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Chapter 1692: Staying unchanged in response to all changes

When entering the old forest, everyone felt the cold supernatural aura.

This made everyone couldn't help but be more vigilant.

However, due to vigilance, everyone continued to move forward.

However, the speed has slowed down a bit.

It's not that everyone doesn't want to complete the funeral and bury the coffin as soon as possible.

But they know better that at times like this, they need to be more stable.

And if you are too impatient, what if you are not careful on the way and the coffin is not supported and falls down?

Besides, the road ahead is quite long. Even if we speed up, it will still take some time to get there. Slowing down a little will not affect the overall situation.

The most important point is that although no one hopes that something unexpected will happen, everyone also knows that there will definitely be dangers on the road.

Danger will still appear when it should appear, and when it doesn't appear, you can't avoid it by just walking a few steps faster.

So there is no point in rushing too much now.

In this way, they, the only remaining people, slowly set out on the road carrying a red coffin.

After moving forward for a while, everyone was completely submerged in the old forest.

Even if he turned back, he could no longer clearly see the location of the ancient house behind him, as it was completely blocked by the woods.

As we continue to go deeper, the old forests on both sides begin to look darker and gloomier.

"It's really surprising. I didn't expect that after entering Laolin for so long, the danger hasn't appeared yet."

Li Yue, who was walking at the front, had an unexpected look in his eyes.

According to his initial guess, the danger should appear when entering the old forest.

It won't stop until the graveyard.

But now that they have gone some distance deep into the old forest, not only have no evil spirits appeared, there are no signs of anything unusual at all.

Li Yue couldn't help but look back at the coffin carried by Yang Jian and Zhou Deng;

"Or is it that the danger of this funeral is actually the hole in the coffin?"

Li Yue frowned slightly.

He felt that this possibility was not very likely.

Because they are now carrying out this funeral in accordance with Zhang Dong's arrangements and have not violated the rules set by Zhang Dong.

Zhang Dong in the coffin should not have any impact on them even if the evil ghost has revived.

"From the moment we entered this old house, the importance of rules has been clearly demonstrated, so as long as we act according to the rules, Zhang Dong will not be a threat for the time being."

Zhang Dong will only pose a real threat on the day when Tou Qi returns, that is, tomorrow.

Thinking of this, Li Yue immediately withdrew his gaze and continued to walk forward.

At this moment, a light suddenly flashed in Li Yue's eyes;

He noticed that the trees on both sides of the path seemed to be gradually swaying.

There was obviously no wind, but there was a rustling sound in the woods;

The sound sounded like someone was deliberately shaking the tree trunk, and the frequency was very regular, one after another.

"Pay attention, there is something strange in the woods."

Li Yue immediately reminded the people behind him, and then began to focus on Lao Lin on both sides.

In fact, even without Li Yue's reminder, the people behind him would have noticed the changes in Lao Lin.

After all, except for Yang Xiaohua and Liu Qingqing, the others present were all experienced ghost controllers.

"Do you need to stop and check the situation?" Zhou Deng frowned and asked.

"It's not needed for the time being." Li Yue didn't look back and said directly:

"Now there are just some supernatural phenomena, which can only be regarded as signs. The danger has not really appeared yet. We will wait until the danger appears.

But before the ghost really appears, our task is to carry this coffin and bury it, and other things are not worth wasting time."

Yang Jian also disagreed with stopping. After Li Yue finished speaking, he also said:

"Li Yue is right, and we all know that there are countless evil ghosts buried in this old forest. The changes in the old forest may be due to the evil ghosts in the old forest being attracted.

This is an extremely normal thing, you just need to be more vigilant."

After listening to what Li Yue and Yang Jian said, Zhou Deng, as well as Li Yang and Ding Hui on both sides of the coffin, couldn't help but nodded.

They also felt that the two of them were right.

The right thing to do now is to remain unchanged in response to all changes.

Being suspicious and acting rashly may lead to accidents.

Of course, the changes in the woods still cast a shadow on everyone's minds, and uneasiness began to grow.

Even Yang Jian, the hand holding the golden spear at this time, was unconsciously exerting force.

This shows the uneasiness in his heart.

However, when everyone saw Li Yue's back at the front, they couldn't help but feel a sense of peace of mind, and their nervousness relaxed a little.

After all, Li Yue said before that he would help in the next two days.

Now Li Yue is walking at the front, maybe he is exploring the way for everyone.

If there is really a danger, Li Yue will be the first to bear it.

In this way, the people behind them will also have more time to react.

Yang Jian carried the red coffin in one hand and held the golden spear in the other.

In addition to worrying about the changes around him, there was one thing that kept lingering in his mind;

That's the coffin in your hand.

Along the way, Yang Jian always carried the coffin with one hand, and tried many times to use ghost shadows and ghost eyes to test the coffin.

But there was no result at all.

Neither ghost shadows nor ghost eyes can invade the ghost coffin.

This made Yang Jian unsure of what was going on inside the coffin.

All I know is that the coffin in my hand is very light.

It doesn't look like there's a body in it at all.

At the old house, Yang Jian was able to suppress the matter after Li Yue opened his mouth, but as things happened along the way.

Yang Jian felt increasingly uneasy.

There was even the idea of ​​opening the coffin and conducting an autopsy.

Because Yang Jian has a worry in his heart;

That was the old man's body originally lying in the coffin. Is it possible that he had left the coffin at some point?

In other words, the body is not in the coffin now? What they are carrying is an empty coffin?

Once this worry appeared in his mind, it was not easy to suppress it.

And his worries are not impossible.

Although everyone has always been with the coffin, they don't stare at it all the time. Occasionally, they don't pay attention.

Moreover, when the back door of the old house was opened earlier, all of them went to the back hall together, leaving only the coffin in the hall.

If the body really left the coffin at that time, they didn't know.

But doubts are doubts, and Yang Jian has not lost his reason.

Even if I feel a little worried, I won't really stop to open the coffin and take a look.

I will only be secretly vigilant in my heart.

While Yang Jian was deep in thought, Li Yue, who was walking in the front, suddenly stopped.

At the same time, Li Yue raised his hand to signal to the people behind him to stop.

Yang Jian immediately put down other thoughts, clenched the golden spear in his hand, and looked at Li Yue.

Everyone else was also on guard. If you like Mysterious Resurrection: I Have No Clues, please bookmark it: (www.sodu777.net) Mysterious Resurrection: I Have No Clues. The update speed of search novel website is the fastest on the entire network.

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