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Chapter 890 Internal fighting!

The next time I checked, on the battlefield filled with yellow sand, countless soldiers from the Wolf God's Cavalry Battalion completely collapsed!

Their supreme god, the five-star war god, was beheaded.

Morale collapsed and military morale collapsed completely!

Countless soldiers of the cavalry battalion were in chaos. Although they still tried to fight and break open the city gate, they had lost their fighting power. .??.

Ye Wutian stood in the sea of ​​people, his pupils shrank violently?! With shock and disbelief?!

One of the most powerful five-star war gods in their Wolf God Kingdom, Gandhi War God, known as the Polar Wolf God, was actually just...dismembered??

"Soldiers!! Pull out your swords and avenge Gandhi the God of War...!!" Ye Wutian roared at the countless people around him!

The remaining hundreds of thousands of Wolf God's cavalry warriors, led by Ye Wutian, drew their swords one after another. Their eyes were blood red, and they wanted to avenge Gandhi the God of War!

Chen Xiu was fearless, holding a long sword and killing again!

"Puff puff...!!" The bodies of countless enemies around were cut open, and blood flew everywhere!!

At this moment, the bluetooth headset Chen Xiu put on his ears suddenly heard a report from his subordinates, "Dragon King! The decoy signal agent has been debugged! It can be released at any time!"

Chen Xiu's eyes narrowed and he said coldly, "Put it in immediately."

Following Chen Xiu's order, countless officers and soldiers of the Furious Dragon Army suddenly set up a spraying equipment on the city wall on the No. 1 Border Defense City.

Then the next second, an angry dragon soldier ordered, "Spray signal bait!"

I saw the spraying equipment on top of the city turned on instantly, and countless transparent water mist liquids sprayed out!

The water mist liquid enveloped countless enemy soldiers below!

The bodies of the cavalry battalion soldiers were all sprinkled with this transparent liquid.

The enemies of the Wolf God Cavalry Battalion thought it was a poisonous liquid? They retreated crazily.

But when the liquid touched their bodies and skin, no corrosion or poisoning was found?

Strange, this transparent mist liquid is


A group of enemies on the Wolf God's cavalry are suspicious?

However, the next second, the group of Wutian Legion enemies around them had blood-red eyes, and they rushed towards the group of Iron Cavalry Battalion enemies frantically!!

This group of Wutian Legion enemies were all injected with a special rabies virus. They were like animals, biting everyone they saw!

Originally, the Iron Cavalry Battalion was not the target of this group of rabies patients. Because the soldiers of the Iron Cavalry Battalion were all wearing thick armor, which cut off the human atmosphere, the rabid warriors of the Wutian Legion did not list them as targets.

At this time, the transparent water mist sprayed down from the sky above the border city was sprinkled on the soldiers of the cavalry battalion, which contained a strong signal aura.

This water contains the scent of human blood.

The soldiers of the Raging Dragon Army added a small amount of human blood to the water mist in advance.

This human blood made the rabid Wutian Army enemies crazy!

In an instant, countless dark enemies of the Wutian Legion roared like wild beasts and rushed towards the enemies of the Wolf God's Iron Cavalry Camp!

In an instant, the two enemy armies were fighting among themselves!

The rabid enemy bandits of the Wutian Legion killed the enemy bandits of the Wolf God Cavalry Battalion on the spot. Under instinctive reaction... there was only endless fighting!!

"Puff... Puff... Puff...!!" The armor of a famous wolf god cavalry warrior was taken off, and his neck was bitten and broken!

"Uh ah...!! Uh ah...!!" There were constant howls on the entire yellow sand battlefield!

There were also countless mad dog warriors from the Wutian Legion whose bodies were pierced by spears...

People from both sides fought wildly!!

This is the reason why Chen Xiu asked the soldiers of the Furious Dragon Army to leave.

He rushed down outside the city alone and killed the enemy bandits to delay the attack.

By the way, he killed one of the enemy's leaders.

To delay time, let your men prepare water mist with human blood, and then spray it out!

Since all the enemies of the Wutian Legion are infected with the rabies virus, we can simply take advantage of this and make the enemies of the Wolf God Cavalry Battalion the targets of rabies.

Bloody water mist sprayed on the Wolf God Cavalry Battalion, and they instantly became the target prey of rabies patients.

The enemies of the Wutian Legion rushed forward and fought fiercely!!

They have lost normal human consciousness, their brains are controlled by the rabies virus, and they instinctively rush to bite!!

The enemy armies from both sides are killing each other! This scene is too cruel and shocking!

The endless enemy cavalry battalions were completely killed and collapsed!

Originally, their leader was dismembered and beheaded, which already caused their morale to collapse...

At this time, they were attacked by this group of rabid warriors from the Wutian Legion. Under the double blow, they were completely defeated!

Ye Wutian stood in the sea of ​​people, his eyes stunned and stunned, staring at this scene in disbelief?!

How can this be?!!

He carefully planned the encirclement and suppression campaign, but in the end... there was an internal fight?!

"Stop! Damn stop it...!! Your enemies are those Raging Dragon Army...!!" Ye Wutian was furious and crazy, and he yelled crazily at the men of Wutian Army!!

But this group of Wutian Legion's subordinates all turned into mad dogs at this time!! They were all injected with rabies virus and did not obey the commander's orders at all.

No matter how Ye Wutian ordered and roared, he could not make them obey his orders.

There were even countless enemies from the Wutian Army, rushing towards Ye Wutian crazily, trying to bite Ye Wutian!

"Puff, puff, puff!" Ye Wutian swung his sword ferociously, flying away the group of enemies from the Wutian Army who rushed up!

There was anger and despair in his eyes!

Today this

A battle that took a lot of human resources to prepare was lost like this?!

He is not willing to give in!!

The group of biological scientists clearly said that this rabies virus can be controlled artificially, and the soldiers can still obey the commander's orders.

But at this time, these rabies virus warriors did not listen to the instructions at all.

Instead, he went to kill Ye Wutian!

"Puff puff!" Ye Wutian slashed wildly with the long sword in his hand, fighting a bloody path through the crowd.

At this moment, he was completely broken and desperate!

He lost two battles in a row, causing him heavy losses!!

This battle almost made him bankrupt!

His Wutian Army has hundreds of thousands of troops! All of them were injected with rabies virus just for the sake of winning the war.

But at this time, the rabies virus got out of control and the war failed!

The two armies of the Wolf God Kingdom even started fighting among themselves like crazy!

This made Ye Wutian completely collapsed and despaired!

In despair and rage, Ye Wutian brandished his sword and retreated away from the sea of ​​people...

The battle is lost. According to the rules of the Wolf God Kingdom, as a leader, he should commit suicide by committing seppuku and die as an apology!

But Ye Wutian didn't do this.

It is impossible for him to commit suicide.

He kept retreating, fighting towards the outside of the sea of ​​people...

And at this time.

The enemy cavalry battalion also retreated in fear and tried to escape!

The enemies of the Wutian Legion have gone completely crazy, and the rabies virus has made them bite like crazy.

But the enemies of the Wutian Legion were all crazy. Driven by the rabies virus, their eyes were blood red, and they were madly chasing the enemies of the Wolf God's Cavalry Camp!!

All they want is to bite and kill their prey!

Chen Xiu's eyes were cold and he kept scanning the crowd, looking for Ye Wutian's whereabouts.

This chapter has been completed!
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