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Chapter 9 Planning to control ghost feet

Li Yue found a place to sit down and rest. He had been fighting against the ghost just now. Although he didn't have to worry about the ghost's recovery, he still felt very tired. At this time, the ghost was imprisoned, so he could have a good rest.

During the rest of the project, Li Yue was also thinking about how to control this ghost.

After a while of thinking, Li Yue had a rough plan in mind, but it still needed to be improved.

Li Yue heard Xin Shanshan still crying and began to think about why Xin Shanshan was not killed when Li Gui was already standing in front of Xin Shanshan.

He stood up and walked to the car. He saw that Xin Shanshan in the car was still in the same posture as before, with no change. He suppressed the doubts in his heart for the time being and said to Xin Shanshan in the car.

"Stop crying. The evil ghost is gone. We survived. Let's get out of the car."

Li Yue waited for a while and saw that Xin Shanshan had no reaction. He found that Xin Shanshan was in a very bad mental state at this time and might not have heard what he said.

He said the words again, this time with a louder voice, and Xin Shanshan finally reacted.

After Li Yue finished speaking for the second time, he walked towards the fire again and used tools to light the fire again.

Xin Shanshan saw the fire outside and slowly got out of the car with a cautious look. Seeing that the environment outside was indeed no longer dark and the moonlight was bright, she quickly walked to the fire and sat down.

At this time, Li Yue and Xin Shanshan had no desire to speak. Li Yue was still thinking about why Xin Shanshan was not killed just now.

And Xin Shanshan looked at the flames jumping on the fire, not knowing what she was thinking, and she sat there quietly.

Li Yue suddenly thought that the difference between Xin Shanshan and several other people who were killed was that the dead people were standing outside when they were killed. In addition, the body of this evil ghost should be feet. Xin Shanshan was in the car at the time.

He went up, his feet were off the ground, and he was in the air, so he wasn't killed.

Now Li Yue has basically determined all the rules of this ghost.

One is to hear the footsteps of the evil ghost and be marked by the evil ghost;

The second is that the evil ghost steps on the marked person’s footprints;

Third, people whose footprints are stepped on by evil ghosts cannot keep their feet off the ground.

After confirming the pattern of the ghost, Li Yue looked at the quiet Xin Shanshan and didn't know whether to call him bad luck or good luck.

It's quite unlucky to encounter a ghost while participating in an adventure activity, but to survive a supernatural event is a rare blessing.

After solving a doubt in Li Yue's mind, his mood improved a lot, and he rarely said it to Xin Shanshan.

"If you want to be more open-minded, it can be said that we are alive because of God's mercy. Don't think too much. Eat and drink something and go back to the tent to rest. We will go back tomorrow."

After speaking, he handed some food and drink to Xin Shanshan.

Xin Shanshan silently took what Li Yue gave her and started eating. Li Yue also ate something.

After a while, Xin Shanshan, who had finished eating and drinking, stood up and walked quietly to the tent without saying a word.

Seeing this, Li Yue shook his head and said nothing more. After all, it was just a chance encounter and there was no such deep friendship.

Li Yue sat for a while and then walked towards his tent.

When he walked into the tent, he first checked the golden body bag in which Li Gui was imprisoned. After making sure that there was nothing wrong, he lay down and began to rest with his eyes closed.

For Li Yue now, even if he doesn't sleep for a long time, it will not affect him. He is just used to it. At this time, Li Yue has not fallen asleep. He recalls the plot in the original work in his mind and combines it with

The plot thinks about how to control ghost feet.

For Xin Shanshan, what she experienced today was too much and too scary. Now that she was relaxed, she quickly fell into a deep sleep. She didn't know if she would have nightmares in her dream, but it didn't matter to Li Yue.

Time passed quickly. After a night of thinking and improvement, Li Yue basically had a plan on how to control the ghost feet.

It was bright and bright outside the tent. Li Yue heard some noises coming from Xin Shanshan's side. He knew that Xin Shanshan had gotten up, and he also walked out of the tent.

It can be seen that Xin Shanshan has obviously washed up. After a night's rest, her energy is obviously much better.

Seeing Li Yue also getting up, she took the initiative to say hello, and Li Yue responded politely.

After Li Yue finished washing, he saw that Xin Shanshan was already eating. Xin Shanshan invited him to come over and have something to eat, but Li Yue did not refuse.

When both of them were almost finished eating, Li Yue said to Xin Shanshan.

"Xin Shanshan, I remember you said you could drive, right?"

"Yes, it will open."

"That's good. You can drive back later. I have something to do here so I won't be with you."

This was Li Yue's plan last night. This place was remote and quiet, and he planned to complete the control of the ghost foot here.

This time, seven of them went on a supernatural adventure. Five of them died and only two of them survived. They will definitely be noticed by the authorities.

Although Xin Shanshan doesn't know much, his identity as a ghost controller may be exposed. His current ability is too passive and he is not suitable for dealing with people at the headquarters.

After he controls the ghost feet and possesses the ghost beast, his abilities will be greatly improved, and the initiative in dealing with the headquarters will be in his hands.

Li Yue never thought that the headquarters was so easy to deal with unless he had the strength to make the headquarters fear him.

When Xin Shanshan heard what Li Yue said, she just looked at him curiously and didn't say anything else. She knew that Li Yue was very mysterious. Since Li Yue didn't want to say more, she wouldn't break the pot and ask for the truth. That would only cause trouble.

Life is boring.


Xin Shanshan lowered her head and thought for a while, then said to Li Yue.

"I know you are different from us, can you leave us your contact information?"

After saying this, Xin Shanshan stared straight at Li Yue, as if she was afraid of rejection.

Li Yue knew what she meant. She was a somewhat clever woman. She might have guessed that she had strange abilities and wanted to ask for help if she encountered supernatural events again in the future.

Li Yue thought for a while and then gave his contact information.

He thought that if he successfully controlled the ghost foot this time, he would only become stronger and stronger in the future. If this woman really encountered a supernatural incident, he would not mind helping her as long as it would not cause a crisis to herself.

After Xin Shanshan wrote down her contact information, she stopped talking and sat there for a while. During this period, she wanted to say something to Li Yue several times, but after seeing Li Yue's indifferent expression, she still didn't say anything.

Not long after, Xin Shanshan started to pack her things. In fact, there was nothing to pack. She didn't want any tents or anything else, so she took her personal belongings and got in the car.

Li Yue watched her start the car and drive away before returning to the tent, but Li Yue didn't see her. Xin Shanshan stopped the car not far away.

She stretched her head out of the window and looked at Li Yue's figure silently. There seemed to be something different in her eyes. After seeing Li Yue enter the tent, she took back her head sticking out of the car window and drove away again.

In fact, Li Yue can feel that Xin Shanshan seems to be interested in him, but Li Yue is not ready to consider the personal relationship between his children now.

Li Yue knows that the whole world will soon experience an outbreak of supernatural events. His first goal now is to become stronger so that he will not be killed by the waves in the coming wave.

After Xin Shanshan left, he was now the only one left in the entire camp. Li Yue knew that he didn't have much time. After Xin Shanshan returned, the authorities might soon intervene.

So Li Yue packed his things into his backpack, took the golden body bag where the ghost was imprisoned, found a direction, and walked deeper into the mountain, taking care of all traces of himself along the way to avoid being found.

The country has been converting farmland into forests for many years, so there are many trees in the mountains. After a few hours' journey, Li Yue was already deep in the mountains.

Li Yue felt that it was far enough, so he found a cave and got into it. The cave was not big and the air and light in the cave were not good. Fortunately, this had little impact on Li Yue.

After tidying up the cave for a while, Li Yue turned on his flashlight and found some stones to seal the entrance of the cave so as not to be affected during the period.

After Li Yue took a short rest, he was ready to start riding the ghost foot. In fact, Li Yue's plan was not complicated.

The first step is to destroy the ghost's body. Only in this way will the ghost instinctively look for a new body;

The second step is based on the ghost instinct mentioned in the original work, which will search for puzzle pieces that suit itself. His own skeleton ghost and ghost feet can actually be puzzle pieces for each other, so that the ghost feet can find him first instead of running away directly with the ghost ghost.


The third step is to let your feet come into contact with the ghost feet. When the ghost feet find you, use the skeleton ghost to fuse with the ghost feet to ensure that you will eventually absorb the ghost feet instead of giving your body to the ghost feet.

Fortunately, the ghost's foot is severely mutilated and not as scary as his own. His own supernatural power can suppress the power of the ghost's foot.

Without this prerequisite, Li Yue would not have used the ghost foot so hastily. Fortunately, he was lucky.

Once he decided to control the ghost foot, he would not hesitate anymore. He had thought about the implementation plan for a long time last night, and now he only needed to carry out the installation according to the plan.

Li Yue did what he said. He opened the body bag first. At the same time, he gathered a lot of supernatural power in his left hand and suppressed the evil ghost with his left hand the moment he opened the body bag.

At this time, the evil ghost appeared again, and except for the light from a special flashlight not far away, the surroundings were dark and cold.

Fortunately, Li Yue used his left hand to suppress Li Gui in advance. Li Yue knew that there was not much time now, so he quickly gathered a large amount of supernatural power in his right hand, clenched his fist and attacked Li Gui's body fiercely.

I don’t know how many punches Li Yue threw. The power of Li Gui’s body was suppressed by Li Yue. In so many attacks, Li Gui’s body was broken bit by bit, and now it is like a tattered rag doll.

Li Yue was still worried and used all his strength to perform an amputation operation on Li Gui's body, breaking Gui Qu's legs at the knees.

The ghost expelling body that was separated from its legs quickly became withered and gray. Li Yue knew that this was caused by the lack of supernatural power in Li Gui's body.

Li Yueyou was worried and continued to attack the remaining calves. After a while, only a pair of ghost feet was left, and the other parts were so damaged that he couldn't bear to look at them.

Li Yue knew that he had completed the first step of the plan and would start the second and third steps next.

Li Yue took out the special golden knife that he had prepared and stabbed both feet. Blood immediately flowed out. At this time, his self-healing ability began to take effect. He saw that the wound was healing at an astonishing speed, and it completely healed in less than a few seconds.


Li Yue was instantly dumbfounded.

This chapter has been completed!
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