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Chapter 141 The Principal's Office

 As the trio continued to move forward, it was now certain that the target of these strangers was the abandoned school not far away, which was also the school where Li Yue detained Li Gui a few nights ago.

I just don’t know why these strangers came here.

Although the three of them also saw the isolation belt that the police had put up outside the school, they did not intend to pay attention to it. The three of them walked directly through the isolation belt and continued towards the school gate.

The original old lock on the door had been destroyed by Tang Xin and others. At this time, a brand new iron lock was hanging on the door, and this was made by Ma Jin.

After several people pulled the iron lock with their hands several times, they found that the iron lock was still intact, which made them feel helpless.

Since taking the high-speed train requires going through security check, they were unable to bring many tools with them. After getting off the high-speed train, they were in a hurry and did not have time to replenish the tools, so no one could open the iron lock at this time.

But this was not a problem for the three of them. Since the main entrance was impassable, they decided not to take the usual route, and finally they decided to climb over the wall and enter.

The walls of the school are not high, and in some places more than half of them collapsed, so they easily climbed over the walls and entered the school.

At this time, the school was extremely silent, desolate, overgrown with weeds, and full of the atmosphere of decay.

Although it is daytime now, the moment a few people entered the school, it felt like the temperature had dropped several degrees, and it was like a completely different feeling than outside the wall.

It seems that the wall does not separate the abandoned school from the outside, but more like it separates two worlds.

The three of them listened to the rustling leaves and felt that the school was particularly cold.

Not only did these people not feel uncomfortable about this, but they actually had smiles on their faces.

"Zhang Wei, Ding Hui, it seems we have caught up." The woman looked at the teaching building not far away, and then looked at the watch on her hand.

At this time, the other two men also looked at their watches, and after confirming that they had indeed arrived at their destination within the deadline, they couldn't help but nod.

"Cao Yue, do you still have the nerve to say that if it weren't for your delay, we would almost miss it?" Ding Hui said ruthlessly at this time;

"Can you blame me? Girls need time to prepare when they go out. Besides, didn't you notice that Zhang Wei didn't even say anything?"

Cao Yue was a little embarrassed at this time, but she didn't want to admit that it was because of herself that several people missed the last train and had no choice but to change their tickets, which made several people almost miss the time.

"Okay, please stop saying a few words, we still have a mission." Zhang Wei said helplessly;

In fact, Zhang Wei was also a little unhappy, but fortunately the driver was very helpful, allowing them to not only catch up but also have plenty of time, so he generously gave the driver some more money when they got off the bus.

Cao Yue and Ding Hui also stopped after hearing Zhang Wei's words. After all, their mission has not been completed yet.

"Now that we have arrived at the school, the next step is to find the principal's office and put the letter from the post office inside. Our task is completed." Zhang Wei continued after seeing the two of them calm down;

After Cao Yue and Ding Hui heard this, they looked at the three buildings of the school and their expressions suddenly fell.

"There are so many rooms in this school, how do you know which one is the principal's office?" Cao Yue said a little discouraged;

"Yes, yes!" Ding Hui on the side was no longer fighting with Cao Yue.

"Don't worry, I have done research in advance. Before this school was abandoned, the principal's office was on the seventh floor of the teaching building. Although I don't know which room it was, the area is much smaller. As long as we are careful, we should be able to

Found it." Zhang Wei said to the two of them calmly;

Hearing this, Cao Yue and Ding Hui were immediately overjoyed. This would make the difficulty much easier.

"We don't have much time now, so let's go to the seventh floor to find a room first." Zhang Wei looked at Cao Yue and Ding Hui again.

"Okay!" Cao Yue and Ding Hui said in unison.

After saying that, the three of them walked towards the teaching building.

At this time, the entire teaching building seems to be fine, but if you look carefully, you will find that the entire building seems to be covered with a faint layer of smoke.

Facing the sun, it looks a bit ethereal and a bit false.

However, the three people did not notice this. They walked straight into the teaching building and then started climbing up the stairs.

At first, a few people could go upstairs easily, but by the time they reached the last few floors, they were already tired and out of breath. However, after a little persistence, the three of them finally managed to go up to the seventh floor.

Although there is sunlight shining into the teaching building from outside, the entire corridor is still a little dim at this time, filled with a stale smell, which makes people feel a little nauseous.

However, the three of them are obviously used to this kind of environment. In other words, several of them have already seen an environment even worse than this, so they can remain calm now.

The stairs were right in the middle of the teaching building. Zhang Wei looked at the rooms on both sides of the stairs, and then said to the two of them:

"There are many rooms on the seventh floor. Time is limited now. Let's divide into two groups. You two will search to the left, and I will search to the right. If you find the principal's office, make a noise."

Cao Yue and Ding Hui adjusted their disordered breathing, then nodded to Zhang Wei and said:

"Okay!" After saying that, the two of them took the lead and walked to the left of the stairs.

Zhang Wei knew that although Cao Yue and Ding Hui occasionally quarreled with each other, they still understood the situation clearly at important moments.

Then he started walking to the room on the right.

The rooms on the seventh floor are all small and should be where faculty and staff work.

The doors of many rooms are dilapidated, and some are even covered with cobwebs, and thick dust is everywhere.

As for the rooms, they cannot be described as simply dirty. Some rooms even have some rotting animal carcasses, such as rats.

Time passed little by little. At this time, Zhang Wei had searched most of the room on the right, but Zhang Wei still couldn't find the principal's office, which made him a little anxious.

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According to what the senior messenger said, if the letter is not delivered on time, evil spirits will appear and attack them.

Since he has not been a messenger for a long time, he has only delivered a few letters, and he was very lucky to deliver the letters every time, so he has not encountered any evil ghosts, but I heard from other messengers that he is basically vulnerable to the attacks of evil ghosts.

There is no way to survive.

Just as he was about to walk to the next room, a voice suddenly came to his ears.

"Zhang Wei, come here quickly, we have found the principal's office!"

After listening carefully, it was Ding Hui's voice. It turned out that they had found the principal's office.

Zhang Wei was immediately overjoyed and turned around and walked quickly towards Cao Yue and Ding Hui. As he moved, the dust on the ground flew up.

Soon Zhang Wei came to the two of them and saw that they were standing in front of a wooden door.

"Zhang Wei, look here!" After seeing Zhang Wei coming, Cao Yue pointed at the wooden door and said;

Zhang Wei looked in the direction of Cao Yue's finger and saw vaguely "**魌(qi) Principal's Office" on the wooden door. Since this place has been abandoned for a long time and no one has maintained it, the words on the door have a few words.

One can no longer be seen clearly.

The three of them immediately guessed that these words should be: Principal XX's office.

This discovery made them extremely happy.

"Now that the principal's office has been found, we just need to put the letter in and the task will be completed." Ding Hui said excitedly;

Cao Yue beside him would also nod his head.

Zhang Wei was very understanding when he saw their expressions, because he was just as excited inside.

"Then open the door and complete the task!" Zhang Wei said calmly.

Then I started trying to open the door to the principal's office.

However, no matter how hard the three of them tried, the door remained unchanged and motionless, as if the wooden door in front of them and the entire wall were connected as one.

The three of them sweated profusely in order to open the door, and there was a lot of dust on their bodies.

But they can no longer care about it at this time, because the time is almost up.

Suddenly, Cao Yue, who was lowering his head and exerting all his strength, stopped, then squatted down and flicked the dust on the ground with his hands.

"Stop it, you two, look here." Cao Yue said excitedly;

When the two heard the sound, they knelt down and looked at where Cao Yue was pointing, and they immediately became overjoyed.

It turns out that there is only a thin gap between the wooden door and the ground. The dust on the ground was too thick before, so it was blocked. Just now, when a few people tried hard, they inadvertently swept away the dust on the ground, and it was revealed. The sharp-eyed Cao Yue


"Although this gap is small, there is absolutely no problem in stuffing a letter." Zhang Wei looked at the gap and said immediately;

"Then hurry up, the time is almost up." Ding Hui urged at this time;

Zhang Wei took his backpack without saying a word, and then solemnly took out a red letter from it.

There is no ticket or addressee on this letter, so it is not a formal letter at first glance.

Zhang Wei took the letter and carefully stuffed it through the gap under the door. Cao Yue and Ding Hui next to him also held their breath for fear of disturbing Zhang Wei's movements.

As the red envelope was completely stuffed into the principal's office, several people suddenly let out a big sigh, and at the same time, there were smiles on their faces that were difficult to hide.

"The letter has finally been delivered. Now I can rest assured. Doesn't that mean that we can go to the second floor of the post office immediately? In the future, the time between letter delivery will be longer, and we will be safer." At this time.

Ding Hui suddenly said;

"Yes, I heard that the courier on the second floor only delivers a letter once every half month, which is much better than us." After hearing Ding Hui's words, Cao Yue couldn't help but said;

"This is not the time to talk about this. Let's leave as soon as possible." Although Zhang Wei was very happy inside at this time, he still remained calm.

Cao Yue and Ding Hui also realized that this was indeed not a place for chatting, and hurriedly ran towards the stairs.

They all know that supernatural events will usually occur at the destination of a letter shortly after receiving the letter. If they don't leave quickly, they might also be involved.

Just when a few people were running down the stairs to the outside of the teaching building, they didn't know that the wooden door of the principal's office that they couldn't open no matter how hard they tried just now had been slowly opened halfway.

As the wooden door opens, you can see that the entire office is completely dark. Even the midday sun cannot illuminate it at all. You can only see a red letter sitting on the ground at the door.


Suddenly there was a sound of footsteps from the office, and then a figure shrouded in darkness walked to the door and picked up the red letterhead on the ground.


I saw that the half-open wooden door was instantly closed, and at the same time, the "**魌(qi) Principal's Room" on the wooden door turned into "**Ghost Principal's Room".

At the same time, an invisible supernatural force swept across the entire abandoned school instantly.

A strange change occurred in this school. The sun was shining brightly, but the temperature of the sun could not be felt in the school.

And a thick fog began to appear around the school, slowly covering the entire school, and the originally bright environment began to become dim.

The entire teaching building, starting from the principal's office, was slowly swallowed up by darkness bit by bit.

When Zhang Wei and others came out of the teaching building, they also noticed changes in the surrounding environment, and they felt uneasy.

"Something happened here, let's run!" Zhang Wei said to the two people behind him without looking back, and at the same time began to run out of the school.

Cao Yue and Ding Hui also knew about the existence of supernatural powers. Seeing the situation in front of them, they naturally guessed that something was wrong, and they also ran outside the school.

This chapter has been completed!
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