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Chapter 854 Tombstone beyond common sense

After Li Yue and Yang Jian met up with Sun Rui and others, they began to walk back quickly on the dirt road full of tombs, despite the sound of the fierce ghosts knocking on the monument.

Their goal is to find blank tombstones to verify their previous conjectures.

Although the attack strength of this fierce ghost is not weak and even very strange, fortunately, the killing efficiency is relatively slow.

If you only kill one person at a time, as long as you are not unlucky and have been targeted before, you won't be so anxious at all.

After all, after the previous analysis by Li Yue and Yang Jian, they had basically figured out Li Gui's killing method, and they still felt somewhat confident at this time.

Everyone returned along the original road.

However, everyone is always paying attention to the graves on both sides of the road. To be more precise, they should be looking for blank tombstones among these graves.

"Come and look, here, there is a blank tombstone with no words on it."

Suddenly, a member of the paranormal forum shouted loudly and pointed at the tombstone in front of an old grave nearby.

Hearing the sound, Li Yue and Yang Jian immediately turned their heads to look.

Li Yue didn't find it strange that he found a blank tombstone so quickly.

In such a large cemetery, there are countless graves. Most of them have names and portraits. Although there are only a few blank ones, they are not as difficult to find as imagined.

Li Yue and Yang Jian walked directly to the blank tombstone.

The tombstone in front of me is made of bluestone. I don’t know if it is affected by the environment here or for other reasons. The color of the tombstone stone is blue and black;

It gives people a dark, cold feeling, as if infected with some kind of terrible curse, which makes people very uncomfortable.

Li Yue glanced at the tombstone, and then gestured to Yang Jian;

Yang Jian immediately understood that he was asking himself to take action.

He did not refuse, walked directly to the tombstone and said to everyone:

"Which of you has a knife on you? Lend it to me."

Although no one knew what Yang Jian was going to do, they all cooperated to find him.

At this time, a member of the paranormal forum brought over a folding knife that he had with him.

After Yang received the knife, he squatted in front of the blank tombstone without saying thank you, and tried to carve the name of Mrs. Liu on it with the knife:

Liu Lan.

However, what happened next made Yang Jian frown slightly.

I saw that after the sharp knife scratched the bluestone tombstone, it left no trace on it.

It was as if what the knife had scratched was not a stone monument but a steel diamond, something even harder than diamond.

It feels like the tombstone in front of me doesn't look like the material it should be made of in this world.

At this time, Sun Rui seemed to have seen some clues through the speech movements of Li Yue and Yang Jian, and then came over and said:

"Is this tombstone so hard? Captain Yang, get out of the way and I'll give it a try."

After he finished speaking, he directly pointed the gun at the tombstone and fired.


The next second, gunfire rang out and bullets sprayed out.

But the result was that the tombstone was intact.

As for the bullet, it flew away directly and splashed into the soil nearby, almost accidentally injuring someone in the process.

"No need to try again, this is no longer an ordinary tombstone. Some kind of strange curse has been left on this tombstone, or the stone monument has suffered some kind of supernatural erosion, resulting in incredible changes.

Now this tombstone is closer to a supernatural object that cannot be treated with common sense, and ordinary methods cannot leave a mark on this thing at all."

At this moment, Li Yue's voice reached everyone's ears.

Yang Jian looked at the ordinary knife in his hand, and then threw it aside.

Because he found that Li Yue was right.

Moreover, Sun Rui's gun just now could not leave any traces on the tombstone, and an ordinary knife would not be able to do the job.

At this time Sun Rui also put down his gun and said:

"I have also done research in this area and found that even ordinary items, once infiltrated with supernatural aura, will still become very unusual, even beyond the boundaries of physics and science."

"Invincibility starts with sacrificing the ancestor"

"You seem to like doing research. Maybe you can apply to the headquarters to work in the laboratory." Li Yue looked at Sun Rui and said.

Sun Rui was a little embarrassed by what Li Yue said.

And he couldn't figure out whether Li Yue was mocking him or whether he really meant it.

"The solution you just mentioned is to engrave Mrs. Liu's name on the tombstone?" Sun Rui suddenly said in surprise;

"Using the curse on the tombstone to kill Mrs. Liu and using the curse to deal with ghosts is really a genius idea. Thank you for thinking of it."

At this time, he had figured out the intentions of Li Yue and Yang Jian, but it was precisely because of this that he felt shocked.

Unexpectedly, the two of them would come up with this method to solve the terrible situation in front of them.

But after being shocked, he was a little pleasantly surprised, because this meant that they no longer had to be killed passively and had found a way to fight back.

And this method is still very promising to succeed.

But when he saw that Yang Jian was unable to leave any traces on the tombstone, his brows furrowed deeply again.

The method is a good one, but if Mrs. Liu's name cannot be engraved on the tombstone, then everything is meaningless.

Thinking about all the methods and means that I could think of, none of them seem to have any effect.

"Since ordinary items have no way of affecting supernatural beings, let's try again with some special tools. Have you forgotten what Mrs. Liu also used to carve the monument?"

At this time, Li Yue suddenly reminded him.

After hearing this, Yang Jian suddenly thought that the tool used by Mrs. Liu to carve words was not an ordinary thing, but a coffin nail.

At first he didn't think much about it, he just thought it was a ghost holding this thing.

Now I know that this is because Coffin Nail has the ability to suppress all evil spirits;

The moment the coffin nails come into contact with the tombstone, the supernatural power in the tombstone can be suppressed, turning it into an ordinary tombstone.

An ordinary tombstone can naturally be engraved with a name using coffin nails.

After the name is engraved, the coffin nails no longer touch the tombstone.

Curse on tombstone restored.

Horrifying methods of killing were formed.

After connecting all these things, Yang Jian discovered that this fierce ghost was far more special than he imagined.

It feels like everything is connected.

No matter which link has a problem, it will trigger a series of chain reactions.

"But that thing is still in Mrs. Liu's hands..." Yang Jian said with some embarrassment.

Although many people knew that there were coffin nails, Li Yue and Yang Jian still had a tacit understanding and did not tell Mrs. Liu that there were coffin nails in her hands.

to prevent accidents.

Although even if these people knew about it, even if these people were tempted, they still couldn't compete with Yang Jian.

But it would be nice if there was less trouble.

After hearing Yang Jian's words, Li Yue immediately said calmly:

"Of course I know that you don't have that thing in your hand that can perfectly suppress the curse on the tombstone, but don't you have something else in your hand that might also be effective."

This chapter has been completed!
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