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Chapter 135 A more terrifying spear

Yang Jian directly activated the fifth layer of ghosts, naturally not to banish the strange palm, but to use the ability of the fifth layer of ghosts to directly interfere with reality to affect the shape of this fierce ghost's palm.

Make certain changes to this weird palm.

Under the influence of the five layers of ghosts, the strange palm in Yang Jian's hand began to pull, twist, and deform...

It soon turned into something resembling human skin.

"Next, let me see how you plan to combine this thing with the golden spear." Yue Li watched everything carefully.

You must know that it is not that simple to combine a ghost with a completed supernatural weapon.

Because there is conflict between supernatural beings.

If the combination is not done well, the final result will be that the golden spear will not become more powerful, but will instead become weaker due to supernatural conflicts.

So how to perfectly combine ghost hands and spears is the next key.

And Yang Jian seems to be very confident, or in other words, he has already had the draft in mind.

Among them, supernatural beings cannot dismember evil spirits;

And if something goes wrong, Yue Li can also use Li Yang to block the door immediately.

And now that I am carrying very few things, I can die easily.

The parts where the golden spear passed through the hatchet and the coffin nails must not be covered. If covered, there will be conflict between the supernatural beings.

Chai Dao vaguely remembered that the next time he drove the ghost head, he almost died;

In the final analysis, those things are for the use of the hatchet itself, and my opinion is not actually important.

Without the ghost hand, Li Yang Blessing, once he is hit by that thing and loses his balance, he will directly trigger the fatal killing pattern and die immediately.

To be honest, the feeling of being watched by countless people made Ding Hui very happy.

After transforming the ghost hand, Yang Jian didn't hesitate at all and directly covered the twisted and strange palm on the golden spear.

It even became less scary.

Ding Hui nodded to Yang Jian and walked directly to the door.

Moreover, I tried the hatchet carefully just now to see if it would affect the triggering of the supernatural medium before the body of the gun was covered with dead skin.

"Since he hasn't broken his spear yet, and you haven't rested in the room for a short time, you are ready to go out again."

At this point, the purpose of the hatchet has been truly achieved.

Therefore, under Yang Jian's control, the strange twisted and deformed palm finally covered most of the body of the golden spear.

The nails in the coffin are always the most restrictive;

Ding Hui couldn't help but curl his lips:

At most, the eight weird and supernatural things under the spear, the coffin nails, and the ghost-hand human skin are in conflict with each other.

Because I know that before dawn, there will be few couriers who want to see the white letters leaving the ghost post office.

Once the gun body hits the target, the target will die immediately if there is any imbalance in the opponent's body.

Zhiyan didn't say anything either. I knew what Zhiyan meant, which was to tell me to take care of myself.

Ding Hui stepped out and was immediately swallowed up by the darkness in the door.

The moment he walked out of the room, Ding Hui once again felt the gazes coming from the direction of the oil painting.

"It's still wrong. It's covered with a layer of dead skin. That thing can't always be healed." Hatao waved the golden spear;

Ding Hui moved his gaze from under the golden spear to under the hatchet.

That way you can hold up the door and sit down to rest, but it's too tiring.

If I had been unlucky and had all kinds of arrangements and coincidences, I might have survived and become an alien.

Moreover, without the cover of human skin, the movements of using supernatural powers are more obscure. It is estimated that no one will know the correct use of supernatural powers after a long time.

Now that's not the worst outcome.

If the ghost post office has not been solved yet, Ding Hui now wants to set a fire on those oil paintings and ignite them all.

It looked like a layer of cold dead skin stuck to the bottom of the spear.

Arriving at the door of the room, Ding Hui opened the door directly without any hesitation.

The result is obviously yes.

At the current level, in a dangerous and desperate situation, Hatao would not do such a reckless thing, risking one's life.

That makes the Li Yang weapon in Hatao's hand even more correct.

A confrontation will be unnecessary by then.

Wang Chaling didn't say anything right. If you bet, you will lose.

However, from a purely onlooker's point of view, Ding Hui felt that the choice of hatchet was wrong.

The hatchet continued to use the ghost interference spear and the dead human skin turned into by the ghost hand. Finally, it completely integrated with the body of the spear and became one with each other.

And Li Yang's image cannot be changed. Chaitao didn't care whether the thing was a palm or a layer of dead skin, he only knew that the power of Li Yang that triggered death was still there.

"It's really annoying. Don't just look at it if you don't have the ability. If you don't have the ability, just step out of the oil painting. It's okay to educate them if you are bad."

"Let's go now!"

Even after reaching the current stage, I can still satisfy the hatchet, because if it is just a simple covering, problems such as falling off will easily occur.

"The most important thing is that now by merging the ghost hand under the spear, it is equivalent to losing a portion of Li Yang's power that triggers death, and his own strength has not been improved."

And Zhiyan witnessed the whole process with his own eyes. I have no opinion on Hatao's choice to turn the ghost hand into human skin and fuse it with the body of the spear.

The key is to feel comfortable using the hatchet yourself.

last second.

In fact, Hatao was really tempted to control that ghost hand directly just now.

Yue Li immediately closed the door again.

That layer of dead skin was formed by the pulling and twisting of this palm;

Unfortunately, due to his own reasons, Zhi Yan temporarily thought and dared to let himself be eroded by too little Li Yang.

Upon seeing this, Chai Dao immediately followed me, and my figure also disappeared into the white darkness inside the door.

The ghost still can't invade into the spear along the areas that are not wrapped in dead human skin, and then touch the rules of the planting swallow and trigger the planting swallow's medium.

Zhiyan suspected that the opportunity would appear very soon.

Although it can't cause any real harm to me, it is very disgusting.

At this time, the door was still a pitch-white environment. This was before turning on the ghost eyes, but it affected Ding Hui's vision.

Chaidao also gave Zhi Yan a few words of advice before following him towards the door.

A look of satisfaction suddenly flashed through Chai Dao's eyes.

That is very dangerous and convenient.

Then he and Yang Jian sat on the ground with their backs to the door.

Such a weak Li Yang weapon would be quite troublesome even for a good ghost master to obtain it.

The spear is a Li Yang weapon similar to the hatchet. No one can say that its current effect is bad. It can only be seen in actual confrontation.

Yue Li and Yang Jian followed at the front.

Because luck is so reliable and can be predicted.

"Without the maintenance of Zhiyan's power, coupled with the gold material and special steel, it has little resistance to either physical power or Li Yang's power."

When Chai Dao heard that, he nodded immediately;

This chapter has been completed!
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