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Chapter 1325 Excellent Opportunity

After there was no threat of will-o'-the-wisp for the time being, Zhang Qing and Wan Tong just relaxed a little.

Because they didn't know how long Chen Qiaoyang's suppression ability would last.

On the contrary, they clearly saw that the burning of will-o'-the-wisps was becoming more and more terrifying.

If you can't think of a way, you will end up with a dead end.

"We'd better go out and fight them. It's not difficult to escape from here with your methods. That Li Jun will definitely not be able to stop you."

Wan Tong looked at Chen Qiaoyang, his eyes full of expectation.

These will-o'-the-wisps are only temporarily suppressed, and problems will definitely arise over time.

The most important thing is that now that Li Jun has appeared and taken action against the old house, does that mean that the headquarters has noticed this old house?

If that's the case, as time goes by, the headquarters may send more captains over.

In Wan Tong's opinion, at this time, one should run away immediately.

If time drags on for a long time, maybe when they go out, they will find that there are all captain-level ghost masters outside.

Thinking of this scene, Wan Tong couldn't help but shudder.

In that situation, both myself and Zhang Qing, the two surviving pendulum clock cursers, were bound to die.

Unfortunately, Chen Qiaoyang didn't think so.

In other words, Chen Qiaoyang simply didn't realize that the world has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Whether it's the world of ordinary people or the supernatural world.

Chen Qiaoyang said calmly:

"Relax, although today's young people are all very good, but after all, they are young people. If you want to kill me here, I am still a bit immature."

Chen Qiaoyang's expression was neither anxious nor anxious, nor did he look anxious at all.

But Zhang Qing and Wan Tong were filled with anxiety at this time.

"Chen Qiaoyang, you have to know the seriousness of the matter. Now we have been targeted by at least three captains from the headquarters."

Zhang Qing patiently continued to persuade;

"Whether it's Yang Jian, Wang Chaling, or Li Jun, none of these people are simple, and their strength is definitely beyond your imagination.

Maybe your strength is terrifying, but if you fight three captain-level beings at the same time, the final result will definitely not be good."

In fact, Zhang Qing felt that he had spoken more conservatively.

With the strength of the three captains, if they jointly attack Chen Qiaoyang, the result for Chen Qiaoyang will definitely not be good.

There is even a high chance that you will die here.

He and Wan Tong will not have a good outcome by then.

However, Chen Qiaoyang was confident in his abilities, so he still said calmly:

"Don't worry, we are in this old house and we have mastered the pendulum clock. The advantage is mine."

Looking at the other party's firm eyes, Zhang Qing suddenly fell silent.

He had already seen that Chen Qiaoyang would not listen to his advice.

Seeing this, Wan Tong also sighed.

The two looked at each other with helpless expressions.

"But these will-o'-the-wisps do need to be dealt with, otherwise they will affect my plan."

At this moment, Chen Qiaoyang glanced at the will-o'-the-wisps around him, and his eyes suddenly changed;

At the same time, Li Yue, Li Jun and Wang Chaling outside the old house were quietly looking at the old house shrouded in will-o'-the-wisps.

"Tell me, can this fire force out the black hands behind this?"

Perhaps out of boredom, Wang Chaling took the initiative to talk to Li Yue.

Li Yue glanced at the other party casually, and then said calmly:

"Although Li Jun's will-o'-the-wisp is indeed very strong now, it may still be difficult to force out the man behind the scenes.

Since that person can find the pendulum clock and control the devil, it shows that the other person's strength is definitely extraordinary.

At least they are all captain-level existences!”

Regarding his analysis, Wang Chaling nodded silently:

"It is indeed unrealistic to think of forcing a captain-level ghost controller out with only will-o'-the-wisps."

At this moment;

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The bell in the ancient house rang again.

Upon hearing the sound of the bell, the expressions of Li Yue, Li Jun and Wang Chaling all changed slightly.

It's not on time now, so the bell shouldn't ring.

But now it rang again.

Then there is only one possibility.

The person who controls the pendulum clock controls the pendulum clock and restarts it again.

And this is indeed the case.

As the sound of the pendulum clock echoed, the will-o'-the-wisp that burned the entire ancient house suddenly disappeared completely.

Li Yue, who also mastered the ability to restart, clearly sensed that there were some changes in the time in the old house.

Obviously, the ancient house lit by will-o'-the-wisps at this time has been moved to another time period by the person behind it.

"Sure enough, after being attacked, the ancient house restarted again."

Although it was something that was expected, Li Jun still had a look of disappointment on his face when he actually saw it happen.

"Although I don't know who is controlling the pendulum clock, what is certain is that the other party can definitely restart it now.

Whether it’s relying on one’s own abilities or relying on the ability of the pendulum clock.”

Previously, Li Yue thought that the person who caused all this should have mastered the restart.

After all, the pendulum clock itself exists in the past time. If you don't master the restart, it is impossible to get the pendulum clock.

But now Li Yue has some doubts.

Because the restart of the old house just now was due to the power of the pendulum clock.

Although this alone could not completely confirm his guess, Li Yue had a vague intuition in his heart;

The person behind the old house should be unable to restart.

As for how to find the pendulum clock and control the pendulum clock to correct the time, Li Yue was not sure.

"You are right. Mastering the pendulum clock is equivalent to mastering the restart. It is not that simple to deal with such people."

Wang Chaling also nodded and said.

"The time is now nine twenty-one."

Li Jun looked at the watch on his hand, and then took out the pocket watch;

Wang Chaling gave it to Li Jun on the top floor of Ning'an Building. After getting it, Li Jun did not return it to Wang Chaling.

"The time on the pocket watch is nine-twenty. It seems that the person restarted the time for one minute." Li Jun said in a hoarse voice:

"So actually the will-o'-the-wisp is still there, it's just that the other party reversed the time of the old house by one minute."

Li Yue nodded gently.

After mastering the power of restart, it is actually quite simple to do this kind of thing.

"Maybe this will be an opportunity for us." Li Jun suddenly said:

"Since the other party restarted the old house for one minute, that means that the enemy is in the old house at this time."

Upon hearing this, Li Yue immediately understood what Li Jun meant.

Since the opponent restarted the burning old house for one minute, that means the enemy was also at this point in time.

If you rush into the old house now, there is a chance that you will meet the people inside.

This will give you a chance to deal with the enemies behind you.

It doesn't matter even if the other party can restart through the pendulum clock.

There are still some differences between restarting through the pendulum clock and restarting through Li Yue's own abilities.

For example, Li Yue can control the scope of restart according to his own needs.

But restarting the pendulum clock will affect the entire old house.

According to their observations, this range will neither grow nor shrink.

In other words, once they enter the old house, if the enemy wants to escape again by restarting, it will have no effect.

Because they are within the same old house, if the enemy restarts, they will also restart;

If the enemy retreats, they will also retreat.

In this way, the enemy's restart ability, which is most troublesome for them, will not have that great effect.

"You just act according to your own ideas. I will guard outside the old house to prevent the imprisoned evil spirits from being released."

After Li Yue was silent for a while, he gave Li Jun an answer.

This chapter has been completed!
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