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Chapter 238: A big Qiao grows up next door

After testing the Storm Ax and stopping the sword in time, Fang Mo also planned to go back.

The mind moves slightly.

He directly used Brown's magic to teleport back to the villa.

It took him a lot of time to test these weapons. It is now completely dark outside. As mentioned before, it is 1868. In Europe today, the nightlife is far less rich than in modern times. Many people have already taken a rest during this time.

But Fang Mo couldn't sleep at all.

In fact, after Fang Mo's body was digitized, he had lost the ability to dream.

Except for the time in X-Men.

After all, White Queen Emma's abilities are quite useful.


With a bored sigh, Fang Mo summoned Ah Xue again.


Axue, dressed in a white kimono, slowly appeared. She soon noticed Fang Mo's expression and asked with a hint of confusion: "Master... what's wrong with you?"

"Do you know the three major misfortunes in life?"

Fang Mo asked.

"The three greatest misfortunes in life?" Axue tilted her head and asked, "What are they?"

"Toothache, constipation, insomnia."

Fang Mo rubbed his brows and explained: "Of course, there are three new major tragedies now, namely, the 996 Fortune Report went to work, the little fairy died in an online violence, and the game skills were harmed... and your master, I am experiencing it right now.

One, insomnia.”

"Insomnia? What should I do?"

When Ashue heard this, she also started to help think of a solution. She lowered her head and thought for a while and said, "Then... how about I help Master warm your bed?"

"It's better to say goodbye."

Fang Mo had a sad look on his face: "This Lao Yixi is not like that..."

"Sorry, Master."

Ashue lowered her head guiltily.

"Okay, I don't blame you either." Fang Mo smiled, and then waved to her: "Okay, don't think so much, go make me a cup of tea first."

"Mmm Good."

Ashue nodded and walked towards the kitchen.

When she was in the Death World, Ashue had already been exposed to these modern devices, so simply boiling a pot of water to make tea was not a problem for her.

Soon, Axue boiled a pot of spring water.

However, because Tony Stark didn't like to drink tea, he didn't prepare any tea for the villa. There were only two packs of portable black tea in the cupboard. Ashue didn't think much and just made a pot.

After thinking about it, she took a few more pastries from the refrigerator, put them on a plate and brought them over.

"Master, is only black tea okay?"

Asue said, placing the tray in her hand on the coffee table.


The corners of Fang Mo's eyes twitched slightly, but looking at Ah Xue's expectant eyes, he didn't refuse: "Hmm... that's okay, I'll have a good night's sleep after drinking this."

After finishing speaking, Fang Mo picked up the tea cup and took a sip.

The faint aroma of tea with a hint of fresh astringency gradually spreads in the mouth along with the scalding hot tea.

In fact, Fang Mo is not very good at tea tasting.

But it feels really good to have a hot drink late at night.

So he narrowed his eyes.

He drank black tea one sip after another.

His thoughts gradually spread out and drifted into the distance.

Thinking about it carefully, it seems like a long time has passed since I awakened my substitute.

During this period, Fang Mo was indeed learning to grow. At first, he didn't even bother to study the workbench. From time to time, he would become incompetent and furious. However, I don't know when, his impetuous heart slowly settled down, and he became

If you are more patient, you can even use the exhaustive method to carry out trial and error, and use your bare hands to grind out some machines and crystal matrix ingots.

Even in terms of mentality.

Fang Mo has also been trying to change himself.

Because of this, he created the servant Axue and the pet ender dragon that he raised as his daughter. With their company, Fang Mo found that his mentality had indeed changed slightly.

But that doesn't mean he misses home.

Occasionally he still thinks about the past.

Perhaps at the moment of seeing a certain scene, or perhaps on a quiet night, Fang Mo could feel that those already dead memories began to attack him.

But Fang Mo didn't hate this.

On the contrary, he likes to recall that yesterday that seemed like a lifetime ago.

The best times are always very short, as if everything should be as it should be, but he still remembers those touching moments.

Although Fang Mo himself knew that it would be very difficult to return to his original world and reunite with his family, he still wanted to give it a try. Of course, this is also his main motivation at the moment, collecting wishing machines from each world.

Yes, what if which one becomes successful?

"By the way, Ashue."

Taking another sip of tea, Fang Mo suddenly turned around and gave instructions to Ashue: "Tomorrow, I'll go to Joestar's house. There are a lot of maids and housekeepers there. You can just go and learn some knowledge in this area."


"I understand, Master."

Ashue didn't have any objections, nodded and said: "I will study hard, please don't worry."

"I really want to get the insect arrow quickly..."

Fang Mo stretched out his hand to tease the ender dragon and cast his gaze towards the starry sky outside the window.


The night has passed.

After dawn, Fang Mo took a quick shower and had breakfast, and then led Ashue to the Joestar family's manor.

After a few simple polite words.

George Joestar readily agreed to Fang Mo's request.

Don't you just want to learn how to be a housekeeper? It's easy, just leave it to your old housekeeper to teach you.

So in the following days, Ashue started the learning mode. During the day, she learned how to be a housekeeper and some common sense in the real world at Joestar's house, slowly improving her personality, and returned to the mountain at night.

villa, clean up the housework here, and then rest.

During this period, Fang Mo also baptized George's son Jonathan.

He took this matter very seriously, even the water used for baptism was a real holy spring, and he also specially changed into a priest's outfit, and did not deliberately cause trouble.

And after baptizing Jonathan.

Fang Mo spent a few days redecorating his villa.

He planted a cherry blossom tree from the MC world in the yard, placed some decorative items from the Bamboo Sakura module, and repaired the big hole that had been previously punched by World Meatballs.

It was just when Fang Mo was decorating the villa.

But he suddenly found a world box in his storage space.

This world box is none other than the Twilight Time Tree that he planted using Time Saplings when he was in the Death World. It has the magical power to affect the flow of time.


Thinking of this, a ridiculous idea suddenly appeared in Fang Mo's mind.

"Time tree, tree?"

Fang Mo touched his chin thoughtfully and began to think about this outrageous question: "Trees... plants, this plant should be considered a kind of living body, right? So can the tree of time be sealed by a sword?"

Thinking of this, Fang Mo was also a little moved.

Theoretically, tailed beasts can be considered part of the Ten-Tailed Sacred Tree, and the nine tails have been sealed by themselves. Does this mean that the power of the Resonant Ender... can actually seal plants?

Just do it.

Fang Mo immediately took out the world box.

Placing the box on the ground, in the blink of an eye, the towering and majestic Tree of Time stood in front of him.

Fang Mo pulled out an Ender Sword from his body and inserted the blade into the trunk of the Time Tree.

And just as Fang Mo expected, the 'honest gentleman' characteristic attached to the Ender Sword was activated, and the Time Tree began to twist at a speed visible to the naked eye, like a whirlpool, with all its branches, leaves, roots, and trunk.

They were all absorbed by the Ender Sword in a spiral shape.


Seeing that the Ender Sword successfully absorbed the Time Tree, Fang Mo snapped his fingers excitedly.

In fact, in MC, whether it is a honest gentleman or a capture ball from other modules, they can only capture biological entities such as skeletons, villagers, or cows and horses, and cannot capture trees.

But this is not the MC world, but the real world.

Fang Mo estimated that the rules of the world or something on a certain logical level had changed. Trees had become living entities by default, so they could be captured by the Ender Sword.

But unfortunately, Fang Mo's Shijing Sword is just a test product.

When Fang Mo made it, he just randomly used some bronze and iron, and then randomly inlaid a magatama jade on it as a reinforcement.

If he wants to make a true sword of time, Fang Mo has to go back to the MC world.


After thinking for a moment, Fang Mo quickly made a decision.

I did come a little early this time. Instead of waiting here like a fool for the plot, I would rather take this opportunity to return to the MC world, just like I did in the first battle of X-Men, and have a chat with everyone.

Years of old shit comes out.

Remove Shuo Manufacturing!

Time is starting to speed up!

Thinking of this, Fang Mo also specially called Ashue back.

He didn't plan to take the Snow Queen with him when he went back this time. After all, she still had too little common sense as a 'human being', so it was better to leave her here first and slowly learn some human knowledge.

At the same time, I can also help myself clean the villa and take care of the little ender dragon and so on.

In short, after giving instructions to Axue, Fang Mo immediately returned to the MC world, selected materials, and built a real Time Stop Sword.

In fact, Fang Mo originally wanted to make the Staff of Time.

Tinker Evolution is a mod that adds a weapon called a staff to the game.

But after weighing the meanings of the words "staff making" and "sword selling" for a while, Fang Mo decisively chose sword selling, using crystal matrix, black meteorite iron, Uru and other things to make a giant sword, and

For example, engraving ender metal, strengthening and enchanting are all old rules, so I won't mention them here anymore.

After that, Fang Mo specially swiped a wave of village avengers.

A time-stopping magatama was exploded again.

Setting magatama on his weapon, Fang Mo quickly returned to the JOJO world.

Along with the endless black fog dissipated.

Fang Mo opened his eyes and began to observe the surrounding environment.

This place looks like a black mine. Everything you look at is pitch black coal, scattered oil lamps and wooden structures. In addition, there are a lot of naked people who are similar in color to coal.

Holding a sack and a tattered basket in his hands, he looked at him in shock, as if he had seen a ghost.

And not far behind them, there was a white man with a big belly carrying a whip.

"What the hell!?"

Seeing this scene in front of him, Fang Mo was immediately stunned.

He instantly remembered the scene when he first traveled to X-Men Chapter 1. It was the same opening lightning strike, and it was the same bunch of guys who looked at him with pity and looked at him in shock.

"What's going on with this ominous premonition..."

Fang Mo couldn't help but raise his forehead. For some reason, an unpleasant feeling suddenly appeared in his heart.

Without having time to think about it, Fang Mo directly activated the effect of Brown's magic, white light flashed, and he had appeared in his villa.

"Phew, I feel much more comfortable now."

After returning to his villa, Fang Mo breathed a sigh of relief.

After calming down a little, Fang Mo stood up from the sofa and began to observe the surrounding furniture and environment.

The villa that Stark built for himself was brand new.

However, at this moment, it seemed that even though there were people taking good care of the place on weekdays, Fang Mo could still see that there was a faint trace of time here.


Fang Mo looked at the wear and tear of the furniture and already had a rough idea in his mind: "So that's it. It seems like I've been pooping for another ten years. I would like to call myself a kind god of shit..."

He said to himself.

Fang Mo also slowly opened the door and walked out.

Several people were hugging the cherry blossom tree in the courtyard, and as for the lounge chairs and doghouses that had been placed in the courtyard, they had all disappeared. Perhaps they had been damaged over time.

Fang Mo walked out of the yard and stood on the cliff at the top of the mountain, looking down.

In the distance, the Joestar family's manor still stands there.

"Well... Qiao's courtyard is still there." Seeing this scene, Fang Mo felt relieved a little.

In the original work, after Dio Brando became a vampire, the house was quickly burned down. At present, the house is fine, which shows that the plot has not gone too far.

There is no rush to study the Sword of Time.

Fang Mo thought for a while and chose to head directly to the Joestar mansion down the mountain.

The time here is probably in the morning now. The servants in Joestar Manor are all working, the gardener is trimming the turf, the maids are washing and drying clothes, and some are helping the chef transport ingredients. All in all, it seems quite busy.


And in this.

Fang Mo also spotted a familiar figure.

That was the Snow Queen whom she had summoned. She was currently wearing a traditional maid outfit, standing near the fountain with her arms akimbo, criticizing a strong blue-haired boy fiercely.

Fang Mo was too lazy to talk nonsense and teleported directly.

"Qiao Qiao! How many times have I told you to keep your handkerchief in your arms? I can't even remember how many times you have found your handkerchief in the mud pit. You have a grudge against this thing, right? What if?

Next time I find you have lost it, next time you wash your mouth with muddy water..."

However, Ah Xue had just finished speaking when she saw Fang Mo suddenly appear.

The whole person suddenly froze on the spot as if struck by lightning.

However, unlike Ashue, when the blue-haired boy next to him saw this scene, his face showed an expression of disbelief, his eyes widened and he said: "This... why did this person suddenly appear here?!"

"Don't panic, kid."

Fang Mo smiled at the blue-haired boy: "This is called teleportation. Your Joestar family also has this ability, but you can only use it once in your life."


The blue-haired boy became even more confused after hearing this: "Teleport? Our family? You...what are you talking about?"

"What a silly kid from a landlord's family."

Fang Mo looked at the blue-haired boy, Da Qiao, Jonathan Joestar, and couldn't help but sigh: "Hey, what an upright and lovely gentleman's soul. It's a pity that he has gone astray since Er Qiao...


As soon as he said this, a figure suddenly rushed into his arms and hugged Fang Mo tightly.


Fang Mo looked down and found that it was Axue who was hugging him.


Axue buried her head deeply in Fang Mo's chest, her shoulders seemed to be shaking slightly, but soon, she took a deep breath, then raised her head, her reddish eyes curled up with a smile, and she barely squeezed

He gave a somewhat heart-wrenching smile: "Axue has learned everything. Next time... will you take Axue with you?"

"Thank you for your hard work."

Fang Mo reached out and touched Axue's head, smiled and promised: "Yes, I will definitely do it next time."

Ah Xue has indeed changed a lot, not only her temperament and knowledge, but even some inner things have changed. Fang Mo can't say what they are, but it is obvious that the Snow Queen has no emotional fluctuations compared to the beginning.

,Axue has become more like a human being now.

In Fang Mo's eyes, it was just a moment, but A Xue has grown up here for twelve years.

To be honest, this strange sense of separation made Fang Mo a little uncomfortable. It seemed that he should take her with him next time.

But before Fang Mo and Axue Duo could say a few words.

Jonathan here suddenly reacted, and he looked at Fang Mo with a look of disbelief on his face, and said in shock: "Wait! Are you the master of Sister A Xue? Then...then you are the one mentioned by father.

Is that the mage who arrived? Are you Mr. Steve who baptized my childhood!?"

This chapter has been completed!
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