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Chapter 926 Stairs and Road Blockage

Li Yue pushed open the door of the post office and went directly into the ghost post office without saying a word.

But the scene in front of him made him a little surprised.

"This is the first floor of the post office, the lobby..."

Li Yue's brows couldn't help but frown.@essence/bookstore·无码~~

According to previous speculation, they have completed the red letter delivery mission and have now appeared on the second floor of the ghost post office.

But now we are still in the lobby on the first floor, something is wrong.

"If I had known earlier, I should have asked Ding Hui more about the ghost post office. I wouldn't have been like this now, where I am surrounded by half-informed people and I am confused."

The main reason is that Li Yue himself is too confident.

I felt that I had read the original work and knew a lot about the ghost post office, so I didn’t ask Ding Hui about the things here in detail.

But Li Yue himself had forgotten that he had seen it in his previous life, and he had only seen it roughly. Many things had been forgotten after he had seen it.

The information obtained from Wang Shan and Wan Xing last time was really limited;

These two people can only be regarded as newcomers among the messengers. With their status, they cannot touch the real secret of this ghost post office.

That's why Li Yue himself ended up like this.

"That's all, no matter what the truth is, now we can only go in and take a look before talking about it."

Li Yue walked forward on the old wooden floor and continued to go deep into the post office.

But he soon discovered that something was wrong with the environment in front of him.

Originally, continuing along the hall, next should be the zigzag-shaped room on the first floor where the messenger lives.

But now all these rooms no longer exist;

Instead, there is a huge wooden staircase several meters wide, extending upward, made of the same material as the floor of the lobby on the first floor.

Li Yue was stunned for a moment, but then he came to his senses.

"It turns out that after completing the letter delivery task and meeting the conditions for going upstairs, the courier will not appear directly on the second floor of the post office, but will need to go up by himself through the stairs."

At this time, his eyes couldn't help but flash.

Now it seems that although the first floor, second floor, third floor... each floor of the Ghost Post Office is separated, even if it looks from the outside, they are all in the same building.

But in fact, these floors are in different spaces. Without the correct path, you cannot go to a floor that does not belong to you;

Even for some ghost masters who have ghosts, the probability of trying to directly force their way upstairs is very small.

But the lobby is universal.

All couriers entering the post office will most likely pass through the lobby.

So what’s so special about this lobby on the first floor? Why does everyone have to pass through here when entering or exiting?

Li Yue couldn't help but look back at the portraits hanging on the walls in the hall.

If anything in this hall is questionable, these portraits are the most likely.

A strange light suddenly flashed in Li Yue's eyes.

"Well, now is not the time. Let's go up to the second floor first. After all, time is still quite tight."

Li Yue immediately walked to the wooden stairs, raised his head and looked up the stairs.

However, I found that the upper part was shrouded in a layer of darkness, and the darkness became darker and darker as I went higher. In the end, I couldn't see clearly what was at the end of the stairs.

"There is really no sense in things related to the supernatural. It is estimated that the coffin boards of Newton and others in this world have flown to no one knows where."

Li Yue looked back in the direction of the hall behind him.

At this time, the dim post office hall was still empty, and there was not even a sound.

"Forget it, since Yang Jian and the others haven't arrived yet, don't wait. Go up and wait for them."

Li Yue did not hesitate, stepped directly on the wooden stairs, and went upstairs along the stairs.

"Crunch~! Crunch~!"

It seemed that because the stairs were too old, the sound Li Yue made when he stepped on them was louder than when he stepped on the floor before.

He could even feel that as he went upstairs, the stairs under his feet were shaking, as if they were about to fall apart and collapse at any time.

It gives people a very unsafe feeling.

However, Li Yue was not worried at all that he would fall due to the collapse of the stairs.

Because he knows that this situation will never actually happen

In a supernatural place, the stairs in the ghost post office seem to be sustained by the wood itself.

In fact, it is not the case. These are just appearances, but they are actually formed by the erosion of some supernatural power.

Li Yue walked up the stairs with a calm expression.

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Walking on the wooden stairs gave him a similar feeling to walking on the winding path into the post office.

The sense of distance and space was obviously affected by some supernatural force and began to appear chaotic.

It looks like you only need to walk up a dozen stairs to get to the second floor.

But in fact, even Li Yue doesn't know where he will end up.

Li Yue looked up and found that although he had taken a few steps, it was still dark in front of him, and the darkness further away condensed into pitch black, blocking all sight;

All that can be seen now is this section of stairs.

When Li Yue looked back at the stairs he had just walked through, he found a similar scene.

If you are a timid person walking on such stairs alone, you may be too frightened to move.

But Li Yue seemed to have no feeling, walking up step by step with brisk steps and determination.

But just as he continued to take a few steps, he had to stop.

Because Li Yue discovered that someone was blocking the road on the stairs ahead.

That's a real traffic jam.

I saw a man lying on the stairs, in a fallen position.

It seems that he accidentally fell down when he was going upstairs, and he couldn't get up immediately after falling.

Weird stairs, weird people.

Li Yue instinctively doubted this person's identity, or was this person really a "person"?

He then continued to take a few steps forward.

At this time, the person can be seen more clearly.

I saw that the man was wearing something like a Chinese tunic suit. He looked very old and not in the style of this era.

The most important thing is that the man's body was lying stiffly on the stairs, motionless, and it seemed that he had completely lost his breath.

In other words, this is probably a corpse.

Of course, it could also be a fierce ghost.

Although Li Yue did not detect traces of supernatural power on the corpse, he could not conclude that this thing was definitely not a ghost.

Ever since what happened to Mrs. Liu in Fu Shou Garden, Li Yue knew that even if he sensed it, it didn't mean that there was really no problem.

If you are an ordinary ghost controller, facing this situation, turning back is naturally the best choice to be on the safe side.

But Li Yue was not an ordinary ghost controller, so he was ready to step forward and take a closer look at the situation.

No matter whether this thing is a corpse or a fierce ghost, Li Yue cannot be allowed to turn around and escape.

Otherwise, what use would his strength be.

Moreover, even if this thing is really a terrifying ghost, as long as it does not trigger the killing pattern, the probability of being targeted is very small.

This chapter has been completed!
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