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Chapter 1216 Questioning Zhang Han

Although Li Yue has decided to leave for Dadong City, there is still one thing that needs to be dealt with before that.

I saw him suddenly wave his hand.

Suddenly, a figure appeared in the hall of the villa.

This figure was lying on the ground at this time, seemingly in a coma.

This person is Zhang Han who was resurrected from the ghost mirror before.

"It's time to wake up!"

As Li Yue waved his hand, Li Yue lifted the supernatural power exerted on Zhang Han, and at the same time, a cold wind blew past Zhang Han.

Zhang Han, who was originally unconscious on the ground, suddenly shuddered and then opened his eyes.

It's just that Zhang Han, who just woke up, seems to have not come back to his senses, his eyes are full of panic;

"It's a ghost! Don't catch me, save me..."

Zhang Han's voice was full of fear.

"Okay, relax, I've pulled you out of the ghost mirror." Li Yue's calm voice slowly spread.

After hearing this voice, Zhang Han felt as if he had been injected with a tranquillizer, and his nervous mood suddenly became much more stable.

At this time, Zhang Han also discovered that the environment in front of him was indeed somewhat different from that in the ghost mirror.

Then he immediately turned his head to look in the direction where the sound came from just now.

"Are you... Li Yue?"

Zhang Han was a little unsure.

They had gotten along briefly in Huanggang Village in Dachang City, so Zhang Han naturally knew Li Yue.

It's just that such a long time has passed, and Li Yue's appearance and temperament have changed greatly from before.

Zhang Han himself did not leave any memory behind the mirror image in the ghost mirror, so he was not sure about the identity of the person in front of him for a while.

"It's indeed me!" Li Yue nodded, then pointed to the sofa opposite and said, "Just go away, I also want to ask you something."

Although he has no memory of the recent period, the memory Li Yue gave him in Huanggang Village was really profound.

Therefore, he did not hesitate at all about Li Yue's words, and immediately walked to the sofa opposite Li Yue, and then sat down with some restraint.

"Don't be nervous, I just want to ask you some trivial matters."

Seeing that Zhang Han was a little nervous and reserved, Li Yue casually gave him a bottle of drink.

Zhang Han looked at Li Yue cautiously, and then picked up the drink after confirming that the other party really had no ill intentions.

"Gudong~! Gudong~!"

Perhaps in order to relieve his mood, Zhang Han took a big gulp of the drink.

Soon, most of the bottle of drink was consumed.

Only then did Zhang Han stop.

I saw him exhaling deeply.

Li Yue knew that Zhang Han was adjusting his emotions, so he did not urge him, but looked at him quietly.

It wasn't until the other party's mood was basically stable that he nodded secretly.

"Yang Jian told me before that as long as I leave my shadow on the ghost mirror, if I die in an accident, I can be resurrected through the ghost mirror.

At that time, I just thought it was Yang Jian's joke and didn't pay much attention to it. I just left a shadow in the ghost mirror with the idea of ​​trying it out.

I didn’t expect that I would actually be resurrected from here.”

A wry smile appeared on Zhang Han's lips.

But Li Yue paid attention to the beating. Besides bitterness, there were other emotions on Zhang Han's face.

That seemed like...delight.

Li Yue was not sure whether he had seen it wrong or interpreted it wrongly.

But these are not the things he is most concerned about right now, he is most concerned about something else;

"This ghost mirror originally belonged to me, and I told Yang Jian about the ability to resurrect people." Li Yue said casually;

"And since I got this ghost mirror, many people have left their shadows on it, but you are the first person to be resurrected from it."

"Thank you!" Upon hearing this, Zhang Han looked at Li Yue gratefully.

"You're welcome." Faced with his thanks, Li Yue waved his hand carelessly, and then continued; "If you really want to thank me, then tell me one thing."

Zhang Han was stunned for a moment.

But then he immediately reacted and said: "What is it? As long as I know, I will tell you everything."

At this time, Zhang Han was also very confused.

Although he didn't know how strong Li Yue was, he clearly remembered the scene of his confrontation with Gui Cha.

He didn't understand what Li Yue needed to know through himself.

"I want to know what happened after you resurrected from the ghost mirror." Li Yue said seriously.

Although the ghost mirror has always been in Li Yue's hands, as he just said, Zhang Han was the first to be truly resurrected through the ghost mirror.

And Li Yue was still very interested in this matter.

Li Yue was especially interested in the space inside the ghost mirror.

Li Yue knew from a long time ago that there was a strange space or a supernatural place behind the ghost mirror.

There are many evil spirits there.

But Li Yue never dared to enter it rashly.

Because the people who built the ghost mirror were probably the big bosses in the Republic of China affairs.

No one knows what tricks these people left behind on the ghost mirror.

Li Yue was confident that he would not be killed, but there was no guarantee that he would not be trapped.

If someone was accidentally trapped in the ghost mirror, it would be too uncomfortable for Li Yue.

It's no different than being locked up in a dark room.

For those evil ghosts without wisdom, it might not matter, but for Li Yue, it was extremely unacceptable.

Therefore, no matter how greedy Li Yue is for the evil ghost in the ghost mirror, he will not risk his life easily.

Now, if Zhang Han could get some information about the ghost mirror, it might be helpful for Li Yue to completely master the ghost mirror.

This is also the reason why Li Yue did not return Zhang Han to Yang Jian when he arrived in Dachang City.

After Zhang Han heard Li Yue's words, his expression was also stunned.

He never thought that this was what Li Yue wanted to ask about.

However, although he did not understand why Li Yue was interested in this matter, he still told the matter from beginning to end very honestly.

As Zhang Han told it, Li Yue learned more about both the resurrection mechanism of the ghost mirror and the space behind the ghost mirror.

It turned out that after Zhang Han was jointly solved by Xu Feng and Liao Fan in Dachang City.

In the ghost mirror, Zhang Han's figure gradually appeared inside.

It's just that this thing is now placed in the depths of the ghost world by Li Yue. Under normal circumstances, if there is no abnormal movement, Li Yue will not notice it.

In addition, the ghost mirror is always covered with a piece of black cloth.

Therefore, Li Yue did not notice anything unusual at first.

As Zhang Han's figure in the ghost mirror became clearer and clearer, and finally became completely the same as Zhang Han, Zhang Han finally came back to life.

It's just that the resurrected Zhang Han did not appear outside the ghost mirror, but was resurrected in the space behind the ghost mirror.

"Where is this place? I remember Yang Jian asked me to leave a shadow in front of the ghost mirror, saying that if I die, I can be resurrected through the ghost mirror."

Zhang Han, who had just been resurrected, was still a little confused. His memory was stuck on the first time he used the ghost mirror.

He only remembered that he was looking in the mirror just now, and Zhang Han had no idea what happened after that.

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