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Chapter 861 Time is up, excavation

After Wang Shan said this, he looked at Wan Xing quietly.

Especially when he saw the other person's changing expression, he suddenly found it very interesting.

Even though he has an extraordinary temperament, he is always burdened with the identity of a ghost post office messenger. Although he has not become abnormal, his psychology cannot be said to be normal.

"As for why you just asked me why I told you this." Wang Shan glanced at the other party and continued;

"You can think that I am bored, or I am stressed and want to find someone to talk to."

Of course, Wan Xing didn't believe that Wang Shan would be so kind, but it would indeed be beneficial to him to be told this matter.

Now he didn't find anything wrong, so he didn't continue to investigate.

At this time, his heart was full of sorrow, fearing that people like Yang Jian would kill him after they came out of Fushou Garden.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but look at the heavily blocked Fushou Garden.

You can tell by looking at this that there should be a problem here.

"Perhaps it is a good thing that Li Yue, Yang Jian and those people are trapped in this Fushou Garden like this."

Suddenly, a terrible thought came to Wan Xing's mind.

It's just that now he can't control all of this, he can only think about it.

When Wang Shan saw Wan Xing looking towards Fu Shou Yuan, he said with some emotion:

"No need to look, I dare say that the blockade here is most likely related to Li Yue and Yang Jian. Their purpose of coming to the ghost post office is not to deliver letters at all, but to deal with the ghost post office;

This is actually an opportunity for us. As long as these people succeed, we may also be able to take the opportunity to get rid of our identity as messengers and become ordinary people again."

Having said this, Wang Shan's eyes were suddenly filled with hope.

Wanxing has never been exposed to the supernatural world, so he doesn't know what Li Yue and Yang Jian mean.

But he knew something.

If the entire supernatural circle is a pyramid, then Li Yue and Yang Jian are the people at the top;

Li Yue might even be the one standing at the top of the tower.

At this time, Wan Xing's face had changed several times, and each time it became more ugly.

Wang Shan may have had enough fun at this time, or maybe it was for other reasons, so he continued:

"Actually, you don't need to worry too much. Although you have offended them, they don't seem to take you seriously and don't even bother to kill you;

This may not be an insult to you, but a blessing.

Because we and they are not on the same level in essence, this encounter is just a chance."

When Wan Xing heard this, he couldn't help but sigh, and his energy instantly dropped a lot.

But it is undeniable that after Wang Shan's words, he did relax a lot.

"Are we really just watching here and trying not to find a way to enter Fushou Garden? What if the ghost post office decides that our mission of delivering letters has failed? I don't want to die."

Wan Xing said still a little uneasy.

After hearing this, Wang Shan couldn't help laughing at himself and said:

"Don't I know what you are talking about? But the problem is that even if we want to go in, we must have the ability.

Although there is only one blockade outside Fushou Garden, there are at least two blockades inside. This level of blockade is such that even drones cannot fly in.

And I'm not afraid of your jokes. Before you came, I tried to enter Fushou Garden, but when I was discovered, I was almost shot dead."

Hearing this, Wan Xing first looked at Wang Shan strangely, and then couldn't help but curse:

"Damn, what should I do?"

"This is not necessarily a bad thing. On the contrary, the more it is like this, the more relieved I feel." Wang Shan said nonchalantly:

"Because this blockade is most likely caused by them, which means that their status and abilities are stronger than what they reveal."

"So we should just wait here quietly for the results. After all, with thighs like Li Yue and Yang Jian, it would be silly not to hug them quickly."

Wan Xing became even more silent after hearing this, and felt more regret in his heart.

He seems to have offended a group of people who shouldn't be offended.

Just when the two were talking to each other.

"what happened?"

Suddenly, Wang Shan frowned and looked up at the sky, feeling a little confused.

But I don’t know when, the originally bright sky suddenly and quickly darkened;

Just like before a thunderstorm approaches, dark clouds cover the sky;

But there are no dark clouds in the sky now, it's more like the time suddenly jumps from afternoon to night.

Even the street lights on the street were all on at this time.

Such a strange change in the sky was naturally not only discovered by Wang Shan, but also aroused the curiosity of many people, and many people even picked up their mobile phones to take pictures.

At this time, Li Yue and others in Fushou Garden were still waiting quietly.

As time passed little by little.

At this moment, not only did everyone's mood become worse or impatient because of the wait, on the contrary, a bit of joy gradually welled up in everyone's hearts.

the reason is simple.

Nearly ten minutes have passed now, but during this period, the sound of the Li Gui's tapping on the monument never appeared again.

In other words, the evil spirits stopped killing people.

Of course, Li Gui will never stop killing before killing everyone.

The reason why Li Gui stopped now can only show that Yang Jian's carving of Mrs. Liu's name on the tombstone just now did have an effect.

Since Liu Lan's name was engraved on the tombstone, Mrs. Liu was successfully buried in this earthen grave, thus stopping Li Gui's further actions.

The ghost restriction is successful, which gives other people hope to survive to a great extent.

However, stopping the evil ghost from killing people is only the first step. This time the matter is not over yet, they still have other things to do.

"Ten minutes have expired. It seems that the plan has been successful and we can take the next step." Li Yue looked at the time and said.

Yang Jian, who was stationed nearby, after hearing this, first observed the tomb in front of him. After finding that there was nothing abnormal, he immediately said:

"In that case, let's get started. You all go over and dig this grave for me, and find Old Mrs. Liu buried in it. Just like digging Russell Yi's grave before."

Although they had heard from the conversation between Li Yue and Yang that they were going to dig a grave, now that they heard it with their own ears, they were still a little hesitant.

I saw a paranormal forum member saying with a somewhat fearful expression:

"Yang, Captain Yang, there is probably a fierce ghost buried in this grave...will something happen if we dig it up like this?"

They dared to dig Russell One's grave because although Russell One was a ghost master, he was still a human being in the final analysis;

But the one in front of me is different. There is clearly a ghost buried here.

Hearing this, Yang Jian's face instantly darkened, and he said coldly:

"If you don't do it, do you want me to do it myself? If you want us to take you out of here, you have to help;

Children all know that there is no such thing as a free lunch. If you continue to hesitate and procrastinate, just get the hell out of here as far as I want. I didn’t force you to come to this hellish place."

As soon as these words came out, no one dared to speak.

If you are left behind at this time, you will definitely be trapped and die here. There is no way for ordinary people to get out of here alive.

Moreover, they clearly remembered that one of their colleagues was killed by Yang Jian because he did not follow Yang Jian's instructions to dig a grave.

They have finally managed to survive until now. With no hope of survival, they naturally don't want to die here.

Immediately, the remaining members of the supernatural forum started digging the grave.

This chapter has been completed!
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