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Chapter 123 Harvest Again (End of Huanggang's Trip)

Everyone here knows the horror of ghosts.

But now Wang Xiaoming told them that an ordinary candle can protect people from being killed by evil spirits. This is simply beyond imagination.

Even Li Yue on the side looked at Guizhu and felt it was amazing. After all, Wang Xiaoming was an ordinary person and could actually create such a bizarre thing.

It’s no wonder that the country attaches so much importance to Wang Xiaoming and even considers him to be the most likely person to uncover the truth about the supernatural.

"This is impossible." Yang Jian's eyes flickered at this moment. He looked at the scarlet candle with some doubts in his heart.

"Wang Xiaoming didn't lie. He didn't lie about the effect of this ghost candle. Even in the face of S-level ghosts, the ghost candle has a certain effect." Li Yue said seriously after hearing Yang Jian's words;

Yang Jian still trusted Li Yue's words, so he asked Wang Xiaoming again:

"How long can a ghost candle last?"

Wang Xiaoming said: "We can't be sure, because the ghost candle burns at different speeds depending on the ghosts we encounter. The scarier the ghost, the faster the ghost candle burns. But it should be no problem if it can burn for at least half an hour."


When Yang Jian heard this, he already agreed to trade Feng Quan with Guizhu, but he still wanted to see if he could maximize his benefits.

"There is only one of these things, it seems a bit insufficient? How about you add more?"

"I only have this one. If you still want it, you need to apply for deployment. Even I can't make the decision.

But if you apply for deployment, just joining the headquarters is not enough. You need to go up to at least two levels. After all, even Zhao Jianguo does not have this qualification."

"Okay then, let's exchange Guizhu for Feng Quan." After speaking, Yang Jian handed over the body bag and then put Guizhu away.

"Take Feng Quan and let's go to the laboratory. From now on, Manager Sun, you will be responsible for the company's affairs. Don't bother me anymore with small things." Wang Xiaoming immediately ordered the security personnel.

Immediately, someone carried a body bag, held Feng Quan's head, and left quickly under the care of Li Jun, and Li Yue followed.

"Professor Wang, now that you and Yang have finished talking about the deal, it's time to talk about the deal between us." Li Yue walked to Wang Xiaoming and said.

Wang Xiaoming naturally knew that Li Yue was talking about the three-day research right of Ghost Coffin.

"Okay, but can you tell me what exactly you want to do with the ghost coffin?"

"I just have some ideas that I want to try." Li Yue naturally couldn't tell Wang Xiaoming the truth.

Li Yue didn't know whether Wang Xiaoming believed what he said. Anyway, it didn't matter anymore. Getting the ghost coffin was the real thing.

"If you find something, I hope you can share it with me, which will help my research on the ghost coffin." Although he didn't know what Li Yue was planning to do, Wang Xiaoming believed that he was well-measured.

"Then, happy cooperation."

After Li Yue finished speaking, he waved his hand, and the ghost coffin originally placed behind the sports car disappeared.

"Three days later, you arrange for someone to come to my villa in Zhongan City to pick up the ghost coffin."

As the words fell, Li Yue turned into lightning and disappeared from the eyes of Wang Xiaoming and others.

Looking at Li Yue who had disappeared, Wang Xiaoming asked Li Jun:

"Li Jun, how do you feel about Li Yue?"

Li Jun's face was very solemn at this time, and after a while he said:

"Scary, very scary, very scary..."

After hearing Li Jun's words, Zhao Jianguo and Wang Xiaoming were both surprised. They both knew Li Jun's strength. Among the current ghost controllers, he can be said to be the strongest in the first echelon.

But even so, his description of Li Yue was unexpectedly high.

"How do you say this?" Zhao Jianguo asked first;

"When he opened the ghost fire, my ghost fire couldn't even be unfolded. Not only that, I could feel that the will-o'-the-wisp in my body was suppressed." Li Jun said with a heavy expression.

Both Zhao Jianguo and Wang Xiaoming know that Li Yue is very strong. After all, Li Yue has no experience in dealing with supernatural events, and Li Yue is also one of the earliest ghost controllers.

Even so, they have never had a clear standard for Li Yue's power. At this time, they have some clear understanding through Li Jun's words.

For a moment, everyone started to fall silent, and then Yang Jian came over.

"A kind reminder, there is a ghost in the ghost coffin. After opening the ghost coffin, the ghost will run out. You should be careful..." Yang Jiandao.

"Thank you." Li Jun looked back at Yang Jian.

Yang Jian's words woke up several people, and after Yang Jian finished speaking, he turned around and left.

Soon Wang Xiaoming and others also left. After all, Wang Xiaoming still had a lot of research work to do.

The warning on the main roads began to be removed, the blocked roads began to resume traffic, and all kinds of vehicles gradually drove away.

After a while, all the personnel in the base had left one after another, leaving only a few observers, who were responsible for continuing to observe the follow-up situation of the disappeared Huanggang Village to avoid the recurrence of some emergencies.

At this time, Li Yue had already returned to his villa in Zhong'an City.

This trip to Huanggang Village was delayed for three days. At this time, he felt uncomfortable all over. He took a quick bath before he felt comfortable.

Then he went straight into the basement and prepared to start harvesting the ghost coffins.

However, Li Yue was also worried that after Gui Cha lay down in the ghost coffin, his harvest might cause unexpected situations, so he planned to stay in the secret room for the past three days until the harvest was completed.

After sealing the entire secret room from the inside, Li Yue entered his ghost world.

At this time, the ghost coffin is quietly placed among the seven layers of ghosts. After Li Yue arrives, the harvest will begin.

I saw countless thunder and lightning falling from the sky, turning into countless thunder and lightning chains, entangling the entire ghost coffin. Each thunder and lightning chain was transformed by the strongest thunder and lightning.

This shows that Li Yue attaches great importance to ghost coffins and ghost differences.

Then Li Yue began to compress, fuse, and superimpose lightning, one, two...

He didn't stop until he reached the upper limit of Li Yue's control, and then turned the compressed lightning into chains and wrapped them around the ghost coffin.

The reason why Li Yue did this was because he was worried that when he was harvesting, the ghosts inside would take the initiative to open the coffin and come out.

With so many thunder and lightning chains blocking him, he believed that even the ghost who had completed the pregnancy would not be able to come out easily.

Now he is finally relieved and ready to start harvesting.

As the harvesting power was fully activated, Li Yue soon felt that supernatural power began to bless his body.

One of them was the supernatural power belonging to the ghost coffin, which he had experienced before in Huanggang Village.

But the other one was very unfamiliar, but Li Yue suddenly thought about it and figured out that it should be caused by ghosts.

He originally thought that he could only harvest a stream of supernatural beings, because he had always thought that the ghost coffin and the ghost coffin were one, but now it was really an unexpected surprise.

However, regarding this unexpected joy, Li Yue said that the more the better.

At this time, Li Yue began to carefully perceive the two supernatural powers he had harvested. Among them, the one belonging to ghosts was very powerful. When it was blessed on Li Yue, he could clearly feel the improvement in his own strength.

As for the supernatural power belonging to the ghost coffin, just like when it was in Huanggang Village, it disappeared instantly after entering the body.

However, Li Yue had a hunch that there would be changes soon, and they would definitely be good changes.

Li Yue waited all day and night, but he was not impatient at all. He could feel that his body would soon change.

Sure enough, not long after, Li Yue felt that the supernatural power harvested from the ghost coffin had changed, as if a quantitative change caused a qualitative change.

At this time, a strange feeling arose in Li Yue's heart.

Although the power of harvesting the ghost coffin did not bring him any improvement in strength, he already instinctively knew that the power of the ghost coffin was transforming him at a deeper level.

At this time, both his consciousness and supernatural power have become much more agile.

Nowadays, he has made some progress in controlling his own power, and it will continue to improve until the harvest of the ghost coffin is completed.

His ghost body has also become more coordinated, like a lubricated machine.

This has made Li Yue very happy. After all, the upper limit of his strength can be easily increased by harvesting supernatural beings, but such deep changes are rare.

Originally, Li Yue wanted to try lying down in the ghost coffin, but now it seems that there is no need, after all, he is now directly accepting the power of the ghost coffin.

Just like that, three days passed quickly.

When Li Yue felt that there was no longer any supernatural power to bless him, he understood that this harvest was over, and Li Yue began to feel the harvest of this harvest with his heart.

At this time, Li Yue's supernatural power and terror level have been significantly improved compared to three days ago. It is obvious that the ghosts are far more powerful than the ghosts he harvested before.

The second thing is that he can feel that there are magical changes deep in his body at this time, and he has a vague feeling that he has already developed a certain resistance to the suppressive ability of ghosts.

I don’t know if it’s because of the supernatural power of harvesting ghosts or the supernatural power of ghost coffins, or a combination of the two.

Since he couldn't figure it out, Li Yue wasn't going to think about it anymore. It was a good thing anyway.

Li Yue looked at the ghost coffin in front of him, slowly walked forward, and then put his hand on it to feel it.

He soon realized that the condition of the ghost coffin and the ghosts inside the coffin were not very good at this time, but this was normal, after all, half of the supernatural beings were harvested by Li Yue.

Now that three days have passed and the harvest has been completed, he plans to leave Guixiao.

Not long after Li Yue returned to the villa, Wang Xiaoming called.

Li Yue knew at a glance that this was a call to ask for the ghost coffin.

"Li Yue, the time has come." Although Wang Xiaoming's words were very plain, Li Yue could still hear the urgency contained in them.

"Professor Wang, it seems you are really anxious?" Li Yue said with a slight smile;

"Yes, the ghost coffin will play a huge role in my subsequent research. If a breakthrough can be made from the ghost coffin, not only will the current situation be completely reversed, but it will even completely change the world's structure." Wang Xiaoming was full of enthusiasm.

excitement and anticipation;

"But I want to know more, have you researched anything in the past three days?"

"That will disappoint you. I have been researching for three days and there is no result. Maybe I am really not the person to do research." Li Yue said nonsense seriously. As for whether Wang Xiaoming believes it or not, Li Yue cannot control it.

"Li Jun will arrive at your villa in about an hour. Just hand the ghost coffin to him then. Also, he will bring you the reward for the Huanggang Village incident." Wang Xiaoming said.

Li Yue suddenly felt happy when he heard this, because it meant that his strength had been improved again.

"Seeing how happy you are this time, let me give you a warning.

Previously, the ghost in Huanggang Village was still incomplete, but now it has returned to the ghost coffin to continue to breed, so it can be studied, but do not open it.

And before the ferocious ghost is conceived, it must be completely imprisoned with gold in time. Do you understand what I mean?"

After Wang Xiaoming heard what Li Yue said, he did not agree immediately. Instead, he thought for a while and then said: "I understand what you said!"

When Li Yue heard this, he didn't care whether Wang Xiaoming heard it or not. After all, everyone must be responsible for what they do.

Li Jun's efficiency is very high. Although Wang Xiaoming said it would be in an hour, in fact, in less than forty minutes, he was already standing in front of Li Yue.

After meeting, they just exchanged a few words and then stopped talking.

Then Li Jun began to direct the security personnel to carry the ghost coffin out of Li Yue's villa, and then carefully carried it to a transport vehicle.

"Officer Li, the matter has been settled, I will go back to resume my life. After all, Professor Wang is still waiting." At this time, the ghost coffin has been installed, Li Jun said.

"Bon voyage!" Li Yue said after seeing this.

This chapter has been completed!
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