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Chapter 1025: Outnumbered and Enemy

Naval officer Qianying kept leaping across the sky. She stepped on these low-flying fighter jets and kept leaping over them. The sword in her hand slashed horizontally, knocking down each fighter jet in the air.

This group of fighter pilots were completely frightened and rushed their fighter jets into the air...

The scene fell into chaos.

And just as this group of fighter jets quickly took off...

In the dark night sky, terrifying air-to-air missiles suddenly shot out!!

The missile instantly hit the enemy fighter jet!

"Boom...boom...boom!!" High in the sky, the enemy fighter jet exploded in an instant, and the flames soared into the sky!!

The air forces of the five-nation coalition completely collapsed!!

Because among the clouds at an altitude of tens of thousands of meters, suddenly...a fighter jet of the Furious Dragon Army was hidden!

The naval division deliberately attacked at low altitudes, forcing the enemy's fighter jets to take off.

And just after the enemy fighter jets took off...

At an altitude of 10,000 meters, the Nulong Group's fighter jets had long been hidden in the dark clouds.

Once the enemy fighter jets take off, they start ruthlessly harvesting!

"Boom...boom...!!" High in the sky, the fighter jets of the Five Nations Allied Forces had just climbed up, but they were harvested by the Furious Dragon Army fighter jets hiding in the clouds!

In the first part, the generals, Gai Nie, personally pilot a fighter jet, roaring high in the sky, killing and harvesting!

"Their fighter jets are hidden in the high-altitude clouds!! Disperse quickly!" The commander's angry and dignified voice came from the enemy's fighter jet cabin!

This scene caused all the enemy air forces to collapse!

There was that terrifying naval officer woman at low altitude, killing everyone and cutting up their fighter jets.

And at high altitude, there are fighter jets from the Furious Dragon Army ambushing them?

This... is simply an unsolvable situation!

At this time, high in the sky, the fighter jets of the Nulong Group continued to kill!

Since Chen Xiu forced the ten war zone groups to sign a surrender treaty a few weeks ago, Chen Xiu has grabbed a large amount of top-notch military equipment from these war zone groups, including fighter jets.

At this time, these excellent and top-notch military equipment were equipped.

The fighter jet hiding in the high-altitude clouds was one of the robbed military equipment.

I have to admit that these fighter jets have

Excellent combat performance and maneuverability, much better than the previous old fighter jets of the Furious Dragon Army.

The fighter jets before the Furious Dragon Army were all products that were eliminated more than ten years ago.

Just like the Raging Dragon Army was blocked by the entire martial arts seven years ago, it blocked the Western Region and blocked all sources of military supplies for the Raging Dragon Army.

Therefore, the military equipment of the Furious Dragon Army has not been updated.

A few days ago, I grabbed this top-notch military equipment from Daxia, which made the Raging Dragon Army even more powerful.

"Boom...boom...!!" In the air at an altitude of 10,000 meters, the fighter jets of the Furious Dragon Army Group bombed wildly, blowing the enemy's fighter jets to the point of collapse!

on the ground!

Ye Wutian stood on the roof of the command vehicle, clutching the telescope tightly, staring in disbelief at the explosion of fighter jets above his head...

Ye Wutian's eyes were ferocious and he was gnashing his teeth!!

Dragon King!! Damn Dragon King!!

He did not expect that the battle of the Raging Dragon Army was hidden in the clouds at an altitude of 10,000 meters.

This move... caught the air forces of the Five Nations Allied Forces off guard!

Fighters were blown up one after another, the scene was miserable!

At an altitude of 10,000 meters, under the leadership of Ge Nie, Furongjuyou fighter jets broke through the clouds, bombing and killing all the way.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the air threat from the five-nation coalition was eliminated.

Swooping directly towards the ground below.

"Ground bombing!" Gai Nie sat in the cabin and ordered in a condensed voice!

As the pinnacle warrior of the First Division, Genie is a top air force fighter pilot.

Under his leadership, the air force fighter jets of the Furious Dragon Army all descended and launched an attack on the enemy troops on the ground below...

"Swish, swish, swish...!!" In the high sky, fighter jets launched air-to-ground missiles one after another!

Missiles swept out one after another!

"Boom...! Boom...!!" The missiles fiercely bombarded the sea of ​​enemies on the ground, forming huge explosion scenes.

On the ground, countless enemy invaders were blown away!

This enemy

They were wailing miserably, and before they even had time to escape, they were blown up and their bodies were completely gone!!

The endless vanguard troops of the five-nation coalition... had just taken the first step in the battle, and they suffered such heavy losses!

This is simply fatal to the entire battle.

The Five-Nation Alliance has an infinite number of people, but their vanguard force suffered such heavy losses, which will cause an extremely bad morale blow to the entire coalition.

During a battle, if morale is lost, a large part of the initiative in the battle will be lost.

"Boom...boom!" From high in the sky, the Furious Dragon Army fighter jets continued to bomb, blowing up pieces of enemy soldiers on the ground one after another, leaving blood and flesh flying everywhere!!

Ye Wutian was completely furious, "Surface to air...surface to air missiles!! Shoot them for me! Where are the tank troops!! Come on!"

Ye Wutian's voice roared ferociously!!

On the ground, a large number of enemy alliances reacted this time and hurriedly set up ground forts, trying to lock onto the Furious Dragon Army fighters high in the sky and try to counterattack...

The enemy's ground tank troops also set up their bores and locked onto the high altitude...

Trying to fight back…

"Boom...boom...!!" On the ground, the land forces of the five-nation coalition began to fight back.

But their artillery fire reached the sky, but could not hit the fighter jets of the Raging Dragon Army at all.

The fighter jets of the Furious Dragon Army are like ghosts, roaring and dodging in the dark night sky!

Obviously, the combat level of the Furious Dragon Army clearly surpasses the five major coalition enemies by a whole level!

In combat, technology is very important!

The air force technology of the Furious Dragon Army instantly killed the five-nation coalition forces below.

No matter how many troops and seas the Five-Nation Alliance has, it will be useless.

The enemy's ground missiles bombed up and were unable to hit the Raging Dragon Army's fighter jets.

The air force of the Furious Dragon Army can easily avoid ground missiles. This is not a level battle at all.

It was like a group of top-notch special forces fighting with a group of new recruits on the ground.

Although the five-nation coalition has a large number of people, they have just formed an alliance and there is no unity and coordination at all. Moreover, the combat level of the soldiers is not high. They are like a mob.

As for the Raging Dragon Army, although they are not many in number, they are outnumbered.

But the Furious Dragon Army has excellent combat skills and the quality of its soldiers is extremely high!

Almost achieved the level of one against ten!

And just as the enemy's ground forces tried to launch a counterattack in the air...

Outside the Western Border Pass, dozens of kilometers away.

Another dark enemy alliance group II is moving forward rapidly.

This group is a support group for the Five-Nation Alliance, specializing in complex transportation of food, grass and military pay for the Five-Nation Alliance.

This time the five-nation coalition forces dispatched an unprecedented large-scale group of troops. The large number of troops required a large amount of food supplies and ammunition supplies.

Therefore, they need to have sufficient supplies of backup troops.

At this time, this force was one of the supply groups for the Five Powers Allied Forces.

"Hurry up! Speed ​​up the march! There is a war ahead. Let's move forward quickly and send the army's food and supplies to the front line for supplies!" At this time, a commander-in-chief of the Wolf God Kingdom was sitting in the commander's car, giving the order


This battle is a surefire one for them.

The five-nation alliance joined forces, and several vehicles surpassed the Raging Dragon Army by ten times!

Each of the five countries sent two super-large groups!

In total, ten groups came out in full force!

This scale is unprecedented!

A battle on a scale of nearly tens of millions.

Their numbers overwhelmed the Raging Dragon Army ten times!

In this battle, the Raging Dragon Army will definitely be destroyed! There will be no surprises!

All the enemies who were escorting the grain and fodder were in a good mood. They were all planning to take a vacation as soon as possible after the dragon-slaying battle. They could take the bonus from this victory and go somewhere to have fun.

And just a hundred meters away from the grain and grass escort troops, on top of a cliff.

In the endless darkness, on the top of the cliffs on both sides, there was a large group of soldiers of the Raging Dragon Army!

The black soldiers of the Raging Dragon Army were entrenched on both sides of the cliff. Each soldier was wearing a concealed night uniform, hiding in the weeds of the cliff, waiting for the enemy's food troops to approach.

In front of the sea of ​​angry dragon soldiers, Chen Xiu was wearing a night uniform and squatting in front, his eyes cold.

This chapter has been completed!
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