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Chapter 305 Mr. Qin takes action

As Yang Jian took action, the atmosphere in the entire conference room suddenly became tense, and it seemed that Yang Jian and the ghost controllers in his circle of friends were about to conflict again.

Feng Quan was the first to stand up and support Yang Jian, saying: "Don't take advantage of the large number of people to bully the small people. If you really do it, I will stand with the leg brother."

"Although everyone knows the cause of this matter, it was all impulsive. I still hope you can calm down, but if there is really going to be a fight, I support Yang Jian." Li Jun suddenly said;

After saying that, he stood up with a stern expression. Li Yue, who had been following Wang Xiaoming, knew Yang Jian's role very well.

Since Yang Jian joined the headquarters, he has solved a lot of supernatural incidents, including the starving ghost incident in Dachang City. A few days ago, he led some ghost masters to escape the vicious hands of ghosts. These are all real achievements.

It can’t be compared to those in the circle of friends.

To put it bluntly, Yang Jian’s role is greater than the people in these friend circles combined, so I have to support him at this time.

The faces of Jiang Shangbai and others turned dark again.

Just when they thought no one else would support Yang Jian, another person stood up;

"What Yang Jian just said is correct. Whoever takes the blame will bear the blame. If something goes wrong with taking out the coffin nails, Jiang Shangbai must be responsible." Cao Yang stood up lazily and said; "Besides, Yang Jian's reminder is for the overall situation, so take out the coffin nails."

I don’t agree with the nail-in-the-coffin plan either.”

"I also think that Yang Jian's worries are reasonable. Although I did not participate in the Hungry Ghost incident, I can see that the Hungry Ghost can envelope the entire city and isolate all incoming and outgoing ghost realms. This thing is no less terrifying.

Once Yu Gui Cha gets out of control, no one will be responsible." Zhong Shan thought for a moment and made a verbal statement, but he did not stand up.

"Take other people's achievements and do your own thing. Success is yours. If you fail, let us wipe your ass. But you don't want to take the risk of failure. How can there be such a cheap thing in the world? Although Jiang Shangbai is smart, but

Don't think of us as fools." Li Yue, who was watching the show, also said with a smile;

No one expected that so many people would support Yang Jian in just a short period of time. When did Yang Jian have such influence?

As the first person in charge of Dachang City, Feng Quan is also a veteran ghost controller at the headquarters. He is still alive today. No matter his qualifications or seniority, he cannot be underestimated.

Needless to say, Li Jun, as a military special operations major general, has been responsible for protecting Wang Xiaoming, and his status and trust in the headquarters are self-evident.

Although Cao Yang has a weird temper and is usually arrogant, as one of the earliest ghost masters, he is certainly not a weakling.

Although Zhong Shan is not the best in terms of ability, it can be seen that Zhong Shan is not an ordinary person by being able to participate in this meeting. However, he only gave verbal support. The fact that he did not stand up means that his support is limited.

Although Li Yue used to be very low-key, as he became active recently, a lot of information about Li Yue began to become known to the public;

This is an existence that can suppress ghosts and starving ghosts in a one-on-one situation. Those are unsolvable S-level ghosts, not kittens or puppies.

Some people even know that Li Yue used the restart ability before, which is one of the most unsolvable abilities.

In the eyes of these people, Li Yue is actually not much different from the ghost who is the source of S-class supernatural events.

When they saw Li Yue, Feng Quan, Li Jun, Cao Yang, and Zhong Shan, the top ghost masters, expressing their attitudes, not only Jiang Shangbai, but also several other ghost masters in the circle of friends also looked ugly.

At this time, the atmosphere was a bit heated, the situation was deadlocked, and there was a feeling that a fight was about to start at any time.

However, Li Yue knew that the fight would not start because he saw that Mr. Qin had opened his eyes and looked in the direction of everyone.

"Okay, stop making trouble and sit down." Suddenly, an old voice sounded in everyone's ears;

Mr. Qin, who had age spots on his face, just tapped his cane, and several people who had stood up to confront each other sat down almost at the same time.

These people's bodies move almost subconsciously, without even themselves realizing it.

Even the stool that was originally thrown out by Yang Jian to hit people reappeared under Yang Jian's buttocks. As for the previously broken stool, it had disappeared unknowingly.

"Is this...a reboot?"

Yang Jian frowned immediately. He felt that this situation was very familiar. It was almost the same as when Li Yue used restart.

He immediately turned to look at Li Yue, his eyes full of doubts;

Li Yue, who was originally thinking about Mr. Qin's use of restart, noticed Yang Jian's eyes and immediately knew what Yang Jian wanted to ask. However, he did not speak, but directly spoke to Yang Jian.

Yang Jian's expression suddenly changed. Although he had never learned spoken English, Li Yue's mouth shape was very easy to recognize, and it was only two words;


At this moment, he felt as if he was a drunk dog;

The first time he saw this kind of power was during the Starving Ghost incident. Although he didn't experience it personally at that time, he could know the horror of restarting by watching;

Later, when he saw Li Yue using restart, his views were already shattered. He didn't expect that this kind of power could be mastered by others;

Then came the restart of the ghost mission, which almost made him despair. If he hadn't been lucky, his body might have stunk;

Now I see this kind of power in an old man whose body is half buried in the earth.

Since when did the ability to restart this kind of violation begin to break down? This simply doesn't give normal ghost masters like them a way to survive.

At this time, the other ghost masters in the conference room also looked like they had seen a ghost.

Liu San no longer played with the folded paper frog, A Hong no longer touched up her makeup, Su Fan also put down the phone in his hand, and the gentle smile on Wang Chaling's face also froze...

Except for Li Yue, everyone looked at Mr. Qin, and many people even had cold sweat on their foreheads.

Almost no one present knew the real details of Mr. Qin, even Li Yue who knew part of the original work. Mr. Qin was really too mysterious.

However, some people know that the number one ghost master in Dajing City is Mr. Qin. It is precisely because of his presence that there has never been a true supernatural event in Dajing City.

"Let's continue with the meeting. The dispute is over here. Give me some face." Mr. Qin said slowly.

Everyone remained quiet, because at this time even the ghosts in their bodies seemed to have fallen silent because of fear of Mr. Qin.

With Mr. Qin taking action, these lawless ghost masters were finally suppressed.

"Ahem." Cao Yanhua coughed twice in embarrassment;

Previously, although he wanted to persuade him, he did not dare to do so and knew that he could not do so;

Cao Yanhua is the deputy minister of the headquarters. Although he has great power, he is just an ordinary person. At that time, he did not have the ability to stop a few people.

Fortunately, Mr. Qin took action at the critical moment, otherwise he would not have known what to do.

"Then continuing the previous topic, Jiang Shangbai's plan will not be considered unless it is absolutely necessary. Therefore, I hope you can think of other plans to imprison the ghost." Cao Yanhua said seriously; "The information about the ghost has been clarified.

, I believe you will not let me down."

"It's useless. If you want to deal with ghosts, you must not imprison them from the inside. Once you fall into the ghost realm of ghosts, you will die. So if you want to imprison them, you must do it from the outside. Only in this way can you prevent ghosts from restarting." Li Leping

He shook his head and said.

Li Yue glanced at Li Leping who was speaking very appreciatively;

Not to mention how terrifying the Forgotten Ghost controlled by Li Leping is, his ability to analyze events is enough to successfully survive ordinary supernatural events.

"You can think of this based on these information alone. Li Leping, your insight is really sharp and your analytical skills are also very good." Li Yue nodded and continued; "Actually, ghosts are ghosts, and ghosts are ghosts.

So if you want to really solve the ghost problem, you need to work with the entire ghost community to solve it, otherwise this incident will not be solved."

"So, the success rate of using coffin nails is not high, because no one can guarantee that those things can nail a ghost land."

Jiang Shang turned pale, and Li Yue's last words almost put his plan on death row.

Li Leping was also very shocked when he saw that Li Yue could clearly call out his name;

Since controlling the Forgotten Ghost, even if he doesn't use supernatural powers, others can't remember him, and even things like photos can't work.

Just like other people in the conference room at this time, although the name Li Leping seemed familiar, they couldn't remember who it was after thinking about it carefully.

They had no impression of Li Leping in their minds, making it impossible to identify him.

Only when they see the name tag in front of the table will they think of Li Leping.

"Good conclusion." Wang Xiaoming also praised Li Leping's extremely accurate analysis without expression.

"So, Professor Wang, what's your plan?" Li Leping did not continue to express his opinions, but asked seriously.

Wang Xiaoming spoke slowly: "As Li Yue said, if you want to imprison ghost agents, you must imprison them together with the ghost domain. However, judging from the current situation, it is impossible for the headquarters or even the whole world to do so.

Contain an area of ​​several kilometers together."

Having said this, Wang Xiaoming glanced at Li Yue and Yang Jian. Judging from the current situation, only these two people had the ability to escape from the ghosts and ghosts.

However, compared to a reckless kid who likes to fight, Wang Xiaoming still thinks Li Yue is more reliable, although Li Yue is also very mysterious often.

"Li Yue, do you have any good suggestions?" Wang Xiaoming asked calmly;

"Actually, I have thought about this. I do have an idea in my mind, but the conditions are a bit harsh. Although the hope of solving the ghost problem is not small, the risk is also very high." Li Yue said calmly;

"Don't be afraid if the conditions are harsh, you can always think of a solution. As for the high risks, there is no need to worry. The headquarters will evaluate it." Cao Yanhua said excitedly;

Others also looked at Li Yue and wanted to know what plan Li Yue would come up with.

This chapter has been completed!
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