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Chapter 481 Let go

After hearing Yang Jian's description of the side effects of the pendulum clock's curse, Li Yue felt even more confused.

If it was just like this, Yang Jian shouldn't be so concerned about the pendulum clock.

"Honestly, why do you care so much about this pendulum clock?" Li Yue asked bluntly.

After Yang Jian was silent for a moment, he said, "Don't you think it's amazing? There is such a terrifying thing in this world, a pendulum clock that can release curses."

"What's so strange about this? You've seen the supernatural objects collected by the headquarters. Which one of them is simple?" Li Yue said calmly; "Even if this pendulum clock is somewhat magical, it's still a piece of heaven-breaking stuff."

It’s a supernatural item, but the effect is a bit beyond imagination.”

Hearing what Li Yue said, Yang Jian immediately said: "Maybe it's because I have too little experience. I can't be as calm as you. Anyway, I think this thing is extraordinary."

"No, you kid is not very knowledgeable. Honestly, what are you thinking about?" Li Yue said suddenly;

Li Yue's character is relatively clear to Yang Jian.

Knowing that the pendulum clock curse had so many side effects, Yang Jian probably wouldn't stare at the pendulum clock.

Because all in all, the effect of the pendulum clock curse in suppressing the resurrection of evil ghosts is not even as good as that of a music box.

Yang Jian can use the music box to trade with Li Yue, so there is no reason to bother with a supernatural item with more side effects now.

This time Yang Jian was silent for a long time before he spoke; "You are right, I really don't have much interest in supernatural items with so many side effects, at least I wouldn't think of using them on my own people."

"But if you use this thing to make cannon fodder, the effect will be absolutely top-notch. You can even imagine how much energy can be unleashed by countless ghost controllers who control one or two ghosts and can ignore the ghosts' resurrection."

Li Yue never thought that Yang Jian would pay this attention.

This was far beyond his imagination.

At first, Li Yue thought Yang Jian wanted to use the pendulum clock to exchange some special resources with the headquarters.

After all, as Yang Jian himself said, the pendulum clock can create countless ghost masters who don't have to worry about the resurrection of evil ghosts for the time being. This is of great value to the headquarters.

It would be even more terrifying if Wang Xiaoming could study something through the pendulum clock.

It can even change the current awkward position of the headquarters in one fell swoop.

"I advise you not to pay attention to this pendulum clock." Li Yue advised.

"Why, do you also like this thing? If that's the case, I won't ask."

Li Yue sighed and said: "It is undeniable that I am indeed very interested in this pendulum clock, not because of the abilities of the pendulum clock you mentioned, but because of some other reasons."

This pendulum clock is a supernatural item that can reset the range. This fact alone makes Li Yue very concerned.

Moreover, the first and second generations of the Wang family imprisoned countless evil ghosts inside through the pendulum clock. These are scarce resources.

Especially for Li Yue, the fierce ghost is directly related to his level of terror.

Moreover, the evil ghosts that could be imprisoned in the pendulum clock by the Wang family should not be ordinary evil ghosts, which made Li Yue even more greedy.

Unfortunately, Li Yue knew that this pendulum clock was of great importance. If he was not absolutely sure, he would not want to touch the pendulum clock for the time being.

However, although he was not planning to take action against the Wang family's ancestral home, he would not conceal the corresponding information. If Yang Jian really went to find the pendulum clock, it would not be a big deal;

Anyway, if it wasn't on his own territory, even if Yang Jian really caused some trouble, it would be Wang Chaling who would end it.

"The reason why I asked you not to pay attention to this pendulum clock is because this pendulum clock is a bit strange. As far as I know, it is in an old house in Dadong City."

"This old house is not big, but it is very special. Although it is certain that the pendulum clock is there, almost no one can find this magical pendulum clock. You can only hear the sound of the pendulum clock after it reaches one hour every once in a while.

The ringtone echoed in the old house."

Although Li Yue concealed the true ability of the pendulum clock, he also revealed its location and informed Yang Jian of some of the characteristics of the pendulum clock in advance.

As for what Yang Jian will choose, that is beyond Li Yue's control.

"It's really weird, the pendulum clock that can never be found, the special place that can't be understood, and the strange curse ability." Yang Jian felt more and more surprised.

Although Li Yue didn't say anything further, Yang Jian had already heard that these factors together made it clear that the pendulum clock was very difficult to solve.

There are a lot of things involved here, and there seems to be a lot of unknown things hidden.

At this time, even Yang Jian felt a little discouraged.

This thing can make Li Yue emphasize it so much, it is definitely not an ordinary trouble.

So he planned not to go to Dadong City to investigate for the time being, but this incident had already left a mark on his heart.

If there is an opportunity in the future, he wouldn't mind figuring it out.

If you can get such a weird supernatural item, whether you want to keep it as a trump card for your team, or use it to exchange with other people or forces, it will be very good.

But now, he can only give up this idea temporarily.

However, although they can't find the pendulum clock for the time being, those who attacked Feng Quan cannot let go easily.

Before, Yang Jian was still thinking about how to find the base camp of those people. Now that he has confirmed through Li Yue that the pendulum clock is in Dadong City;

Then the base camp of these people should also be in Dadong City.

If you have a chance in the future, you can stop by and clean up these reckless people.

If he dares to attack a member of the team, Yang Jian will not let him go easily given his character.

If Li Yue were to know Yang Jian's attitude towards these people, he would probably not be able to help but shake his head.

Although Yang Jian's abilities are very good now, the ghost controllers who rely on the pendulum clock curse cannot be underestimated.

Although they are only those who have controlled two fierce ghosts at most, they are not as good as Yang Jian who has controlled three fierce ghosts.

But the number of these people is not a small number, coupled with the geographical advantage and the ability to restart the pendulum clock.

At this stage, if Yang Jian goes there, he might really tell where he is.

"This is the information I know about the pendulum clock. If you are still interested in this thing, you need to find a way on your own." Li Yue said calmly.

After hearing what Li Yue said, Yang Jian no longer struggled with the issue of the pendulum clock.

Anyway, you already know pretty much what you should know now, and you need to figure out the rest by yourself.

However, he contacted Li Yue this time not just for this matter, he also had other things he wanted to discuss with Li Yue.

"Now that the results of the headquarters' first operation against ghost paintings have come out, I wonder what you think." Yang Jian suddenly asked.

Although he has now resigned as the captain of the headquarters, considering some reasons, the headquarters still informed Yang Jian of the contents of the meeting.

The failure of the first operation is a very bad phenomenon for the headquarters. They cannot guarantee whether the second operation will be successful, so they have begun to prepare now.

Not only Yang Jian, but also the other captains are reserve personnel.

Once this operation fails, the headquarters will definitely gather all the captains to fight against the ghost paintings at all costs.

How could a being like Yang Jian be put aside by the headquarters?

Li Yue was not surprised at all that Yang Jian knew the contents of the meeting.

Anyway, it's just some results, and it doesn't hurt even if others know about it.

"What can I think? Anyway, this matter has nothing to do with me. As long as the ghost painting incident doesn't completely break out, the headquarters will not let me take action." Li Yue said frankly.

"When did you actually care about the headquarters' orders?" Yang Jian directly exposed Li Yue's words.

Li Yue did not reply, but smiled "hehe".

In fact, as Yang Jian said, with his current ability, how could the orders from the district headquarters affect him.

The reason why Li Yue has not taken action now is not so much that the headquarters does not want Li Yue to take action, but rather that Li Yue himself does not want to take action.

Now he just wants to quietly watch the development of the ghost painting incident and wait for that to happen.

As for the rest, he didn't care at all.

Of course, he was still a little unhappy that the headquarters treated Li Yue like this, and Li Yue recorded all of this in a small notebook.

There will naturally be a time to settle things with the headquarters in the future.

Yang Jian continued at this time: "To be honest, I never expected that the first operation would end up like this. Except for Li Yang, his entire army was basically wiped out, and there were even two captain-level ghost controllers among them.

, this kind of thing is rare."

"This is not incomprehensible. The complexity of ghost paintings is unimaginable. Although there are survivors and some information we left behind, the world of ghost paintings is completely different." Li Yue said calmly.

Both of them have entered the world of ghost painting, and their understanding of the world of ghost painting is naturally better than others.

It's just that both Li Yue and Yang Jian can accept the result of the failure of the operation, but the final loss of personnel still makes them a little frightened.

"Actually, you don't need to think too much. As far as I know, apart from Li Yang and Liu San, among the people involved in the operation, they should still be alive. As for Xiong Wenwen, although he is imprisoned in the photo at this time, there is still a possibility of surviving.

." Li Yue continued.

"Do you also think that Liu San is still alive?" Yang Jian said immediately as soon as he finished speaking.

Yang Jian has also seen Liu San's paper man, and he also knows that Liu San can create clones of the paper man that look like real ones, so the person who died in the ghost painting world is probably just a clone of Liu San.

As for Liu San himself, no one knows where he is except Liu San himself.

"They are all captains of the headquarters. Except for Li Jun's stupid head, which of the other captains do you think would really fight to solve the supernatural incident, especially if the incident happened in another city?" Li Yue said in a playful tone.

Yang Jian thought for a while and said: "You are right, these captains are all old fools. They all have their own thoughts when they join the headquarters. Even if they become captains, they will not change."

"But speaking of Xiong Wenwen, if he is resurrected in the future, he may need your help. At that time, you can take the opportunity to take him under your command. This will be a good thing for the naughty kid and you." Li Yue suddenly said.

This chapter has been completed!
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