Turn off the lights
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Chapter 156: Changes Appear

 Li Yue and his party ignored Lao Mei and everyone and returned directly to Dormitory 104 on the first floor.

Just after Li Yue and others left, they did not see that Lao Mei's face was very ugly, but Lao Mei didn't say anything.

Then he led a few people and walked straight towards the stairs.

Just like Li Yue said, it is already late and they need to return to the dormitory as soon as possible.

Soon the entire first floor hall was empty again.

At this time, Li Yue had already led several people into dormitory 104.

The furnishings in the dormitory did not change at all when Li Yue and others left in the morning, and the traces left by everyone last night are still there.

Li Yue looked around for a week, and after confirming that there was no problem in the dormitory, he randomly found a seat and sat down.

Seeing this, everyone else also found chairs and sat down.

Several people who returned to the dormitory breathed a sigh of relief, and even the expressions on their faces relaxed a lot.

Originally, Li Yue was still thinking that there was still some time before the lights in the corridor were turned off at nine o'clock, so he wanted to take this opportunity to explore the staff dormitory at the end of the corridor again.

But after thinking about the abnormality in the hall, he temporarily lost his mind.

At this time, no one in dormitory 104 spoke. They were all sitting quietly on chairs and resting. The whole space suddenly became quiet.

After a while, Liu Yang slowly moved his chair next to Li Yue.

"Boss, what were you looking at in the hall just now?"

When Li Yue heard Liu Yang's question, he turned to look at him, then glanced at other people in the dormitory, and then said lightly:

"Do you still remember those people who died in the dormitory last night?"

Although Liu Yang and others didn't know why Li Yue mentioned those people, they still responded seriously to his questions.


Everyone's expressions were very calm at this time, and it didn't feel like they were talking about dead people anymore.

After Liu Yang answered Li Yue, he suddenly seemed to think of something.

"Boss, do you want to say that the body that was in the hall this morning has disappeared now!"

Now Liu Yang also realized why Li Yue was squatting on the ground in the hall just now.

"In fact, not only the corpse, but also the blood flowing from the corpse disappeared." Li Yue continued;

Upon hearing this, Liu Yang opened his mouth and said:

"Could there be something that disposed of the bodies in the hall and the blood on the ground after we all left the dormitory building?"

When Li Yue heard Liu Yang's analysis, he shook his head and said:

"If there is something to dispose of these corpses and blood, then why should these people be put on the first floor after they were killed last night? Wouldn't it be unnecessary."

At this point, Li Yue paused for a moment, and then continued:

"And I just checked the floor of the hall. Not only is there no trace of cleaning at all, there is not even the slightest trace of blood between the gaps on the floor."

If it were other people, they might ignore this doubt. After all, things in the supernatural circle are inherently weird and unpredictable, but not Li Yue. He knows better than others. Many times it is just small details, often hiding important information.


In fact, Li Yue had a suspicion in his heart.

He suspected that this dormitory building had the ability to restart. Only in this way would there be no traces of corpses and blood on the ground.

Only in this way can the writing he left on the wall disappear completely, so that the entire wall can be restored to like new.

It is even because of this that the building can be kept neat and clean.

But now there is one doubt, and that is dormitory 104.

Why is this place exactly the same as when they left in the morning and not restored to the way it was last night?

It is also because of this doubt that Li Yue is somewhat unsure of his conjecture.

Just when Li Yue was meditating, the lights that were originally bright suddenly began to dim, making the entire dormitory look a little hazy.

Everyone was very calm when they saw this. After last night's experience, they all knew that it was time.

"No matter what happens later, you must calm down and don't make any noise. Even if you speak, you must control your voice. If you find anything abnormal, remember to tell the boss as soon as possible. Are you clear?"

As the lights dimmed, Liu Yang walked softly to the Chen siblings and Ding Hui and whispered to them;

The three of them had already learned from Li Yue that tonight might be dangerous, so they naturally kept Liu Yang's words in mind.

Seeing that the three of them nodded directly without speaking, Liu Yang sat next to Li Yue again.

At this time, everyone was listening quietly, because according to the situation last night, the next step should be the dormitory inspection, but I don’t know if there will be any changes today.

"Da... da... da..."

At this time, all the chandeliers in the corridor had been extinguished, and suddenly the sound of familiar footsteps came from the quiet and dark corridor.

The sound was exactly the same as the footsteps of the ward round last night, and even the time was exactly the same.

When the footsteps stopped outside Dormitory 104, it was exactly half past nine.

At this time, Li Yue and Liu Yang were still sitting quietly on their chairs, but their eyes were fixed on the door of the dormitory, and at the same time they were counting silently in their hearts.

Just when Li Yuemo counted to ten, the footsteps outside the door sounded again, and then slowly disappeared.

It seems that there is no change in the ward rounds by the dormitory manager for the time being.

As the footsteps faded away, the expressions of Ding Hui and the others relaxed.

"Okay, it seems that there is no danger for the time being. You should take a rest now. After all, there is an exam tomorrow."

Li Yue directly asked a few people to rest, especially Ding Hui and the Chen siblings. They were ordinary people and basically couldn't help. There was no need to stay up late.

In fact, Li Yue had some doubts. When the dormitory door is closed, the people in the dormitory should be safe as long as they do not violate the regulations.

Because he once tried to release the ghosts after closing the door, but the end result was that his ghosts were confined in the dormitory and could not pass through the doors and walls.

After hearing what Li Yue said, Ding Hui and the others didn't think much and went directly to find a place to rest.

Maybe they were born with a lot of nerves, or maybe they were careless. Anyway, it didn’t take long for them to fall asleep.

Li Yue and Liu Yang even heard Ding Hui's thin snoring.

This really gave Liu Yang a lot of experience.

Li Yue just glanced at them and stopped paying attention to them.

Then the two of them began to close their eyes and meditate.

Li Yue is a fierce ghost, so sleeping is dispensable for him. Even if he doesn't sleep for many years, he won't feel any discomfort.

As for Liu Yang, he is a master of ghosts. Although he cannot avoid sleeping at all like Li Yue, he can still go without sleep for ten days and a half.

At this time, in the dim dormitory, the two of them were closing their eyes and concentrating, and the three of them had fallen asleep completely.

Time is passing, but the changes that Li Yue expected did not occur in the dormitory, and it is still as silent as ever.

"Da... da... da..."

I don’t know how long it took, but footsteps came from outside the door again.

Both Li Yue and Liu Yang were familiar with this voice. It seemed that the dormitory manager was starting his second ward round.

When the dormitory manager arrived outside Gate 104, he stayed for ten seconds and then left again.

In fact, Li Yue also thought about searching the dormitory building while the dormitory warden's rounds were over, but after thinking about it, he gave up temporarily. There are too many unknown factors now. Although he has confidence in himself, it does not mean that he has no brains.


Once he takes the initiative to open the dormitory door, it means that Li Yue violates the dormitory rules and will be attacked by supernatural forces first, just like the library.

Now is not the time to be stubborn, let’s get more information first.

As the footsteps of the dormitory manager faded away, the corridor outside the door returned to dead silence again.

Ding Hui and the others in the dormitory didn't even feel the second round of the dormitory. They were sleeping soundly at this time. Although the environment was limited, they were too tired after all.

At this time, Li Yue and Liu Yang were also preparing to continue to close their eyes and rest.

"Ta da...ta da...ta da..."

But shortly after Li Yuegang closed his eyes, footsteps suddenly came from outside the door again.

Moreover, the footsteps this time are obviously different from the footsteps of the previous dormitory rounds. There is obvious overlap in the footsteps this time, as if two people are walking at the same time.

And the footsteps this time were obviously a little heavier than the footsteps of the dormitory manager.

Li Yue immediately opened his eyes and looked at the dormitory door. He had a feeling that the footsteps outside were coming towards him and others.

At this time, Liu Yang also noticed the abnormal sound of footsteps and opened his eyes and stared at the dormitory door.

"Boss, what's going on? Didn't the dormitory just check the room, why is he here again?"

Liu Yang's voice was very low, but Li Yue beside him heard it very clearly.

"This footsteps is different from the previous ones. It should be the footsteps of other ghosts. It seems that I guessed it right. There has really been a change tonight."

Although Li Yue's voice was also very low, his words still made Liu Yang's heart suddenly twitch.

He didn't expect that the accident Li Yue mentioned would happen so quickly. You should know that it's not even one o'clock in the morning, and there are still several hours until dawn.

Moreover, it was obvious from the footsteps that it was not one evil ghost, but two evil ghosts appearing at the same time, which undoubtedly doubled the risk factor.

At this time, the sound of footsteps has become clearer and clearer, and it feels like we will reach the door of 104 in a few steps.

Liu Yang quickly held his breath, fearing that making any noise would attract the attention of the evil spirit.

As for Li Yue, he was not as careful as Liu Yang. Li Yue stood up from his chair for the first time and slowly walked to the door.

"Go and take care of them, and leave this place to me!" Li Yue said to Liu Yang without looking back.

Liu Yang received Li Yue's order and walked quickly to Ding Hui and others.

"You are all sleeping soundly and will not wake up!"

In order to ensure that Ding Hui and the others did not suddenly wake up and cause unnecessary trouble, Liu Yang directly used the ability to confuse ghosts on the sleeping three people.

In this way, as long as there are no other supernatural forces interfering, they will not wake up.

Although Li Yue did not look back, he also sensed Liu Yang's actions, and he quite agreed with them.

After all, when ordinary people encounter evil spirits, they often yell or take other actions, which can easily trigger the rules of the dormitory building.

It's best to do this now. Li Yue doesn't have to worry about the sleeping people and only needs to deal with the things outside the door with all his strength.

Of course, the premise is that the thing outside the door can open the dormitory door.

Otherwise, Li Yue would not have to take action at all, he would just have to wait.

At this time, the footsteps were very close, and it felt like they were right outside the door.

Li Yue's guess was indeed correct. The footsteps outside the door finally stopped at the door of 104. It seemed that the ghost was really running towards Li Yue and the others.

I just don’t know if the evil ghost outside the door is chasing everyone who is still alive, or if he is just targeting Li Yue and his dormitory.

As the footsteps stopped outside the dormitory door, the entire corridor became quiet again, as if the ghost outside the door was confirming the situation in dormitory 104.

At this time, Li Yue was also fully prepared. As long as Li Gui dared to show his face, he would directly send a thunder and lightning to entertain Li Gui.

Even Liu Yang was ready to take action at any time.

At this time, there is a door, and two ghosts and two people are confronting each other. It depends on which party can't help but make the first move.

Time passed by second by second, but there was still silence outside the door.

If I hadn’t heard footsteps outside the door before, no one would have believed it. There was something outside the door at this time.

This chapter has been completed!
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