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Chapter 625: The Mystery of Species Evolution

Chapter 625 The Mystery of Species Evolution

In order to curse these enemies, Erwei actually evolved his mouthparts independently when he was captured, in order to produce more complex syllables.

Based on its imagined concept of an enemy derived from genetic information, it tried its best to ignite the instinct of hatred in its vague consciousness, and wrote a language to curse the other party that it thought the other party might understand.

It's a pity that no one of the same kind can provide a reference for it.

The syllables emitted by its kind have no actual meaning at all. The reason for emitting those repeated syllables is that the structure of their mouthparts can only be like this, just like the cicadas in the summer night can only chirp.

The chirping of insects is instinct, not language like humans.

Hmm's kind don't have such complex emotions. They only know how to face the basic fear of death, the desire to chase mating, and the life mission of producing gel, and nothing else.

The vast majority of 331 people in the Velvet Beard have no hatred, no illusions, and no idea why they died.

For example, even if 331 Velvetbeards bite another of the same kind to death in order to compete for mating rights, there is actually no element of hatred. It is just their own instinctive tendency to subconsciously think that they must kill the other person before they can proceed to the next step in life.

Like the anti-virus software in your computer.

Software anti-virus is just instinct, and killing you has nothing to do with your life or mine.

Only um, um, um is special.

At that time, after I was the first to look up at the sky and saw the black dots appearing one after another, slowly covering up the sky, I fell into great pain because my positioning organs were impacted by chaotic information.

But unlike most of its fragile compatriots who were killed on the spot by this chaotic information, it managed to survive.

Then, it read a lot of new information from its own genetic information chain. It knew that it belonged to the sublime, and that the two-legged mammals were enemies. It also developed self-awareness, and even knew that in many years

There was once a great person born among the former compatriots. That senior gained the favor of the great Mother Queen, was promoted, promoted, and became a great general.

But that compatriot was not a conscious being born on his own initiative, but was chosen by the passing Queen Mother through luck.

Well, it's different. It has not been passively improved. It has only awakened the more complex thinking instinct of some human neurons and gained consciousness after enduring the pain of natural selection.

It is more genius than its predecessor.

No one would have thought that when the species of 331 people with velvet beards faced the disaster of extinction, the first individual who could speak and have emotions would finally be naturally born, but the first words he uttered were swear words.

How sad.

Ren Zhong and Yang Misi still don't know the meaning of the long syllables of the long syllables of feeding, but they continue to observe it with interest.

Yang Misi said: "Look, its body language is getting richer and richer. Can this synthetic species also evolve individually?"

Ren Zhong thought for a while and asked: "You said, when humans on the Origin Star moved from ancient apes to humans, was it the same for the individuals who took the first step? The first high-IQ individual took the lead to stand up and left behind

Some things are then passed on through genetic iteration and continue to accumulate and accumulate until one day the entire population undergoes a metamorphosis?”

Yang Misi was stunned, "This... this..."

Even though today's Chifeng tribe has touched upon the information depth of the third-level divine particles, Yang Misi, a great academic master, is still stumped by Ren Zhong's ancient research involving ethical issues.

Ren Zhong obviously did not intend to let Yang Misi go, and asked again: "Old Yang, do you think the instinctive trend of biological evolution should be physical enhancement or IQ enhancement?"

This is another question that Yang Misi cannot answer.

He has a heavy responsibility but has already answered his own question, "In the history of paleontology on the Origin Star, except for humans, the evolutionary routes of other organisms are very simple and direct. Evolution instinctively pursues more appropriate but stronger power, such as running faster.

, jump higher, eat leaves from higher places, or dive deeper into the water, or catch up with prey that was originally impossible to catch, and see angles that were originally invisible to avoid more survival risks.

The changes brought about by each evolutionary direction are usually immediate. Only the evolution of intelligence is different. If intelligence only increases a little bit, it will not actually change the survivability of organisms at that time in ancient times. Therefore, I think physical enhancement

That’s the core.”

Yang Misi was finally able to answer this time, "But the original human beings chose to strengthen their IQ. But it cannot be that after the birth of the first intelligent ape, the IQ immediately changed from 50 to 60 to 120, and it could not be done immediately.

You can do something that others can't do, and then get the right to mate, right? Logically speaking, the competition for mating rights among ancient apes at that time had to be the one with the biggest fist. So the first intelligent ape not only had a higher IQ, but also

Have a stronger body? That’s really good luck.”

Ren Zhong smiled, "It may be that the ancient ape really mutated and developed an IQ of 120, and then stabbed the old ape king through the belly with a piece of wood with a sharpened tip."

Yang Misi shook his head, "This is unscientific. Heredity must have continuity. Besides, what caused such an exaggerated mutation? Is there any theoretical basis?"

Ren Zhong: "There is no theoretical basis. This is all speculation. I will make another assumption. If the external environment of a species is very superior, has no natural enemies, and has never been destroyed, then give this species hundreds of millions or even billions of years.

, is it possible for an intelligent race to evolve? For example, on the Source Star, if the dinosaurs were destroyed in a generational disaster, if the dinosaurs were not destroyed by an asteroid impact, would a strange intelligent race of cold-blooded animals eventually evolve?"

Yang Mi thought for a moment, "No. As you said, the dinosaurs have ruled the Source Star for so many years, but they have always been chasing taller and stronger bodies and have not become smarter. The ancient apes only used a few

For millions of years, cities started from ordinary mammals."

"So, what force guided the ancient apes to embark on the path of intelligent evolution, and what force gave us wisdom? Is it just an accident? As we all know, anything that happens by accident also requires a prerequisite.


Yang Misi's eyes gradually brightened, "Level 4 divine particles?"

Ren Zhong shrugged, "It may also be N level, and this N is infinite. But no matter what the value of N is, we can draw the conclusion from history and current situation that this power exists objectively. It is here."

Ren Zhong pointed to his head, "Although we don't know why, we have already obtained it. Maybe it was really the original place... Ahem, the first super-intelligent ancient ape on the Source Star has gone away. Big shit.

You must have eaten some magical fruit, it’s here anyway.”

Well, hey, still looking at these two hateful guys.

They were still chatting as if no one was around, and they didn't feel anything about their own curses.

Do I have to do something different?

Ever since, um, uh, uh, uh, uh, finally changed the word.

"Devil! I curse you to never find a mate! I curse you to never be able to produce gel in your abdominal cavity!"

Ren Zhong and Yang Misi's eyes suddenly brightened.

Yang Misi shouted excitedly: "The syllables in the second half of it have changed. But the um hey um in the front has continued. Well done um hey um! Come on! You can do it! You can evolve on your own! You shouldn't be sublimated

With the tool of the hunter, you can become a new intelligent race!"

If the person who appears here is not Yang Misi, but a normal imperial scholar, what he should do at this time is to quickly take out a knife and cut the um into eight pieces, even the cells.

Fortunately, this is Yang Misi, a Frankenstein with only knowledge in his mind.

He witnessed with his own eyes the complexity of a lower life that clearly had human genetic fragments but lived like a tool.

Complexity represents civilization.

Having just been confused by Ren Zhong's questions about the origin of mankind, he felt that he was witnessing a new miracle.

Hmm's body is completely organic, which is completely different from the legion beasts on the Origin Star who rely on crystal nuclei to think anthropomorphically, and it is also different from those space creatures controlled by the Queen Mother Ship.

It originally lacked complete wisdom, but now it shows.

Later, Yang Misi shouted to the staff outside: "Don't be stunned! Increase the power of the quantum vibration sensor! You will be able to read more regular spirals!"

Responsible but silent.

The way he looked at Hmm became slightly complicated.

Before coming to the territory of the Ascended, he had already made up his mind to be a cold-blooded butcher.

So far, he has done just that.

He never bestows mercy on any individual Ascendant.

After all, the Ascendants have always treated Imperial humans this way, it's just that you did the first year of junior high school, and I will do the fifteenth again.

But he himself has no sense of belonging to the Machine Empire.

He cannot inherit the hatred of the empire's humans.

If it weren't for what happened to Zhenjiang Hou Jinshi, he wouldn't even have the slightest anger towards the sublime ones.

But he saw the efforts of Hmm.

He saw the struggle of a new intelligent life as it was about to perish.

He suddenly found that he seemed to be becoming a big filter?

But that's not right. If I don't come to the Hundred Stars, even if I give 331 Velvetbeards another 100 million years, I'm afraid this species will just be an insect under the rule of the Ascendants, just a bunch of organic molecules in chlorophyll.

This chapter has been completed!
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