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Chapter 86 Standing at the Fork in Life Again

After hearing that Lin Wang's team would temporarily leave Spark Town, Zheng Tian and others fell into a brief carnival after silently praying that Lin Wang and others would die outside quickly.

The sounds of movie fights, music, noises, chats, and clinking of glasses were heard in the small courtyard of the Second Generation of the Iron Curtain for a long time, and lasted until twelve o'clock at night.

No one was worried about disturbing the people.

Because this is a slum area, the homeless people moved to the centralized sleeping cabin on their own like moving ants as early as 9:30.

The deserted man doesn't even have the right to choose where to sleep tonight.

Even if someone stayed at home for some special reason, or if the neighbors were noisy before nine o'clock, no one would dare to knock on the door.

It takes a lot of courage to challenge a rising semi-professional scavenger team with second-level professionals.

Apparently no one in the ghetto has one.

So even if you feel unhappy, you have to endure it.

Chen Hanyu was accustomed to speaking softly and went to bed early at nine o'clock.

But Ou Youning, Zheng Tian and Wen Lei did not deliberately control the volume when chatting excitedly.

Especially after Wen Lei accidentally drank a little too much and became slightly tipsy, he took out his pocket watch and looked at Ai Jiashan's photo, and his voice became even louder.

Of course Wen Lei remembered Ren Zhong's initial panic.

In the world built by Ren Zhong's lies, Ai Jiashan is still alive and well.

Wen Lei was convinced.

Holding the pocket watch in hand, Wen Lei began to imagine that one day in the future, he and Ai Jiashan would meet on a street corner in a certain city, and then he accidentally smiled like an idiot, and was ridiculed by Ou Youning.

If Bai Feng hadn't used his long arms and the much stronger strength of the colonial warriors to pull the two away from each other, Ou Youning would have been beaten to the point where he was turned into a beast by the angry and roaring Wen Lei, who couldn't bear to bite him.

Ren Zhong did not participate in the crowd's laughter and quarrels. He only sipped slowly with his teacup in his hand. From time to time he glanced at the tablet computer beside him, which showed the beating stock prices.

He is memorizing the trend time points of stock prices in the last twenty-four hours.

Two days ago, he changed to a new computer with Internet access, so he no longer has to enter his watch every time he checks the stock price.

Zheng Tian, ​​who was slightly drunk, came over and put his face in front of the tablet. He seemed to put his chin in Ren Zhong's arms on the table intentionally or unintentionally, and said: "Brother Ren, you said you don't usually buy it, why are you so old?"

Do you like to read stocks? Are you doing research? You said, after you have thoroughly researched it, how about we save enough money in the future and try to buy some stocks? With your wisdom, Brother Ren, you should be able to make money, right?"

Ren Zhong shook his head and slapped Zheng Tian's head away, "This is not a field that you can get involved in. The same goes for me. I can't study it thoroughly, and no one can study it thoroughly."

"Oh. Then why do you want to watch it?"

"I am experiencing the cruelty of the world, and I am also imagining a better future."


Zheng Tian couldn't understand it at all.

Recently, Brother Ren has become more and more mysterious, and his masterly demeanor has become more and more intense.

He is worthy of being a former citizen, he is educated, but he is different.

After twelve o'clock in the morning, Ren Zhong was lying in a spacious, ventilated and airtight armed sleeping cabin, with the night light shining brightly on his face. The sound of the breeze brought by the ventilation system could be heard faintly in his ears, and the purified air gently blew past his ears.


This was obviously a very comfortable environment, but he kept his eyes wide open and found it difficult to fall asleep.

He did not turn on the hypnotic function of the watch.

When faced with important thinking, he is more accustomed to the traditional way of keeping his body awake.

Lin Wang and others left for the time being.

Should we continue to lie dormant or take the opportunity to let go?

This seems to be just a small multiple-choice question that only affects the course of action in the next few days.

But after understanding the nature of part of society, we know that it is actually a proposition.

He stood at a fork in the road of life again.

To the left or to the right?

Take a step back to see the vast sea and sky, and further expose the wilderness.

He was very conflicted inside.

If you continue to stay low-key and hibernate and control your rhythm, you will definitely live longer. Maybe you will have the opportunity to follow Lin Wang's team to get away from other things and fly far away.

Maybe he can live for a long, long time after leaving Spark Town.

Moreover, it is certain that the longer you live and the more you know, the faster the spiral will take off if unfortunately the gear is reversed again in the future.

But there is another choice for Ren Zhong, which is to work without hesitation. If you die, you will die. If you die, you will sleep. In the opening stage, you can squeeze all the time spiral potential to the extreme.

He once thought that he could be perfect this time, but now it seems that there are still many imperfections that can be made up for and many details that can be improved.

Turning back time may be a blessing to ordinary people, but to a perfectionist researcher, it is actually torture.

Because there is always more perfection than perfection.

Ren Zhong is thinking, if I just give up on the ultimate development start and leave, no matter what height I reach in the future, I will definitely have regrets in my heart.

Just like the college entrance examination, if a person is lazy at the beginning and fails to realize his or her potential, regret will accompany him throughout his life.

No matter what height I finally reach in this life, when I am born, my years are flowing, and I am gone, I will still have to think about what would have happened if I had worked harder when faced with a fork in my life.

This does not differ based on a person's social status, achievements, or wealth.

On the contrary, the more motivated and striving people in life are, the more likely they will fall into such regrets when they look back on the past in their old age.

Ren Zhong is exactly this kind of person.

His life is full of self-criticism and he extremely hates regret, even though he knows it can be made up for.

He started thinking.

If you choose to hibernate and keep your current low profile and continue to go down, the final result can only be that before the census, as Ma Dafu said, with endless regrets and a small number of desolate people who trust you, you will leave humbly and go to the place where Ma Dafu thought you had

, but in fact there is no destination.

Because at this pace, the town will definitely not be able to pass the census, nor will it be able to escape from the threat of the demon baby.

So assuming that you can live forever, and wait until many years later, when you finally return home in glory, what will you think when you face the ruins of Spark Town and the bones scattered all over the ground like the Valley of Bones?

I will definitely think about it.

If I had taken one more step, even if I had died one more time, what would have happened to Spark Town if I had passed that hurdle?

Can I fight that feeling of guilt?

Can I get over this regret?

Would I consider using my own death and one more pain in exchange for the lives of 20,000 people, and then choose to simply commit suicide?

Then I will use the power I have accumulated for half my life to bloom again in this Spark Town, to easily accomplish the once extremely difficult goal and save everyone.

Then do I really have no regrets?

Will I have no new regrets in the future?

Ren Zhong found that he could not get the answer to this question.

Because his fear of his own death has been gradually eliminated by the experience of constant resurrection.

He did not deny that the town was full of darkness and filth.

Perhaps there are many desolate people like the strong man named Huang who simply do not deserve to live.

But in this soil full of dirt, Yu Jin, the little girl who was deceived, Wen Lei, Ai Jiashan, Chen Hanyu and other people who should live were still born.

These people are a little light in the darkness.

Ren Zhong even knew that there must be more people who he had not seen yet, but still existed and deserved to be alive, struggling in their own way and lingering on.

Just because you can't see it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

When he thought about what would happen if he left, Ren Zhong's breathing gradually became faster.

How could I bear to extinguish their hope in my heart?

I don't want to do this even if it's just once.

Because I don't want to leave any cracks in my memory.

The feelings placed on the people of Xinghuo Town are not inferior to those of Mada Fu.

This is the starting point of his ideals, the nursery where he planted his first fire, and the meaning of his continuing to live on the Source Star as a human being in the 21st century.

Although he came here not long ago, he does have feelings for Spark Town, and they are very strong, and he has never restrained these feelings, but deliberately indulged them.

Because only in this way can he remember who he is, where he comes from, and what he wants to do.

Instead of being like other people, they immediately integrated into the new class after their status changed.

Is it possible that Zheng Tian and others' indulgent and noisy behavior tonight is due to the fact that they have adapted to their status as the strongest semi-professional team in Spark Town?

They become completely indifferent to other people's feelings.

The next step is to become completely indifferent to other people's lives, no matter whether they are good or bad.

this is the truth.

It was inevitable that Zheng Tian, ​​Wen Lei and others were still with him.

This world is so terrible.

Now Ren Zhong is just a mecha warrior who barely possesses level three strength. With a little bit of Lin Wang's trust, he has easily lived a luxurious life as a master.

The strength and status here are too easy to get addicted to.

These are traps of assimilation, sugar-coated bullets like Pan Fenglian's body and Lin Wang's tea leaves.

This is a temptation from all over the world, everywhere and pervasively.

Only the most determined revolutionaries can resist.

Ren Zhong, who has just made up his mind, doesn't know if he is the most determined revolutionary, but he wants to be that kind of person.

Therefore, he knew that if he did not take the initiative to grasp these feelings, then sooner or later he would sink into the pyramid of social classes and become a beast that looked like a human but was not actually a human, just like Lin Wang.

Ren Zhong doesn't want this.

Therefore, he must always remind himself that it is precisely because of his deep and indelible sympathy for the weak that revolutionaries become revolutionaries.

Ren Zhong wanted to help Huang Ren, but Huang Ren didn't help him quietly.

Their destiny is the brick wall that supports them to keep themselves awake.

At half past one in the morning, Ren Zhong quietly clenched his fists.

He had just finished calculating an account using the economic knowledge he had roughly learned in the stock market and his common sense in the 21st century.

The cost of raising a high-level professional is too high, and the level crossing in the economic pyramid is too scary.

Now he has not even started wearing level three equipment. If he wants to make further progress in equipment, the funds involved can easily reach tens of thousands.

No wonder Lin Wang and other professional team members who want to enter the fifth level have to turn into blood-sucking gluttons and lie down on the scavengers in Spark Town to suck the blood.

Because they have no choice at all!

The economic system of this world is naturally broken!

Without money, it’s hard to move forward!

Only recklessness!

All of us promised to liberate this era!

Every step forward here is a cage, so what I have to fight against is the world.

Then I can't always count on the distant future, and don't count on pure tricks, that will only kill my will.

I can't have any regrets in my life, I must grasp every step!

Immediately! Right now! I live in the moment!

Unless I really try my best and still can't break through the cage of Spark Town, I will never admit defeat!

He has made his decision.

Even though tens of thousands of people have gone there, even though they have been cut into pieces with thousands of swords, their expressions will not change.

Isn’t this what revolutionaries should be like?

If we don’t fight now, when will we wait?

Even if there is a huge risk lurking in the opportunity, he must seize this rare opportunity and try his best to push to the limit.

If you kill Bei Lihui once, you can naturally kill him a second time.

If you can kill Bei Lihui, you can naturally kill Lin Wang.

He must break through all the prisons he can see and within reach.

At a quarter past seven in the morning, everyone was having breakfast in the small courtyard.

After listening to what Ren Zhong said, Zheng Tian covered her mouth and exclaimed, "What! Are you going to the abandoned mine today? Brother Ren, are you... not kidding?"

One hundred and seventy kilometers west of Xinghuo Town, there is a huge hollowed-out molybdenum iron ore pit.

This was once one of the largest iron ore mines on the Origin Star. It was abandoned two hundred years ago, before the birth of the Valley of Bones.

The surface pit of the mine is about eight kilometers in diameter.

After the ore in the mine was hollowed out and abandoned, underground ruin beasts gradually emerged from it, and pits spread like tree roots were excavated inside, crisscrossing and forming a three-dimensional network.

There are a large number of second-level and third-level ruin beasts in the pothole network, as well as a small number of fourth-level ruin beasts.

Therefore, the Abandoned Mine is known as the second most dangerous place in Spark Town after the Valley of Bones, and only professional teams usually go hunting there.

Ren nodded, "I'm not kidding."

Zheng Tian: "But we don't need to take risks. Isn't this good now?"

Zheng Tian doesn't quite understand why Ren Zhong suddenly changed from his relatively conservative style to another extreme.

After thinking for a moment, she suddenly reacted.

Because Lin Wang and others left.

Zheng Tian lowered her voice and asked cautiously: "Brother Ren, are you planning to take this opportunity to rise up?"

Ren nodded, "A lot of Lin Wang's tolerance for us now is based on misunderstandings. Paper cannot contain fire, and lies can never be our foundation. If we continue to lie dormant, we will only live longer, damn it."

Sooner or later, we will have to die. Only by gaining strength that makes them fearful can we truly protect our safety. So, there is nothing to hesitate, just do it. This is reality, and I hope you understand."

People actually don’t understand it very well.

But Ren Zhong has spent a month establishing absolute prestige in the team.

If he says to do it, then do it.

Because Mr. Ren always has things that others can't figure out, but he thinks correctly.

This chapter has been completed!
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