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Chapter 1262 Not meeting each other

Li Yang, who discovered the abnormality, did not panic, but adjusted his thoughts and calmed down quickly.

Li Yang immediately began to examine the quiet, dark hall in front of him.

"This change is very special. If the captain alone disappears, they may have entered the depths of the old house.

But the corpses here and even the traces of fighting have disappeared. This scene is too weird."

Looking at the hall in front of him, Li Yang gradually felt uneasy in his heart.

"That's all, let's try contacting the captain first."

Li Yang felt that this old house was too weird, and he could feel at ease only after meeting Yang Jian and others.

But after he made the call, a reminder suddenly popped up on his phone: There was no signal from the other party.

Li Yang quickly looked at the phone in his hand.

I found that there was still a signal on the side display.

This shows that the phone is not damaged, but now it is impossible to contact Yang Jian.

Something is wrong with this.

The satellite positioning mobile phones they use are specially made by the headquarters and cannot be interfered by supernatural forces.

Li Yang did not give up and called Feng Quan again.

But the result is still the same

No signal from the other party

He called Huang Ziya's number again, but the result was the same.

"How could this happen? My mobile phone has a signal here, so other people's mobile phones should also have a signal, but why is this happening now?"

Li Yang frowned and put down his phone.

If one can't get through, two, or three can't get through, then it's already a good explanation of the problem, and there's little point in trying anymore.

After confirming that he could no longer contact Yang Jian and others, Li Yang first looked in the direction of the gate of the old house, and then looked in the direction of the depths of the old house.

At this point he has three choices

The first one is naturally to stay where you are and continue to wait.

The second step is to go into the depths of the old house again to look for Yang Jian and the others.

The third thing is to leave this weird old house for the time being and wait outside.

After Li Yang thought for a short time, he had already made a decision.

"Let's search in the old house first to see if we can find the captain and the others. If we really can't find them, then leave the old house first."

Of course, he had no intention of going completely deep into the old house.

Through previous events, he discovered that the strangeness of this old house was beyond his imagination, so he did not dare to go into it casually when alone.

Then Li Yang began to search the old house.

Also in the hall of this old house, at another point in time, Yang Jian and others were waiting silently.

Waiting for six o'clock to come.

They didn't know that Li Yue and their teammate Li Yang were also in the hall at this time.

It's a pity that because they all exist in different time periods, no one can see each other.

"It's almost six o'clock, and I don't know if this old house will trigger a restart again this time? If it restarts again, it will be troublesome."

Feng Quan felt a little unsure.

It would be best if it didn't restart again after six o'clock, because they would be free to attack the people from the Life Saving Society.

But once it restarts again, even if they take out all the Life Saving Society members again, it will be meaningless in the end.

Because once restarted, those people will still be resurrected.

Hearing his words, Huang Ziya's face flashed with worry.

Then the two of them turned their attention to Yang Jian.

"This is also one of the reasons why I did not immediately take action with those people. Only after confirming this can I decide on the next action."

Yang Jian also expressed that this was also his concern.

Seeing this, Feng Quan and Huang Ziya stopped talking.

At the same time, Liu Baimu, Zhang Qing in a wheelchair, and Wan Tong had entered the depths of the ancient house.

"By the way, is there really no problem if we rashly enter the depths of the old house like this?" Zhang Qing said with some worry.

"We all know that this old house is very strange. Even if we go in and out here often, we can't say that we fully understand this old house."

Wan Tong also nodded at this time.

What Zhang Qing said is true.

Although the base of their lifesaving society is here

But if it weren't for the curse of the pendulum clock, they wouldn't want to stay here at all. Even if they stayed, they wouldn't dare to go deep into the ancient house and walk around casually.

Because they all know that the mystery of this old house is far beyond their imagination.

Even with the pendulum clock curse, this old house cannot be said to be foolproof.

At most, the probability of an accident will be smaller, but the risk still exists.

"I know what you are worried about, but you can rest assured. Since I dare to take you deep into the old house, I am naturally prepared."

Liu Baimu's eyes flashed with pride, and he took out a notebook while speaking.

The surface is densely filled with various notes and drawings.

But looking at the handwriting and drawing style of the notes, it is certain that the content here was definitely not completed by one person.

It's more like it was done by several groups of people.

When Zhang Qing and Wan Tong looked at the notes that Daliu Baimu took out, they both looked puzzled.

Seeing this, Liu Baimu explained directly:

"Many people in the association are interested in the pendulum clock in the ancient house, and many people have explored the ancient house, trying to find the location of the pendulum clock.

Some people even spent three months exploring the environment of this old house bit by bit.

Although the pendulum clock was not found in the end, and even a large price was paid for it, it was not without any gain.

They recorded the areas they explored and recorded them in this notebook."

Liu Baimu pointed to the notebook in his hand, and then continued:

"Therefore, mastering this notebook is equivalent to mastering most of the laws of this ancient house."

After hearing what he said, Zhang Qing and Wan Tong immediately looked at the notebook in Liu Baimu's hand with burning eyes.

Although this ancient house does not seem to be particularly big,

But it's very strange, because every day there are some different changes in this ancient house.

These changes are indescribable and irregular.

Sometimes there is an extra door, sometimes there are more unknown areas, sometimes there are more walkways.

Sometimes there are even horrific supernatural events happening.

Many people have disappeared in the ancient house and have not appeared yet.

Zhang Qing and Wan Tong were a little worried just now that they would get lost in the depths of this old house.

But now I feel relieved.

If Liu Baimu didn't lie, then this thing is equivalent to a guide for this old house.

With it, even if it cannot be said that it can guarantee the safety of the three people with absolute certainty, it is basically a sure thing.

At this moment, Zhang Qing and Wan Tong suddenly understood why Liu Baimu had suggested a way to escape deep into the old house.

Although there are dangers in the depths of the old house, for Liu Baimu who holds the guide, the danger is not as great as imagined.

Moreover, Zhang Qing and Zhang Qing felt that Liu Baimu's suggestion of escaping deep into the old house might not only be an escape, but that the other party might even want to take advantage of this opportunity to find the pendulum clock that had never been discovered.

This is the source of the Curse of the Pendulum Clock.

As long as you master that thing, it is equivalent to mastering the power of restarting.

By then, Liu Baimu may be lacking in attack, but in terms of life-saving, he will be second to none in the entire supernatural circle.

After all, restarting is such a terrifying ability.

This chapter has been completed!
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