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Chapter 152 The old man and the diary

 Li Yue also casually opened the book he had taken down, and found that it was a very ordinary book, and there was nothing wrong with the content.

Just when Li Yue touched the book cover with his hand, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

The texture of the book cover is not like paper, but rather like human skin.

Li Yue made careful observations several times and finally determined that the cover of the book was indeed made of human skin, but for unknown reasons, it now looks like black kraft paper.

He touched the covers of the books in the hands of Liu Yang and others and found that they were all made of human skin.

Li Yue couldn't help but look up at the bookshelf not far away. There were at least several thousand books here, and the cover of each book was black.

If the covers of these books were all made of human skin, that would be amazing. How many people would have to be killed to get so many?

At this moment, he suddenly thought of the strange village where he met the headless monk while taking the supernatural bus. At that time, there was a big tree in the village, and the leaves on the big tree were also made of human skin.

I don’t know what’s wrong with these evil ghosts, but they all like to use human skin to make things.

I’m speechless just thinking about it.

However, he did not say that the book cover was made of human skin, because that would only cause unnecessary commotion, and it would be better for everyone to remain ignorant.

After confirming that there was no hidden information in the book, Li Yue's mind was not on the book either.

Although he is looking at the book now and will flip through the book every now and then, his thoughts have long since disappeared.

After the death of four people in the dormitory last night, and the incident of getting pens in the examination room in the morning, now everyone, no matter how stupid they are, can guess that something is wrong.

What's more, Lao Mei and Lao Zhong intend to use everyone to verify more clues for them, so they will naturally reveal some information to everyone, lest these people become too worthless.

Therefore, no matter how uncomfortable it is for everyone to be in the library, no matter how awkward and uncomfortable they are, everyone will stay quietly on the sofa and not run around in a hurry.

I am afraid that I will accidentally become the next person to die.

Therefore, the atmosphere on the first floor of the entire library is very strange at this time. Everyone seems to be reading books seriously, but if you look carefully at everyone's expressions, you will find that everyone's eyes are all erratic. It is obvious that everyone's thoughts are not at all.

Not in the book in hand.

Suddenly, Li Yue, who was wandering in the world, felt that a strange gaze was looking at him, and Li Yue reflexively looked at the source of the gaze.

In a dark corner of the library, an old man wearing an old administrator's uniform was looking at Li Yue.

When the old man noticed Li Yue's gaze, a smile slowly appeared at the corner of his mouth. At that moment, Li Yue even saw the white teeth in the old man's mouth, which was very eye-catching.

The most special thing is that the old man's eyes are only a little black, and the rest are completely white. There should be more white eyes than black eyes.

Li Yue didn't feel the slightest bit of popularity in the old man, but instead sensed the existence of supernatural power.

The strange old man in front of him gave Li Yue the feeling that he was a ghost controller who had completely revived the evil ghost. In other words, this old man with white eyes was very likely to be a evil ghost.

Discovering that another evil ghost appeared in front of him, Li Yue was naturally not prepared to let it go easily. Moreover, the identity of the white-eyed old man when he was alive should not be simple. Maybe some clues could be found on his body.

At this time, Li Yue didn't care whether he would violate the library's regulations. He instantly turned into a bolt of lightning and flew straight towards the white-eyed old man.

As Li Yue's strength improves, his current movement speed in the form of lightning is getting faster and faster, but how fast even Li Yue himself is not very clear.

However, he once experimented and found that when he used it with all his strength, he could travel tens of thousands of kilometers back and forth in less than one second.

This shows how terrifying Li Yue’s movement speed is.

At this time, the distance between Li Yue and the old man was only a few dozen meters, so in just an instant, Li Yue appeared in front of the white-eyed old man.

Even because Li Yue moved so fast, not even Liu Yang and the others around him noticed Li Yue leaving at this time, let alone other people.

The moment Li Yue appeared in front of the old man with white eyes, his right hand had already landed on the old man with white eyes.

At this time, in Li Yue's right hand, powerful supernatural power belonging to thunder and lightning has been gathered. However, because Li Yue deliberately restrained the supernatural power this time, the thunder and lightning in his hand did not show up at all.

Li Yue was merciless when he took action. Regardless of whether the opponent was a powerful ghost or a ghost controller hiding in the ghost school, he planned to subdue the opponent first.

Perhaps it was because Li Yue's movements were too fast, or for other reasons, but the old man with white eyes did not resist or dodge at all, and completely accepted Li Yue's palm.

At the same time, the lightning power in Li Yue's palm directly invaded the old man's body.

The suppression, weakening, paralysis and other effects carried by thunder and lightning also began to explode.

Li Yue believed that no matter whether the opponent was a fierce ghost or a ghost controller, under the power of his palm, he could only obediently kill him.

However, Li Yue did not feel relieved because there is another word in the world called accident.

As the power of Li Yue's thunder and lightning exploded in the old man's body, electric arcs began to flash across the old man's body.

In Li Yue's induction, the supernatural power in the old man's body had completely fallen into silence, and the old man stood motionless in front of Li Yue.

Seeing this, Li Yue felt excited for a moment.

After all, this old man can be said to be his first gain after coming here. Maybe he can also find other important information through the old man.

Li Yue began to look at the old man's administrator's clothes.

The clothes all over the old man's body were all pure black, without any color from inside to outside. The key was that the style of the clothes was very contemporary. Li Yue could tell at a glance that it was a product of the Republic of China.

On the old man's chest, there is an identity plate with a few traditional Chinese characters clearly printed on it: "Librarian".

Although the clothes on the old man's body are very old, the identity plate is very bright, as if it has been wiped and maintained from time to time.

Li Yue felt that this nameplate was very suspicious and wanted to get it.

As soon as he thought of it, he started to do it. Li Yue stretched out his hand to grab the nameplate on the old man's chest.

Just when Li Yue's fingertips were only one centimeter away from the nameplate, the white-eyed old man disappeared from Li Yue's eyes, as if he had never appeared before.

This situation exceeded Li Yue's expectation.

You must know that the supernatural power in the old man's body has been completely suppressed by Li Yue's lightning power. The old man should have fallen into silence at this time, but the old man disappeared from Li Yue's eyes. This is very unreasonable.

Li Yue immediately went on alert.

"Is it a restart?"

Li Yue had some doubts in his heart.

But then I thought something was wrong. If the old man with white eyes can really be restarted, then its level of terror is definitely not low. How could it be suppressed by Li Yue's lightning?

Li Yue was also very confused at this time.

Just when Li Yue thought he would soon be attacked by evil spirits, he found that the surroundings were still very quiet. The old man with white eyes did not appear again, and he was not attacked by supernatural powers.

Li Yue became more and more confused at this time.

He remained alert for nearly ten minutes, and after realizing that the ghost seemed to have no intention of appearing, he slowly relaxed.

Suddenly, Li Yue seemed to have thought of something. He walked to where the white-eyed old man was standing just now and imitated the old man's posture.

Since Li Yue was taller than the old man, he specially bent his knees to bring himself closer to the old man.

After everything was ready, Li Yue began to slowly turn his head and eyes.

Just when Li Yue completely reproduced the old man's posture and gaze direction, he noticed something unusual in Li Yue's eyes.

I saw a book on the bookshelf right in front of me that was slightly different from the others.

Just after Li Yue straightened his legs, he could no longer see the book. When he recreated the old man's posture again, he could see the book again.

It turns out that this different book happened to be stuck in the blind spot of vision. It can only be seen from a specific angle and a specific height.

Li Yue quickly walked to the bookshelf and took down the book.

I saw that this book was very similar to the one that Li Yue had taken down before. It also had a black cover, but the cover of this book was not made of human skin, but looked like some unknown animal skin.

Li Yue directly opened the book in his hand and started reading.

Only then did Li Yue realize that he had made a mistake, that is, what he held in his hand was not a book, but a diary that was close to notes.

"March 12, 1998, the Republic of China: The whole world has become more chaotic, supernatural events have become more serious, and evil ghosts are rampant. Although we people are very powerful, the number is still too small compared to the evil ghosts."

"March 19, ** year of the Republic of China: Today, the three of us brothers worked together to solve a supernatural incident again, but many people still died."

"On the tenth day of April in the Republic of China: We received information from several other groups of people and met to discuss solving the problem of ghosts. We hope there will be results this time."

"On the fifth day of May in the Republic of China: After several days of discussion, although I also feel that my own plan is correct, it seems that other people's plans are not unreasonable, but the eldest brother and the third brother do not agree."

"On May 14th, 1999, the Republic of China: This discussion ultimately broke up on bad terms. This is the third discussion, and it may also be the last time."

"On the fourth day of June in the Republic of China: Even if others don't agree, we are still prepared to do it according to our own method."

"September 19, ** year of the Republic of China: The school is finally completed. We believe that we will succeed."

"On the first day of October in the Republic of China: the first batch of students are in place, and we are one step closer to success."

"On the third day of November, ** year of the Republic of China: Something seems wrong with the boss..."

"December 23, 1999: We failed...the school is out of control..."

When Li Yue saw this, his face could no longer remain calm.

Although this diary may have been written for too long, so much of the content has been unclear, and only a few sentences can be seen on a few pages.

But even so, there is still a lot of information contained in it.

"Unfortunately, if the contents of the diary are not incomplete, we should not only be able to figure out the origin of the ghost school, but perhaps also know some secrets of the Republic of China period."

At this time, Li Yue felt full of regrets.

You must know that all the known supernatural events, almost all clues point to the Republic of China period, and that period definitely contains the secret.

Perhaps when Li Yue figured out what happened during the Republic of China, he would also understand the truth about the supernatural events.

Li Yue quickly continued to read the diary in his hand.

One page, two pages, third page...

Blank, blank, blank...

Li Yue was disappointed. He didn't expect that when he saw the important information, the owner of the diary was not recording it. Li Yue was a little unwilling to give up and continued to read back.

Just when Li Yue was about to finish flipping through the entire diary, it was still blank.

He checked carefully and found that there were really no traces of writing on these blank papers. It was not because of time that the ink marks on them had disappeared.

Just when Li Yue was about to put the diary back on the bookshelf, he saw writing on the last page of the diary.

Li Yue quickly turned the diary to the last page.

"We decided to stay in the school to prevent it from getting completely out of control. Although our plan failed, we...back-up...future...inherit..."<


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