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Chapter 1705 Crazy Idea

After recovering, Zhou Deng didn't care about anything else and immediately began to analyze the information about the terrifying old woman in front of him.

He wanted to know why this ghost selectively erased himself instead of erasing others.

This is critical.

If we can find it, we may be able to analyze the killing patterns of this evil ghost and avoid being killed by this evil ghost.

At this time, Li Yang looked in the direction of Yang Jian anxiously:

"This old man is even more troublesome than last time. He cannot be touched. He exists in the past. How to deal with this ghost?"

When he saw Yang Jian being caught by the old man, Li Yang also wanted to rush to help.

He even took out the bloody gavel.

It's just that his movements are not as fast as Zhou Deng's.

After Zhou Deng rushed forward, Li Yang saw Zhou Deng being stared at by the old woman and his body began to fade. Li Yang had to resist the urge to rush forward.

As the nominated captain of the headquarters, Zhou Deng is definitely stronger than him.

But when facing this old woman, she didn't have the slightest backhand power.

If he rushes forward, he might not even be as good as Zhou Deng.

If he rushes forward forcefully, the final result will not be to help Yang Jian, but will require other people to rescue him.

It's even possible that like Zhou Deng just now, a third old man could invade from the past.

After calming down, Li Yang no longer thought about going up to help.

Relatively speaking, Ding Hui was calm.

Whether it was some strange phenomena that occurred on the funeral road before, or the footprints of a ghost found on the path later, or the old woman blocking the road.

From beginning to end, Ding Hui was calmer than others.

Because Ding Hui has confidence in Li Yue.

Compared to others, Ding Hui and Liu Yang know Li Yue's strength best.

Ding Hui believes that as long as Li Yue exists, they can deal with even the most dangerous ghosts.

It was precisely because of his absolute confidence in Li Yue that Ding Hui was able to help Zhou Deng in time when Zhou Deng was thrown over.

At this time, after watching the old man in front of him who had not completely invaded disappear, he looked towards Yang Jian again.

And Yang Jian just used the power of restart to break free from the shackles of Li Gui, and then recovered the golden spear before Li Gui could react.

Holding the golden spear, Yang Jian immediately wanted to retreat.

Judging from the previous situation, Yang Jian knew that it was unrealistic to rely solely on himself to deal with this old man.

In this case, we can only rely on Li Yue's power.

Although he felt a little disappointed, Yang Jian was not a persistent person.

There is nothing shameful about recognizing reality.

However, just when Yang Jian was about to retreat, his body suddenly stiffened involuntarily.

So at this moment, the lifeless old man with a vegetable basket and a wrinkled face slowly turned his body and faced Yang Jian.

Although this old man is like most evil ghosts, his dead gray eyes are numb and hollow, without any sparkle.

But Yang Jian could feel that he was really targeted by this old man this time.

Yang Jian subconsciously clenched the golden spear in his hand.

It's a pity that even this supernatural weapon, which has killed many people in the supernatural world, can't make Yang Jian feel the slightest peace of mind.

He had previously tried to nail the old man to death with pipe nails, but it had no effect at all.

"How about we try it again, this time we don't need pipe nails, we just use a weird hatchet."

A crazy idea suddenly came to Yang Jian's mind.

He knew very well that coffin nails had basically no effect on the old man until he completely invaded reality.

But the weird hatchet is different.

Once you select a medium that triggers the weird hatchet, you can use the hatchet to dismember the medium.

The final result is that no matter where the evil ghost is, he will be dismembered due to the curse of the strange hatchet.

Even though this old man is not in the real world now.

This is the only way that Yang Jian can think of for the time being, besides asking for help from Li Yue, that can be effective for the old man.

At this time, Yang Jian couldn't help but glance at the hatchet embedded on the golden spear.

A look of emotion flashed in his eyes.

But then his eyes suddenly showed fear again.

Yang Jian thought of his last experience in Mingyue Community.

At that time, it was because he casually triggered the medium of the strange hatchet that an old man invaded from the past.

Therefore, when facing this old man, Yang Jian was a little afraid to use the strange hatchet.

He was worried that if he triggered the medium again, something similar to what happened before would happen.

"Last time, it was because I didn't dismember the medium immediately after triggering it, so the old man invaded from the past.

This time, as long as we dismember the medium without any hesitation after triggering the medium, we should be able to prevent what happened last time from happening again."

After a brief thought, a determined look suddenly flashed in Yang Jian's eyes.

Yang Jian still planned to try again.

However, when facing this evil spirit, triggering the medium is very dangerous.

He said that he planned to dismember the medium as soon as it was triggered, but to be on the safe side, Yang Jian still said to Li Yue;

"I will try again and see if I can use the weird hatchet to solve this old man. If there is a problem, I may need your help."

Hearing this, Li Yue immediately nodded slightly, and at the same time stretched out his hand to Yang Jian, indicating that Yang Jian could do whatever he wanted.

When I saw that Li Yue's several attempts had no effect, Li Yue planned to take over and deal with the old man himself.

Unexpectedly, Yang Jian hasn't given up yet.

But since Yang Jian is willing to try, let Yang Jian try.

Li Yue didn't really care about the results of Yang Jian's test.

If Yang Jian can succeed, then Li Yue will also be able to save energy.

If Yang Jian still fails, Li Yue only needs to spend a little more time and energy to solve the problem.

With Li Yue as a guarantee, Yang Jian immediately took action without hesitation.

I saw that the ghost shadow that had been restrained by Yang Jian suddenly appeared on the ground again, and then spread on the ground.

The direction is where the old man in front of you is.

Although this old man does not exist now, he still left his footprints on the ground.

Don't know what the principle is.

Perhaps it was the yellow mud path they were walking on that was special.

But that doesn't matter, as long as it can trigger the mark left by the old man.

As the ghost spreads, the strange hatchet pattern is suddenly triggered.

In Yang Jian's vision, a strange old man suddenly appeared on the originally empty road.

The media appears!

Yang Jian's eyes suddenly became sharp.

He knew very well that he must not waste time now, otherwise this medium would invade reality.

Therefore, you must use a strange hatchet to dismember the medium before it mutates.

But just when Yang Jian was about to take action, he suddenly discovered that the old man's medium appeared in front of him, which was somewhat different from the medium he had encountered before when he triggered the strange hatchet.

This chapter has been completed!
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