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After Andreessen launched the Holy Fire.

Akat was set on fire, and his entire river of death was also burned.

As for the sea of ​​corruption where countless undead are buried... it is also rolling and boiling due to the high temperature at this moment, and large areas of yellow-green gas are sprayed out from below, making people feel frightened.

You must know that although this thick dirt is sticky and rotten, it is rich in organic matter.

After a series of fermentation, a well-known, natural and pure energy will be born from this filth...

That's marsh gas.

Yes, that's right, although this filth is disgusting and even rotten, it is the sacred garden of Nurgle's loving father, in which countless microorganisms jump and cheer.

They enjoy this wonderful paradise-like environment.

And then offer their metabolites to this beautiful world... namely sulfide and methane.

But you know, the holy fire from heaven is burning brightly now, and when the gas in the air meets the flame, the whole of London lights up again.


Endless explosions.

The remains of the dead, the filth pouring from the sky, the endless ruins.

It was a horrific picture that humans could not describe with pen and ink at all costs.

I am afraid that only the experiences of Hidetaka Miyazaki when he was young, and a certain painter named Sun, can barely reproduce some of the essence of this, so that all living beings can witness it, as if it was sent down by Nurgle's loving father.

of supreme grace.


Integra looked at the nightmare-like scene in front of him, his expression was extremely complicated, like anger, but also like fear. He almost immediately picked up Fang Mo's collar, with a bit of unconcealable trembling in his tone:

"Wang General! Look what you have done!?"

"I just moved the Seine in France to London."

Fang Mo looked cheerful: "By the way, the next Olympics might as well be held in London. I want to watch the triathlon..."

"Then you should clean this thing up quickly!"

Integra yelled: "Can't you make your wish come true? Save this place quickly!!!"

"Why are you cleaning it? I'm still waiting for Macron to swim here." However, Fang Mo did not move, but spread his hands indifferently: "If it doesn't work, you can just hold a ski competition. Look, this venue

I've set it up for you..."

"No! You have to clean it up for me!"

However, Integra couldn't stand it any longer. After hesitating for a moment, he finally spoke: "Even if Akate wants to die, I...I will never allow him to die in such a hellish place!!!"

"How to die in a place like this..."


Before Fang Mo could finish his words, Integra suddenly turned around and shouted loudly.


Policewoman Silas responded immediately after hearing this.

"You are Akater's dependent, the being who was transformed into a vampire by him."

Integura immediately said: "My order is to let Akat fight with all his strength. Since you are his dependent, you should also belong to his power... Go and help your master fight! Akat has fallen into a hard battle, and now you can

The only one who can help him is you!"

"Yes, I understand!"

When the policewoman heard this, she immediately reacted and rushed out.

Although there was dirt everywhere, this time the policewoman no longer hesitated, but instead rushed towards the battlefield with all her strength.

No one has arrived yet.

Hydra's attack has already come.

"Asshole! Let go of my master!"

Following the policewoman's shout, a huge snake head fell directly from the sky, biting Andreessen's body, and pulled him up from the ground.

Countless thorn roots were forcibly torn off, making a snapping sound.

Then the other snake head quickly leaned down and bit the gun sword that penetrated Akat's head. The holy fire spread, but the damage to the Hydra was minimal, and the gun sword was quickly pulled out.

, and then Akat immediately regained his consciousness.


After coming back to his senses, Acat seemed to be stunned for a moment: "Huh? Wait... what the hell did you eat?"

"Master, are you okay?"

Seeing that Acat was okay, the policewoman was obviously relieved, and then she stuttered and explained: "This... I don't know this, it seems that Uncle Biao fed it to me, and he said it was Hydra.


"That monster in Greek mythology?"

Akater frowned: "Humph, that guy really has everything..."


However, while they were talking here, there was a sudden loud noise, and one of the Hydra's heads shook in pain, and Andreessen was spitted back to the ground.

"You...your opponent is me!"

After seeing the other party, the policewoman quickly shouted to the other party: "I am the master's dependent! My power is the master's power! Now I will be your opponent..."

"That's enough policewoman."

Unfortunately, before the policewoman could finish her words, a big hand suddenly pressed on the top of her head.

Then he rubbed her twice lovingly like a father.


The policewoman couldn't help being stunned when she saw this.

"You see, Akate is so wicked." At the same time, Fang Mo, who was watching the battle not far away, turned to Integra and said, "When his gloves got dirty, he used the policewoman's head to do it."

Wipe it clean..."

"Can you shut your mouth?"

Integula's face was completely dark at this moment, and she knew of course that Akater definitely didn't think so: "If you really can't control your mouth, you can take two bites of something on the ground."


Fang Mo pouted, but didn't continue to talk nonsense.

At the same time, on the other side, Akaert's aura gradually increased, and he looked directly at the thorn monster opposite, speaking calmly as if he was stating a fact: "Andreessen, in fact, it is okay to be defeated by you...

…if it were that day.”

"On that day five hundred and twenty-three years ago."

"In that wilderness at dusk, I can just give my heart to you."

"but now……"

"It's no longer possible."

At this point, Akater looked at the ferocious monster opposite and said as if sighing: "You can no longer defeat me, because the only people who can defeat monsters are humans. If they are not humans... absolutely not."

Speaking of which.

Akat suddenly looked up to the sky and roared.

It was as if he was venting his anger, and also like a helpless cry.

Then he rushed out in an instant. The windbreaker on his body and the giant gun in his hand all disappeared at this moment. He was only wearing a black uniform with disheveled hair. He roared and charged towards the opponent wildly and ferociously.


His posture is that of a pure mad beast.


Upon seeing this, Andrewson suddenly raised his hand, and countless thorns shot out instantly.

It's a pity that Acat has completely ignored it. He struggled to break away when his body was entangled in thorns, regenerated crazily when his body was cut off by the gun sword, and rushed over almost without hesitation.

Then put your fingers together directly.

Aiming at the left side of Andreessen's chest, he stabbed it.

Since he had just been attacked by Hydra, Andreessen's reaction was a little slower at this moment. As a result, he only heard a thud, and Andreessen's chest was immediately penetrated. Acat pulled back with force, instantly knocking out the opponent's heart.

Pulled it out.

It's not so much a heart.

It would be better to say that it has turned into a mass of root nodules.

Countless thorns are twisting, trying to take root and spread in any surrounding flesh and blood.


Without any hesitation, Acat immediately crushed the strange root nodule, and as the holy nail fell, Andreessen's body also shattered.

Like rotten wood that has been eaten away by moths.

All the flesh and blood in Andrewson's body seemed to have been devoured. Not only was his skin horribly pale, but his body was as fragile and fragile as a paper shell.

At this moment, it was cut into two pieces directly in the middle.

Not even a drop of blood or the like flowed down from the fracture. Instead, the whole person began to weather, break, and gradually turn into dust.


However, seeing Andreessen's gradually broken body, Acat didn't feel any joy of victory, but instead looked like he had endless sadness.

"You are me!!!"

In the end, Acat couldn't help it any longer, and he covered his head and roared in pain: "I was once a bastard like you! It was you who looked like this! I...we..."

Speaking of which.

Acat fell to his knees directly on the ground.

The tone was sad, with an almost trembling tone of pain: "We... are all monsters..."

"If it's a devil, stop crying."

And at this moment, the gradually weathered Andreessen on the other side spoke. At this moment, he continued to collapse, and almost only half of his face was left, but some kind of power was still maintaining his last physiological functions: "You

Didn’t you become a demon just because you didn’t want to cry anymore?”

"When humans shed their tears, they turn into monsters...and they stay that way forever until they die."


After hearing the other party's words, Akat also subconsciously stood up and took two steps towards the other party: "You..."

"So just laugh, monster."

Andrewson ignored him and just said to himself: "Laugh loudly and unruly, just like you used to...don't show an expression that doesn't belong to a monster."

"I'm leaving."

"But how long are you going to live?"

Speaking of this, Andrewson's tone seemed to contain a kind of pity. Yes, that's right. He was obviously defeated, but instead he looked at Acat not far away with pity: "The sad king of monsters.

…When will you no longer need to live anymore?”

"It shouldn't take long."

Acat sighed, and then seemed to think of what the other party said, and soon a maniacal smile appeared on his face: "My old enemy... then I'll see you in hell."


When Andrewson heard this, he slowly closed his eyes: "Then I'll take the first step and get to the door..."

Finish this sentence.

A gust of wind blew from nowhere.

Not long after, his body completely turned into dust and disappeared.

"Ann...Is Andrewson dead?" After seeing the other party disappear, the policewoman seemed to finally feel relieved. She didn't want Acat to die. She was quite happy at the moment: "Master, then we are now...


"Wait a minute, we have another enemy."

Before the policewoman could finish her words, Akat suddenly stopped her and then looked up in a direction not far away.

"Another enemy?"

The policewoman was stunned when she heard this, and then she subconsciously looked up.

But looking in the direction of Akater's gaze, there was only a familiar tall tower on the opposite side, with Integura and Fang Mo standing on it. Seeing this scene, the policewoman suddenly reacted: "Huh? Wait...

Wait...Master, is the enemy you are talking about a demon..."


Akater seemed to be stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then suddenly his eyes lit up: "Huh? This seems not bad..."


And here they are talking.

Soon a figure flew over from a distance.


Along with a roar, it turned out that Walter, who had fled to nowhere, rushed over again. Yes, he ran back again. Although he didn't want to be contaminated by the dirt, after escaping, after a battle between heaven and man, he still endured it.

Can't stand it any longer.

After all, he also vaguely guessed some of the major's plans.

If the opponent's target is Akat, then it is obvious that today is the day when everything ends.

Walter had to think about whether this was his only chance in this life, and after a difficult struggle, he finally chose the path of leaving no regrets.

"Oh, look who's back."

Of course Acat also noticed Walter, and responded with a laugh at this moment: "Why, won't you continue to be your deserter?"

"Shut up!"

Walter yelled directly: "I just don't bother to cooperate with other people. Since Andreessen failed, then I will end your life!"

"Hehehe, that sounds very nice."

Akater laughed directly after hearing this: "To put it bluntly, you are just a coward who is afraid of getting dirty. Look at this land, you don't even dare to be contaminated by the dirt on this land... and you say you want to defeat me?!"

"Yes! That's right!"

At this moment, Fang Mo, who was not far away, couldn't help but add fuel to the fire again, and directly said the classic line of Ye Qin ○ Building: "You can't even..."

"Can I please stop talking?"

It's a pity that before he could finish his words, he was forcibly held back by Integra next to him.


But even so.

Walter, not far away, still looked stiff.

"Look, your energy is only so strong." Upon seeing this, Akater continued to laugh and taunt, and then slowly raised his hands: "Unfortunately, you have no chance of defeating me, because I

I have lost my patience..."

"What do you want to do?"

When Walter saw this, he immediately became on guard.

"What are you doing?" However, when Acat heard this, he suddenly let out a burst of terrifying laughter: "Hahahahaha... of course I'm going to show you how dirty and mean the monster is!"

Finish this sentence.

Acat also suddenly waved his hands.

I saw the entire city of London once again trembling uneasily, and then the surroundings began to boil. Countless pillars of blood suddenly spurted out from the dirty ground. All this blood began to converge towards Acat, and was eventually absorbed by him.


"What's this!?"

Seeing this scene, Walter was dumbfounded and lost his voice: "Acat, what...are you doing!?"

This chapter has been completed!
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