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Chapter 1079 The Disappearing Puppet

After entering the room on the right, what caught Li Yue's eyes was not the bedroom he expected, but a workshop.

And through the remaining traces, Li Yue also determined that this is the place where the scapegoat doll originated.

However, Li Yue was not very surprised by this incident.

Because he had already recalled that it was mentioned in the original work that the scapegoat doll was indeed in the hands of the 301 old woman.

Just because Li Yue wasn't surprised doesn't mean Yang Jian can do it too.

Seeing what he saw in front of him, Yang Jian was extremely surprised.

After Li Yue intentionally leaked information, Yang Jian learned more about the owner of Room 301.

There lives here a figure who stayed from the Republic of China period.

It's the same as Mr. Qin and the ghost knocking on the door.

He is a survivor of the supernatural events of the past era.

Yang Jian couldn't even imagine what kind of abilities such a being had.

It's not even certain how many existences like this there are.

Fortunately, Yang Jian has extraordinary endurance and quickly adjusted his mentality.

Yang Jian suddenly felt confused:

"Based on the current situation, the ghost post office arranged for us to send this letter to an old figure from the Republic of China. So what is involved in this?"

Moreover, Yang Jianke still clearly remembered that the address of Mingyue Community appeared twice in a row in the ghost post office's letter delivery mission.

This shows that the ghost post office must have a courier deliver the letter.

Yang Jian would not believe it if there was no secret here.

"Is it possible that the owner of this room has some relationship with the ghost post office?"

Yang Jian couldn't help but look up at the lights above.

Just like the one in the ghost post office.

Yang Jian kept reasoning in his mind.

It's just that he lacks a lot of key information, so what he can guess is very limited.

While Yang Jian was thinking, Li Yue had already walked to a part of the room.

In front of him, there is a altar.

It is the kind of shrine set up by the more superstitious people in the past to worship gods and Buddhas.

But the strange thing is that the altar is empty, with nothing on it.

Li Yue didn't see any statues placed nearby. He didn't know if the statues had fallen from above and broken into pieces before.

Or more directly, there were no statues enshrined here originally.

After all, the people living in this room are not ordinary people.

Instead, he thought he was a top-notch ghost master.

Such people have long known that there are no so-called gods and Buddhas in this world.

Even if there are, the gods and Buddhas are made by ghosts.

In this case, Li Yue was a little confused.

Why is there a superfluous shrine here?

Li Yue felt that maybe this altar for worship just meant a kind of sustenance.

Then he looked elsewhere.

Soon, he saw a small drawing board next to it, and a small red-painted wooden stool in front of the drawing board.

Apparently this is a place to draw.

Li Yue slowly walked to the drawing board and suddenly discovered that there was actually a painting left on the drawing board.

It was a character sketch, but the painting was obviously unfinished because the person in the painting only had half a face.

Although he only had half of his face, Li Yue still observed carefully...

Although he didn't do much research on the painting, he could clearly feel the depression and distortion hidden in this painting.

Therefore, it is obviously just a normal statement, but it looks like it is drawing a ghost.

Just looking at that sketch a few more times will make you feel very uncomfortable.

"Obviously it's a normal painting, but why does it look so weird and incomprehensible?"

Yang Jian also walked to Li Yue at this time, and naturally saw the painting

The frame and the half of the painting on top.

Li Yue glanced at Yang Jian, but said calmly:

"Isn't this a natural thing? The people who live here are not ordinary people, so the things they draw will naturally not be ordinary either."

Yang Jian also nodded in agreement.

At this time, the two of them had almost seen the room.

Although there are some weird things found in many places, it is generally safe for the time being.

At least nothing unusual happened.

This is a rare good thing.

"That's it for this room. Let's go check out the other room. If I'm not wrong, that room is the real key."

Li Yue walked out of the room as he spoke.

And Yang Jian also walked out with a look of approval.

However, Yang Jian had some doubts at this time. No one is currently living in Room 301.

After all, they had been in this room for some time. Although there was no big noise, the voices of several people talking could not be concealed.

If there are people in the room, they should be able to hear it.

But no one has come out so far.

This already explains some problems.

Moreover, Yang Jian even suspected that the ghost post office only required the letter to be delivered to this room, but not to the owner.

Perhaps it was also because he knew that there was no one in this room now.

But if this is really the case, then what is the purpose of the ghost post office arranging letter delivery?

With doubts, Yang Jian followed Li Yue out of the room.

"Li Yue, Yang Jian, what's going on here? Is there any danger?"

As soon as Li Yi saw the two people coming out, he immediately walked to them and asked in a low voice.

At the same time, Yang Xiaohua and Liu Qingqing were also looking at them.

From the moment they entered the room, the three of them stood in the living room, not daring to move around or mess around.

They all know their own level. If there is really a problem in this place, or there is a ghost, they have no ability to resist at all.

Only by relying on Li Yue and Yang Jian can he save his life.

But that doesn't mean they have settled down.

They also want to know what's going on here.

In this way, I can be considered to be somewhat prepared.

Li Yue glanced at the three of them, but said nothing.

At this time, Yang Jian saw that Li Yue had no intention of speaking, so he responded: "This room is a bit weird. Although it is not dangerous for the time being, I need to take another look."

"Isn't it a good thing that there is no danger?"

Li Yi, Yang Xiaohua and Liu Qingqing's eyes flashed with incomprehensible looks at the same time.

Seeing this, Yang Jian continued:

"This is exactly what I am most worried about, because there are many things here that are not quite right, but there is no abnormality. This in itself is the biggest abnormality..."

Hearing what he said, Li Yi and the others suddenly had some understanding.

"Who among you touched the things on the table?"

But just when they were about to say something, Li Yue suddenly asked several people seriously.

Hearing Li Yue speak, several people looked puzzled.

"We didn't move anything. We just stood here." After Li Yi finished speaking, he looked at Yang Xiaohua and Liu Qingqing.

The two of them also nodded.

Hearing this answer, Li Yue couldn't help but frown.

He believed that these people didn't have the guts to lie to him here.

If so, something is wrong.

It turned out that just when Yang Jian was explaining to a few people, Li Yue was going to enter the room on the left to investigate.

But when the corner of his eyes glanced at the wooden table in the living room, he noticed something unusual.

The floral cloth covering the vegetable basket has now been lifted

Well, the doll baby inside actually disappeared.

Li Yue originally thought that the three of them opened the flower cloth out of curiosity and even took away the things inside.

After all, Liu Qingqing and Li Yi are both veteran messengers, so they naturally know the value of supernatural things.

But now it seems that this is not the case.


Mu Zi Ying Yue


Please remember the domain name of this book:.The Moral Record of the Mortician

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