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Chapter 347 The End

After hearing Cao Yanhua's promise, "Solve the ghost painting incident and become captain directly!" Many people's eyes began to flicker. It is impossible for anyone with a little ambition to be tempted by such a thing.

After all, as long as you become the captain, you will have unimaginable rights;

Not only can you directly govern a large area, but you can also get some special resources from the headquarters. The most important thing is that you can form your own team of ghost controllers to increase your survival rate.

This benefit is real.

Some ghost masters who are not very smart are ready to take action.

However, there are also relatively rational people in the conference room. They know the horror of the ghost painting incident, otherwise the headquarters would not have summoned so many top ghost masters.

Seeing the longing look in the eyes of most of the ghost masters, Cao Yanhua was very satisfied.

"If you have no doubts, Professor Wang will explain the relevant information about the ghost painting incident next," Cao Yanhua said.

In fact, he also knows that if he wants to truly solve this supernatural incident, the only people he can rely on are those who nominate the captain, and the rest can only do the trick.

It's just that there is still too little understanding of ghost paintings. More people will be more conducive to information collection.

When he heard someone mentioning himself, Wang Xiaoming finally raised his head slightly, and then slowly stood up.

"The files on the ghost painting incident have always been in the hands of foreign forces, and the information released must be reserved. Therefore, the following is my analysis based on the information I obtained. They only represent some personal opinions. You can listen to it.


"We all know about Professor Wang's ability, so we ask Professor Wang to give us a detailed explanation of this ghost painting so that we can master more information." Someone said immediately;

Although this person's words are suspected of being flattering, he is not wrong. Wang Xiaoming's ability is indeed beyond doubt.

When being praised, Wang Xiaoming still looked calm. He had heard this kind of words too many times and it would not attract his attention at all.

"I suspect that the source of the ghost paintings is in a special space. It can only be found by entering any ghost painting." Wang Xiaoming pointed to the photo of the ghost paintings and said.

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the conference room was shocked.

Even Li Yue couldn't help but take a serious look at Wang Xiaoming, secretly admiring his intelligence.

If Li Yue hadn't known the plot of the original work, he wouldn't have thought of this;

However, as an ordinary person, Wang Xiaoming has never had direct contact with ghost paintings. He can analyze to this level based on only some information. This IQ is worthy of being the ceiling of the mysterious world.

"What? Go into a ghost painting to find a ghost painting? Isn't the level of danger too high?" someone said at this time.

You must know that Li Jun and others entered the ghost painting to imprison the ghosts. In the end, if it weren't for Wang Xiaoming's prepared backup plan, they almost disappeared forever.

You must know that the two captains Li Jun and Liu San were involved in the mission at that time. From this, you can know how dangerous and terrifying the ghost paintings are.

"I don't know if you have noticed that the backgrounds of these four ghost paintings are not repeated. I have a suspicion that the backgrounds of all ghost paintings are different." Wang Xiaoming continued; "If my guess is right, the ghost paintings will be different."

The backgrounds of the paintings should still be connected to each other, so there is a high probability that you can go to another ghost painting through one ghost painting."

"Professor Wang, you are just guessing." Jiang Shangbai said solemnly;

"This matter is not trivial. We cannot risk entering ghost paintings to find the source just because of a guess. Many people may die."

"Wang Xiaoming said that the backgrounds of ghost paintings are connected to each other. I think there should be no problem."

Just when everyone was a little suspicious, a voice suddenly sounded in everyone's ears. When everyone looked towards the source of the voice, they found that it was Li Yue.

Li Yue glanced at everyone calmly, and then said: "When Li Jun and others entered Guihua Guixie to perform their mission, I was outside Guihua's ghost domain. Although there was Guixiao's obstruction, I still saw Guihua.

Ghosts connect many special scenes and are very similar to the backgrounds of these four ghost paintings."

If it were just Wang Xiaoming's guess, everyone would naturally be very suspicious, but if Li Yue is added, the possibility of this guess being true is very high.

"Li Yue is right. I remember that when I entered the Ghost Paintings and Ghosts and went to where the ghosts were, I saw many forked roads on the road. The end of each forked road was connected to a very strange scene. It was indeed similar to these ghost paintings.

The background style is very similar." Liu San suddenly said.

At this time, several of them on the mission also remembered that they had seen some special scenes among the ghost paintings and ghosts.

As more and more people came forward, Wang Xiaoming's guess was basically confirmed.

As a result, everyone became even more silent.

Because this means that if you want to completely solve the ghost painting incident, you must enter the ghost painting. The risk is too high. As Jiang Shangbai said, many people may die if not done well.

"If all the ghost paintings are really connected, then if you can't find the source after entering the ghost paintings, wouldn't you die inside?" Someone said in a low voice.

"Little brother, are you stupid? A ghost painting is like a door. Since you can enter, you can also exit. As long as you don't get lost or die inside, there should be no problem." Li Yue said casually;

"Besides, are you finished? There is also Wang Xiaoming. Since he has the ability to fish Li Jun and others out of the ghost painting, why can't he still fish you out?"

Wang Xiaoming nodded and said: "Although Li Yue is right, it is the world of ghost paintings after all. No one can guarantee what will happen and what encounters will happen. There may even be a trap in the ghost paintings. If you want

Further confirmation would require someone to take a risk."

After listening to Li Yue's words, everyone finally regained some confidence, but now as soon as Wang Xiaoming's words came out, everyone immediately poured cold water on their hearts.

It's about taking a risk. Who knows if you risk your life by trying it.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Although their lives are not long, it is good to live one more day.

Seeing the hesitation and shrinkage on everyone's faces, Li Yue laughed silently.

Just now I heard that if you solve the ghost painting, you can directly become the captain. They all looked determined to win. Now after hearing the information about the ghost painting, everyone wilts again.

As the saying goes, cherish your life when you do big things, forget your destiny when you see small gains, this is how it is destined to be in your life.

In this terrifying world, everything can be lacking, but the courage to fight is indispensable.

Just like Wang Chaling, he can be said to be a bad start, but because he lacks this courage, even if he becomes the captain, he will appear mediocre in the later stages.

On the contrary, Yang Jian was able to grow up quickly by daring to work hard, and finally became the top strong man.

The difference can be seen at a glance.

Li Yue suddenly thought of something and said: "According to the information I have, each ghost painting represents an area, just like a puzzle. If all the areas are connected, the scope of the ghost domain of the ghost painting will be beyond imagination.

, the most terrifying thing is that it can continue to increase.”

Since these people want to retreat, Li Yue will add fuel to the fire to see if they really retreat or turn into brave men.

It's quite interesting when you think about it.

"What Li Yue said is exactly what I'm worried about. By that time, the ghost paintings are likely to be completely revived, and the import and export may also disappear, so you'd better act quickly." Wang Xiaoming also said calmly.

Looking at Wang Xiaoming, who had the best assist, Li Yue nodded with satisfaction.

However, both Li Yue and Wang Xiaoming took the initiative to avoid being taken away by the ghost paintings.

Judging from the current situation, it is basically certain that the ghost painting should also be included in the special space by the ghost painting, and has even become a part of the ghost painting.

If this matter were told, no one would dare to enter the ghost painting.

In fact, the initial ghost painting is not very scary. If you have certain preparations, you can still solve it completely. It is a pity that the best opportunity was not grasped by foreign forces.

With the large-scale outbreak of ghost paintings, the scenes in ghost paintings have become quite complicated.

Not to mention the incomprehensible weirdness of the ghost painting itself, the ghosts imprisoned by the ghost painting make the ghost painting even more terrifying, especially since there are many top ghost masters from abroad trapped in it.

The current ghost painting is a hodgepodge. Even Li Yue dare not say that it can be completely solved, but he is still confident in self-protection.

Although the ghost painting incident is relatively urgent now, it probably has nothing to do with Li Yue, because he has made it clear that he does not want to get involved for the time being.

Moreover, many of the ghost masters present did not want Li Yue to take action.

Because once Li Yue takes action, although it can increase the success rate of solving supernatural incidents, the final credit will be shared by Li Yue.

This is not what these people want.

Therefore, they are willing to cooperate with other ghost masters in order to obtain more benefits.

Now the ghost painting incident is equal to one captain's quota, and there are many people who have ideas about it.

However, Cao Yanhua actually wanted Li Yue to take action, because as time goes by, the ghost paintings will become more terrifying, which will be more detrimental to the headquarters.

In addition, Mr. Qin is in a bad state now and cannot act rashly, so he will direct his thoughts to Li Yue. If the ghost painting can be solved as soon as possible, it will naturally be the best.

Unfortunately, Li Yue didn't have this idea, and there was nothing he could do.

This meeting lasted a long time and did not end until after 11 o'clock in the morning.

However, during the following meeting, Li Yue kept his eyes closed and rested, and otherwise did not say a word. Even if Cao Yanhua called his name, he pretended not to have heard it.

Now with the information plan provided by Wang Xiaoming, although everyone is still hesitant, at least they have a breakthrough.

Then it’s up to everyone’s choice.

Cao Yanhua also reminded many times that the source must be found within three days and it is best to solve it. If it cannot be solved, the ghost painting incident must not happen again.

But everyone knows that the attitudes of the people present towards the ghost painting incident are not consistent;

Some people are self-aware and have no idea about the position of captain, so they plan to hang around in the next few days and plan to be a salty fish;

There are also some people who believe in their own strength and have their own ideas about the position of captain, and are ready to show off their skills in the next few days.

However, Li Yue closed his eyes and meditated the whole time, as if the matter they discussed had nothing to do with him.

"Today's meeting ends here, everyone can start taking action." Cao Yanhua informed; "In addition, Jiang Shangbai and Yang Jian are staying. I have something to say to you two."

Hearing the end of the meeting, Li Yue finally opened his eyes.

He was not surprised that Cao Yanhua left Yang Jian and Jiang Shangbai behind. The two men almost fought before the meeting started.

Cao Yanhua is preparing to do mediation work.

After all, the ghost painting incident is the most important thing now. If Yang Jian gets into trouble with the circle of friends at this time, it will only make things more complicated, which is not what the headquarters wants to see.

This chapter has been completed!
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