Xuanyuan rode a dragon to heaven and never came back.
Zhuanxu and his father Changyi sat in a palace to discuss. Zhuanxu said: "My grandfather is about to die. It is a good thing to build a tripod to summon a real dragon to ascend to the sky. Father, please put away your sorrow.
Try your best to maintain the affairs of Xuanyuan City, appease the people, and stabilize the country."
Chang Yi was very disappointed. He looked at his child, the eldest son who made him proud. He wanted to say something but nothing came out. Those bitter words were stuck in his throat and he swallowed them down.
Zhuanxu was much better than himself. When he became an adult, he was able to preach and discuss Dharma with his grandfather Xuanyuan. In the praise and affirmation of Xuanyuan's people, they all believed that Zhuanxu would take over his grandfather's responsibilities and become the new master of the central palace. Xuanyuan
The new owner of the city.
Just like now, sitting together in the palace, Zhuanxu looks young and powerful, but he is old because of insufficient cultivation. He looks more like a pair of grandparents and grandchildren than a father and son.
"I don't have the ability to comfort the people and bring peace to the country. People in the world will not obey me." Chang Yi said.
After the Yellow Emperor ascended to heaven on a dragon, Chang Yi contacted a person he had not contacted for hundreds of years. He believed that person could maintain the order of the world after Xuanyuan left, but I am afraid that he would not need to contact him because the person would know that it was his turn to stand.
Unlike Chang Yi, Xuan Xiao had his own country and people early on. Xuan Xiao was his name, but more people respectfully called him "Jin Tianshi".
China is vast and the road is far away. The two brothers have never seen each other again since they left Xuanyuan City from Xuanxiao.
The existence of Jin Tianshi was also the reason why Chang Yi felt sad when he heard Xuanyuan people often talking about Zhuan Xu in addition to being proud.
Chang Yi understood his brother. As long as he was alive, Zhuan Xu would not be the real master of Xuanyuan City.
He shook his head and looked at his son, "The divine bird that bathes in the sun and moon in the east should spread its wings and cover the whole world. The world will not obey me, but they will worship him."
Zhuanxu was knowledgeable and knew that there was a very powerful country standing in the east. "Does father mean that uncle will return and succeed grandpa as the leader of the world?"
"It's not that easy. When your grandfather is gone, all the spirits in the world will be restless, because there will no longer be an emperor who can overlook them like Shennong Xuanyuan. The news about taking away your grandfather's real dragon has not been spread yet.
If word spreads, it will add another piece of firewood to this turbulent spark."
"The Mighty Light Bichen Dragon Lord, let's call that true dragon for the time being, is the only noble monarch in the world who can be on the same level as the emperor. His figure has often wandered around in the past thousand years of history, and is even closely related to the Yinglong in the sky. He continues
The purpose of leaving your grandfather is not to go to heaven to enjoy happiness and become an immortal as the world says. There is an unspeakable conspiracy and secret in heaven, and they are going to liquidate and kill people."
"All the spirits in the world can't help but become restless when they know about Huang Di's departure. If they learn about Long Lord's departure again, I'm afraid they will raise their troops to attack tomorrow."
After hearing his father's words, Zhuan Xu was still puzzled, "Aren't they afraid that this is just a move to lure them out?"
"Even if you are afraid, you still have to fight. Ever since your grandfather ascended to heaven, you should have felt that there is a vacancy between heaven and earth. This has never happened before the Battle of Zhuolu. It's like being sent by heaven.
The ancient gods came to help us defeat Jiuli, and at the same time consolidated the rules of the world. The Yellow Emperor is the co-lord of the world and the emperor. But what is different from the previous one is that the next emperor will only begin to appear after his death. It can no longer be seen
It’s the time in ancient times when Emperor Yan and Emperor Huang ruled the world together.”
Zhuan Xu was silent. He did feel the position that made all living beings crazy. But what was different from what his father thought was that he was closer to that position than anyone else.
That crown exudes silver light.
Zhuanxu seemed to know what it was.
It was the power his grandfather had.
Return to the law of origin, the gold of the five elements.
While Zhuan Xu and Chang Yi were talking, the sky in Xuanyuan City became thick and black, and the darkness spread endlessly. Bright red blood dripped from the sky amid lightning and thunder, and instantly gathered into a river on the earth.
In addition to the blood seeping out of the clouds, there are also some broken corpses, including skeletons the size of ordinary people, as well as monsters as huge as mountains. There are traces of being torn apart by sharp claws on those corpses. The corpses are in the process of falling to the human world.
It began to spontaneously ignite, and the entire sky was filled with rolling black clouds and falling golden streams of light.
Blood rained and steam rose.
This unknown blood had a strange power and began to erode the surrounding area.
Chang Yi looked very miserable. He knew that when this happened, there must be a big problem in the sky! Even if the Dragon King and the Yellow Emperor joined forces, they could only do the back-up work of burning the corpses, and there was no time to deal with this rain of blood that could pollute the world!
"It happens to be this time, when the world is in turmoil and about to riot!" Chang Yi couldn't calm down at all, and frowned in front of His Highness.
He stepped out of the hall, but was stopped by Zhuan Xu. Zhuan Xu looked at him calmly: "I usually handle everything in Xuanyuan City. Why do you have to trouble yourself today? Your body is broken and you can't lift up.
Just rest! I will just deal with the impact of this vision."
Chang Yi wants to say that although you are very talented, you have no idea how humans struggled with nature thousands of years ago to find a way to survive. There were natural disasters, filth, and gods coming down to earth to cause chaos. The struggle in this world is nothing more than that circle.
Here, but once it comes to heaven, it is completely different.
That is taking your own self silently, and breeding filth in bloody violence.
Although he is old, he has no problem leading troops in battles. The most important thing is that he does not want Zhuan Xu to have any accidents.
If there was a murderous intention, he would not have wasted his life if he could block it for me.
"Grandpa is gone, but it does not mean that there are no capable people in Xuanyuan City. The priests and wizards perform divination every day to ensure good weather and good harvests. The Xuanyuan Guards from all directions still fulfill their duties and guard this land. It is unrealistic to just expect uncle's help.
We cannot leave the lives of the people in the world to luck." Zhuanxu looked at his father, his eyes burning with light, just like Xuanyuan, with a look that could make people consciously convinced.
Chang Yi stared at his son, as before, he said nothing.
After receiving his father's approval, Zhuanxu left and strode into the bloody rain. He was not afraid of the strange erosion in the bloody rain. The rainwater slipped away the moment it touched him. When he walked through the bloody rainstorm, not even a drop of rainwater fell on his body.
Zhuanxu said goodbye to his father through the rain.
The blood of the descendants of Xuanyuan not only possesses the power of the Yellow Emperor, but also flows with the will of their ancient ancestors.
They were never afraid of the unknown sky, and only thought about conquering it one day. Regarding the current changes and disasters, the gates of Xuanyuan City opened, and soldiers wearing golden scales poured out like a tide, and dull horns sounded between heaven and earth. The priest
They murmured prayers of protection.
At the forefront of the army, Zhuan Xu's body was filled with an ancient aura, and a divine symbol condensed deep in his soul.
It symbolizes "controlling the waters of the world and commanding the seas in all directions".
If Li Xi'an were asked to identify the symbol, he would recognize the divine inscription as——