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Chapter 1482 Meaning of Existence

As the bus started again, it finally left the strange county town with all the passengers in the bus before the evil ghosts invaded the bus.

"You are so brave, you dare to steal this."

Yang Jian sat in the driver's seat, staring at Zhou Deng who had just got into the car with strange eyes and said.

"I thought it would be okay and I could withstand it, but unexpectedly something happened as soon as I got off the car." Zhou Deng also said with some emotion;

"Thank you so much Yang Jian just now, I really didn't expect you to take action."

At this time, Zhou Deng looked at Yang Jian with eyes full of surprise.

Just now Zhou Deng was even prepared to fight tooth and nail, but he didn't expect that Yang Jian could actually control the bus door in the end.

And he is also willing to lend a helping hand to himself.

"Your life is valuable."

At this moment, Yang Jian suddenly stretched out his hand towards Zhou Deng.

Zhou Deng was stunned for a moment, then grinned:

"I see."

I saw him open his palm directly, and three pieces of yellow paper appeared in his hand.

None of the three pieces of yellow paper is complete, and all are incomplete to varying degrees.

Those are the marks left after being burned by fire.

"You helped me just now. I can give you one and you choose." Zhou Deng looked at Yang Jian and said.

Yang Jian glanced at the yellow paper in Zhou Deng's hand and took away the least damaged yellow paper without hesitation.

Although I don’t know what the effect of this thing is, since it can be stuck on the ghost’s face, there must be something special about it.

Yang Jian immediately began to study the yellow paper in his hand.

Rough, yellowed, and a bit cold, it looks like a very ordinary piece of straw paper, but its size is larger than ordinary yellow paper. It is not the kind of yellow paper money used to visit graves in rural areas.

This is a piece of face paper.

In the past, it was specially used to cover the face of corpses and was used for burial.

"It is indeed a supernatural object. It is similar to a ghost candle or a scapegoat. It should be a one-time consumable item because it can be damaged. I just don't know what the use of this thing is."

Yang Jian thought to himself, "Forget it, let's study it later."

Yang Jian then put the yellow paper away.

"You gave up just in time. If you really insist on taking away the copper basin, you will never come back alive."

At this time, Yang Jian looked at Zhou Deng again.

When they worked together to solve the problem of the bus being full, Yang Jian realized that Zhou Deng was not an easy person.

"That copper basin is very unusual. It would be great if I could get it. Since I didn't get it, forget it. Let's see if I have this opportunity next time."

Zhou Deng shook his head, then returned to the seat behind with a smile and sat down.

He was very free and easy, as if it was no big deal that he was on the verge of life and death just now.

Looking at Zhou Deng's back, Yang Jian felt that this person was even more weird.

Knowing that the place where the supernatural bus stops is a dangerous supernatural place, he still has the courage to get off the bus and pick up the wool of the supernatural place, and he seems to have no fear of life or death.

This kind of person is either crazy or very powerful.

While Yang Jian and Zhou Deng were talking, the supernatural bus had gradually left this peaceful small county town.

After leaving the county town, there was another long and winding silent road, which was exactly the same as before.

No one in the car had any intention of speaking, and most of them closed their eyes to rest.

Only Li Yue was still looking at the scenery outside the car with interest.

“The bus route this time is completely different from the two previous times I took it, and the stops we visited were also very different.

I don’t know what the pattern is of this car’s driving route?”

Li Yue recalled what happened when he took the supernatural bus in the first two cars.

It doesn't match up to now at all.

But there is one place where Li Yue only needs to make sure that the car will eventually park at the place where Zhang Dong's old house is located.

As for other secrets of this car, we can slowly explore them when we have time in the future.

As time passed by, the atmosphere in the car became tense again.

Worry and anxiety gradually surged into the hearts of all passengers.

Because the bus has been driving for half an hour, as long as there is no accident, the third stop of the bus should not be far away.

Sure enough, something changed soon outside the bus.

Only this time it was not that the scenery changed, but that a few drops of water suddenly fell on the glass.

At the same time, the light outside dimmed a lot again.

And as the vehicle continued to move forward, there was more and more rain, and the surrounding light became dim again, as if even the bright lights of the bus were about to be swallowed up.

As the bus continued to move forward, the rain became heavier and heavier.

Not long after, there was a crackling sound on the glass of the bus.

Dense raindrops fell on the bus, just like fingers tapping on the window continuously.

"No, it's actually raining outside?"

"It seems like this. This is the first time I have encountered this situation."

"I've been on the bus for a while, and this is the first time I've seen it rain in this damn place."

"It looks like the third stop is coming soon, and this rain is a sign."

"Do you still remember the fierce ghost that got off the bus in Dachang City before?" At this moment, someone suddenly said;

"I still remember very clearly that the evil ghost was holding a black paper umbrella. It must be raining in places where evil ghosts need to hold an umbrella.

It happened to be raining here, so I suspect that the devil was supposed to get off at this stop, but for some unknown reason, got off at Dachang City in advance."

There are still many smart people in the paranormal circle. Although they know very limited information about paranormal buses, it does not affect their imagination.

At the weird county intersection before, a ghost with a yellow paper covering his face got out of the car.

And there, there was the same yellow paper as Li Gui's face, and a copper basin for burning paper.

There are even ghosts with yellow paper covering their faces.

Such an obvious connection can be found with just a little attention.

Combining everything that happened before, these people quickly came up with some guesses about the existence of this supernatural bus:

The bus is meant to be sent back to its original place.

Although there is no direct evidence, everyone still agrees with this idea.

And Yang Jian's eyes narrowed after hearing what these people said.

He knows more about supernatural buses than these people, so he has more say.

Recalling his experience on the supernatural bus, Yang Jian also tended to think that the bus wanted to send the ghosts back to their rightful place.

Li Yue also heard the words of these people, and a look of approval flashed in his eyes.

Li Yue knew more about this bus.

He knew that the original purpose of this car's existence was to transport evil ghosts to corresponding supernatural places.

In this way, the evil ghosts in the real world can be exiled to a supernatural place. Although it is not imprisoned, it is almost the same.

If there are no problems, then sooner or later all the evil ghosts in the real world will be expelled.

This can also be regarded as an alternative and complete solution to the problem of supernatural recovery.

Unfortunately, there was a problem with the supernatural bus in the end.

Especially after losing Mr. Qin as the driver.

Since there was no driver, it gradually began to lose control.

Although the bus is still running, many ghosts do not arrive where they should go, but get off at the wrong stop, or even invade the real world.

For example, it was the devil holding an umbrella who got off the bus in Dachang City before.

It's very likely that someone in Dachang City triggered the evil ghost's killing pattern at that time, so the evil ghost got off the bus when the door opened.

And Li Yue believes that this situation is definitely not an isolated case, but many.

Even if the bus is not controlled for a day, situations like the black umbrella ghost will continue to occur.

This chapter has been completed!
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