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Chapter 7 The man richer than Iron Man

Looking at the purple light in his palm, Fang Mo was also stunned.

He never thought that his substitute Steve could actually play like this.

Because the rules of the real world are different from those of the MC world, the properties of the Ender Hand changed very obviously after being touched by Fang Mo.

In the game, the function of the Ender Hand is actually very simple.

The left button causes 6 points of damage, the right button grabs a block and throws it to the enemy, and then holds down SHIFT+right button to teleport the player.

But after being touched by Fang Mo, this thing was no longer a game item.

Instead, it becomes something that truly exists in reality.

This is actually very unreasonable. It feels like Fang Mo made an unreasonable request and then let the rules of this world decide how to transform it into something relatively reasonable.

Now, the transformed Ender Hand has been completely integrated with Fang Mo.

As long as Fang Mo has a thought.

His hands will light up with a purple light.

Fang Mo tested it a little and found that it was probably something similar to an energy field. It could not only increase the power of his fists, but also be used to pick up objects from a distance.

Fang Mo can even teleport within a small area if he wants to.

"Damn it...this feels so good..."

Fang Mo clenched his fist and was obviously a little excited: "This is much easier to use than the Ender Hand in MC."

After tasting the benefits, Fang Mo transformed some other items one after another.

However, it turns out that not everything can be transformed into Fang Mo's ideal appearance like the Hand of Ender.

Let’s take the stone pickaxe as an example.

Fang Mo touched a stone pickaxe, and then a white light flashed, and a pickaxe made of stone and wood really appeared in front of him. However, after losing the mining rules in MC, Fang Mo just used

The stone pickaxe hit the ground, and the pickaxe tip flew out.

In addition, Fang Mo also tried the torch.

The result was a burning torch in his hand.

This torch also lost the rule of never going out in MC. After burning for a period of time, it gradually turned into a small pile of ashes.

Fang Mo thought for a while and felt that the problem still lies in the rules of the world.

Things like stone pickaxes, torches, or various foods, because these things already exist in reality, so after transformation, they lose their MC characteristics and become ordinary items that can be seen everywhere in the real world.

But the Ender Hand is different.

You know, this thing originally didn't exist in the real world.

Because of this, the Ender Hand can reasonably retain its original ability settings after being transformed, such as being able to grab objects, teleport, or increase the power of the fist.

"It seems that the glass sword cannot be transformed casually."

After figuring out the principle behind this, Fang Mo also felt a sense of enlightenment in his heart.

According to the logic of this transformation characteristic, if you transform a glass sword, it is very likely that because there is glass in the real world, you will be given a polished glass bar directly.

Fang Mo said that he wanted that thing to be of no use.

"Forget it, let's eat something first."

Shaking his head, Fang Mo temporarily put aside the test of the substitute's ability and prepared to rummage through the refrigerator.

This is also a feature that Fang Mo only understood at a burger restaurant before. The satiety levels of himself and Steve are also shared. Steve can nibble carrots to restore satiety, but Fang Mo can also eat them at the same time.

Real world meals to satisfy hunger.

No matter it is Steve or Fang Mo, as long as either one of them is full, the other one will also feel full.

"Jingle Bell!"

However, before Fang Mo could open the refrigerator, a bell suddenly rang at the door.


Hearing the doorbell, Fang Mo was also slightly stunned.

You know, the location of the house he lives in is actually very remote, so usually no one will disturb him.

Opening the door with some confusion, Fang Mo found a bald, middle-aged man standing outside the door.

"Hello, Mr. Fang Mo."

The man outside the door was wearing a suit. Although his hairline was a bit worrying, his temperament was very approachable. At this moment, Fang Mo showed a smile: "My name is Phil Coulson, from the Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Agency. This is

I came here to ask you some questions."

"I guess Nick Fury must be asking you to work overtime a lot."

Fang Mo looked at Colson in front of him and couldn't help but complain: "With your pitiful hair, I can't help but want to sprinkle a handful of bone powder on your head."

"...Do you know the director?"

Hearing this, Coulson was also a little surprised. The intelligence did not say that the other party knew his immediate boss so well.

"The famous Maja Fake Man, who doesn't know him?" Fang Mo nodded, and then said, "Anyway, come in and take a seat."

"All right."

Although he was full of questions, Colson still followed the other party in.

As soon as he entered the room, Coulson looked around. After all, according to the description in the intelligence, the guy in front of him should be an Eastern wizard or something, and as an agent, it was his job to collect intelligence.

It's a pity that he didn't see anything like a magic circle, an altar, or a candle. Although the whole room was not spotless, it was still very clean and there was nothing suspicious about it.

"sit down."

Fang Mo sat on the sofa with a casual expression: "Didn't you say you wanted to ask me something? You can ask me now."

"We already know your specific situation." Coulson asked: "What is your purpose in approaching Stark? Where did your special abilities...or witchcraft come from?"

"You've all said that I am a substitute messenger."

Fang Mo spread his hands and said: "This thing was awakened by me naturally. It has many functions, and I can't explain it myself. In short, it is something like a guardian spirit."

"Then you get close to Stark..."

"I just met Stark by chance in the desert." Fang Mo interrupted: "Whether it's his money or the weird science and technology in his mind, I'm not interested. I'd rather talk about him as a person.

It's quite interesting, I wouldn't mind having another friend like this."

"But Stark is the richest man in the world."

Coulson obviously didn't believe it: "Your appearance is too mysterious, we have reason to doubt..."

"You know a hammer."

Fang Mo rolled his eyes and asked, "Have you ever heard of the golden touch?"

"What is that?" Of course Coulson has never seen it before: "Is it the one I understand? Midas in Greek mythology?"

Fang Mo shook his head, and his thoughts moved slightly the next second. Steve, who was standing behind him, silently took out a gold ingot and handed it to him. The moment the originally pixelated gold ingot touched Fang Mo's palm,

It turned directly into a giant gold brick as big as a millstone.

Because Coulson couldn't see the substitute.

So from his perspective, it was Fang Mo who pulled out a gold brick out of thin air.

"Is this gold?"

Colson couldn't help but be stunned.

"A genuine, solid gold brick with a purity of over 99.99%." Fang Mo placed the gold brick on the ground and made several cracks on the tiles: "Did you see it? This is the legendary golden touch."

As an agent, Coulson still has very good eyesight.

He checked the gold brick and found that it was actually a genuine solid gold brick, so he couldn't help showing a shocked expression: "How...how did you do this?"

"It's just a substitute ability, nothing to make a fuss about."

Seeing Colson's surprised expression, Fang Mo smiled proudly: "So I've said it before, I never care about whether others have money when making friends. They definitely can't be richer than me anyway, right?"


After hearing what Fang Mo said, Colson didn't know what to say.

If the other party really knows the alchemy, then there is really no one in the world richer than him. The gold brick just now weighs at least several hundred kilograms. I feel that my lifetime salary is just this gold brick.

Just a fraction.

"Then Stark plans to close the weapons department. Do you have any idea about this?"

After all, he is an agent. Coulson quickly adjusted his mentality: "You know, Stark Company can support a lot of people, and their weapons are of very good quality. If they go bankrupt, it is estimated that

Even the military would have a headache..."

"That was Stark's decision."

Fang Mo said: "The journey to the desert broke the naive illusion he had always had. He realized that using weapons to bring peace was unreliable, so he no longer wanted to sell weapons. After all, he is a proud genius... who made such a

The decision makes sense, right?"

"Is that so?"

Colson nodded subconsciously.

However, before Colson could think of the next question, Fang Mo suddenly clapped his hands: "Okay, I'm hungry. Today's Q&A is over."

After finishing speaking, Fang Mo waved his hand, and the door suddenly opened automatically, which was obviously a sign of seeing off the guests.


Colson glanced at Fang Mo speechlessly. Without understanding the other party's true strength and personality, the relationship between the two parties could not be too tense. Since the other party did not want to talk, he could only leave in a sensible way.


Of course, he didn't forget to secretly leave a few gadgets before leaving.

Fang Mo didn't know Coulson's little trick, but he had almost tested everything he needed to test, so nothing would be exposed.

In fact, his target was originally SHIELD. According to the plot, Nick Fury, the agent leader, is currently building a team. After he shows a little bit of his abilities, can the other party not be interested?

Of course, Fang Mo didn't want to join the Avengers or anything. After all, he was not a good person, and he definitely couldn't be a superhero. In fact, when he killed those terrorists in the desert before, he had no trouble in his heart.

, as if they were just zombies in the game.

Fang Mo didn't know if this was Steve's influence on him, but he didn't hate it.

Repaying vengeance with kindness is too advanced for Fang Mo. He can't learn it. In his opinion, perhaps killing decisively is the truth in the world. Responding violence with violence and so on. As long as you are strong enough, others will be willing to do it and reason with you.


He came to S.H.I.E.L.D. just to make things easier.

And the reality was just as Fang Mo expected, after waiting for a few days, he did meet the Maja Fake Man as he wished.

This chapter has been completed!
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