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Chapter 83 Suicide by throwing into a well

 Leisurely days always fly by quickly, and it’s already late March in a blink of an eye.

Just when Li Yue thought it would continue like this, he received a phone call that broke his leisurely life.

On this day, Li Yue was playing games online as usual at home, but just after a game ended, Ma Jin called him.

Li Yue knew that Ma Jin would not bother him unless there were special circumstances.

Therefore, Li Yue directly answered the phone and asked:

"Ma Jin, what happened when you called me?"

Ma Jin, who was on the other end of the phone, was filled with helplessness. Zhongan City finally calmed down for a while.

But a recent case gave him a headache again, because the case was really weird, which made him immediately think of supernatural powers.

Although he is an experienced detective, his professional skill is to solve crimes and catch murderers. He has never learned how to catch ghosts.

So when something like this happens, he can only find professionals who are professional to deal with it, so he can only call Li Yue.

"Officer Li, I'm really sorry, but the case at hand is really difficult. I suspect it has something to do with supernatural powers, so I can only ask you for help."

Li Yue was not unhappy about this, and even if he was unhappy, he would not attack the horse.

Ma Jin is just a criminal policeman. When encountering supernatural incidents, he has no choice but to look for himself. Ma Jin is just doing his duty.

Therefore, if Li Yue was really unhappy, he would only blame the source of the supernatural incident.

Therefore, Li Yue asked calmly:

"Ma Jin, where are you now?"

Ma Jin immediately replied:

"I'm in the conference room of the police station, the same conference room as last time."

"Well, I probably won't be able to explain a word or two on the phone. I'll be there shortly. Please ask the inappropriate people in the conference room to leave first."

Ma Jin immediately understood what Li Yue meant, so he said:

"Okay Officer Li, I promise that there will be no irrelevant people in the conference room in one minute."

Li Yue knew that Ma Jin understood, and later he planned to teleport directly to the conference room through the ghost, so he needed to clear the place.

After all, there are still many ordinary officers in the police station, and they are unaware of the existence of supernatural powers, so they still have to avoid them in some matters.

This is not because he is afraid of anything, but because Li Yue hates trouble and explanations.

Li Yue recognized Ma Jin's ability. Since Ma Jin said he could handle it in one minute, he was prepared to wait for one minute.

Besides, one minute is still very short, and it won’t delay anything.

As one minute expired, Li Yue unfolded his ghost and began to teleport.

At this time, Ma Jin was waiting for Li Yue in the conference room, and except for Ma Jin, there was no other person in the conference room.

Ma Jin also looked at the time.

As the time passed by, Li Yue suddenly appeared in front of Ma Jin.

Ma Jin is now basically used to Li Yue's magical ability.

He quickly walked up to Li Yue and said apologetically:

"Officer Li, I'm really sorry, I have to trouble you again this time."

Li Yue waved his hand carelessly, and then said:

"You're welcome. If there is a supernatural incident in Zhong'an City, then I have the responsibility to deal with it. Now you'd better tell me about the case."

After Ma Jin heard Li Yue's words, he immediately entered the state of mind and began to introduce the case to Li Yue:

"I don't know when this case started, but we received the first report yesterday morning.

We received a report yesterday morning that a man committed suicide by jumping into a well, and the police immediately sent personnel to the scene.

When the police arrived at the scene, the reporter was still there. Under the guidance of the reporter, we saw the well he mentioned.

A policeman immediately went down into the well, preparing to pull the body out first. However, after the police went down into the well, they searched repeatedly inside, but could not find the body of the suicidal man.

At that time, the police also suspected that the reporter had reported a false case and questioned the reporter.

The person who reported the case swore that he saw someone jumping into the well with his own eyes, and because he was worried about misunderstandings, he used his mobile phone to record part of the process.

Our people looked at the video file on the mobile phone and found that a person did commit suicide by jumping into a well. The video was also checked and there was no problem.

In other words, everything the reporter said is true, but it is also true that the body cannot be found now."

At this point, Ma Jin has basically finished the first report.

Li Yue just listened quietly and was not in a hurry to express his opinion. He wanted to hear what Ma Jin would say later.

After Ma Jin saw that Li Yue had no expression, he started to report the second case.

"We received the second report of suicide by jumping into a well yesterday afternoon.

This time the police call said that a woman committed suicide by jumping into a well.

As soon as we received the report, we immediately organized police personnel and arrived at the scene quickly.

After arriving at the scene, some colleagues began to go down the well to fish out the body. However, after going down the well this time, they also did not find the body.

We questioned the person who called the police, and he confirmed that he saw a woman commit suicide by jumping into a well, and he was not the only one who saw it at that time, but there were two other people nearby who also saw it.

One of the three people was more enthusiastic. After seeing the woman jumping into the well, he immediately followed her down the well, hoping to rescue her in time.

But after he went down the well, he found no trace of the woman who jumped into the well.

You know, he and that woman could be said to have been together, and the interval between them was definitely less than a minute.

Because of this incident, that young man was frightened so badly."

After Ma Jin finished talking about the second report, he also stopped to see if Li Yue would say anything.

It was a pity that he was disappointed. Li Yue still said nothing and continued to listen quietly.

Ma Jin could only start talking about the third reported case.

"Yesterday evening, we received the third report.

The content of this report was that two old men committed suicide by jumping into a well.

After receiving the alarm, we rushed to the scene as quickly as possible. This time, after our colleagues went down the well, they still found no body.

This time, more people saw the two old men jumping into the well, so it was definitely not a false report."

Having said this, Ma Jin rested for a while and continued:

"These are the three reports received yesterday. These three cases are really full of doubts and confusing.

But early this morning, there were several reports of people committing suicide by jumping into wells.

After on-site investigation, it was almost the same as yesterday’s several cases. After going down the well, the body was still not found.

I had some guesses at the time that these cases should be related to supernatural powers, so I called you quickly and asked you to come and help."

At this time, Ma Jin has finished explaining the basic facts of the case.

After hearing this, Li Yue began to ask:

"Have the identities of all those who jumped into the well been found?"

Ma Jin was also helpless about this and answered directly:

"Because all the bodies were not found, only a few people were identified."

Of all the people who jumped in, only a few were photographed or videotaped.

The remaining few people can only rely on human impressions to describe and reconstruct their faces, but the interference factors are too great and the distortion is too serious.

Therefore, most of them cannot confirm their identity.

Li Yue obviously thought of this, so he didn't say much and just continued to ask:

"Have all these people whose identity information been found been investigated? Do they have anything in common or other potential connections?"

Ma Jin had already learned this trick after experiencing the reggae incident, so he had already done all the homework before Li Yue came.

"I have investigated all these people whose identities I can find. They are located in different parts of the city, have completely different social circles, and do not know each other. It is almost impossible to see what they have in common and no connection.

Li Yue was a little disappointed after hearing this.

He had already inspected Zhongan City through ghost ghosts before, but found no traces of the ghosts. It seems that this time he has to use his brain to find a solution again.

"Is there something wrong with the well?"

Ma Jin had checked all the wells beforehand, so he answered directly:

"The problem lies in the well."

As soon as these words came out, Li Yue felt that there might be something to gain from the well, so he asked:

"What's wrong with the well?"

Ma Jin did not answer immediately, but handed a stack of photos to Li Yue.

Li Yue took it and took a look and found that each photo was a photo of a well.

The well in the photo is obviously out of tune with the surrounding environment. It looks like a well in the countryside decades ago.

The diameter of the well head is about one meter, and the neck of the well is made of green bricks. It is covered with moss and looks a little black.

After looking at all the photos, he always felt that there seemed to be something wrong with these photos, but he couldn't remember what it was for a while.

He compared several photos and immediately discovered the problem.

The wells in these photos are identical.

Some people may say, aren’t all wells the same, but in fact, not even the leaves are exactly the same, let alone wells.

But the wells in the photos are all exactly the same, even the moss on the green bricks is the same, which is simply impossible.

Li Yue asked Ma Jin directly:

"Are these wells originally in these locations?"

Ma Jin answered directly:

"This is one of the problems with water wells. I asked people around me and they all said that there were no such wells before. It was like they suddenly appeared out of thin air.

And Officer Li must have noticed that the wells in the photos are exactly the same."

When Li Yue heard this, he nodded first, and then said:

"It's not that the wells are exactly the same, it's that these wells are the same."

These wells are exactly the same. Li Yue can basically be sure that except for supernatural power, it is impossible to do this.

He now suspects that these wells are just projection clones or supernaturally derived things.

Since this is the case, there is naturally a source, and that is also the source of this supernatural incident.

It’s just that we need further confirmation now.

Li Yue put down the photo and said to Ma Jin:

"Now that the situation is basically understood, please take me to a well to have a look. I have some guesses that need to be verified."

Ma Jin quickly put down the information in his hand and began to walk outside the police station with Li Yue.

Soon Ma Jin drove and took Li Yue to a well.

When Li Yue got off the car, he saw an isolation ring around the well. He crossed the isolation zone and walked directly to the well.

As Li Yue came to the well, Li Yue began to observe the well carefully.

If it were placed a few decades ago, this would have been an ordinary well, and there would seem to be no problem.

But now it suddenly appears here, which is the biggest problem.

Since you can't see the problem with your eyes, you can only take action.

Li Yue spread out ghosts and covered the well.

As the ghosts unfolded, Li Yue discovered the problem with the well.

At this time, through Guixi, he clearly sensed that the well in front of him did not really exist at all. Just as he had guessed before, it was something similar to a projection.

Under the power of the ghost, the area around the well began to twist and blur, and soon disappeared like bubbles, disappearing with a pop.

At this time, where the original well was, there was no other well, and it was still flat ground.

This chapter has been completed!
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