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Chapter 820 The real recipient?

With the appearance of ghosts in Fushou Garden, everyone finally gave up some of their fantasies and began to accept reality.

This mission really took a turn for the worse.

At this time, everyone began to be cautious.

Because there must be evil ghosts in the ghost realm. Since Fushouyuan has been covered by ghosts, the evil ghosts are probably hiding somewhere.

There haven't been any dead people yet, maybe it's just because the supernatural events have just begun and no one has yet triggered the ghost's killing pattern and been targeted by the ghost.

"Since you can't leave for the time being, let's find a way to deliver the letter first. When the task is completed, there may be unexpected gains;

Of course, if this place is still like this at that time, then the only choice is to find a way to confront the ghosts head-on and find a way to evacuate Fushou Garden.

Although the strength of the ghosts here is not low, my ghosts are not vegetarian either. I am still confident that I can take everyone away.

Besides, even if I can't do this, you don't need to worry, don't forget that Li Yue is still here, he is absolutely capable of leading everyone to break through this evil."

Yang Jian thought for a short time and then made a decision.

After hearing this, Li Yue, Sun Rui and Li Yang naturally had no objection.

But Russell's eyelids jumped when he heard this;

I saw him speak immediately and said:

"Yang Jian, I don't care whether you deliver letters or do other things. It has nothing to do with me. If I want to go to you, I will stay here and not go there."

Although he had only half-understood what he just heard, Russell could instinctively feel that sending the letter as Yang Jian and the others said was definitely not that simple.

In addition, there are ghosts lurking here, so the best option is to stay where you are. This will also reduce the possibility of being targeted by the ghosts.

At this time, Li Yue looked at Russell Yi as if he were an idiot, and said in a slightly mocking tone:

"Staying here, you don't really think it's safe to do this, do you?

It seems that you haven't noticed what we just said. Since this place has been covered by ghosts, where do you think you are standing now?

Take a good look behind you, Russell."

At this time, Yang Jian and others also looked at Russell Yi with amused eyes.

Russell suddenly had a bad feeling.

I saw him looking back subconsciously.

"Depend on."

The next second, Russell was shocked.

I saw a low old grave on the dirt ground behind him.

In front of the old tomb stood a tombstone with the person's name and portrait engraved on it.

Perhaps because it has been too long, the portrait on the tombstone has faded and become somewhat unclear. Only the outline of the statue can be roughly seen.

"When did this ghost appear? You didn't even remind me." Russell Yi's tone was somewhat complaining.

He immediately walked forward several steps quickly, avoiding the old grave behind him.

"Does it matter when it appears?" Yang Jian said calmly;

"The key now is that the entire Fushou Garden has been covered by ghosts. What else do you want to say now? Do you still want to stay here?"

Russell Yi's expression suddenly turned ugly.

If no place is safe, then the danger of staying here alone is not small at all. In this case, he needs to rethink his next action.

"This ghost land... seems to be a cemetery." Lin Luomei looked around, then typed and announced.

Sun Ruijie nodded with his walking stick and said: "Yes, the Fushou Garden now overlaps with a strange cemetery, and I noticed that old graves are still appearing."

Having said this, Sun Rui suddenly turned to Yang Jian and said:

"Yang Jian, looking at these old tombs, I feel that the letter the ghost post office asked us to deliver is probably not to the owner of tomb No. 78 in Fushouyuan, Mrs. Liu, but to the tomb No. 78 in the ghost domain.

In the hands of the master."

After saying that, Sun Rui took two steps and walked to the old grave that appeared behind Russell just now, pointed at the old grave and said:

"Look here, there is a number."

Everyone looked at the position pointed by Sun Rui.

I saw that in the lower right corner of this old tombstone, there was indeed a number written in Chinese characters:


"It is indeed unlikely that the ghost post office will allow us to send a letter to an ordinary dead person. Coupled with the countless old graves appearing here, your guess is very reasonable." Yang Jian said in a deep voice.

At this time, Li Yue suddenly walked to the old tomb and touched the number on the tombstone with his hand.

"This counting method...is not modern. It was a counting method decades ago. But going back further, this counting method was also used during the Republic of China."

Although Li Yue did not sense any supernatural traces on it, he could sense a kind of historical sedimentation, which also shows that this tomb is quite old.

Therefore, he felt that this tomb was basically from the Republic of China period.

After hearing Li Yue's words, Yang Jian's expression suddenly changed slightly.

Republic of China.

Yang Jian couldn't help but not care that this far-reaching word was heard again in this place.

But Yang Jian also knew that now was not the time to delve into this matter.

It is still necessary to determine the recipient's status first.

So he said: "It's a little early to say who to send the letter to. Let's go to the tomb of Mrs. Liu in Cemetery No. 1 first."

Rather than analyzing in vain here, it is better to take action immediately.

This is more effective.

Sun Rui was the first to respond: "Okay, waiting is not the answer. It is indeed better to take action."

If he had a choice, he would naturally choose to stay away from supernatural beings, but if he didn't have a choice, he was not the kind of person to sit back and wait for death.

But Li Yang didn't say anything, he just walked to Yang Jian.

He showed with his actions that he would follow Yang Jian's actions.

At this time, Yang Jian, Sun Rui and Li Yang all turned their attention to Li Yue.

Although they worked together and were confident that they could deal with the attacks of some evil ghosts, there would always be a feeling of emptiness without Li Yue holding the line.

Looking at the looks in their eyes, Li Yue smiled slightly. He naturally wanted to continue, so he nodded directly.

After seeing that Li Yue agreed, the eyes of Yang Jian and others suddenly showed some joy.

Then the four people ignored Russell Yi and Lin Luomei and turned around to start taking action.

Everything that needs to be said has been said, and the choice between Russell Yi and Lin Luomei is actually not very important anymore.

Besides, both Li Yue and Yang Jian knew that these two people would definitely follow.

They are not stupid. If they act together with two captain-level ghost masters, they will naturally have a higher survival rate than if they act alone.

Moreover, it is impossible to escape now that they have been involved, at least not with the abilities of Russell Yi and Lin Luomei.

Sure enough, just as Li Yue, Yang Jian and the four of them took two steps, a bitter expression suddenly appeared on Russell Yi's face behind him.

Then he sighed and followed Li Yue, Yang Jian and the others.

As for Lin Luomei, she didn't say anything and just followed behind.

In fact, from the beginning, she was more in favor of cooperation and action together.

Because she has had the experience of cooperation, she knows better the abilities of Li Yue and Yang Jian.

This chapter has been completed!
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