Turn off the lights
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Chapter 775 Laws

As the second knock on the door rang, Yang Jian, Sun Rui and Li Yang suddenly felt a death threat.

They also felt something unusual when the first knock on the door sounded;

But it wasn't as strong and obvious then as this time.

At that time, they thought it was because Li Gui was standing outside the door and sensed the threat from Li Gui.

But now they discover that the knock on the door doesn't seem as harmless as they thought.

It seemed that some unknown supernatural being was brewing with the knock on the door, waiting for the opportunity to explode.

Several people immediately concentrated on the position of the door and were on full alert.

Of course, when you focus on one thing, you will unconsciously ignore other things.

At this time, no one except Li Yue noticed that the light in the room had become darker.

The light in the bathroom has been turned off quietly.

"Hey, it's really frustrating to be like this all the time." Sun Rui said with some annoyance.

Li Yang said helplessly: "There are evil spirits outside, what can we do?"

"There is no way to go on like this. Let's just open the door and fight with the devil outside." Sun Rui's face showed a look of determination.

Being highly concentrated for a long time is extremely strenuous and consumes a lot of money.

It's okay for a short time, but problems can easily arise over time, especially in dangerous situations, where accidents are more likely to occur.

At this time Sun Rui continued:

"With four of us here, we are not completely incapable of fighting. What's more, Mr. Li and Yang Dui are here, so we can completely suppress it head-on. As long as we succeed, we can imprison this ghost here to avoid accidents."

Although Sun Rui was unwilling to stay overnight in the ghost post office before, and his level has dropped a lot, he is not the kind of person who sits still and waits for death.

In such a situation, he does not lack the courage to take the initiative.

At this time, Li Yang's face also showed an eagerness to try.

He was also moved by Sun Rui's words.

However, Li Yang did not act rashly. He knew how much he weighed.

As a new ghost controller, there are still many shortcomings in both judgment and action abilities.

Not to mention compared to top ghost controllers like Li Yue and Yang Jian.

This has nothing to do with age, but with personal ability and experience.

"Mr. Li, Captain Yang, what do you think?" Li Yang turned his attention to Li Yue and Yang Jiandao.

Li Yue shook his head and rejected Sun Rui's proposal;

"You can't open the door. The evil ghost outside is not as simple as you think. I suspect it has more than one killing pattern, maybe two, or even three killing patterns, or more."

Hearing Li Yue's words, Yang Jian, Sun Rui and Li Yang were all shocked.

Although the degree of terror is not directly proportional to the number of killing patterns, they all know that the more killing patterns a ghost has, the more trouble it will cause.

At this time, Li Yue continued: "Didn't you notice that the lights in the bathroom were also turned off?"

Hearing his reminder, Yang Jian and others suddenly turned their heads and looked in the direction of the toilet.

I found that the light that was originally on had been turned off at some point.

While Yang Jian and others were thinking about the lighting problem, Li Yue did not show off and said directly:

“I remember that after the first knock on the door, the lights in the living room went out, and after the second knock on the door, the lights in the bathroom also went out;

There were two knocks on the door, and the two lights in room No. 7 went out. How can such a coincidence happen, especially in a ghost post office."

After listening to Li Yue's words, Yang Jian looked in the direction of the bathroom, then looked up at the extinguished chandelier on the ceiling, and then said with certainty:

"This is a law, a law of evil spirits killing people."

Li Yue nodded silently.

Sun Rui and Li Yang's expressions suddenly changed;

Because in supernatural events, it is extremely common for the lights to go out due to the influence of the supernatural. If Li Yue hadn't reminded them, they wouldn't even notice the change in the lights.

If this continues, they will most likely be attacked by evil spirits in the end without making any sound.

Although he had entered the world of ghost paintings many times before, because he was just a guide, in real terms, this was his official exposure to supernatural events.

At this time, Li Yang clearly felt the horror of the supernatural event. If he slacked off even a little bit, he might die silently at any time.

"Then what does this have to do with not being able to open the door?" Sun Rui suddenly asked in confusion.

"Because I suspect that opening the door is one of this evil ghost's killing patterns." Li Yue glanced at Sun Rui and said calmly.

As soon as these words came out, Sun Rui's heart immediately trembled.

Although he didn't know why Li Yue said this, he believed that the other party would not be so boring and use such words to deceive himself.

Especially at this time.

At this time, Li Yue said slowly:

"Do you think the old and fragile wooden door in the room can really stop the evil ghost? If the ghost really wants to come in, it can probably be kicked open with a kick;

If this is the case, then why the evil ghost keeps knocking on the door instead of breaking in directly? There must be other reasons.

And the only thing I can think of is the possibility of a pattern of killing."

At this time, everyone looked at the door of the room;

It was indeed as shabby as Li Yue said. They could easily open such a door, let alone use it to block evil spirits.

Therefore, Li Yue's speculation is very likely to be correct.

At this time, there was a knock on the door again in Yang Jian.

When he first encountered a knocker in No. 7 Middle School, even though the classroom door was not even closed, the ghost did not choose to enter directly.

Instead, he stood at the door of the classroom and knocked.

This shows that the door is not important.

What matters is the horror behind the knock.

"In addition to turning off the lights, opening the door and knocking on the door, you also need to pay attention to the darkness that has been seeping into the room, and even the footsteps that sounded outside the door before... These are probably related to the murderous pattern of the ghost."

Yang Jian's eyes moved and he said with a heavy expression.

Hearing this, a look of satisfaction suddenly flashed in Li Yue's eyes:

"Very good. Thinking of this, it seems that you have fully recovered to your normal level now."

In fact, with Yang Jian's level, he should be able to think of what Li Yue could discover before, but because there was a knock on the door before, it reminded Yang Jian of the knocker.

It distracted part of Yang Jian's attention, so he didn't show his proper abilities.

Hearing Li Yue's words, Yang Jian nodded slowly.

Seeing this, Li Yue continued:

"In a supernatural incident, any clue may be crucial, not to mention that such an obvious strange phenomenon cannot appear without reason."

This time his words were actually addressed to Li Yang.

Because Li Yang is the only new ghost controller here, and Li Yue had a good sense of him in the ghost painting world before, and now he has joined Yang Jian's team, he doesn't mind giving some advice.

Li Yang was also very smart. When he noticed Li Yue's gaze, he immediately knew what Li Yue was thinking.

So he immediately showed a grateful smile to Li Yue.

Although Li Yue didn't care about Li Yang's gratitude, seeing that the other party understood what he meant made him smile.

This chapter has been completed!
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