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Chapter 4 The Village Extermination Case

"Ding dong, ding dong..."

A sudden ringtone rang, and Li Yue stood up suddenly in fright. He thought he had encountered a supernatural event, but when he reacted, he found that it was a message notification on his cell phone.

Click on the message received on your phone.

"According to your needs, the things have been prepared, and the instructions together with the instructions have been packaged and sent to your mailbox."

However, the hacker Li Yue contacted before had already completed the search engine it needed. He couldn't help but think that he was worthy of being a legendary senior programmer and his efficiency was high.

Following the instructions, he tried it out and found it was no problem, so he quickly transferred the balance and sent a message to notify the other party.

In the next few days, Li Yue stayed at home.

On the one hand, he is sifting information about possible supernatural events from the Internet; on the other hand, he is waiting for his customized gold system; and on the other hand, he is developing his supernatural power.

His abilities are immortality and self-healing, but after development, he has been able to concentrate the supernatural power in his body on his hands and feet according to his will.

In this way, in addition to making his hands and feet stronger and less likely to be injured, he will have greater strength, faster speed, and can jump higher.

Because when the supernatural power is concentrated on the hands and feet, the hands and feet will appear jet black, so Li Yue very cleverly named it the supernatural version of the armed color domineering.

In addition, he is equivalent to a fully resurrected ghost, and his power is actually not weak. As for how strong he is now, he needs to fight against other ghost masters or experiment through supernatural events.

In addition, Li Yue also tried to inject supernatural power into other items. Unfortunately, he found that the circulation was very poor, and the supernatural power would directly damage the items. This also stopped him from trying to create supernatural items.

But in general, his strength has improved significantly compared to a few days ago, and he is more proficient in the use of supernatural powers.

If other ghost masters knew that Li Yue was squandering supernatural power at will, they would definitely be jealous. After all, Li Yue did not have the problem of ghosts reviving and could experiment with his power at will.

Unlike other ghost controllers, once they use the power of the ghost, they will speed up the ghost's recovery. It can be said that they are exchanging lifespan for power and will not use supernatural power wantonly. Therefore, most of their use of supernatural power is rough and direct.


On this day, Li Yue was sifting through supernatural events on the Internet as usual. Unfortunately, it had been a few days, and except for some false information, he found no useful information. At this time, the phone rang.

"Hello, is this Mr. Li?" a female voice called out.

"Hello, I'm Li Yue, who are you looking for?"

"Hello Mr. Li, I am Wang Yun from the old craft gold shop. The things you customized in our shop have been made. It depends on you when it is convenient for you to come to the store to pick them up. Since the things are relatively expensive, I asked you to come over.

Bring your ID card when you go, we need to verify it.”

It turned out to be a call from the gold store, he thought for a moment and replied.

"I'll come and pick it up in the afternoon."

"Okay Mr. Li, I'll wait for you in the store in the afternoon. Goodbye."

After hanging up the phone, Li Yue continued to search for useful information online to see if there were any clues to supernatural events.

Maybe it's because it's still in the early stages of a supernatural outbreak, so there are still few supernatural events, and there's not much gained throughout the morning.

In the afternoon, Li Yue took back his customized items at the gold store. However, the people in the gold store looked at him a little strangely. After all, most people buy gold jewelry. This was the first time they saw customized gold bags and gold boxes.


Li Yue, who was still surfing the Internet at night, suddenly saw an interesting post.

"Brothers and sisters, do you believe in the existence of ghosts? Have any of you ever encountered a ghost?"

Many netizens were replying to the post, and Li Yue couldn't help but click on it.

"I believe ghosts exist, especially Nie Xiaoqian."

"I also believe that, to be honest with all of you, I am actually the reincarnation of Ning Caichen. When I find Xiaoqian, we will be able to stay together and live together again."

"Upstairs, I think you want to become life-and-death friends with her."

"What you said above is right. He wants to stay and sleep with her for two nights. He is obviously greedy for her body. He is a lowly person. Bah."

Li Yue closed this post and couldn't help but sigh. It seems that no matter in the past life or now, there are indeed thousands of talents in the world, and all the netizens on the post bar have taken advantage of them.

He then opened another post by the original poster that had a high click-through rate.

I am the person in charge of the paranormal club of Zhongmao City University. We organize some paranormal adventure activities on a daily basis. After many screenings, the club is ready to go on an adventure to a village on the outskirts of our city.

After investigation, it was found that there were more than 20 people in this village at the beginning of this year, but almost all of them died overnight. In addition to a dozen left-behind elderly people and children, there were also several young adults, and in the end there was only one young man, Qiao Hua.


This matter can be regarded as a major incident. It was directly taken over by the authorities and a gag order was issued to prohibit external reports. Because I have a relative in the police force who personally participated in this incident. It has been half a year since the incident, and I only learned from him.

Find out.

It is said that when Qiao Hua was discovered, he was seriously injured and only had half his life left. It's not an adjective, he really only had half his life left.

Qiao Hua was covered in blood and fainted. His legs were cut off from the knees down, and his ears were pierced. It was really tragic.

I thought it was a serious murder case, but through the in vivo evidence collection and on-site investigation of Qiao Hua, abnormalities were found. All the evidence showed that Qiao Hua's injuries were caused by himself, which made everyone feel incredible.

Because the human body has its own self-protection mechanism, it is simply unimaginable to harm oneself to such an extent.

After autopsies of other deceased persons, the cause of death could not be determined, and all medical examiners could not give a definite conclusion.

This made all investigators investigating the case at a loss and did not know where to start. The only breakthrough was the survivor Qiao Hua.

But Qiao Hua was already seriously injured when he was discovered. After rescue at the hospital, Qiao Hua only had time to say a word before he regained consciousness and died.


After Qiao Hua's last words and incident report were reported to the higher-ups, an order was issued that surprised everyone.

From today on, all files related to this case will be sealed and no one will be allowed to discuss or disseminate them in private. This case will be taken over by a task force, and everyone must cooperate unconditionally.

As for how the task force finally investigated the case, the poster does not know because his relatives are just ordinary police officers and are not qualified to participate.

His relative was in charge of sorting out Qiao Hua's belongings at the time, and found that Qiao Hua's phone did not have a password set, so he clicked on it and took a look.

The moment he clicked on the phone, a photo appeared on the screen. The photo was in a dark environment, and the background should be Qiao Hua's village. The protagonist of the photo was not Qiao Hua, but someone else.

I saw that he was wearing old clothes, which seemed to be from 20 to 30 years ago. His face was pale, his eyes were cloudy, and his whole body was exuding gloomy energy. He didn't feel like a living person.

His relatives didn't know what they were thinking at the time, so they took the photo with their mobile phones. Later, things got too busy and they forgot about the photo. He only remembered it when the poster asked about it, and forwarded the photo to the poster.

The poster attached a photo after the text. Li Yue clicked on the photo to enlarge it and observed it carefully.

Indeed, as the original poster said, the stranger in the photo is wearing old clothes from 20 to 30 years ago, and exudes an uncomfortable aura. As for his face and eyes, it is true that due to the pixels of the mobile phone, it is not very clear.

Li Yue felt that this should be a real supernatural event, because even through the photo, he could clearly feel the ghost's aura.

Li Yue thought for a while and felt that this person should be a modern ghost controller like Yang Jian's father. It is unknown why the evil ghost revived and caused this supernatural incident.

Under the photo, the poster left his contact information and said that if you are interested in this supernatural adventure, you can contact him and we can set off with the club in three days.

Li Yue didn't have the time to read all kinds of weird replies. At this time, he was thinking about whether to take action with the poster and others.

Li Yue thought that it was already dark today. Even if he packed up the tools he needed to bring now, he would leave tomorrow at the earliest, which would be the day after tomorrow to the village mentioned by the poster. If the poster and his friends set off in three days, they might encounter him again.

And maybe the poster has retained other information about this village. In supernatural events, the importance of information is self-evident.

Although he is an anomaly now, before he reaches a certain level of strength, he never thinks about going head-to-head with the devil. Who knows if the boat will capsize in the gutter, and they may gain something unexpected by following the original poster.

Li Yue finally decided to set off with the poster and the others, and immediately contacted the poster and offered to join their supernatural adventure.

The host also happily agreed. Only then did Li Yue find out that the host's name was Li Fan, and they agreed on a time and place to meet.

At noon the next day, Li Yue packed a backpack with a gold body bag, boxes and other things, and set off again on a new journey.

As for what he would encounter and what he would get in this supernatural adventure, Li Yue didn't think too much. He just wanted to protect himself and at the same time exercise himself through this adventure, and then think about what he would get.

This chapter has been completed!
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