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Chapter 1451 Prepare to leave

After hearing Li Yue's analysis, Yang Jian's expression also changed.

He also took that supernatural bus before.

Recalling his experience on the supernatural bus, Yang Jian suddenly felt uneasy.

The supernatural bus will suppress the supernatural power, which means that the ghost controller cannot act arbitrarily on the bus, and the supernatural power will be suppressed to a certain extent.

Of course, this kind of suppression is not a complete suppression similar to a nail in the coffin, but a kind of suppression that limits your ghost ability.

At least the last time Yang Jian took the bus, his ghost eyes could be opened, but he couldn't use the ghost's power and couldn't clearly see the scene outside the supernatural bus.

And that supernatural bus is prepared for ghosts.

Moreover, the number of ghosts on the bus will increase as the number of bus stops increases.

Fortunately, the suppression ability of the supernatural bus is not only against ghost masters, but also against evil ghosts.

Even if a ghost gets on the bus, he cannot kill people on the bus at will.

Otherwise, the horror of the supernatural bus would be unimaginable.

"Now things are in trouble."

Yang Jian was also shocked at this moment, realizing the seriousness of this problem.

In fact, Yang Jian had suspected from a long time ago that the supernatural bus and the ghost post office were involved.

Because the number of seats on a bus is the same as the number of rooms in a post office;

The number of seats on the bus, excluding the driver's seat, is thirty-five, and the number of rooms in the post office is also thirty-five.

And both the ghost post office and the supernatural bus vaguely point to the Republic of China period.

All this can't be just a coincidence.

In other words, Yang Jian does not believe that there are such coincidences in supernatural events.

"Trouble, this mission is indeed troublesome for you. Even I need to be careful."

Li Yue said meaningfully at this time.

Hearing Li Yue's words, Yang Jian, Ding Hui, and Li Yang's expressions suddenly changed.

Although they didn't know how strong Li Yue was, they also knew that Li Yue had never said such a thing even when facing an S-level ghost.

This shows that Li Yue was afraid of this letter delivery task.

"Yuezi, is it really like this? Even you."

Ding Hui still had some doubts in his heart.

After all, Li Yue's past achievements were so dazzling that Ding Hui couldn't imagine what kind of ghost could make Li Yue look like this.

"As for? Of course." Li Yue looked at Ding Hui and the others seriously, and then continued;

"Read the first tip carefully. The most important thing is the last sentence."

Yang Jian, Li Yang, and Ding Hui immediately looked at the wall;

Three days later in the evening, I went to Dachang Chang'an Intersection Station, got on the bus that arrived at the station on time at nine o'clock, and got off after three stops.

This is the first task prompt given by the post office.

"Take a closer look. It says here that we should get off the bus after three stops. Logically speaking, among the three stops, it should be the fourth stop;

But that’s not how it’s described here, so it can only mean that we need to get off somewhere between the third and fourth stops.”

Having said this, Li Yue's eyes stayed on Yang Jian.

Although Ding Hui and Li Yang also know some information about the supernatural bus, they have never ridden on this bus personally, so they still know a little about many things.

But Yang Jian is different. Yang Jian has personally experienced the supernatural bus.

Therefore, Yang Jian can think of many things.

Just like this, after Li Yue's reminder, Yang Jian immediately understood what Li Yue meant.

It is precisely because of this that Yang Jian's face suddenly turned gloomy.

Under normal circumstances, whenever a ghost wants to get on or off the bus, the supernatural bus will stop at the stop.

As long as you stay on the supernatural bus at this time, there is basically no danger.

However, if some abnormal situation occurs and the supernatural bus breaks down or stalls on the way, then both the people on the bus and the ghost need to get off the bus in time.

At this time, danger will appear.

After leaving the supernatural bus, the ghost will lose its suppression and will target the people around it.

The more ghosts there are in the car, the easier it is to be targeted by the ghosts.

When Yang Jian took the supernatural bus, he encountered a situation where the engine stalled halfway.

Even Li Yue was attacked at that time.

And if Yang Jian hadn't spoken at the last moment to wake up Li Yue who was attacked by the ghost bride, I don't know what would have happened.

Even if Li Yue will not be killed, he will still miss the supernatural bus and get lost in the supernatural place.

And this time it is very likely that we will experience a supernatural bus stalling or a ghost blocking the bus.

Thinking of this, even Yang Jian, who had become an alien, couldn't help but feel a little uneasy.

Looking at Yang Jian's look, Li Yue knew that Yang Jian had understood what he meant, and then said softly:

"This is just heading to the destination of delivering the letter. I believe the destination of delivering the letter will definitely be scarier than riding a supernatural bus, so you'd better be fully prepared."

Yang Jian nodded silently.

After Li Yue's explanation, Yang Jian's emphasis on this mission once again increased to a higher level.

"Okay, now these are the only things that can be analyzed from the prompts. The rest can only be known when the mission starts."

After saying this, Li Yue didn't speak again.

After Yang Jian calmed down his mood a little, his expression returned to indifference again.

At this moment, the wooden staircase leading to the lobby on the first floor of the post office appeared strangely again.

When Wang Feng and others saw it, they first glanced at Li Yue and Yang Jian, and then said:

"Now that the letter and mission are clear, it's time to set off. Dachang City is still a bit far away, and I don't want to be late."

After saying this, Wang Feng walked directly to the stairs.

When Li Yue and Yang Jian were talking just now, Li Yue had used his ability to block their voices.

Therefore, Wang Feng, Ying Ying and others could only see what Li Yue and Yang Jian were talking about, but they did not know the specific content.

However, this method had already been put away when Li Yue stopped talking.

After Yang Jian and Li Yue heard Wang Feng's voice, they just glanced at Wang Feng without saying anything or stopping each other.

Seeing this, Eagle also spoke:

"Although I've heard of the red message delivery mission, this is the first time I've encountered it. If I'm not careful this time, the group may be wiped out. Everyone should be careful."

After saying that, the eagle also walked towards the stairs.

At this time, Li Yue glanced at Yang Jian and said casually:

"Okay, Ding Hui and I are going back first. We will arrive in Dachang City on time in three days."

Yang Jian nodded slightly.

Then Li Yue took Ding Hui up the stairs.

Seeing that Li Yue and Ding Hui also disappeared, Yang Jian said to Li Yang beside him:

"Li Yang, let's go back too and make preparations early to avoid any accidents."

After saying this, Yang Jian glanced at Yang Xiaohua again: "Next time I want to see you appear in Dachang City with this red balloon."

"I will." Yang Xiaohua nodded quickly.

Seeing this, Yang Jian said no more and walked down the steps with Li Yang, and soon disappeared.

After seeing Li Yue and Yang Jian and others leaving, Liu Qingqing first looked deeply at Yang Xiaohua, and then left the fourth floor of the post office without saying a word.

This chapter has been completed!
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