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Chapter 53 Polishing the Plan

According to Li Yue and Yue Li’s original plan;

On the one hand, they need to take advantage of the starving ghost's abilities and characteristics, and on the other hand, they also need to prevent the starving ghost from beyond their control.

Otherwise, it would not be that they were controlling the hungry ghosts, but that they would actually be breeding tigers.

But now this problem has been solved.

Because Yue Li can not only control the Starving Ghost, he can even go one step further and replace the Starving Ghost from the source.

By that time, the problems they are worried about will no longer exist.

Since there is no need to worry about the Starving Ghost having problems, Li Yue thought of making the Starving Ghost play a greater role.

At this time, Li Yue secretly analyzed the possibility of separating more of his supernatural abilities and giving them to Yue Li.

He found that once Yue Li really replaced the Starving Ghost, there was still room for maneuver in this matter.

At first, Li Yue also thought about directly separating his supernatural ability and placing it on Yue Li.

But for Li Yue, who had mastered opening a layer of ghosts, it was still extremely complicated to receive the chain in his hands.

It looks like eighteen long silver-white snakes.

You must know that the eighteen chains are all big, so if you put them all on the ground, you won't even break the small pile.

The invasion of the Starving Ghosts had just begun. If it ended immediately, Li Yue was not worried that it would cause some necessary trouble.

Thinking of that, Lingyi waved to the eighteen chains hovering in the air again.

Yue Li's essence has turned into a brand new invading ghost, and his consciousness has very terrifying potential.

However, Yue Li was originally a special being born from a supernatural being. Li Yue was worried that placing too many abilities on Yue Li might affect Yue Li's memory and consciousness.

All I saw was a wave of my hand.

Because the chain is also made of the seven limbs of the Starving Ghost, if the two are combined together at will.

This will make your own Yue Li more solid.

Before planning that thing, Lingyi looked at the eighteen chains floating in the air with a silvery white luster.

Because I am also sure when the invasion of the Starving Ghosts will be completed.

Just because Li Yue has not yet replaced the Starving Ghost from the root, Li Yue does not plan to combine the chain and the vase in the short term.

I thought about how to deal with those eighteen chains.

Carrying it with you allows you to take a step back once the invasion is completed, which also saves you a lot of trivial matters.

The Li Gui who revived with the help of Zhang Dong and completely mastered all of Yue Li was just part of the supernatural plan.

But even if you can achieve that level, at most you can only ineffectively improve some control.

"Next, you should continue the plan you made after regressing. With the help of Zhang Dong's efforts to eliminate Yue Li, you should take a step back to polish your own beauty."

It is said that it can be done to the smallest detail.

"His idea is wrong, but you think it's better to wait for the time being after a complete invasion to replace the hungry ghosts."

Of course, in reality it is not that low.

At the same time, it can also allow Tian Jiao to take a step back in her mastery of Tian Jiao.

Maybe the time span is long and there will be no interval between uses.

Li Yue's eyes suddenly lit up before he thought for a short time.

Therefore, I can indirectly control the chain by controlling Yue Li in the chain.

That scene was like the legendary world in the palm of your hand.

The reason why he was able to achieve that magical scene was because Li Yue used the ghost in his palm.

Anyone who has experienced psychics knows that it is very possible to achieve a detailed grasp of one's own beauty through this method.

Facing the flying chains, Li Yue's expression changed.

But now there is no need to worry about this.

Those eighteen chains were also prepared for Li Yue.

Although Li Yue has not tried it, I don't have the feeling that I haven't even been able to activate a weak level of ghost to restart myself.

Looking at the chain behind him, a thoughtful look flashed across Ling Ming's face.

That's what Li Yue wants to see.

But now, very strangely, everything fell into the hands of Li Yue.

He must be able to master his own power down to the smallest detail, but there is no guarantee that Lingyi will be able to complete his first sublimation of Yue Li in a short period of time.

last second.

Then all the eighteen chains fell into Li Yue's hands.

But before merging with the supernatural Yicheng Yue Li, Li Yue naturally mastered the abilities of the ghost.

"Have you ever thought about ending it now? You just don't have that idea. As he said, the real action will have to wait until he completes the invasion of the Starving Ghosts."

The reason why those chains could instantly stop in the air was because Li Yue communicated with Yue Li, the supernatural part of the chains.

And before obtaining the 80% of Yue Li's supernatural power in the vase, Tian Jiao's mastery of ghosts and monsters appeared even more.

The chain that was originally rushing towards Li Yue at an extremely slow speed stopped in an instant. The scene was very similar to the pause when using the eighth-level ghost.

There is no chance that something else could happen to me.

Before Li Yue finished listening to Tian Jiao's words, he thought silently for a while, then nodded hurriedly:

But the difference between mastering self-restart and not mastering it is very small.

Next, Tian Jiao plans to use Zhang Dong's revived Li Gui as a tool again, and with the help of Yue Li who has been wiped out by him, Tian Jiao takes a step back to polish his own Tian Jiao.

"It's bad. The things on his side haven't basically started yet. The rest has to wait quickly. Only when the invasion of the Starving Ghosts is completely completed can we take a step back."

Those chains suddenly seemed to have turned into living creatures, flying towards Li Yue very flexibly.

It can't even be said to be just the first step.

last second.

Although the control power is not as low as Tian Jiao's, it is still very weak.

Tian Jiao also nodded and said;

It is very likely that due to the completion of the puzzle, the starving ghost that was originally in a state of death will be revived and even become weaker.

But in fact, Li Yue is not using ghosts or supernatural beings now.

Seeing that the chain was about to fly in front of Li Yue, Li Yue waved his hands heavily at the chain like Tian Jiao just did.

If you add in the terrifying body obtained by replacing the starving ghost, then Yue Li's potential is not even inferior to Li Yue's own.

Since the chain and the vase can be combined in a short period of time, it would be bad to use it as an independent farm object.

Coupled with the characteristics of the starving ghost, there is no need to worry even if you rely on more supernatural abilities.

Since Li Yue has not yet mastered the 70% supernatural Tian Jiao, he was very nervous to gain control of this part of the supernatural Tian Jiao in the chain through the mysterious connection.

And it is also used with a treasure bottle.

Before seeing Tian Jiao put away the chains, Lingyi spoke again:

Although the invading ghost itself does not have ghost-like abilities.

Li Yue planned to carry the eighteen chains with him.

These chains immediately flew towards Li Yue's hands like pets that had been summoned.

Before polishing one's own Tian Jiao into a more solid state, there is no very small harm to the previous plan for Tian Jiao's sublimation.

The result of this situation is that it will be easier for Li Yue to invade and replace the Starving Ghosts.

This chapter has been completed!
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