Turn off the lights
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Chapter 65: Imprisonment +1

 At this time, the supernatural bus was driving on the country road again.

The environment outside the car gradually turned into darkness. Except for a little light from the bus lights, there was no light source around.

Li Yue looked at the environment outside the car and found that there were no useful clues, so he looked back.

With the windbreaker ghost in front and the coke ghost behind, only Li Yue can have such a big heart and still have the mind to look at the scenery outside.

In fact, this is because Li Yue knows in his heart that as long as he does not violate some regulations on this bus, there is generally no danger.

Besides, he is also a fierce ghost now, and he is also a fierce ghost. Li Yue has no reason to be afraid.

At this time, the car was completely silent. Except for Li Yue's occasional movements, only the ghost child in the back row looked at the other ghosts in the car from time to time.

Time is still passing, and the bus is still driving at a constant speed in the supernatural place.

Li Yue discovered that the supernatural bus had been running for a long time. Although he had not checked the time, it was probably more than an hour.

But until now, the bus has no intention of stopping. It seems that the next supernatural platform is not close.

After about half an hour like this, the bus that was traveling at a constant speed began to slow down slowly.

At this time, the environment outside the car also began to undergo new changes.

Ever since the Coke Ghost got on the bus, the supernatural bus has been driving in a dark environment. Although it was very dark outside at this time, it was already possible to vaguely see the wasteland not far away.

At a glance, you can’t see the edge of this wasteland.

There is a road on the edge of the wasteland, which is the road the bus is traveling on now.

As the bus drove, Li Yue gradually saw that a platform suddenly appeared on the road not far away. The old platform was incompatible with the surrounding wasteland environment and seemed very abrupt.

But this is a platform built for evil ghosts, so this is normal.

At this time, Li Yue was thinking about whether there would be any ghosts getting off the bus at this bus stop.

His goal on getting on the bus this time was very clear, that is, to find a suitable ghost for him to fuse with, but no ghost got off the bus at several stops, which made him a little anxious.

He didn't dare to take action on the supernatural bus. One reason was that the bus suppressed his ability, and another reason was that he was worried that if he took action forcefully, it might break the balance of the bus.

Maybe it will lead to some unknown consequences, which is not in line with his interests.

So he could only take advantage of Li Gui's opportunity to get out of the car and attack Li Gui.

As for why Li Yue didn’t just find a platform to get off.

After all, in a supernatural land, if there is less, there will be more ghosts. As long as he gets out of the car, there will be plenty of ghosts.

But Li Yue is not stupid. You must know that the danger of the supernatural place is immeasurable.

If Li Yue was unlucky and the mysterious place where he got off the bus happened to have a terrifying ghost, then he might as well have sent mutton into the tiger's mouth.

Although he is a fierce ghost and is immortal, what will happen if he is suppressed?

Moreover, even if you are lucky and don't encounter very scary ghosts and are not suppressed, the bus will start when the time comes.

If he misses it by accident, he will have to stay in a supernatural place with ghosts.

As for when we can return to the real world, it all depends on God.

If that really happens, what's the difference between that and being exiled?

Therefore, Li Yue did not dare to take action or get off the car casually. He had to be cautious when he should be cautious. Of course, Li Yue definitely did not think that this was being conceited.

Looking at the platform getting closer and closer, Li Yue began to look outside the car. He found that no one appeared near the platform. He looked into the distance again and found that there was indeed no ghost around.

Li Yue was happy in his heart. It seemed that the opportunity was coming. There was a high possibility that some evil spirit would get off at this stop.

As the bus stopped steadily on the platform, the front and rear doors opened at the same time.

At this time, there was a whistling wind outside the car, which sounded like someone whistling.

However, Li Yue could no longer care about this at this time. He was observing several evil ghosts in the car to see if there were indeed evil ghosts getting out of the car as he thought.

It's a pity that these fierce ghosts are still as steady as old dogs, motionless.

This made Li Yue a little disappointed. Just when he thought he had guessed wrong, the coke ghost sitting behind him stood up and slowly moved towards the exit door.

It can be said that this is another village where everything is bright and clear. Li Yue quickly stood up, got out of the car and got out of the car before the Coke Ghost.

Since he didn't know if the Coke Ghost had any ghosts, it was inevitable that Li Gui would get out of the car and drive away in the Ghost Ghost. Therefore, Li Yue opened the sixth level of ghosts without saying a word, and was ready to wait for the Coke Ghosts.

In this way, even if the Charcoal Ghost is a ghost, as long as the intensity does not exceed the sixth level, he will have nowhere to escape.

If an ordinary person or a ghost controller sees Li Yue's posture, he will know that Li Yue has no good intentions.

But the Coke Ghost is just a fierce ghost that relies on instinct to act according to rules, so it naturally doesn't understand the ways, so after the Coke Ghost got off the car, Li Yue directly took him into the ghost world.

At this time, Li Yue was among the ghosts. He looked at the Charcoal Ghost in front of him and was about to imprison it, but suddenly, he noticed that his body felt hot.

It's like there is a ball of flame inside the body. No, to be precise, it should be like there is a small sun burning inside the body.

Because of Li Yue's current level of terror, a ball of flame has no effect on him at all.

But now he feels that his whole body is burning from the inside out, and even the supernatural power in his body seems to be ignited.

This feeling is like burning yourself into charcoal, and finally becoming like a charcoal ghost.

Li Yue did not expect that with his current strength, among his own ghosts, he would quietly follow the evil ghosts' ways.

This made him feel a little uncomfortable.

Although he didn't know how he triggered the devil's law, Li Yue knew that he couldn't wait any longer, because he felt that the power burning in his body was getting stronger and stronger.

Delaying it any longer would be very detrimental to him, so Li Yue directly attacked the Charcoal Ghost three times in a row. He had no intention of testing at this time, so he just used all his strength.

After he finished waving three times, he found that the power burning in his body suddenly became much weaker.

At this time, after the Coke Ghost was waved by Li Yue, its terror was temporarily weakened, and at the same time, the power of suppression began to take effect slowly.

The most intuitive feeling is that Li Yue noticed that the burning power belonging to the Coke Ghost in his body was slowly disappearing.

This is because the essence of power is being suppressed.

Li Yue knew that this was a good time to take advantage of the victory, so he clapped his hands several times in succession, and applause began to ring out in Guixiao.

At this time, the suppressed Coke Ghost became even more unbearable.

Li Yue could no longer detect the burning power in his body.

At this time, several minutes had passed since Li Yue got off the car. Although he didn't look at the time, he knew he had to hurry up.

Because the bus is about to start.

So Li Yue mobilized the power of the six-layer ghosts to directly control the time and space near the coke ghost. He first suspended the time in that area, and then began to shrink the space.

Soon the coke ghost turned into a black and shiny bead, and was held in Li Yue's hand.

He looked at the beads in his hand carefully and found that in the deepest part of the black, there seemed to be a trace of dark red fire flashing.

But this is not the time to study in detail, because the bus is about to start.

So he directly took out a small gold box, put the coke ghost that turned into beads in his hand into it, sealed it and locked it, and then put the box into his pocket.

After completion, Li Yue passed directly through Guixi and instantly appeared at the front door of the bus.

Li Yue took a step forward and boarded the supernatural bus again.

Just when Li Yue took two steps toward the carriage, the front and back doors of the bus slammed shut at the same time.

It seems that if Li Yue had delayed any longer just now, he would have been late to get on the bus.

Li Yue looked into the car at this time and found that there was nothing different from before.

It's just that there is one less Coke Ghost.

Li Yue walked to his original seat again and sat down.

As Li Yue sat down, the supernatural bus started to move again.

Li Yue sat on his seat, looking out at the dim and invisible wasteland. He recalled the scene he saw when he got off the car just now.

He previously thought that the reason why the wasteland was dark was because the surrounding environment was dim and the land on the ground could not be seen clearly.

But after he got off the car, he discovered that this was not the case.

At that time, he discovered that the wasteland looked like it had been burned by fire. There was no vegetation on the ground, but instead there were traces of fire everywhere.

He then thought of the Coke Ghost who got out of the car just now, as if it had been burned by fire, and the Coke Ghost's ability seemed to be burning as well. He didn't know if there was any potential connection between this.

But he gave up thinking after thinking about it. After all, there are too many secrets in the mysterious world of supernatural beings. Even now that he has become a ghost, there are still many supernatural beings that he only knows a little about.

Besides, the Coke Ghost has been imprisoned by himself now.

Li Yue looked up inadvertently and found a line of words floating across the electronic display screen in the bus:

Current number of passengers: 6.

Li Yue thought he had made a mistake, but he confirmed again that the number was indeed 6, which surprised him.

Because after I got off the bus with the Coke Ghost, the number should have been 4. Even if I imprisoned the Coke Ghost and got on the bus again, it should still be 5.

But now the number shows 6, which is a bit wrong.

Li Yue looked around the car again. He was sure that apart from himself, the only ones left in the car were the ghost in trench coat sitting in front of him, the ghost in white coat and the ghost child sitting together in the back seat.

In addition to the ghost who got off the bus, there are five ghosts in total.

There will definitely be no problem with the display on the bus, so there should be six ghosts in the bus now.

Then the most likely possibility is that when I stopped at the last platform, a fierce ghost got on the bus while I was fighting with the Coke Ghost.

And the ghost that got on the bus was very special, an invisible ghost.

This forced Li Yue to treat it with caution.

Although he is well-informed, this is the first time he has encountered an invisible ghost, and he does not know its information.

So we have to worry about whether we will accidentally trigger the evil ghost's pattern.

But fortunately, we are inside the bus now, and the evil ghosts will be suppressed.

But when you get off the car, you need to be more careful, because if you are not careful, you may be attacked by this invisible ghost.

At this moment, Li Yue noticed an extremely obvious malice directed at him.

This chapter has been completed!
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