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Chapter 835 Continue to act and stop the sound

Sun Rui and Li Yang moved quickly;

Under their leadership, and with the help of several other members of the paranormal forum, it didn't take long for the dug grave to be pushed back.

After everyone buried Russell tremblingly, Sun Rui turned to Li Yue and Yang Jian and said:

"You two, Russell 1's body has been reburied."

"In that case, let's go. I'll feel at ease if I complete the letter delivery task as soon as possible." Li Yue said casually.

Yang Jian didn't say anything and just nodded.

Sun Rui and Li Yang also responded with excitement: "Okay!"

In fact, the two of them were more inclined to complete the letter delivery task from the beginning, but there was nothing they could do if Li Yue and Yang Jian did not agree.

Now that I have gone round and round, I am finally back on track.

Now that several people had agreed, Li Yue stepped forward without any hesitation, preparing to continue heading into the depths of the ghost world to find Tomb No. 78.

But at this moment, they discovered that Lin Luomei had not followed.

I saw her still sitting there in a daze, looking at the old grave where Russell Yi was buried.

"Mr. Li, Captain Yang, what should she do? Does she really not care?" Sun Rui asked.

"Forget it, don't worry about it, and we can't control it either." Li Yue looked deeply at Lin Luomei, and then said calmly:

"It can be seen that Russell Yi's death has greatly stimulated her, so we can only let her stay here to recover slowly. When the time comes, she will naturally follow her if she wants to.

Of course, it doesn't matter if she doesn't come with her. We are all adults and are responsible for the choices we make. No one will wipe her butt for her.

And maybe it’s safer to stay here than to follow us forward, but it’s not necessarily true.”

Although Li Yue is very optimistic about Lin Luomei, it does not mean that he will be her nanny.

Now Lin Luomei obviously has serious mental problems. Even if she is taken away by force, it may not be a good thing.

Rather than doing this, it is better to let the other party stay here.

Although the killing method of this fierce ghost in Gui Xiao has been determined, the triggering of the killing pattern has not been clear yet.

In this case, maybe it would be safer for Lin Luomei to stay here quietly alone.

What's more, whether it's Li Yue or Yang Jian, they all have their own things to do, and they can't continue to waste time waiting here.

After all, the sound of Li Gui carving monuments was still continuing at this time, which meant that Li Gui's attacks were also continuing.

The longer you waste, the easier it is to be targeted by evil spirits.

At this time, Yang Jian glanced at Lin Luomei and said decisively:

"He is right. We must seize the time to complete our mission now. Since he wants to stay here, let him go and let us leave as soon as possible."

Hearing this, Sun Rui and Li Yang also nodded.

In supernatural events, we are often faced with many choices.

If someone in the team starts to lag behind, it is impossible for the rest of the team to stop and act for the laggard.

If this is not done well, the group will be destroyed.

It is irresponsible to others.

Therefore, the best way is to remove the laggards from the team.

Although this is a bit cruel, all teams in the world operate this way, not just the Ghost Riders team.

For example, in a company's sales team, salespeople with poor performance will be fired. In fact, this is the same truth.

Therefore, it is impossible for everyone to stop taking action just because Lin Luomei falls behind.

Finally, everyone glanced at Lin Luomei, then turned and left again.

"Ding, ding ding."

At this time, among the tombs in the distance, the sound of the evil spirits knocking on the tombstones continued.

But just when Li Yue and others took a few steps, suddenly, the sound of the ghosts carving monuments stopped abruptly.

"The sound stopped?"

Everyone felt an inexplicable chill covering their whole bodies, and their hearts shrank at this moment.

At this time, somewhere in the ghost world, a ghost had completely carved a person's name on the tombstone in front of an old grave.

In the end, everyone still wanted to dig out Russell Yi, so they wasted some time and allowed Li Gui to complete the killing method.

Soon, the next person will die.

Just like this Russell, he was buried in the grave by ghosts and there was no way to save him.

"Keep moving forward and ignore this voice." Li Yue saw everyone stopping and said in a deep voice;

"Li Gui's killing method has ended, and the person being targeted is destined to die. Waiting for the result now is just a waste of time, and there is no point in doing so;

We might as well seize the time and quickly find Tomb No. 78 before Li Gui carves a name to complete our work."

After Li Yue finished speaking, he walked forward again.

He is actually not very interested in who will be killed by the evil ghost. Anyway, he knows that the evil ghost will definitely not be able to kill him.

In this case, it is better to complete the letter delivery task as soon as possible.

Then he can let go of his hands and feet and search for the evil ghosts in Fushou Garden.

At this time, Yang Jian also had a cold face, and without saying a word, he strode forward and took action.

His movements were even faster than Li Yue's, and he quickly reached Li Yue's side, and even faintly surpassed him.

Sun Rui was stunned for a moment, but then he understood what Li Yue meant.

Then he followed the same steps as before.

But Li Yang's reaction was faster than him. When he saw Yang Jian starting, he followed directly behind him.

However, Sun Rui finally reminded the people behind him:

"Follow everyone, it's best not to fall behind. Also, be sure to remember that you are not allowed to call anyone's name on the road, even if it is a nickname. No one knows whether this evil ghost relies on a nickname.

It can also kill people."

This is not because Sun Rui is kind-hearted, but simply because he doesn't want to make another fool.

After all, the more people there are, the greater the chance of a fool appearing.

Moreover, existences like pig teammates are often more terrifying than divine opponents.

The others did not dare to hesitate, and one by one passed the old grave where Russell Yi was buried, and hurriedly followed.

Although Li Yue kept walking forward, he didn't care who was targeted by the ghost this time, but he still paid some attention to everyone.

I want to see who is so lucky to be chosen by the devil.

But as time passed, the sound of Li Gui carving tombstones stopped for about a minute.

But among their group, no one had any accidents, let alone died.

Not only were they the ghost masters, but Liu Xinyue and her brother Liu Hao were safe and sound, and the members of the paranormal forum did not encounter any abnormal situations.

"Young, it seems that we are all very lucky this time. The person who was targeted by the evil ghost was not among us." Li Yue said with some surprise.

Although there are a few people in Fushou Garden at this time, after all, they are not a small number here, and the possibility of being targeted by evil ghosts will be greater.

But I was really lucky that I wasn't attacked this time.

Everyone was relieved when they saw this.

Especially those ordinary people in the back.

This chapter has been completed!
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