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Chapter 217 Calculation

 After suppressing all the ghost masters trapped in the ghost world, Li Yue suddenly had an idea in his mind.

It would be the easiest if the ghost demons destroyed all these ghost masters, and there would be no future troubles, and at the same time, more than a dozen powerful ghosts could be harvested.

However, after thinking about it, he gave up this tempting idea.

These people can be said to be the people in charge of the headquarters to guard various cities. If he kills all these people, something will definitely happen. Although he is not afraid, it will be very troublesome.

Moreover, he is about to conduct a transaction with the headquarters. It is indeed inappropriate and inconsistent with his interests to cause trouble at this time.

Although I can't kill them, I still have to teach them a lesson so that they don't dare to show their teeth to him in the future, which is disgusting.

As the attention was finalized, the pressure on everyone suddenly skyrocketed.

Then Li Yue directly activated Guixi's pause ability to pause everyone, but this time under his control, these people were still conscious.

"I don't care what you think, but after I make a decision, you'd better listen. For the sake of the headquarters, I can let you go this time, but if there is another time, I will never

If you keep it, I won’t give anyone’s face.”

Li Yue's tone was cold and his expression was indifferent. Everyone who was paused listened attentively and did not dare to miss even a word.

Li Yue really made them feel too horrible.

Li Yue didn't care if they listened to his words. As he said himself, if these people fall into his hands again, he will definitely deal with them completely.

Li Yue waved his hand gently, and everyone returned to the villa hall again.

It's just that the dozen ghost masters who were originally standing next to Zhao Jianguo were all slumped on the ground, their heads covered with cold sweat.

None of these people dared to open their eyes and look at Li Yue.

"The matter of the starving ghosts has now been made clear; and I have delivered Wang Xiaoming to you intact as promised; there is only one thing left, that is, what are you going to do with the 70% of the people who were rescued by me?

You can't keep it in the ghost world forever, right?" Li Yue looked at Zhao Jianguo and said;

Although it was Cao Yanhua who negotiated the deal with Lieyu, Zhao Jianguo was also a participant and could speak on behalf of the headquarters.

For these people rescued by Li Yue, the headquarters had obviously done research. After Li Yue raised the question, Zhao Jianguo answered directly:

"According to the headquarters, as long as we ensure that Dachang City is completely safe, then I ask you to directly release these people back to Dachang City. Do you think that's okay?"

Li Yue did not comment on this, but said:

"After the Starving Ghost incident, Dachang City is now cleaner than any other city, and I have also checked that there are no other supernatural dangers in Dachang City, so as long as you agree, I plan to release these people now."
Zhao Jianguo has never doubted Li Yue's ability.

"Since you said there is no problem in Dachang City, then release the people!" Zhao Jianguo said;

Although he failed to bring back the starving people, he was still happy to see so many people rescued. Even the unhappiness he felt just now was forgotten by him.

Since the other party agrees, Li Yue will not delay.

The silver-gray ghosts have enveloped the entire Dachang City in a very short period of time.

Under Li Yue's control, people in the ghost world can't feel his ghost power. Even the ghost controllers in the villa are the same. The only one who can notice it is Yang Jian, but he also has only a little understanding.


At this time, the people who were treated as ghosts by Li Yue reappeared in every corner of Dachang City.

However, because they had already been suspended when they were admitted to the Ghost World, they did not have any unnecessary feelings.

It's just that when they were admitted to the ghost world, the outside world was still shrouded in a blue-black haze, but at this time it was gradually returning to normal, leaving them a little confused.

But soon they forgot about it and began to celebrate their survival.

Due to Li Yue's intervention in Dachang City, although the buildings in the city were severely damaged, a lot of people survived.

At least it's not as tragic as mentioned in the original work.

"The people have been released. Now that the transaction between me and the headquarters has been completed, you go back and tell Cao Yanhua and let him think about my remuneration. I am going to return to Zhong'an City first. If you have anything else to do, contact me!"
After Li Yue finished speaking, he looked at Zhao Jianguo and Wang Xiaoming.

Seeing this, the two shook their heads, saying that they had nothing to do for the time being and no need to trouble Li Yue.

Finally, Li Yue looked at Yang Jian.

And Yang Jian happened to be looking at Li Yue.

I saw Li Yue unfolding the ghost again, this time only covering himself and Yang Jian, so the two disappeared from everyone's eyes.

"What on earth did Li Yue want to talk to Yang Jian about, so he actually needed to use ghosts to isolate him?"

Looking at the two disappeared people, Wang Xiaoming's eyes were full of curiosity; after the starving ghost incident, he felt that Li Yue was more mysterious and terrifying. In addition, even Yang Jian could not underestimate him.

The sudden change in the environment made Yang Jian a little nervous, but after seeing Li Yue not far away, he immediately understood that it was Li Yue's ghost, so he felt relieved.

"What are you doing?" Yang Jian asked in confusion;

"I was originally going to leave directly, but after thinking about it, I decided to say a few more words. It's up to you whether you want to listen or not;

Although the ghost in your body has died, it will still revive once it encounters a special stimulus;

Because ghosts are dead, it is relatively easy for you to use ghost eyes now, but be careful not to overlap the ghost eyes too much. This will not only speed up the recovery of the ghost eyes, but also stimulate the dead ghosts. You have to decide the appropriateness in this; <


Before I leave, I will teach you one last trick. In addition to the overlapping method of using your ghost eyes, there is actually a more powerful way to use them. That is to open the ghost eyes in the ghost eyes, which is to fuse and superimpose the ghost eyes. This is the only method.

The irritation to ghost eyes will be greater, so be careful."

After speaking, Li Yue took back Guixi, and the two appeared in front of everyone again.

At this time, Yang Jian was still absorbing the experience taught by Li Yue, but the more he thought about it, the more terrifying he felt about Li Yue. It was obvious that he was the one who controlled the ghost eye, but it was not difficult to hear from Li Yue's words that the other party had no regard for the ability of the ghost eye.

Very thorough understanding.

Fortunately, for the time being, Li Yue and he are not enemies, so there is no need to worry too much.

"Everything has been done, so I'll take the first step!"

After Li Yue finished speaking, he turned into a flash of lightning and disappeared in front of everyone.

In just one second, Li Yue had already traveled hundreds of kilometers back to his villa in Zhongan City.

"Ah~! It's really comfortable at home!"

Li Yue kicked off his feet, and the shoes on his feet flew out. At the same time, he collapsed on the sofa in the hall, and a pot of hot tea also appeared on the coffee table.

He drank a cup of tea first and then lay down on the sofa.

At this time, his mind was empty, thinking about nothing, just to relax.

In Dachang City, although he knew that the Starving Ghost would eventually be eliminated, he never dared to relax too much because of the Wish Ghost hiding in the dark, and his spirit was tense.

Now that the Starving Ghost has been dealt with, and is still being harvested by him, in just three days, not only will the Starving Ghost be weakened, but more importantly, his strength will achieve a major breakthrough.

By that time, there will be fewer things in the world that he can be afraid of.

Even the last ghost used for fusion knows its whereabouts through the human skin paper. Once the starving ghost is dealt with, the plan can be put forward.

Li Yue's trip lasted several hours.

During this period, except for getting up to drink tea, I was basically motionless.

In the evening, Liu Yang and Ding Hui came to Li Yue's villa at the same time.

As early as when Li Yue returned to Zhong'an City, he first used the ghost to search the entire city, and at the same time informed the two of them that he had returned.

It is worth mentioning that during the time when Li Yue entered Dachang City for support, Ding Hui had already moved his family to Zhongan City, and the villa Liu Qingshan arranged for him was not far from Li Villa.

Moreover, after Ding Hui returned to Dahan City, he also went back to visit the ghost post office.

After passing the letter delivery mission at the ghost school, he has now successfully reached the second floor of the post office. He just completed a letter delivery mission a few days ago.

However, the difficulty of this mission is simply not comparable to that of the ghost school. In addition, Ding Hui has become a ghost controller, so he completed the letter delivery mission very easily.

"Boss, are you back? Did your support to Dachang City go well this time?"

After Liu Yang and Ding Hui entered the villa, they went straight to the lobby. After seeing Li Yue, they were obviously very happy.

Although Li Yue was very confident before setting off to Dachang City, the two of them were still a little worried. After all, this was an S-class supernatural event, and the horror was no joke.

But now that they saw Li Yue returning safely, the two finally felt relieved.

"I'm back. This trip to Dachang City was very fruitful."

Li Yue was not surprised to see the two of them coming in together. After all, they both belonged to the same team. In addition, Li Yue had told Ding Hui to ask Liu Yang for advice before leaving.

"Come and sit down, everyone!"

Li Yue pointed at the vendor opposite and said to the two;

The two sat down as instructed.

Looking at the expressions of Liu Yang and Ding Hui, it can be roughly seen that they are doing well recently, but Li Yue is still prepared to ask in person;

"Has anything happened recently?"

Liu Yang and Ding Hui glanced at each other, and then Liu Yang said:

"Zhong'an City was very peaceful during the time you left, but just a few days ago, two foreign ghost masters entered Zhong'an City. At first, they seemed to be quite honest and not prepared to take care of them, but I didn't expect that they actually wanted to cause trouble.

, were kicked out by us."

Li Yue was not surprised that foreign ghost masters entered Zhongan City.

Nowadays, supernatural events occur frequently. There are always some lucky people who can escape from the clutches of evil ghosts, and some even become martial ghost masters due to various accidents.

Therefore, the number of ghost masters also began to grow rapidly.

Under such circumstances, it is not unusual for several ghost masters to come to Zhongan City.

And it won't be long before more ghost masters will come to Zhong'an City.

But the purpose of these people is hard to say.

When Wang Xiaoming proposed to record his fight with the Starving Ghost, Li Yue knew that Wang Xiaoming would eventually hand over the video data to the headquarters.

Submitting it to the headquarters is actually not much different from publishing it. After all, the headquarters has been infiltrated into a sieve. People or organizations with a little strength can basically easily obtain the information from the headquarters.

The Starving Ghost incident can be said to be the first S-class supernatural incident to be solved. This has a very far-reaching impact on the world. Therefore, these people and organizations will definitely study the information about the Starving Ghost incident carefully, and

The video recording Li Yue’s fight with the Starving Ghost will definitely be seen by everyone.

When you see the information, you will naturally discover Li Yue's strength. Faced with a terrifying and powerful man like him who can face a starving ghost and suppress his opponent, no one will ignore it.

After seeing his strength, there may be no threats, but there will definitely be no shortage of inducements, and there is room for maneuver.

And when the senior officials at the headquarters see his strength, he will definitely have a share in the next captain's plan no matter what.

All this had already fallen into Li Yue's plan when Wang Xiaoming asked for a video.

Ever since he mastered his own restart, his improvement in strength has been much slower. It is only now that he has shown signs of breakthrough in Harvesting the Starving Ghosts.

Li Yue simply couldn't imagine how many ghosts he would need to harvest to reach the next level after this breakthrough, but one thing is certain, it will definitely be more than what is needed this time.

If Li Yue alone went to find the ghosts to harvest, he wouldn't know it until the Year of the Monkey, so the ghosts collected by these forces were Li Yue's concern.

As long as he operates well, he can easily get countless ghosts.

By then, his growth rate will not slow down much, and at least there will be no shortage of harvesting resources in the short term.

This chapter has been completed!
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