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Chapter 868 Explosion on the spot

Yang Jian came to Old Mrs. Liu's body and strangled the corpse's neck directly with his ghost hands, hoping to use the suppression ability of his ghost hands to kill Old Mrs. Liu.

But the results were somewhat disappointing.

Although Mrs. Liu's vomiting of blood has slowed down, it has not stopped completely, and the changes are still continuing.

However, as Yang Jian increased his strength, with a "bang" sound, the sitting body was forcibly pushed down by Yang Jian.

However, although Yang Jian pushed down Mrs. Liu, Li Yue still saw that the body did not remain silent, but began to struggle.

Yang Jian naturally felt the movement coming from the corpse at this time, and his face suddenly changed slightly:

"Damn it, I didn't expect that I couldn't completely suppress it with my ghost hands. There seems to be something wrong with this thing. Is it really necessary to use coffin nails?"

Yang Jian did not expect that the grave soil and ghost hands could not calm Old Mrs. Liu down.

At this time, his other hand had already prepared the rusty coffin nail.

"Well, just to be on the safe side, if it really doesn't work, we can only use coffin nails to seal the body, then bury it completely, and then remove the coffin nails again after the pressure of the grave soil is formed."

Although he was a little worried that the coffin nails would be lost, Yang Jian was still able to prioritize things.

The first priority now is to deal with the corpse of Old Mrs. Liu in front of us. If we really let it continue like this, we don't know what will happen.

And this method is also a relatively safe method under the current circumstances.

But before he could realize this idea, Li Yue's voice suddenly came from beside him:

"Yang Jian, be careful, something unexpected happened to Mrs. Liu's body again."

Unexpectedly, Li Yue walked to him.

Li Yue was originally watching from behind, but when Yang Jian took action, he wanted to see the changes in Mrs. Liu more clearly.

So I stepped forward.

When Yang Jian heard Li Yue's reminder, he didn't think about when Li Yue came over and immediately looked at Mrs. Liu.

The next second, his expression suddenly changed.

I saw that Old Mrs. Liu, who was pressed into the grave by ghost hands, was swelling rapidly at this time.

It was originally a skinny corpse, but within a short time, it became as swollen as a corpse that had been soaked in water for several days.

As Old Mrs. Liu's body began to swell, the face, ears, eyes, nostrils, and corners of the mouth began to bleed.

What came out was the same thick black blood as before.

"No, the changes have intensified. The ghost hand's ability alone cannot suppress Old Madam Liu. We can't wait any longer. Now we can only use coffin nails."

Now the situation is obviously more serious than imagined, and Yang Jian doesn't want to think too much.

Without any hesitation, he directly waved his hand and nailed the coffin in his hand firmly on Old Mrs. Liu's forehead.

I don’t know whether it was because the coffin nails were sharp or because Yang Jian used too much force.

The coffin nails even pierced Mrs. Liu's head directly.

Both Li Yue and Yang Jian are very clear about the effect of coffin nails.

At this time, Yang Jian breathed a sigh of relief as he looked at Old Mrs. Liu who was nailed to the coffin;

But Li Yue's eyes flashed with an unexpected look.

He originally thought that something unexpected would happen during this process, but he didn't expect that it would go so smoothly.

This made him a little puzzled.

Just when Li Yue was about to say something, his eyes suddenly froze, and then he instinctively took a few steps back.

This stunned Yang Jian.

It turned out that just now, Li Yue suddenly discovered that Old Mrs. Liu had been nailed to the coffin, and suddenly it inflated rapidly like a balloon.

And it quickly expanded to a limit, looking like it would explode at any time.

Li Yue didn't even have time to remind Yang Jian and instinctively backed away.

When Yang Jian saw Li Yue's reaction, he was stunned for a moment, and then seemed to think of something.

Just be prepared to retreat.

But it's still too late.

Before Yang Jian could get up, Mrs. Liu's body exploded like a balloon with a "bang" sound.

Old Mrs. Liu's skin was broken directly, but there was no internal organs, flesh and blood underneath;

Some are just a stream of thick black blood that splashes out directly.

Yang Jian, on the other hand, was too close and did not have time to dodge. In the end, he was directly splashed with smelly black blood.

At this time, Mrs. Liu's body was in tatters and beyond recognition;

However, the head that was nailed by the coffin nails unexpectedly remained intact;

At this time, the gray eyes on his head seemed to be moving, looking at everyone, with an indescribable and penetrating feeling.

Seeing the disgraced Yang Jian, Li Yue not only responded in his heart but also praised him.

Although being contaminated with this black blood should not have any actual impact on him, the psychological impact will still be quite large.

If he were like Yang Jian now, it is estimated that Li Yue would directly use the power of restart to cleanse the filth from his body.

Although Yang Jian was splashed with blood, he had no unnecessary expression.

Instead, he wiped the sticky blood on his face very calmly.

"Captain Yang, do you need help?" Sun Rui shouted hurriedly when he saw this scene.

"I'm fine." Yang Jian waved his hand.

At this moment, Li Yue suddenly turned his head and looked in another direction.

I saw that the old tombs with names engraved on them and portraits hanging on them seemed to be collapsing little by little as if they had been affected by some kind of influence.

Then Li Yue turned his head and looked in another direction.

I saw a person sitting on the tomb of an old tomb.

I don't know if it's because of the environment or other factors, but I can't see the specific appearance clearly.

Only the figure could be seen sitting frozen on the grave, motionless.

And due to the angle, Li Yue could only see one side of the figure, not the front.

At this time, Li Yangya, who had been responsible for observing the surrounding environment, discovered something unusual.

He immediately shouted in panic to Yang Jian and Sun Rui:

"The situation is not good. Unknown changes have occurred in this place. Something seems to be wrong with the old graves around. Many graves seem to be collapsing."


Upon hearing this, Yang Jian and Sun Rui immediately exclaimed.

At this time, they didn't care about anything else and immediately looked around.

Suddenly they saw the collapsing tombs, which directly made them feel a chill in their hearts.

"You'd better look over here, there's something sitting on that grave."

At this time, Li Yue also pointed at the figure and said.

Upon hearing this, everyone's eyes immediately moved from those graves to the direction of Li Yue's finger.

The next second, they also saw the motionless figure sitting on the grave.

And at this time, everyone could even see some things clearly.

The figure's face was very strange.

Not only did it look like a dead person's face, but more importantly, it was covered with a thick layer of grave soil.

The grave soil was black, cracked, and stuck to the skin, as if it had merged with the person, making the figure completely made of grave soil.

This chapter has been completed!
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