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Chapter 845 Yang Jian was attacked

Seeing the word "Yang" carved by Li Gui, Yang Jian suddenly understood.

"The knocking sound this time is actually directed at me?"

No wonder it took so long for Li Gui to engrave the monument this time. It was completely different from the previous ones.

It turns out that Li Gui is carving his own name this time.

As for the reason why Li Gui carved so slowly, Yang Jian felt that it might have something to do with Gui Porcelain;

Previously, he placed a ghost porcelain in a hotel room in Dahan City. The ghost porcelain can protect people from being harmed by ghosts.

However, this protection is limited. If it exceeds the maximum limit, the ghost porcelain will break and then lose its function.

It was a one-time supernatural thing similar to a ghost candle.

At this time, Yang Jian no longer cared about why there were coffin nails in Li Gui's hands.

Because what Li Gui is carving right now is his name.

Once this is completed, the previous attacks on Russell and the others will fall on him.

Just when Yang Jian wanted to stop Li Gui from carving the monument.

Suddenly, the sound of Li Gui carving monuments stopped.

Yang Jian was suddenly dumbfounded.

Unexpectedly, luck would turn out to be so bad, and the name was carved just at this time.

At the same time, the cracks on the ghost porcelain building far away in the corner of the hotel room in Dahan City had reached their limit.

With a "bang" sound, the ghost porcelain exploded and turned into fragments all over the ground.

The broken ghost porcelain turned into ordinary fragments, without any supernatural power on them.

In other words, the supernatural powers of ghost porcelain have been offset by some terrible curse.

At this time, Yang Jian also lost Gui Ci's last refuge.

"Be careful, Li Gui has finished carving the monument, and his target this time is you." The moment the knocking stopped, Li Yue immediately said to Yang Jian beside him.

Yang Jian didn't even have time to reply when he suddenly felt his hair standing on end.

The soil of the old tomb he was standing on suddenly softened, and then collapsed immediately.

Yang Jian's body sank all of a sudden, and he sank extremely deep, as if he suddenly fell into a trap dug in advance.

And he felt as if there was a bottomless abyss below, trying to swallow him completely.

At this time, half of his body was submerged in the grave soil, and it was still sinking.

The rate of sinking is extremely fast.

Li Yue's reaction was also extremely fast. At the same time as Yang Jian fell, he had already appeared beside Yang Jian in a flash.

I saw one of his hands already grasping Yang Jian's shoulder.

At the same time, he started to exert force, trying to see if he could pull Yang Jian out.

After all, Yang Jian is different from Russell, and Li Yue still knows how to snack.

However, his hands were bursting with veins, and he could only slightly slow down Yang Jian's sinking speed, but could not pull Yang Jian out.

At this time, Yang Jian finally had a personal experience of what Russell said before his death.

He now dared to feel that his legs stuck in the grave soil seemed to be grasped by countless stiff and cold hands, making him unable to move. He also lost consciousness directly and could no longer struggle.

What was even more frightening was that he clearly felt as if something was trying to pull out the evil spirit from his body.

This feeling is terrifying.

The reason why the ghost controller can survive like a living person is entirely maintained by the supernatural power of the ghost in the body. Once there is a problem with the ghost in the body, he will die suddenly.

If the evil spirit inside his body is really extracted, then he will really be hopeless.

At this time, Yang Jian was very happy that Li Yue followed him.

If he was really the only one, he would have to deal with the pulling force of the evil ghost, and at the same time, he would also have to deal with this weird pulling force.

He simply couldn't hold on for long.

Now with Li Yue's help, he can have time to find a way out of the current predicament.

"Then try using Ghost Realm Transfer."

Yang Jian suddenly thought that he could try to use the ghost realm to leave here. Even if he could save his upper body, he could survive by relying on the power of the ghost shadow.

It's just that the reality is worse than imagined.

I saw that the ghost eyes that were originally open were slowly closed at this moment, as if they had fallen into a deep sleep;

He simply couldn't control his power as usual.

"Damn it, I actually forgot that Li Yue said before that the soil in these tombs can suppress evil ghosts." Yang Jian thought bitterly.

In fact, what Li Yue said is not very accurate.

Strictly speaking, the ghosts buried in the graves here are not suppressed, but more like falling into a deep sleep.

It's just that the result is very similar to being suppressed.

This is also the reason why after Russell was trapped again and again before, he was killed by the evil ghost here without any resistance.

It can be said that these old graves are simply the nemesis of Li Gui.

A tomb where ghosts can sleep.

Only then did Yang Jian realize that the cemetery in front of him was not used for burying ordinary people at all. It was a cemetery for burying ghosts.

Even with Li Yue's help, Yang Jian's body was still sinking.

At this time, the grave soil had even submerged up to his chest.

The ghost shadows and ghost eyes have all been buried in the grave soil and have entered an uncontrollable state of sleep.

The only thing left is the ghost hand.

However, in the current situation, the role that ghost hands and ghost hands can play is quite limited.

After all, although the ghost hand is very capable and can suppress the evil ghost, but now it has not come into contact with the ghost at all, so naturally it cannot suppress it.

Therefore, there is not much time left for him.

The first escape plan failed immediately, which plunged Yang Jian directly into a huge crisis.

At this time, his face was even sweating.

But one failure could not break his heart.

He didn't want to fall here so easily.

Therefore, Yang Jian continued to actively think about countermeasures.

However, the evil ghost would not stop attacking just because Yang Jian was thinking.

Li Yue clearly felt that the force pulling Yang Jian underground was getting stronger and stronger.

Even if he increased his strength at the same time, the speed of Yang Jian's body sinking continued to increase.

This place is too evil and weird.

The fierce ghost that appeared this time is also too special.

Even a top ghost master like Yang Jian was unable to fight head-on against the attack of the fierce ghosts.

In fact, if it was not Yang Jian who was attacked, but other ghost masters, I believe the result would be similar.

Except for a few aliens, no one would be able to resist if they were trapped in the graveyard.

Judging from the current situation, even with Li Yue's help, if a solution to the problem cannot be found as soon as possible, Yang Jian's end will basically be doomed.

When the time comes, like Russell, he will be buried in the old grave with his name engraved in front of him and die here;

Or even completely disappear from this world.

At that time, the ghost-eye Yang Jian, the leader of Dachang City, and the headquarter captain will all become meaningless.

This is also the reason why death is said to be "gone".

Because when you really die, you will find that everything really becomes nothing.

This chapter has been completed!
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