the Empire Center named Yang Misi, and his interest was really aroused. He wanted to meet this person for a while to see if he could let the Yuanjiang Branch steal the chicken but lose the rice. Let's do something.

Stealing in reverse.

The information states that Yang Misi’s specific position at the Royal Academy of Sciences is high energy physicist.

Miraculously, this was the first time that Ren Zhong saw a familiar job name within the scientific research system of a huge country like the Machinery Empire. It felt quite unique.

Yang Misi became famous millions of years ago, even earlier than the Marquis of Zhenjiang.

In the early days, he specialized in the field of dark matter. Although this path failed, he gradually improved and innovated a large number of ship technologies for the Mechanical Empire, slowly extracting dark matter particles dispersed in the vacuum of the universe to replenish energy, and provide ships with energy to survive.

This creates the possibility of ultra-long-distance navigation in a true cosmic vacuum without crossing subspace passages or star gates.

Later, Yang Misi seemed to be tired of dealing with various practical instruments, and also tired of using only exhaustive methods to continuously test the adsorption properties and energy conversion rates of different materials to dark matter.

Yang Misi was fed up with the days when he didn't even understand what that stuff was and could only act like a grassroots worker without thinking. He began to covet the nature of dark matter, trying to figure out what it is, why it exists, and how it works.

Does it exist in a specific form? What is its density? What is its distribution pattern in the universe? Is it evenly distributed or has regional concentration changes? If so, how does it flow? Where does its energy come from? How is it released to the outside world?


Subsequently, he resolutely devoted himself to basic theoretical research, regardless of the opposition of the senior officials of the Royal Academy of Sciences.

In the midst of one unsolvable puzzle after another, Yang Misi jumped out of the limitations of the field of dark matter and began to dabble in more and more imaginary basic theoretical fields.

He tried to deeply combine physics and life sciences to study the quantum laws in the human brain. He also tried to integrate gravity, weak electricity and strong force, trying to summarize all the laws with a perfect mathematical formula.

Unfortunately, this road has been proven to be unworkable. With human imagination and the ability to pursue the beauty of the universe, it is impossible to imagine what this formula should look like. Even the qualitative setting of probabilities for variables and constants is impossible.

Do it.

In the end, like the other three races, the Machine Empire placed all its hopes on quasar calculations.

Yang Misi's end was not very good. He hit his head badly. After wasting a lot of resources, he gained nothing. The Royal Academy of Sciences once trusted him because of his achievements in the field of dark matter. This trust was slowly consumed.


The Royal Academy of Sciences began to interfere in his work, cut his budget, and sent professional psychological counselors to try to persuade him to change his mind.

It's a pity that this man is also stubborn, very accepting of death, and has made up his mind that he can't pull back ten cows. It may be that he has formed an unshakable inherent obsession in the successive setbacks, which has made him trapped in a corner and unable to get out.

If this was just an ordinary talent, the Royal Academy of Sciences would probably have tied him up and forcibly thrown him into a freezer because of the huge amount of resources he wasted.

It's a pity that Yang Misi has indeed made great achievements, enjoys a high reputation in the imperial scientific community, and has many talents all over the world. He represents an academic mountain and is not easy to use force.

In addition, we cannot use strong interference and hard brainwashing thinking transformation on such scientific researchers, otherwise this person will be useless.

Fortunately, the Royal Academy of Sciences finally dug out the methods for dealing with such people from the database.

They first used the Imperial Supernet to provide computing power, and then targetedly controlled the information content that Yang Misi received every day, and even fine-tuned the language, tone and demeanor of the people around him when talking to him by distributing tasks.

This is a soft penetration brainwashing method that takes effect slowly and has minimal impact on people's thinking ability. It does not affect creativity and only subtly changes people's cognition at certain levels.

In the end, Yang Misi, who had a candid personality, finally came to his senses. He believed that the basic scientific level of the empire at that time could not support his great ideals, so he offered to undergo long-term freezing with a long span, saying goodbye to the era he lived in.

Enter the Royal Academy of Sciences talent reserve centralized freezer and wait a long time to give yourself the answer.

In the blink of an eye, millions of years passed before he was finally removed because of his heavy responsibilities.

At a certain stargate transfer station along the way, Yang Misi woke up completely, and then comprehensively searched the empire's current technological progress in a very short period of time. He became furious and even pointed at the noses of the senior officials of the Royal Academy of Sciences and cursed.

He scolded everyone, but he still stood still after millions of years.

He also accused the senior officials of the Academy of Sciences who had promised him that he would see a new era for him, and lied to him.

He even scolded the current senior officials of the Royal Academy of Sciences, wanting to wake him up for no reason, and even asked him to travel thousands of light years just to meet a junior whose reputation was unknown.

Until I saw the personal information of this junior Ren Zhong, and saw Ren Zhong's words "The exhaustive method is the least technical thing in science, but the Royal Academy of Sciences seems to be obsessed with it." After listening to Ren Zhong's scientific ideas,

, Yang Misi felt a little more at ease.

"At least this person coincides with me in some aspects. Maybe he can inherit my mantle? Explore the essence. Well said, science should be like this."

With this in mind, Yang Misi began to look forward to meeting Ren Zhong.

At this time, the idea of ​​responsibility is similar.

Of course, he didn't want to recruit a student to pass on the mantle like Yang Misi did. He just felt that with Yang Misi's temperament and talent, he would definitely be able to live like a fish in water at Chifeng Academy of Science or even Yuanxing Academy of Science. It would be a win-win situation.

Two people who were strangers to each other actually started to look forward to each other because of the Royal Academy of Sciences' appointment.

In such subtle mutual anticipation, Ren Zhong finally saw the wonderful spaceship shaped like a leaf.

The leaf was very wide, about three hundred meters long. When it fell vertically from the sky, Ren Zhong didn't realize how thin it was and thought it was just like an ordinary ship.

It wasn't until the thing hovered in front of him and he looked straight ahead and saw only a thin line that he realized something was wrong.

Why is this spaceship so thin, like a piece of paper? How can people stay in it?

Just when he was doubtful, a square hatch opened at the bottom of the spacecraft, and a middle-aged man in casual clothes jumped out and walked quickly towards Ren Zhong.

This person is none other than Yang Misi.

Ren Zhong and Yang Misi had both seen each other's information, and they recognized each other at a glance and immediately looked at each other and smiled.

Ren Zhong took the lead and walked forward quickly, looking very enthusiastic.

Ren Zhong said: "Hello, Mr. Yang, hello, I have long admired your name."

His eyes, however, kept drifting upward calmly.

He was seizing this opportunity to secretly observe the surface structure of the magical leaf spacecraft above him, trying to discern clues.

Yang Misi is also looking at the heavy tasks.

He had read the information before and knew that this person had low qualifications but had high achievements. However, when they actually met, Ren Zhong's young appearance still shocked him.

Not only that, even though Ren Zhong was wearing loose casual clothes, his body outline and walking posture revealed his capable military temperament. Even ordinary walking revealed the explosive energy contained in his body.

"Uncle Chi Feng is indeed a master of martial arts. He looks like a dragon among men at first glance. He is a bit interesting and different from ordinary scientific workers."

Yang Misi cupped his hands.

Ren Zhong was stunned by the other party's words "double martial arts", and he thought about it for a while before he understood the meaning, "Mr. Yang, you're welcome, please."


The two walked out side by side for a while, and Yang Misi suddenly said abruptly: "Uncle Chifeng, were you observing the leaf-shaped ship just now?"

Ren Zhongxin thought about how you could expose your shortcomings in person. You don't understand the ways of the world better than me, so he could only reply dully: "Yes."

"This is just an ordinary subspace ship." Yang Misi shook his head in surprise at first, and then seemed to suddenly remember something, "Oh, by the way. Subspace compression technology is a proprietary technology of the central core and has not spread to remote star areas.

Come on. With your previous authority, it is normal that you have no way of knowing. Then this thing is indeed a rare item for you. No wonder you are curious."

Listening to the other party say such words in a very normal tone, but as if he was laughing at himself for being a country bumpkin who has never seen the world, Ren Zhong thought in his heart.

No wonder this gentleman, with his great talent, ended up in the desolate situation of being brainwashed by the side and then frozen for millions of years. Your words can really offend people.


"I'm sorry for making you laugh." Ren Zhong, whose shortcomings were exposed, had no choice but to hand over his hands to express his shame, and then immediately asked: "But as far as I know, warping into subspace is a kind of thing that naturally exists in the universe.

The strange space is attached to the three-dimensional space like a network of tree roots. Our usual subspace technology uses a complete set of equipment to find the entrance to the subspace, and uses energy to stimulate reactions when the spacecraft enters and exits to open it, and

To maintain stability, the leaf-shaped ship has packed the subspace into the cabin, and can even accommodate people and materials far higher than its three-dimensional height in such a thin form. So, who is it in the Royal Academy of Sciences headquarters?

What principles did the great scholars follow to realize it? When it enters the folding subspace, what is the spatial structure like when the two subspaces fold?"

This is Ren Zhong's habit. Whenever he encounters anything, he wants to get to the bottom of it and get to the bottom of it.

In the past, his habit was very dangerous, but now, as the Sequence Chosen One, he has the right to explore higher levels of knowledge.

As long as he is not explicitly warned when asking a question, he can ask as many questions as he likes.

Upon hearing this, Yang Misi's complexion changed drastically. She no longer looked arrogant as before, and actually turned red.

Ren Zhong frowned, then looked up at the winding and intertwined lines on the smooth surface of the leaf-shaped ship above, which looked like ancient magic circles. He still kept asking, "Are these lines a special way of energy operation? What are they doing?

Energy moving along these lines can maintain the stability of a completely isolated subspace?"

Yang Misi shook his head, "Actually... I don't know either."

Ren Zhong: "Ah?"

"This is the work of one of my junior students. It was born about two to three hundred thousand years ago. In the research and development report he submitted, he only wrote that if he uses the dissimilar metals on the Orella planet and arranges them into such a pattern,

By pouring 1.124 volts of voltage into it, a complete subspace can be maintained with extremely low energy consumption. As for the principle, my junior students don’t know, and I don’t know either. Besides, the reason why this leaf-shaped ship has no

It can be widely popularized, but it is also because the production capacity of the heterogeneous metal of Orela Star is too low and the processing is too difficult. If there is a slight deviation, it will be completely scrapped. "

Ren Zhong was shocked, "Are you using doctrine again? Do you know it but don't know why? Is this called science?"

Yang Misi turned away fiercely, but she wanted to bury her head in the alloy floor.

It's embarrassing.

Ren Zhong regained a city.

But at this time he was not happy.

He was actually quite disappointed.

He wished he could continue to be slapped in the face by Yang Misi, so hard that the more painful the slap, the better.

The more painful Yang Misi slapped his face, the more new things this academic master could bring.

But now, Ren Zhong feels that their meeting was a bad start.

On the contrary, Yang Misi, who was slapped in the face, actually became happy. The instinctive thirst for knowledge that Ren Zhong showed to explore the fundamentals was not exactly what he had criticized in the past. He wanted to see it in his students and colleagues, but he couldn't get it.


The two of them had their own thoughts and stood side by side on the flatbed shuttle, quickly left the dock and went straight to the high-rise conference room of the Yuanjiang branch.

Over there, the dean is leading a group of senior managers to look forward to it.

The dean was also a thief. He already knew that Yang Misi was not easy to deal with. Conflicts would easily arise if the conversation was not congenial, so he simply let Ren Zhong take care of it alone, which would be considered as avoiding risks in advance.

This chapter has been completed!
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