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Chapter 154 looks pretty

 The four hours from two o'clock to six o'clock in the afternoon are very difficult for everyone staying in the library.

This is not because there are evil spirits attacking them, but because they must always be vigilant and not violate the library's regulations.

But the environment of the library makes it easy for them to relax, which makes them love and hate them at the same time.

Fortunately, four hours is not a long time, and it will pass quickly if everyone can bear with it.

With the sound of "pop", the library door that was originally closed has been opened again, and then everyone can leave the library.

But before that, everyone knew that there was one more thing that needed to be done, otherwise it was still unknown whether they would be able to get out of the library.

This matter is to return the book.

Everyone needs to return the books they took out to their original places.

But unfortunately, not everyone remembers the location of the books when they take them out, so there are still people who just casually put the books on the bookshelf when returning them.

Li Yue and Liu Yang prepared to leave the library after putting the books back to their original places.

Because according to the previous experience of teaching buildings and dormitory buildings, it is estimated that the door of the library will be closed again in half an hour.

At that time, if you still stay in the museum, no one knows what will happen.

At this time, other people have also put the books on the bookshelves and are preparing to leave the library.

Suddenly, among the crowd walking towards the library door, two black and white paintings quietly appeared behind two people. They were very similar to the paintings that appeared behind Li Yue before, but there were some differences in content.

Along with the painting, two supernatural forces appeared, which acted on the two people at the same time, pulling them towards the black and white painting behind them.

These two people are just ordinary people. They don't have the supernatural power to resist the pulling force, so the moment the black and white painting appeared, they were already included in the painting.

At this time, the content of the entire black and white painting has changed. Originally, there was only a background environment in the painting, but now characters appear.

They are exactly the two people who were included in the painting just now. Although they are in black and white, they are lifelike. Even their terrifying and desperate eyes can be seen clearly.

At this time, the other people standing next to the two of them were not affected at all.

Although the body was not affected, one can imagine how everyone felt when they saw the people around them being included in the painting.

After the two people were included in the painting, the black and white painting disappeared from everyone's eyes.

Only Li Yue saw that at the same time that the paintings disappeared from their place, two old paintings suddenly appeared on the walls of the first floor of the library.

Li Yue glanced around at the countless paintings on the wall, and he felt somewhat clear in his mind. If there was no miscalculation, then these paintings contained people who violated the library's regulations.

It's just that the number of paintings on the walls is really too much. From this, you can imagine how many people have been dragged into the ghost school, and how many people have been left here forever because of violating its rules.

As for the other people, they quickly regained their composure after seeing the fate of the two. After all, this was not the first time they had experienced such a weird thing.

Then everyone continued to walk outside the museum as if nothing had happened, but the expressions on their faces did not look like they were okay, and their steps became heavier and heavier.

So far, eight people have died, and thirteen are still alive.

This has only been less than a day, and it has already been like this. No one knows how long they will stay in the ghost school.

If what everyone needs to pay attention to is just the rules in a few buildings, that's okay, because through this period of observation, they can roughly understand part of the information.

But Li Yue felt that the next time would not be that simple. He still clearly remembered the ghosts he encountered and the four ghosts Ding Hui saw.

Once these evil ghosts are free, then the real nightmare is about to begin.

Not only do everyone need to ensure that they do not violate the corresponding rules, but they also need to find ways to avoid the killing patterns of the six ghosts. This difficulty is simply unimaginable.

Even Li Yue can only rely on his own hard power to deal with it, let alone others.

Li Yue led the way quietly, followed by Liu Yang and four others.

Seeing Li Yue thinking about something, none of them spoke.

A few people soon came to a corner of the playground. As everyone sat down casually, Li Yue slowly spoke.

"If it is not necessary, you must not separate now. The situation in the ghost school is getting more and more complicated."

"Although I have a guess in my mind about leaving here, it will take time to do it. Our main goal now is to persist until that time comes."

If he only needs to avoid the rules of the ghost school, Li Yue is still very confident that nothing will happen to the people in front of him, but if other ghosts really appear, then he cannot guarantee it.

Because an ordinary person may not be able to hold on for even a second after encountering a powerful ghost, and it is impossible for him to do everything perfectly.

After everyone heard Li Yue's words, their mood became even heavier.

"But now everything is still my guess. Everything depends on the situation tonight. If tonight can go through smoothly, then things are not that bad yet, and you can rest assured for the time being;

But once something new happens tonight, my guess will probably come true, and by then, I will probably not have any extra energy to take care of you."

A few people originally followed Li Yue. Although they also experienced the weirdness of the ghost school, they didn't find it scary. They believed in Li Yue's strength.

But now Li Yue's words made it clear to them that this was a supernatural event, and any mishap was possible. Even with Li Yue taking care of them, they might die.

"Boss, you just said everything depends on the situation tonight. What exactly do you mean?"

Liu Yang felt very heavy at this time. This was the first time he saw Li Yue like this.

"Then it depends on whether there is a ghost attack in the dormitory tonight."

What Li Yue wants to determine most now is the status of the new ghosts that have appeared. As long as this is determined, Li Yue can formulate the next plan.

Li Yue did not hide this, he chose to tell a few people directly.

In fact, Li Yue now wants to know more about the reason why these ghosts appear, whether it is accidental or there are other factors.

If it's okay by chance, I'm afraid more of these ghosts will appear one after another, which will really be troublesome.

Just six ghosts, Li Yue is still confident to suppress them at full strength. If there are more ghosts, then Li Yue himself and Liu Yang may still survive.

As for the other people, Li Yue would suggest that they write suicide notes now, unless they can find the reason for the ghost's appearance, that is, the relevant rules.

Just when Li Yue was about to say something more, he suddenly felt someone approaching.

It turns out that in the library before, in addition to Liu Yang and others, Lao Mei and Lao Zhong also saw Li Yue disappear from the sofa.

In fact, when they entered the library, they instinctively paid attention to Li Yue and Liu Yang, who were both ghost controllers. Therefore, they heard Li Yue telling Liu Yang and others to note down the locations of books.

They didn't think of this at first, but after hearing Li Yue's words, they immediately realized it.

Then they also said the same thing to several people around them, which is why so many people were able to return the book to its original location.

Otherwise, there are definitely not only two people who were drawn into the black and white paintings in the library.

After seeing Li Yue and others sitting down on the sofa in the corner, Lao Mei and Lao Zhong found a relatively remote corner to sit down, but the location they chose just happened to be where they could see Li Yue and others.

Therefore, the two people also saw Li Yue suddenly disappear from the sofa in the middle of the process, and then appeared after a while.

Just because of the angle, they didn't see Li Yue suppressing the white-eyed old man, but they saw Li Yue being attacked by black and white paintings for violating the library's regulations.

It's just that they were in the library at that time, so no matter how curious they were, they didn't speak.

When the library door opened again, they came to the playground first, just to wait for Li Yue.

Now seeing Li Yue and others in a corner of the playground, Lao Mei and Lao Zhong came directly.

When Li Yue saw that the people coming were Lao Mei and Lao Zhong, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

"Officer Li, let's talk?"

Lao Mei and Lao Zhong came to Li Yue and said with curiosity in their eyes, but this time they were no longer avoiding the Chen siblings and Ding Hui.

Through the previous exchanges, they had already seen Li Yue's extraordinary abilities. After all, he discovered many information clues, and almost all of the clues discovered were important.

So now they all understand that the initiative in communication has gradually fallen into the hands of Li Yue, so they are a little wary now.

But in order to get more clues, they still had to bite the bullet and find Li Yue.

At this time, Li Yue looked at the two of them with joking eyes and thought for a while before speaking.

"Oh! I wonder what you want to talk about this time?"

In fact, Li Yue has guessed that they came to him at this time probably for library matters, and Li Yue is pretending not to know.

However, Lao Mei and Lao Zhong didn't know Li Yue's thoughts, but they believed Li Yue's words.

"I watched you sitting on the sofa for a while in the library, and when you appeared again, you were fighting against the black and white paintings again."

"I want to know what clues you found that made you get off the sofa despite violating the library's rules."

"Of course it would be better if you are willing to share information about black and white paintings."

Lao Mei was not polite at all and just said a lot of words.

Li Yue did not answer their questions directly, but looked at Lao Mei with a strange look.

"I never realized that although you are middle-aged, you are quite beautiful!"

Although Li Yue spoke with a very sincere tone, Lao Mei was still a little confused after hearing this. They were obviously talking about a very serious topic, so why did Li Yue say this without starting or ending?

Lao Zhong, who was next to Lao Mei, did not understand what Li Yue meant, but soon looked back and forth between Li Yue and Lao Mei with strange eyes.

At the same time, I couldn't help but tremble in my heart. I couldn't help but tighten my butt muscles, and then took a step back to stay away from Li Yue.

"This Officer Li looks quite aloof, but he actually likes this kind of tone. It's just that even Lao Mei likes it. This taste is not ordinary!"

But Lao Zhong doesn't find it strange. After all, there are basically few normal ghost masters, so it is not unusual to encounter a few weird ones.

At this time, Li Yue naturally noticed Lao Zhong's eyes, but he didn't understand the meaning, so he didn't care.

But if Li Yue knew what Lao Zhong was thinking, he would probably kill him directly.

At this moment, Chen Ziyi, who was behind Li Yue, laughed softly. Even Liu Yang and the others were all smiling, but they didn't laugh out loud like Chen Ziyi.

Hearing the laughter and seeing the stifling expressions of several people, no matter how slow Lao Mei Fang Ying was, she knew there was something wrong with what Li Yue just said.

"What do you mean by what you just said?"

Regarding Lao Mei's question, Li Yue didn't say anything, but Chen Ziyi whispered:

"It's so obvious, do you still need to ask? What Officer Li means is that you look beautiful on the outside, but you are even more beautiful on the inside!"

Although Chen Ziyi didn't speak loudly, everyone heard what he said because they were not far away.

Just as Chen Ziyi finished speaking, Liu Yang and the others couldn't hold it in any longer, and they all laughed in low voices.

At this time, Lao Mei only felt that her face was burning, as if she had been slapped hard, and she felt extremely embarrassed.

Also feeling embarrassed was Lao Zhong beside him. Only then did he realize that his thoughts had gone astray, and he quickly took a step forward and stood next to Lao Mei again.

This chapter has been completed!
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